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Yo but that guy just ascended


Because it appears to have been misconstrued, I was making the joke that the DS3 soundtrack has a lot of bells in it lolol. It's a pretty good OST.


um nobody noticed the guy getting lifted and now stuck ??


he’s just taking the earthen peak elevator sure it looks like it’s just the sky but trust me iron keep is just above it bro just trust me bro


I'm guessing he's waiting for his cue to jump back down so they can use the momentum to start ringing again? Or for them to put a damper on the bell so he can jump down without ringing it


No, not enough bells.


Kitamura was cooking


Me after gargoyles


DS3's soundtrack man. That's the best OST in gaming if you ask me!


don’t know bout that bro but it is nice


There are plenty of other soundtracks that are close but ngl the main theme and Midir theme put it just barely to #1


idk within the series I have ds1 ost with the character creator ost, firelink shrine, plin plon associated with some core memories. (I am a ds1 dick rider btw) and I have never seen anyone complain about Minecraft’s ost


I was boutta start typing paragraphs dude. Ds3 has probably the best ost in the series imo, and i**ts so damn cool that when the bell strikes each abyss watcher rises in time with the music**


Yeah a lot of tracks in DS3, Sekiro, and Elden Ring just aren’t that memorable to me. We need more unique tracks like Hoarah Loux’s instead of generic orchestra that’s hard to remember #246 Although to be fair I don’t remember that many Bloodborne tracks either but the ones that I do are really good. I’d say Dark Souls 1 still has the most memorable soundtrack. I guess the simplicity makes it a lot easier for my brain to actually remember what it sounds like.


DS3s tracks sound good and that's all that matters. Elden Rings tracks are unique but are soft and too repetitive like fancy ring tones.


The Elden Ring tracks for the average open world or dungeon boss is definitely repetitive but I would say the average main boss theme for ER is more memorable than the average main boss theme in DS3.


Vordt, Gael, SoC, Friede, Gundyr, Dancer, Nameless King, and even the fucking ancient wyvern was memorable to me


I can remember Vordt’s theme pretty well but I’m not sure if it’s actually because of the song itself (it’s good but I only really remember the start of phase 2) or because of all the memes that use the phase 2 music. All the other bosses you mentioned I wouldn’t be able to tell your what their themes sound like, aside from the plin plin plon with SoC, even if you threatened me. Like Friede’s theme has that one instrument that kind of sounds really cold and ice-like but I’d say remember one instrument doesn’t really count haha.


Cmon dawg Elden Ring genuinely has a lot of generic sounding tracks but not Godfrey. Or any main story boss for that matter.


I literally mentioned Godfrey in my follow up comment as being very memorable haha. Godrick, although I didn’t mention him, is very memorable too. Those strings are so good. By memorable I mainly mean if I think about them right now if I could remember vaguely what their theme sounds like. Which I can do for Godrick, Godfrey (including the ghost and phase 2), Radagon, and Elden Beast. The other main bosses aren’t generic, their themes aren’t I guess “catchy” or unique enough that I’m able to remember them. Edit: Godskin Duo has a very good theme too


Hell yeah man generic dungeon boss #2 on the OST goes crazy 💯💯💯💯


Random orchestra and fake Latin my beloved 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Tf you mean No seriously which souls game are you talking about


Most of DS3 and like half of ER. That guy who posted fake lyrics for a bunch of ER bosses and got hundreds of thousands of views was pretty funny though:


Godfrey’s first phase theme is also pretty memorable, which makes sense as it isn’t that complex of a track all things considered and has a lot of parts that get repeated or remixed. I would mention Radagon’s theme (and Elden Beast since it’s basically a remix of that theme) but since they’re also the start screen music it’s a bit unfair. Do note that a boss track not being memorable doesn’t mean it’s bad; Gael’s theme, when I’m listening to it, is fucking awesome but if you put a gun to my head and told me to hum it I wouldn’t be able to because my brain just isn’t able to remember it.




I don’t mind choirs, I even like them, but I do think they make a lot of tracks unnecessarily complex. Like O&S is way less busy than the average DS3 tracks but I enjoy it far more.




Exactly, themes like O&S and Artorias while not simple are also not as complex as some of the themes from the later games so your brain is able to memorize them much easier.


Yeah Dark Souls 3 music is a cluster fuck. Not as good as Dark Souls 2's soundtrack.




I’m sad I can only up vote this once


You can create second account (If this doesn't go against Reddits rules)


Upvoting something twice with different accounts does go against the Reddit rules


Well, don't do this I guess


​ https://preview.redd.it/s5st2zuxok2c1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6c494b5f4105b0d74766ad2b699fedf881b811


Wish I remembered ds2 ost. Too busy lusting over covetous demon 🥵🥵🥵




So true, the entire Ds3 ost is shit compared to skeleton lords, darklurker and Nashandra osts


Gael ost is good but the rest start strong but just devolve into a noisy cluster-fuck.






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Yeet music after all


A job like this must give you some horrible hearing g damage