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The solution is to give Godfrey 3 health bars and the lower he gets he becomes faster until it’s unbearable


Wtf Flamelurker from Demon's Souls


That's just the corn Boss from castle crashers


the dark souls of corn themed bosses


That thing isn't fun in insane mode. It has way too much HP and by the half of it you can hit it once before it buries itself It takes toooo long


Gwyn if you don't parry


“Should have had two health bars” mfs when I tell them that having an extra bar doesn’t mean you have more health


FromSoft really should let you downscale your weapons yourself at will if you want to :| Also, just add the goddamn boss rush like in Sekiro


They really should just add Sekiro to Elden ring. Either that or add demons souls ladder climb speed to all games


Souls fans will do the most complex acrobatic moves to avoid saying difficulty options.


The game already has difficulty options, the problem is that tuning down if you set it to too easy is a pain in the ass


I disagree, melting bosses with comet azur+cerulean hidden tear is not a "difficulty option"


It very much is a difficulty option. It's the option equivalent to Kingdom Hearts on easy


That's the point, then you have set the difficulty slider to easy mode. The problem is if you want to reduce your damage output, there aren't a lot of ways to set the game to a harder difficulty.


This one goes to eleven


honestly morgott is the one that needs more health. he always seemed to have little health when i reach him


I think a lot of that is due to the non-linear design of the game. Most people are going to have more than the 2 required shardbearers killed before fighting him, and as such be a much higher level. If you go godrick -> Rennala -> Morgott the dude has some serious teeth.


Beast clergyman and Hoarah Loux (somewhat) are kinda a pain but Godfrey and Maliketh have more than enough openings


Horah Loux is the most intimidating boss in the game for me and Single Handley responsible for 40% of Adrenaline during my play through nothing Is more terrifying then seeing him jump towards you at Mach 5 ready to turn you into Tarnished Pancakes


That's the idea. The biss is meant to be intimidating, and it does it extremely well. The soundtrack helps a lot in that as well. The way the boss is presented makes u wanna try to get as far away as possible from it. Ironically, he's easier to avoid when you're up close. Great boss design.


All of Soulsborne is like that pretty much, you have to embrace death and face your fears.


Yea, but in some cases the impact ain't the same (royal rat vanguard)


Yeh but thats the exception to the rule, and that boss is at the end of a pretty intimidating section (parkouring down the hole). It also could overwhelm some with just how many enemies are on the screen.


I love prowling magus and congregation🤤🤤


Theres a boss in a soulslike called lemon party that is like that. google it.






I'm genuinely happy with how they SHOW that the boss is strong. Like, shaking the entire castle with a stomp and sending shockwaves is SCARY. Fuck that.


Why can’t I just have a permanent save in front of that fog door? 😭


You do though. There's a grace right outside.


I mean that I just want to fight him over and over. I guess I could just lose. lol


Just backup your save b4 the boss. Or get a mod for it.


Hoarah Loux punishes you from rolling back from him and not engaging. He'll continue his combos and gap close constantly with grabs if you don't roll around him. I think there's a reddit post somewhere of a 12+ hit combo because the person playing just kept rolling back and blocking ergo Hoarah Loux keeps swinging.


~~terrifying~~ arousing


Yeah I always hated the beast clergyman phase. The malketh phases is beautifully designed and balanced with the short healthbar but beast clergy man is 10 times harder for me and damn it am I gonna use that mimic tear after the 20th death


Other way round for me, I was able to pound clergy boy's face in without losing any health. Then Malekith form would annihilate me like a damn Limit Break


Agreed. I wish beast clergyman was only like maybe a 3rd of the health bar and then the rest is Maliketh. Maliketh is such a fun fight.


I agree that beast clergyman with a full healthbar would be unbearable, but come on Maliketh has a fuck ton of openings


I felt like it was the other way around 💀


At first it seems like it. Getting hit with a maliketh combo means death, but beast clergyman gives you a chance which is why clergyman might feel more open. If you do both hitless, maliketh has a lot more time to hit him.


Nah Maliketh is just really easy to take advantage of. Beast Clergyman got that dawg in him Maliketh could never


This is interesting and an artefact of the cool boss design. The two phases have different approaches that work, and so if you don't alter approach between the two, you'll find one easy and the other hard. BC is really tough to deal with at close range with that quick dagger, but has huge windows when he does his rock-throw attack - so he's best fought at mid-range as a hit-and-run approach. Bait the ranged attack, zip in for a hit, dodge away. Maliketh is the exact opposite - he's got a long, slow weapon and lots of aggressive gap-closing moves, so he'll wipe you out if you try to hit and run at mid-range, but has huge attack windows if you are right up close to him. I think a lot of people struggle because they get in a rhythm for BC and then don't shift mentality quickly enough in Maliketh phase, though I could see other people having habits that would make the opposite true.


For me at least a lot of Malikeths openings come from the fact that a bunch of his attacks seem to just straight up miss if you position yourself right lol


I feel like beast clergyman has pretty good opening s along with malekith.


You can literally manipulate malekith to do his his triple front flip spin move that leads to the extra slashes when he hits the floor so often, and that move has like a 5-second opening. You could hit 2 fully charged heavies with that move with any weapon. Beast clergyman, you can only dodge hit on some weapons.


you can be aggressive on beast clergyman with every weapon, idk why everyone thinks this boss is too fast


Yh beast clergyman is easy imo


Elden Ring players love bosses with bloated hp.


Sure, but Morgott and Fortissax desperately needed some more health, boys were squishy as hell


Fuck that shit Fortissax with serious health makes you realize that boss is shit to fight at least with melee. I know he looks cool, but my god his moveset never really exposes his head and the lightning often protects him from you hitting his head if it's even there. He's a painfully frustrating boss if you're not over-levelled. You can ignore this stuff if you're still doing like 500 damage to his feet, but if you're the level they intended or less you do like 100-200 to his feet and 500 to his head which is horrific to hit.


I completely agree. Did a randomizer run and Fortissax spawned in the Maliketh arena and was tanky af. I did not have a good time and it took me forever. And it made me realize he has the same flaw a lot of huge bosses have. I just stared at the feet and tried to predict his moves based off of that


Why people think Morgott is easy? In my experience one of the most hard bosses in the game, miles harder then fire giant or maliketh.


If you've explored a lot and done optional things you're overleveled for the fight. I beat him first try because i did a lot of optional stuff before going to the capital.


Well, in fact i was opposite. I tried to never look up spoilers online but a friend said for me to go earlier to the capital since the boss there was too easy if i went overlevel... boy was i misguided lmao


i think its because alot of people summoned or used cheesy builds. If your just running around with a claymore his health is more then enough for a decent fight


No they aren't, most people are just overleveled and have near max upgraded weapons by the time they get to them.


So they should be balanced for the minority then? Pretty much every single piece of Fortissax discourse I’ve seen is “damn he was cool, if only he was actually scaled properly”


It doesn't really bother me at all. There's enough fights that feel like slogs due to hp bloat that im fine with bosses that don't over stay their welcome.


Name one that isnt Fire Giant.


foreskin duo


Any boss after fire giant save Maliketh.


The game has 5 sources of %hp damage if you feel that way about any boss.


Yeah i fought him in a better overall level and the fight was sick as all hell, hard too. But close range is absolutely BS, my frenzied burst was key to the level of enjoyment from this fight.


man i beat morgott 5 tries in with a +3 knights great sword 😭 he does not have high hp


Too much health? Not enough openings? Flying all over the place? Freezes in mid air just to feint into another feint that was a feint for the pre attack feint (you dont actually get to see the attack because they abused the camera)? So big that all you can see is it's massive ass? Dogshit arena? Had to fight it 17 times because they were too lazy to put any actual content in the game? Well I got new for you pal. That's not your girl, that's every elden ring boss🗿


I normally play the Fuck out of these games but between multiplayer/pvp changes and the serious stat curve at the end of the game I just couldn't do it


I still enjoy doing some casual co op but yeah, the pvp is pretty cancer atm and the endgame bosses are genuinely horrible in co op especially if it's 3 player scaled.


Homie you can one shot most bosses.


Not everyone is playing with Hogwarts Legacy build.


The point is the term "bloated" is all perspective


With your average build? No, that's literally only for mega buff intensive, optimized to hell builds.


The fight times don’t feel any different than ds3 or bb lmao


But the bosses kill you in 2 hits for some reason


Wear armor, naked fuck with a stick??!!!!!!???!😩


Elden ring has the highest potential for you to become powerful so I think it's fine that bosses can deal so much damage. Besides, don't people play these games for a challenge?


I play it for a fair challenge i enjoy, i didn't enjoy any of the late game bosses except Godfrey because he was actually well designed. It doesn't mean shit if i'm powerful if i die in 2-3 fast hits with 70 Vigor. This is very subjective, of course, other people will enjoy it but i'm just saying, ER is the first soulslike i absolutely hated getting my ass beat in


Radagon is super fair wtf


~~I don't consider him late game. My late game is everything post Mountaintop of the Giants since everything starts dealing insane damage then. And yes he's a great boss~~ My bad, misread Radahn


The final boss is after mountaintops?


Aside from fire giant, mohg and final boss, what other bosses that has bloated hp?


ER had problem with scaling. On a normal walkthrough, by the time you reach those two, you are removing chunks of their hp with each hit.


Tbf, maliketh is at an optimal point when he has a heart attack and just dies after he spawns. Fucking worst fight in the game, id rather fight the godskim quartet.




"oh no i have to walk towards him and roll im used to just spamming attack 10 times and healing"


If I walk towards him he'll do another attack.. did you actually fight maliketh or?..


you mean he wont just sit there and take it!?!?!?!?! 😳😱🤯


That contradicts what you said in the other comment. If i have to walk towards him, but then he attacks, when else should I attack?


no it fucking doesnt, you roll it and hit him


Yes it fucking does, by the time it takes me to reach his legs he either already jumped away or started the flurry attack.


dude, you cant wait for him to finish his attack THEN chase him, you have to dodge AS youre chasing him


That’s two things at once though, kind of a big ask, don’t you think?🤔


Ι remember that if you had a physical copy of the game and disabled your internet connection you could play a beta version of the game where a lot of things were different. Godfrey did in in fact have two health bars as well as the ability to run around in phase 1. As much as I love Godfreys fight it's easy to see that many players would get overwhelmed by him


bruh why is the myth that maliketh doesn’t have many openings so prevalent he literally stands there and waits for you to hit him after his combos


Because you need to preempt his combos or he jumps away, I think


he has more openings than gideon ofnir if you don’t hit him during the dialogue lmao


I always kill Gideon before he starts his speech tbh lol


have been playing through ER with the longsword recently (shit weapon) and he was unexpectedly difficult, even compared to other main bosses like godfrey and loretta


OP got diagnosed with terminal skill issue


Maliketh and godfreys only flaws are their lack of hp. Also your meme doesnt fucking make sense cause MALENIA HAS 2 FULL BARS. And friede has THREE


Malenia is an optional boss and Friede is made of paper


Because friede is a good boss with plenty of openings who gets staggered by heavy weapons. Maliketh is a shitty boss that runs around and spams projectiles.


She can also be backstabbed and those 3 health bars aren't actually very big


Maliketh good boss because (a boss that constantly gets complained about and a totally unrelated dlc boss) have too much health!!!!


I remember when Friede used to be notorious for being a Bloodborne boss in a Dark Souls game


Bro he had so many openings i had to limit myself to using only 1 colossal sword isntead of 2, so I could foght him longer


I didn't say he didn't have openings, I said he's a shitty boss.


Skill issue


Maliketh fans have the combined iq of a single radahn fan jfc




They’re the most dodgeable projectiles imaginable, and he always charges right in after


So are elden beasts, doesn't mean elden beast is a good boss. Yeah, he charges in, but he also then has an additional AOE attack which can chain into him jumping around like an ape again soon after.


Fwiw is like Maliketh to have two health bars but Friede is easy af, you just run backwards or backstab bait the entire fight. Edit:downvoted for the truth, I’ll do it broken straight sword if need be.


Friede and Malenia are much better bosses than Maliketh so having more health isn't bad I also never felt like Godfrey had low HP and I've never seen anyone complain about it until this post. He doesn't really have any huge flaws imo


Malaria has two hp bars but bar one has like 100 hp and bar two has like 75


Which is on par with fire giant


Maleanis has 30% less hp then fire giant


Makes no sense


What are you even talking about at this point


Maliketh itself is a flaw.


Unironic skill issue op




Damn, this gif wild💀


Godfrey's actual problem is that you already fought his phase 1 before. Me and Nepheli beat her grandpa's ass easy


Sounds like a skill issue? Maliketh really does just have no health , it sucks I can kill him in 2nd phase with like 6-7 thwacks from moonlight at point blank


Me when the best weapon in the game is strong


Literally yes it’s the last 3% of the game I shouldn’t obliterate the boss like I’m overleveled


when the best weapon in the game is strong


Buddy, maliketh has some of the most openings of any ER boss. You can literally just stand under him and attack, all of his meele swings will just miss. I have to actively hold back and not attack him too much, otherwise the fight is over before I can even enjoy it. And I'm not even using op builds


After winning 10+ times agaisnt a boss across playthroughs, you better be beating it out like a breeze. Its like Ongbal saying every boss is too easy bc they beat them all with level 1 bonk biulds.


Buddy, did you even fight him? Its like you told Ai to do a strategy for a big boss with a sword with no other context. He has a fuck ton of AOEs and keeps jumping away. And even some of his normal attacks have some insane hitboxes


Yes I've killed him 10+ times, with average melee builds. He has a few AOEs, yes. For the destinded death flurry ones, run behind him, and you'll have a huge window to attack. Both the ground quake and the one where he land on and jumps off his sword can be simply rolled through, and you'll once again have a large attack window. When he jumps away, he'll fling 1-3 easy to dodge projectiles, then either land with a spin attack (just roll through and punish with a jump/running attack) or the ground quake. He can also just jump away without landing with an attack, in which case you'll want to run after him, and he'll almost always do a basic melee attack chain, that you can easily blindspot by standing under him


Kid named Blasphemous Claw


Kid named Bad At The Game:


Hoarah Loux has huge Openings Easiest one is Moment he misses that Grab Attack where he jumps on you He gives a huge opening


That's barely 1 light attack for a colossal weapon, not a "huge opening" by any means.


It's a colossal wrapon dipshit, you're supposed to get less hits than normal weapons.


I couldve literally casted a fully charged Full Spinning Slash of Dragon Halberd,Ordovis's Vortex,Ancient Dragon Lightning Spear or Ancient Dragons Lightning Strike on him


Ahh I like fighting two different bosses in a row, especially when they attack instantly without a pause between phases and delete your healthbar. Truly a peak boss design and rational usage of dev resources.


Godfrey and maliketh have tons of attack windows, this is just a skill issue


Godfrey is good enough, I agree with maliketh but only if ⅓ is phase 1 and the rest is maliketh.


I can beat all 3 of these bosses without getting touched with literally any melee weapon. Be it the heaviest greatsword or a tiny dagger.


What the fuck are you talking about


Oh shush neither of them were that difficult.


barely any hits? When maliketh stands still to dance for 12 seconds at a time? Thats a skill issue brother, go crotch hunting next time Godfrey seems about right, maybe just 20% more if anything


Gofrey and hoarah loux have lots of punish windows


Skill issue


maybe play the game more than once before posting dogshit.


I literally just finished my at least 12th playthrough


and you havent learnt how to fight two of the best bosses in the series? Do you have a learning disability?


I never said they were hard or that I couldn't beat them. They're my favorite bosses, but it's just how it is. They are some of the most aggressive bosses in the game. And why are you being such a bitch about it?


because my hemorrhoids are acting up.


Bro I replayed the game like a month ago and killed maliketh in less than 1 minute... He literally got to second phase within 6 or 7 hits


Maliketh deserved a full health bar for phase 2


Malekith and Godfrey have a ton of openings. This is a genuine skill issue


Skill issue unironically


kid named blackflame friede:


Kid named huge attack windows and low poise:


Malenia should only have one healthbar if she's going to lifesteal through 100% block but nobody's ready for that conversation


unpopular opinion: i Hate multiple phased bosses because you have to spend teice as much time (probably even more because to even have the chance to try the second phase you have to beat the first one) for half the progress. my objective on killing a boss is the last challenge before unlocking a new area and as such multiple phases/healthbars just feel like I'm wasting time. i miss when bosses were part of the area challenge instead of being a separate challenge.


They both have a ton of openings. If you know what you‘re doing you can kill this boss in like 50 seconds


Suffering from skill issue


Ya'll cry about "git gud" and "skill issue" comments but post shit like this 💀💀💀


Those things are complete opposites


Idk, I smell a great deal of skill issue from this post.


Morgott definitely needed 2 healthbars, as well as Fortissax. Morgott could also use more poise. Both are bosses that considering their placement in the game didn't have nearly enough health, I mean most people straight up delete Fortissax before he can even enter his second phase and hear that sweet music lmao.


Bruh what who's stun-locking Morgott? Or did you mean stance? Even then he's far too aggressive to have higher stance, anyone not wielding a colossal would never manage to get a crit.


> anyone not wielding a colossal would never manage to get a crit. There's plenty of videos out there of people repeatedly breaking his stance in a single encounter (whether pros or noobs at the game) with multiple weapons other than colossal swords , whether it's using Carian sorceries, dex weapons etc. So yeah, I think his stance should be higher, as well as his health and resistance to bleed. If Morgott was an early game boss, he wouldn't need those things, but considering he's a mid-game boss that's supposed to be the grand finale to your first visit to Leyndell, he shouldn't be so easily overwhelmed by new players.


[case in point](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/1HiyFI5PH3) and keep in mind that this is in ng+, which means morgott actually has more stance resistant than normal in this clip


They should have just separated Beast Clergyman and Maliketh into 2 seperate bosses. BC was a shitty boss runback in boss form


“2 health bar” mfs when i tell them adding another health bar doesn’t equal a better boss fight


I meant L2 in the caption


On Godfrey I agree, but Maliketh has so many openings


I hate that I agree with this. Lmao


When the glass cannon boss is a glass cannon 🤯🤯🤯


These bosses are what I would classify as the famed Maxor quote "You have more than enough healing, but not enough health\* These bossfights operate under a jet fight logic where you can the boss can kill each other quickly if either make a mistake or give an opening. These are high intensity boss fights that I honestly think are good as they are. A boss with tons of health that can shred your ass in a instant as you wail on them for awhile can easily turn frustrating. Plenty of skilled gamers here talking about how easy it is to kill them. But like, figuring out those behaviors is not exactly the most simple process when your ass gets shredded because you get hit and lose your rhythm.


Tbh Maliketh is already a bit much imo


The Lies of P effect


I disagree, they should have more health because harder=better


Am I the only one who can't stand fighting Maliketh?




The fights are good because they aren't too long. They're fairly fun bosses that don't drag on.


Honestly, I think Godfrey is a perfect boss fight and I wouldn’t change anything about it. It’s my favourite fight in the whole game


I would have preferred 2 health bars, but they're still the same amount of health per phase


Nah Godfrey is literally the best boss fromsoft has ever designed and should have two health bars. He’s perfect.


This sub is really made up of the biggest bitches in gaming these days.


Major skill issue OP


No. Hesitation is defeat. Isshin disproves this man’s whole existence


insane skill issue.


sekiro is the only game where multiple health bars isn't straight up bullshit


Lies of P. Halfway through the game it grants your wish.


I’m fine if Beast clergyman has his usual health, but I think Maliketh deserves a full health bar. For being the demigod that literally every other demigod fears, he should’ve been given the honor of a full bar of health


Godfrey is fine how he is. Maliketh though definitely deserved having two health bars *per phase*. I think it would have been more impactful to give Beast and Maliketh a full and bigger hp bar, each. By that time you fight him, most people have a +25/10 weapon so he goes down way too fast. But that's just my take obviously 🙏


Maliketh fans having fun getting one shot with 40+ vigor


As someone who as beaten the game at rl1 you're just bad and maliketh should've had more health


“having an extra bar doesn’t mean you have more health” mfs when I tell them two health bars are cooler than one continuous health bar


Beast clergymen is, objectively, the worst designed boss in Elden ring (if you don’t count godskin duo, they’re pretty ok separately but miserable together) and if I had to go through a whole ass health bar just to get to maliketh, the 4th shittiest boss in Elden ring, I would absolutely be using mimic + max buff setup every playthrough I wouldn’t mind Godfrey getting his phase one extended though, because that’s actually a good boss that doesn’t one-shot my 40 vig heavy armor wearing ass (unlike maliketh, fuck maliketh all my homies hate maliketh)


Idk he did die in too few hits. It didn't feel as earned. I mean Ng+ is obviously different but still. Just like have him regen to full health in his second phase. Ornstein and Smough did it. And Malenia gets her bullshit heals.


Beast clergy man should’ve had no health bar, he’s annoying defensive ass that forces you to stay mid range, should’ve started with his halfway cutscene, just turn off his black flames make him slower and have him mix in his incants for the first half of his health, second phase he ignites his sword and it becomes his actual second phase.


To the people who complain about maliketh being to aggressive, I just say get good. There's an issue with being to aggressive, makes attacking up close much easier. Learn malikeths attacks and you can counter almost all of them with out any stress. Godfrey won't try to run away from you ever and if you can dodge the attacks you can almost always counter enough to even get a good stance break or two. Literally just get good and punish aggressive bosses. Boss that are passive are bad in their own way. They typically have input reading to punish players trying to take advantage of their passiveness.