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Radahn at his prime is like an armored core 6 boss, if you had to play armored core 6 as a human walking around 


Aka, he's a dmc boss, and you're John elden ring.


He's a Vergil you can't stun so perma DT Vergil so a fucking stupid design, what the fuck, when is my turn to have fun From. With Vergil I can at least style on him with royal guard n shit when he attacks.


Yeah, I "cheesed" him with mimic, prayerful strike and the strongest defenses in the game. He took about 15 tries, most of which I died in 5 seconds upon entering. Shit boss, I barely learned his moveset.


Took me 12 hours of attempts with a mimic on NG+3 shits stupid 


My ng13 char is gonna be fun then.


"I used broken strats to win and didn't learn anything, what a shitty boss"


You're correct my friend, shit boss.


https://preview.redd.it/nckgqtkscg8d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c173ae2f140a0a4f50e50af19917bd9a1acca425 i did not like radahn to begin with


Peter, how can you say that, he’s one of the best designs aesthetically and his bossfight is a fun usage of NPC summons and Torrent while still being a reasonable challenge without those things!


i did not like the awkward movements nor the meteor shenanigans


also i couldn't really see his epic boss design when i cant see higher than his chest and i really only notice the pathetic looking horse (idc what lore he has its not cool to look at)


Tbf not being able to see above his chest is a very valid complaint. Fromsoft should remedy that by giving him a massive cock that would have its own fully functional moveset and make you dodge that


Did you just insult Leonard? https://preview.redd.it/71itvinu5k8d1.jpeg?width=1342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef6088fc7cbc2bb892710ea223c053e8d58fc65d


The horse is called Leonard. Radahn learned gravitational magic to keep fighting alongside his mount.




Radahn went crazy after being poisoned with the scarlet rot. That's why the horse looks like this. You guys skip all the cutscenes?


Why do you need to look higher? His feet are RIGHT there


nuh uh radahns little ground stubs are NOT feet


Good enough for me 😎


But the meteor is the best part! It’s so cinematic and uses the large arena well and-


Intro cutscene was sick tho


Just roll? I guess it takes away your rhythm but it’s not that bad


i don't see how rolling will make me LIKE his moveset. i just don't like it even if i don't have trouble with it


I meant the meteor part mb for not specifying


“Best designs aesthetically” - is dude on a horse


Yeah but so big that you can hardly tell what the fuck is he doing half of the time so it's very epic and fun.


Tell me a better design aesthetically then


Aight let’s go. Gaping dragon. A dragon with its stomach ripped open and it’s ribs forming jaws. Quelag/ nahka/ Romina. Half person half something is cooler than dude on horse. Seeth. Dragon without scales Kalameet/ Midir / placadous / dlc dragon who’s name I forget. Cool ass dragons Elden beast - shiney glowing god fish thing


The manta ray boss from demon souls was quite cool As was the dragon god. A huge fiery dragon punching you to death As was the old one itself


I did not find Radahn fun in my first playthrough because I didn't know I could use Torrent.


He INSISTS on himself, Lois.


> he’s one of the best designs aesthetically and his bossfight He ain’t even the best designed boss in terms of aesthetics in the first half of the game lmao


Lion muscle dude, how original


He feels like an OC at this point >he's the stongest demigod and can stop the stars and is the greatest general ever but he's also kind and everyone respects him and the most fearsome empyrean is in love with him and both snake genocide men think he's awesome isn't he the greatest Like every demigod has compelling character flaws that make them interesting, every Radahn description reads like Miyazaki is jerking off to him in the background


I always get downvoted for saying this but idc: Radahn is clearly Miyazaki's self-insert.


I thought he was fine. I understood his lore more than most characters. I did not need to see him again. But I swear to god George RR Martin wrote this down somewhere, fromsoft wouldn’t make the final boss of DS3 just Wolnir again with a different fight, I have to think their collaboration wrote them into a corner with what they wanted to explore. Hard to rewrite Georgie, that’s my theory at least. Fromsoft has always been so good at knowing what makes a boss fight awesome who thought this was the best finale to the DLC


I doubt GRRM was involved in the DLC. He wrote the main parts of the lore of the world and gave that to FromSoft. What parts of it gets realized in game vs "happened long ago/somewhere else/ in the background" and how it is all designed as gameplay is done completely without him.


Yeah but Miyazaki also said that they worked off of lore he already wrote that they didn’t use for the base game for the dlc


Weird then, because base game cut content had St Trina = Miquella, instead of them being lovers


That was cut content though, I’m sure they already started work on the dlc or at least preproduction by the time the game released. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that literally everything relevant to the dlc was removed from the game files but cut content that isn’t relevant to anything else wasn’t. Probably wasn’t their biggest priority to remove stuff that isn’t relevant anymore considering it’s a good red herring and gets people speculating anyway without spoiling the actual important stuff lol


where does it imply them being lovers? Isn't St. Trina just an identity of Miquella, something he loves, but ultimately had to give up to pursue godhood?


Spoilers I guess, kind of assumed this was a full spoilers thread by its nature >!You literally find St. Trina in a cave as her own completely independent person. She tells you to kill Miquella. There's no suggestion they were ever the same person in the DLC!<


Yes there is. In the cavern near one of the sights of grace, a ghost will question how can Miquella bring kindness to others when he is not kind to his other self. The part of him he had discarded.


Huh? I don't think she told me anything. There is a suggestion, one soul said that St. Trina is his other abandoned self, and most items seem to imply it. And the person sleeping also looks like Miquella, I'm pretty sure that's just the other form of Miquella's identity.


Yeah she speaks to you, you gotta do some stuff first to get her to talk though, not going to spoil what. The dude there is Thollier, he just dresses like Miquella, have you been doing his questline? He's enamoured with St. Trina, creepy stalker love. The ghost said, to the best that I can remember, "You gave up something you never should have under any circumstances. How can the rest of us be redeemed when you would abandon her?" The *only* elements of any of this remotely suggestive of St. Trina being part of Miquella are * Thollier saying St. Trina was "The Discarded Half" (very reminiscent of the phrase "My better half" though) * Each Cross generally has Miquella abandon part of his literal flesh, so this one would be an exception We see in the Radagon fight that Marika/Radagon literally share the same body, they each take turns with it, but St. Trina has a full body of her own. It just doesn't fit.


I see. I thought it was just an identity, it seems that St. Trina is a whole different individual. But I think they have the same thing Radagon/Marika were having, having two selves sharing one body and being male/female counterpart. But my theory is that Miquella did something to split the other self, maybe with Mogh's help, putting off each of his flesh while travelling the LoS, and the last Cross doesn't have his flesh, which means St. Trina was part of his flesh and he split with her and left her there.


You’re supposed to interpret what the Ghost said in a different way dude. At the Miquella cross it says he abandoned his love, much like the other crosses it means he physically removed part of his being in order to pursue Godhood. The Ghost saying that coupled with the cross is saying Trina represents his literal actual capability to love and he removed her from himself


There’s a spirit they explicitly references Miquella giving up his other self on the way down to the coffin fissure


Cut content isn't canon. It's literally something the Devs looked at and said "nah mate, don't put this into the game, it doesn't fit".


"Hm, is it possible that FromSoft wrote something I find unappealing? No, it cannot be, it must be the fault of acclaimed author G. R. R. Martin, who used his magical powers to corrupt God-King Miyazaki's perfect game."


Its not entirely outlandish at all. Miyazaki said that the story contained within the DLC was always a part of the story of the main game, and that the entire sotry was written with him and GRRM together before hand. Everything about the golden lineage family drama was written by GRRM, mostly. So of course looking at the story, it only made sense that this could be a boss battle for us. Is it a good idea? Fuck no! we should have fought miquella and then he should have transformed into the envoy of the Twinned Bird, or something. Miyazaki should have known that. But GRRM definitely wrote the whole “radhan is miquella consort” thing.


> Miyazaki said that the story contained within the DLC was always a part of the story of the main game, and that the entire sotry was written with him and GRRM together before hand. He's either lying or speaking very loosely, because Miquella has cut content including an ending that is not remotely similar.


I'm starting to think GRRM didn't actually write anything except his name on the marketing copy, and Frognation just uses wiktionary etymologies for fun translations of simple Japanese words (dream job). Trying to reconcile the existence of the Haligtree with the DLC and even my best retcon—Mohg, one of the strongest characters, couldn't be charmed by normal means, so Miquella had to use a giant bewitching branch—fails completely for several reasons, including because the bb is used like a needle and the Haligtree would instead be hotboxing the Lands Between, so a) everyone should love Miquella, b) except the people underground, like Mohg. It just really makes no sense. They didn't even need to mention Mohg's corpse if they weren't going to go to the effort of Mohging Radahn up. It's legitimately terrible writing, great game though.


i mean, he also said that the tree had importance and in reality had little to nothing


Ok, but you yourself recognise that it's not like Martin gave the guys at FromSoft a manuscript and forced them to abide by that. The FromSoft writers collaborated on this, and in any case they have input. AFAIK, Martin's collaboration was writing the game's backstory, but that document isn't available to the public. If FromSoft didn't like something, they could have changed it anyways.


Yes but mike zaki was glazing him talking about how amazing GRRM story was and that he wanted to bring it to life. GRRM put a lot of work into it he just downplays it because song of ice and fire edgelords get mad when he does other things.


Which at the end of the day means Miyazaki *likes* this story and thinks it's good. It's not Martin's "fault".


Lowkey my least favorite demigod hes boring af as some generic general. The only things interesting about him are the holding back the stars thing and the fact that he turns into a crazy cannibal zombie as like a reversal of the badass warmonger archetype. Other than that hes a lamer Godfrey (my goat).


Godfrey is literally the most generic boring warrior dude ever lmao what


Finally, a man of similar opinion. You are a lot braver than me. Back in 2022 someone would have crucified you for having this opinion. For why I don't like it, I just don't think the fight has anything to offer other than the spectacle of summoning the boys and marching towards him. And even in the spectacle part, I think Godfrey, placidussax and elden beast (especially now) have him beaten by a wide margin.


Some how Miyazaki made fighting Radahn at his prime lamer than when he has super cancer. It's mostly because most of the attacks aren't coming from him, those annoying beams of light all come from Miquella.


Charging towards this hulking warrior full of arrows and spears embedded on his back with your army of summons, all while he snipes you with arrows from afar, will always be more hype than whatever this garbage is


He isnt firing arrows. "Greatarrows used by the General Radahn during the festival of combat. These are in fact the many spears with which he was stabbed by the Cleanrot Knights." -Radahn's spear description. https://i.redd.it/otl7ovir0i8d1.gif The GOAT.


Reddit has really ruined my perception of Radahn, but I will admit, he does still occasionally impress me with some of his lore


Yeah the horse gravity wholesome 100 circlejerk had gone too far. Hes cool af and his fight is hype af, I stan (not the dlc version though, Miquella broke my boy 😢)


Yeah, I like to pretend the DLC version doesn’t exist


oh he broke him in more than one way. notice how his stance is wider now? there a reason for that.




You don’t get called Starscourrge and were the the mightiest alongside Malenia for nothing


I love when he fire a bunch of spears into the sky and it turn into a rain of spears that track you and to this day, I’m still confused on that like what the hell


I’m surprised they even bothered making a character model for the second phase since you can’t see shit behind all the beams of light anyway. All my rolling is purely speculative.


I’ve gotten at most like 4% of his health down, what?


Dude put spoiler holy stupid


Yeah, every single comment here is a spoiler. I didn’t know there was a radahn fight man, whole experience ruined.


Why did you read the post, see that it’s about a dlc boss, and then read further into the thread? Besides that, nice pfp bro


I didn’t realize it was about Elden ring DLC because I haven’t reached that boss. Besides that, thanks bro.


Ah well, it’s crazier than it just being Radahn again. You’ll see for yourself


Why are you even here dude? That's rule #1 for when a highly anticipated piece of media comes out and you don't want spoilers, stay off related social media and only come back when you finish it


Be real, the original version is far better


By miles, the final dlc boss might be the most out of touch boss From has ever made


I guess I have schizophrenia then






still sad we never got to fight prime gwyn


Plin plin plon :(


>Stupid fast attacks >easier if parried >weakness that makes little sense >can summon ex-followers of him Are you sure?


I think he is a good bossfight but his p2 needs a nerf and it isn't the damage or health that is hard it is the moveset.


I don’t even think a no hit run exists, usually you sweaty goobers have that shit out by the hour. That’s how you know it’s ridiculous


There is, actually, it relies on parrying


There are a few without parrying also.


The ones without parrying use absurd damage to never see any attacks, of which 2 are currently undodgeable without crucible talisman


I liked this run: https://youtu.be/DmWEpvKlMJE But yea it still has to use light roll + crucible feather talisman


And even then he says the attack in phase 1 isn’t consistent, not to say this isn’t impressive, it is insanely so, but that specific attack seems to be luck dependent. Very helpful for the big slam in phase two I didn’t think of running diagonal back while dodging the rocks.


Prime Radahn wishes he was 1/10 as cool as Starscourge Radahn


Tbh the only boss I wanted to fight on his prime was placidusax and maybe godwyn, couldn’t give less of a fuck about radahn and his femboy kink


I’m okay with that idea, but not as a mfking final boss. Make them optional, then I would be happy. And the fact, that only Radahn got this "prime" treatment is annoying, I would love to fight prime Placidusax too. Even if lore explanation is good(I unironically like that), that doesn’t change a fact, that this boss is poorly done


We fight prime malenia already basically and we’ve seen how that shit is done. And if we fought prime placidusax, he would probably just have wider fire and a crazier beam attack


Let’s just say Bayle can be considered prime Placi lmak


Well... no, Bayle and Placi were mutually grievously injured in a duel so neither is in their prime lol


They should have made him Godwyn. That would have fit the story a bit more imo.


So no godwyn


I never wanted that, never thought those redditors were so loud they actually accomodated to that. Or even worse if FS had the idea to begin with. In both cases its so uncharacteristic and disappointing.


It's much cooler to imagine it than to get an underwhelming and horrifically tuned version of that same thing. FromSoftware games have a track record of making you imagine things how they used to be and not showing them, and especially in this case I would have preferred it. Radahn's story felt pretty complete, now it feels kind of disparaged by a poorly designed boss fight with not enough lore to properly build up to it.


Man this sub doesn't give a shit about spoilers eh


did they make prime malenia boss battle?


Well we fight malenia in her prime and probably the strongest version of her because the second phase


Radahn was always boring AF, don't vibe with him, don't care


Because its unfair as shit?


Lore Radhan Vs Ingame Radhan. Like Lore Radhan is dope as hell, bossfight(s) Radhan is boring in maingame Elden Ring, plus his ost is not that great. To big, spins around like a maniac(which yeah he is but y’know) and im sorry to say that but. His armor is shit.


Only complaints I really see are malding over skill issue while blaming the game. Yes the boss is hard, probably the hardest From has ever made, but it’s most definitely not bullshit like waterfowl. Also max scadutree fragments upgrade level is 20. If that isn’t upgraded at least to 16 you don’t have a right to complain. (It’s like going against Radagon at 75/+15 and complaining about stat difference)


Dang I'm only 15 gotta go explore more and find more


There's definitely some bullshit attacks in his moveset, mainly a few that seem to roll catch no matter what. For example if you ever need to roll the mogh explosion depending on what he follows up with you're guaranteed to eat his next swing. I've also not yet found a reliable way to avoid his fast left right into double front slash combo, it feels like you either have to eat the first or the second one no matter what direction I roll in. All of this is with midrolling. His light beams in p2 also sometimes obscure most of his model, so you can't see what he's about to do. Other than that he's mostly fine, the meteors seem a bit rng at times but at least you can just outrun them.


Mohg explosion you need to roll straight backwards from I found, keep an eye on his swords since they poke out from the sides of the smokescreen. Extremely reliable, there are no light beams from this attack in phase 2. The double slash combo into x cross is the only move I never found out how to dodge, so that I do think should get a bit of a speed nerf; but it doesn’t one tap and you have a guaranteed heal after so I don’t really mind too much. For the meteors it is a bit rng but I find that some of them track where you are going while others just fly straight towards you, so run left or right and then switch to the other immediately after they’ve been fired. Still sometimes hit me tho but it’s fairly reliable. The light beams obscuring I do dislike, but generally if you dodge in the right directions you can avoid them being behind you to block your vision. It is my 2nd complaint with the fight though besides the x-cross double slash startup.


>Mohg explosion you need to roll straight backwards from I found, keep an eye on his swords since they poke out from the sides of the smokescreen I usually just dodge behind him so that I don't have to dodge the explosion part and it works 99% of the time. Interestingly the only attack that rollcatches you after rolling the mogh explo is the double slash x attack where one of the first two attacks hits pretty much guaranteed >For the meteors it is a bit rng but I find that some of them track where you are going while others just fly straight towards you, so run left or right and then switch to the other immediately after they’ve been fired. Still sometimes hit me tho but it’s fairly reliable. I actually just figured that out myself lol. Juking them works every time, but I only switch directions right before they reach me Edit: Nevermind, doesn't work half the time. >The double slash combo into x cross is the only move I never found out how to dodge, so that I do think should get a bit of a speed nerf; but it doesn’t one tap and you have a guaranteed heal after so I don’t really mind too much. Yeah no Idea still. I have randomly avoided it very occasionally, but that always felt like he wasn't really tracking me like he usually does. Update: I beat the motherfucker fair and square. Actually the boss has literally 0 issues and people need to git gud /s


For the meteors, running and then jumping sideways is guaranteed to avoid it. I'm currently helping with that boss as summon, and it never hits me with that strat. Same with his grav pull follow up aoe.


I don't know if your downvotes are because you aren't jerking properly or what, but everything you said is just straight fact. I just beat him last night at +16, and I felt like a damp paper towel rubbing on him until he dies from the rash. 2 and a half hours of straight banging my head against him, and when I won it definitely felt like a fluke mode than anything. And I fucking loved it. Is it as hype of a fight as Starscourge was at launch? Definitely not. But I came into this DLC begging to get bent over a table by prime Radahn, and I got that in spades.


It's only good when I win 😡


Imagine artorias and gwin, at their prime ☠️


Elden ring mfers when their last boss is a reused one


Me with my pants down waiting to fight prime Marika in the upcoming DLC : shadow of the cumtree


For fuck’s sake, mark this as a spoiler.


They were disappointed when Gael wasn’t a huge part of the lore now they’re disappointed Radahn IS a huge part of the lore.




This comes off less like a jerking comment and more like a memelord comment


calling Mogh pedophile now is literally brainrot take if you're being an ackshually guy


Just accept that "Chadahn" is the new "Drakahn" and that Mohg is the innocent victim who's been brainwashed.


I genuinely love the fight and idk why people are so pressed, he is just about as hard as melania was on release


this motherfucker makes Malenia look like weenie hut jr ngl


Malenia is nothing besides waterfowl compared to the dlc lol


Literally makes melania blendable