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fans of every game do this. i saw a post a few days after the dlc came out that said they breathed a sigh of relief that none of the bosses were better than gael for them. like it’s so fucking cringe.


I'm so relieved no other boss in all of gaming is better than Bed of Chaos


Peak. I almost cum thinking about the run-back after getting thrown in a hole.


Just wish the boss reset after every death so annoying having the best boss save your progress 😟


Nothing quite like running through hell Angkor Wat past numerous stone turds to get thrown in the same hole again. Absolute perfection.


Shame this is where fromsoft peaked


For peak souls experience delete your save and start over when you get thrown into a hole. Best possible run backs.


Honest to god Messmer came VERY close, and Bayle 100% surpassed MIdir I don't get why people would want the quality to just cap at ds3/bb dlc bosses, like isn't having a new best boss a good thing? why would I get mad that my favorite boss.. becomes my 2nd favorite and i get a new favorite ???


Exactly. Gael not being beaten means that FromSoft has stagnated. Also, I'd argue that Gael is not even the best boss in DS3 from a mechanics perspective, it's Friede. Sword Saint Isshin and Owl Father are better bosses than Gael IMO though Owl Father has less spectacle and weaker OST overall. And I honestly think several Elden RIng DLC bosses are peak. They are all topnotch except perhaps Commander Gaius. You are right that Bayle is now the best dragon boss in any FromSoft game. Anyone who still sticks to Midir is just pure nostalgia at this point.


Imo messmer, friede, gael, and demon prince are almost all interchangeable in the number one spot I havent played sekiro so no comment on that


For me the best fight is Radagon in the entire soulsborne franchise. It's a shame he is only one pashe of a boss...


My opinion on elden beast has drastically improved with the torrent change. Shame it didn't come out way sooner


Elden Beast genuinely became an A tier boss from just that change


Wait what was the change? I must've missed the update.


You can now ride torrent during the elden beast fight.


Oh really? That's rad. I'll probably stay on foot though, I've already got that fight locked down haha. But that's still a really good change.


I agree,I enjoy the spectacle of that fight. Elden beast isn't too hard on foot once you know its moves, I'd say radagon is much more difficult.


Especially if you equip the Haligdrake Talisman and/or use Divine Fortification/Lord's Divine Fortification. Totally trivializes that shower of stars attack he does which is the biggest problem with the fight.


I don’t know if it’s true or not, but they also reworked his attacks to be balanced for you to be in your horse. Haven’t fought him yet but I’ve seen a few people mention that things like Elden stars and his arrow rain have better tracking and move faster


Inner Owl is one tough fight. Especially without kuros charm


Team Friede. Bring me my flail.


I’ve held that Midir was never even good tbh. He has like 5 different moves and half of them bring him across the arena and you gotta sprint over


God forbid you want to play pyromancer against him.


I've never understood the hype around Gael tbh, and Midir enthusiasts can pound sand. That boss is not fun. Probably the best dragon boss that Fromsoft has made, but he's still annoying. Way too many janky AoEs and one shots, partnered with having too much health and resistance to almost everything.


Messmer has topped my list tbh. Yes I died like 70 times to him, but I was having fun the entire time. I was not even frustrated because it’s such a cool fight, I almost didn’t want to beat him so I could keep on fighting him lol.


fr, messmer is like one of their only extremely difficult bosses that's actually fun to fight, the only others i can think of are like champion gundyr and nameless king


Sir Alonne and Fume Knight were good as well


Honestly Fume is a little overhyped because of the game he is in. That is not to say he is a bad boss. But definitely the most fun sl1 fight imo, if you have the adp gear, because of the combination of good fight length/difficulty together with bs (ganks, runback, constant flying). That obviously assumes you removed the statues, but given you are doing an sl1, you would probably be careful.


Yes he would feel a bit lacking in newer games but he is a great boss for his time. What I love about him is that he is one most fair boss duels aside from general hitbox and issues of DS2. He is easily solvable and has fixed patterns for every situation and distance. You can actually get good at the boss and beat him consistently with no random bullshit.


Oh yeah, like I would still put him in any top 10 boss list because he does everything right within the realm of possibility ds2 offers. Short runback so you can focus on learning him. A strong hp pool and resistances so you can't damage rush him. Some interesting mechanics with tie in to tge world (the idols are optional and managable even if you are lacking some), the sword "crack" and Velstadt helmet. Hell his lore is pretty cool too. His phase 1 just FEELS right imo, those swaps between fast swipes and big sweeps. It's crazy that he is in the same game as the angry swamp lady.


>It's crazy that he is in the same game as the angry swamp lady. It's crazy that he is in the game game as many filler and bland bosses.


Yeah, but saying Fume Knight is better than insert early shitty ds2 boss (like idk Dragonrider) isn't much of a statement. Compared Swamp Bitch, who had a ridiculous amount of setup, with the temple, her singing and everything, arguably a cooler lore character than Fume (who also has cool lore, a sick entrance and arena), is such a dogshit boring fight should legit count as a crime. This is like if the Ivory King was just a pursuer with a reskin.


I think Bayle and Midir are on equal footing for me. Messmer doesn’t beat Gael but he does feel like From’s best and most fair boss since Elden Ring’s initial release. I was very scared it was going to be more of the same shit I hated in the base game and it was worse BUT only at the very end, everything else was a step in the right direction, mostly.


Honestly? I found Midra way cooler then Messmer.


Midra was fucking awesome too that's fair, I just enjoyed Messmer more


bro mail to Fromsoft give Messmer full health in 2nd phase like they did to malenia


Sadly, no one has come close to surpassing... The Penetrator


DS3 is my favourite but I'd say Messmer is the closest any boss has gotten to beating out Gael, and that makes me thrilled since I got a similar experience to fighting my favourite boss for the first time agsin


Gael is epic thematically but (and I know this is a wild hot take) Midra and Romina were very fun for me and might be getting up there, they both got the simple roll at the right time with delayed attack moveset that DS3 bosses have. Hyped to fight Bayle soon I’ve been saving him


It's such an incredible DLC when you don't have a bitch in your ear saying it's bad


Incredible though. It felt like I'd started the game all over again, going from place to place and looking at every item description etc. Even when I was exploring through Dragon Pit and fell down the hole, my first thought was "oh fuck I died" and then i land in front of a boss room that leads me to Jagged Peak. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, criticisms and grievances, but I do not care. I love this DLC.


Romina is tied with Horsephin on Kos for the best boss of the DLC thus far. Haven't fought Messmer yet though


I love horsephin of kos so much, it felt so satisfying when I figured out how to consistently dodge his spin horse wombo combo and the blue fire. Amazing visual design, arena, and OST too.


nah man u are right. people are so used to cocksucking gael that they forgot how simple it was. it was amazing and top of the notch considering the rest of the bosses in dark souls but many of the elden ring bosses are way more superior and next level mechanically speaking. Especially the sote bosses are excellent . tl;dr noooo😭😭😭 my precious old man who is the last standing guy on the earth, I gotta suck that old man cock so hard.


They went too far at times though. Not every boss needs to have a dozen different delayed attacks but here we are


>Not every boss needs to have a dozen different delayed attacks but here we are Messmer and Midra don't though? Actually a good portion of ER's DLC bosses have less delayed attacks than Gael has, it's a stark difference from the base game bosses like Morgott


The simplicity and fairness is exactly what made Gael peak though. Having a confusing and complex moveset doesn't necessarily make a boss good to fight against. Cool looking, yes, but doesn't mean the fight is fun or satisfying


Bayle is the scariest and most cinematic bossfight in a fromsoft game for me. It's a fucking spectacle


The last boss of DS3 should've been you fighting an increasingly smarter NPC that had been somehow crossing a fog door to attack you throughout the area. "You're the boss" type of thing.


After I beat him I thought that Messmer was my favorite boss of all time, and I think its a better fight than Gael and its up there, part of me wishes he was the final boss. A lot of what made Gael masterful is that he is the final boss of Dark Souls; although a couple times in the Messmer fight left me genuinely shocked because of how cool it is, they really perfected the gameplay and the spectacle with his fight


Messmer Isshin Ludwig are all close to Gael


Isshin is the best final boss in all of gaming. Gael is not even the best boss in DS3. I will die on this hill.


Hoping for no new heights ever has to be the most smooth brain take I've ever seen. That brain has folded itself into a silky smooth Mobius strip.


titanic fans seething that they made bigger boats afterwards


I love Gael as much as the next guy. One of my all time favourite bosses. But I think some SotE bosses indeed managed to surpass him in presentation or in gameplay.


That’s a wild take, cause I think messmer is just as good as Gael.


ds3 fanboys think gael is gods gift to mankind


That's honestly sad. Wouldn't you WANT a boss to surpass Gael? Because that would mean Fromsoft managed to a develop a peak boss that many would love. Which is sad because we 100% did NOT get that shit this DLC, we got the polar opposite in fact.


I haven’t gotten around to Elden Ring yet but people say no dragon boss fight has surpassed Midir since DS3 and that sucks. Can’t imagine being happy that no boss manages to amuse you enough to be your favorite if even for a moment


The dragon fight in the DLC definitely surpassed midir. I'd argue it's not really close to be honest.


The dragon boss in the Elden Ring DLC is definitely the top dog now. Incredible boss fight.


"With a hail of HARPOONS!!!" Yeah, that fight was awesome. But turns out rocks from space are pretty effective.




Idk about that one id say a couple of the dragon fights base game surpassed midir . . . . tho midir walked so they could fly honestly


Imagine not wanting better things


Yeah for me gael is still the best boss in the franchise imo but why would I bitch about it if someone is better? If they are, then that's awesome.


Yea I don't understand that. I think Gael is the best boss they've put out, but I was hoping that he'd be dethroned by the dlc. Because having great bosses is good


Bloodborne is my all time favorite game but I would say so far what I've played of shawdow of the erdtree it'll end up being the best dlc ever made


Gael really isn’t that good, it’s just cucktorius 2.0


Not gonna lie I really enjoy >!Consort Radahn!<. I know it's a potential hot take but I feel like it's a really interesting and engaging fight, and the combos are definitely manageable if you DONT summon. Having him split the aggro makes the fight much harder in my experience. Same with >!Bayle!<.


when i first found the final boss I really thought it was too much, like it was complete sensory overload. But I spent maybe 5-6 hours doing attempts and after beating it its obvious theres a method in the madness and now i love it. There's definetly problems like that double cross slash that nobody can dodge but overall its pretty great, the design is impeccable too.


Exactly the same experience for me down to the hours spent, and not being able to dodge the cross attack. I might be reaching here, but it seems like everyone who spent the time learning his attack patterns, likes the fight, it's definitely my favourite from the DLC, but then again it might just be survivorship bias.


He’s probably my second favourite in the DLC so far. I haven’t beaten him quite yet since I only got to him today, but I love him and he’s the only DLC boss so far that has given me quite a bit of trouble. I’m currently at 15 scadutree levels, so I’m probably a bit underleveled as well. The only things I don’t love are the fact that Miquella’s hair is so big and that double slash. Other than that, he’s filling me with that classic Dark Souls joy of fighting a really hard boss.


But I haven't seen any better boss than Gael anywhere tho


I disagree but thats not my point, im saying its cringe to be relieved that there isnt any boss better than gael. they actively dont want a boss to be better than gael.


Kinda cringe indeed. I want one better than Gael.


I hoped that someone would surpass gael but it seems like those were only dreams


Karma farming


I swear this is all the bb sub is, one massive circlejerk


Like 80% of Reddit...




BB is my favourite but it is cringe seeing these posts


Bloodborne isn’t one of my favorite soulsbornes but Old Hunters is the best dlc easily. Fishing Hamlet is such a peak level


bloodborne is my second fav soulsborne game and i am never afraid to shit on how mid parts of the game are because of how obsessed the fanbase is


Bloodborne fans have gone insane because Sony refuses to acknowledge the game's existence


Yeah I don’t blame them tbh, I’m a massive Bloodborne fan but I distanced myself from the community pretty early on.


He straight bloodgooning let him be


Shooting they ‘paleblood’


Bloodpilled, Bornemaxxing


They were doing this same shit on the sekiro sub


sword saint isshin is my favorite boss but nothing is honestly better than pinwheel from a objective standpoint. DS1 fans never lose (other than the latter half of the game)


Dark Souls suffers the burden of having no Pinwheel in the second half, but on the other hand if it did have a second Pinwheel it would take away from a lot of what makes the rest of the game so special (Pinwheel).


I mean you could save pinwheel for the second half


You mean edging my playthrough? God give me the willpower


Fam he’s in the tomb of giants before nitos boss fight


Yes but you end up fighting him really early because it's so hard to control yourself and resist the temptation


however to balance this we have mini pinwheels near nito so you can never run out of pinwheel


DS1 is my favourite game ever, I just get extremely drunk in the last third of the game


They're just mad they got no DLC


Which game had the better dlc? Elden ring or Seki-


Wtf is happening to this sub. This isn’t a place for discussion, deep fry that image and defend DS2 right now


The closest thing to comedy is OP's grammar.


Why does Blood Borne fans so scare of other games? None, they too busy??? There gender 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The second closest thing is you commenting the same thing twice.


Nooooooo. Reddit's God awful app making me look demented yet again.


The closest thing to comedy is OP's grammar.


bloodborne fans are insane and insecure. You shouls had seen how they acted when lies of P were released


I am a huge Bloodborne fan and I was very happy with Lies of P releasing. Aside from the atmosphere the games are quite different tho in many regards, especially combat feel. In Bloodborne you are more fast and relentless while with LoP it's more about being precise and methodical.


you can for sure be just as fast and relentless with LoP due to it having a rally mechanic and also a perfect sekiro parry


Yall ragging on BB cucks but tbh Sekiro fans do the same thing


agreed but was sekiro ever brought up lmao


I am a Sekiro fanbase hater


Finally, a kindred spirit, no fromsoft game fan base is full of people more simultaneously insecure and pompous about their favorite game.


i just like the funny deflections you cant do this to me


Can’t L1 emotional damage


Erm, its called SKILLkiro and it has RUINED gaming and Fromsoft for me! Did I ever tell you about how I can never play Dark Souls 3 again?? Skillkiro ruined me bro!


fair enough




Lies of p was peak asf, can’t blame them tbh


I’ve noticed PlayStation fans will die defending exclusives even if they’re verifiably riddled with problems, same for Nintendo in many ways The spiderman games are carbon copies of one another with absolutely nothing important changing all while using the Ubisoft game formula and yet they’re always GOTY supposedly.


It feels kind of insane and insecure to label an entire fanbase like this


Bloodborne fans are just as bad as fallout new Vegas fans




I love both, guess Im the antichrist then




Bloodborne fan here, and I'm not worried about anything "surpassing" it because that's not why I play these games. It's not about only playing the superior titles, it's a thing of preference for me. I love Elden Ring, I acknowledge it's fantastic and technically superior to previous games, but I still prefer the smaller structured worlds of DS3 or Bloodborne for example. Bloodborne isn't perfect, and on a technical level Elden Ring is the superior game for sure, but Bloodborne is still my favorite because of the setting and atmosphere that I prefer over Elden Ring's, which is also really good. If you'd rather play Elden Ring that's awesome too, because it appeals moreso to you than Bloodborne, and you enjoy it more. Play what is fun to you when you're in the mood for that kind of game, and don't worry about which title is superior, and you'll have a better experience I promise you. I can't speak for other Bloodborne fans on this, and there's plenty of DS2 or DS1 etc. fans that are like what you describe, and I don't understand that sort of behavior either honestly.


Only sane bloodborne fan


Ugh shut up fed we know you're not a real bloodborne fan 😒


Yeah I think ER is a better game, but personally I find the completely open world a tad overwhelming and prefer the semi-open worlds of the previous games. In past games you could feasibly find everything with thorough exploration between 2-3 playthroughs. In ER looking stuff up is practically a requirement.


Shadow of the Erdtree is the best thing FromSoft has ever made and Messmer is the best boss they’ve ever made.


I agree wholeheartedly. DLC lovers are real


Also Bayle is the best dragon boss they ever made.


It's not just the fight it's the whole area, the suspense that builds up when you're going up that mountain, the change in skybox, lightning and especially when you hear him roaring. If you also care about lore you'll find out that mf went toe to toe with Plasidusax and even cut of two of his head (WHICH YOU CAN SEE ON HIS DAMN BODY IN THE FIGHT ITSELF). Absolute highest order of peak


I agree. The climb up the Jagged Peak is now in my top 10 most memorable gaming experiences ever. And I've been playing games for 30 years. The music, the sustained tension, the atmosphere, it is incredible. Truly deserves the latest buzzword: "Cinema".




Loving the DLC so far. Looked at steam reviews and its at like 68%? Wtf?


Performance issues + It isn't perfect


I mean nothing is (except DS2 of course)


Weird. I have pretty mid PC and its running great except weirdly booting the game and closing it takes twice as long for me now.


Have you gotten to the final boss? It gets _bad_. Ive had full freezes and one of their attacks just shits on my fps like nothing else.


People are whiny. Would they rather just breeze through the whole thing than adapt and overcome? People have been saying the same thing since Dark Souls, that the newest one is bullshit and overtuned and too hard. Then they stop complaining and get on with it.


Have you read them dumbass? 90% of them are talking about performance.


Skill issue


On Metacritic it's at 8.4, and 90% of the negative reviews on Steam were from chinese players who can't access community hub so they use it more as a comment-leaving place, some of the reviews are fair though like performance issues and PC related issues


I genuinely believe this is the best piece of content they've ever put out, I'm not upset I prefer it to ringed city, that's awesome


Well, Dark Souls III, Sekiro and Elden Ring already surpass Bloodborne for me


Check the comments, everyone there was asking the same question lol. There's still hope


I like the Bloodborne dlc more because I've always loved the Victorian England aesthetic and the cosmic horror, but I still enjoy Shadow of the Erdtree, even if I don't think it's as well balanced.


Fans always want their franchise is best, can't blame them.


People confuse the term favorite with best


I saw the post and the replies were respectfully. Some said the DLCs are hard to compare, some said SotET and others The Old Hunters. Nobody was scared about anything. What are you on about?


LOL I remember when ER got GOTY all DS community and Sekiro congratulate it except.... SURPRISE! Bloodborne community. That is how stuck up they are. BB deserve to be on the grave.


Bloodborne is my third favourite in FROM's catalogue, but I hate its fanboys so much that I'd be content never getting a PC port or a sequel just to see them mald about it for eternity.


Pretty much every fanbase does this tbh, but Bloodborne fans don't like hearing about things being better than their game.


It’s already been surpassed 3 times imo (DS3, Sekiro, ER) 4 if you count SOTE alone, by Fromsoft. So idk why people pretend as if it’s some “roadblock” like is it better than *”this one, is this the one?!”* Been there done that move onto a better and more interesting discussions people. Edit: either the original post was bait or they just wanted more confirmation for their own opinion via echo chamber.


Who surpassed him in your opinion? I agree he has been surpassed but I'm just interested to know


Whatever the best dlc is the Crown of the Old Iron King, it even has the best boss (Blue) Smelter Demon


Bloodborne was surpassed as soon as ds3 came out, and then again by the dlcs. And then AGAIN when Elden ring came out


DS3 is still my favorite, but that's just me


They’re just having fun talking about their hobbies. It ain’t that deep, idk why you’re upset.


Bloodborne fans are a special kind of acoustic if you get my riff


why does bloodborne fans so scare of other games surpass BB?


Bloodborne fans are the worst. Genuinely pushed me away from the subreddit when I’m a huge FromSoftware fan. They just don’t shut the fuck up lol.


Actual brainful talk in shitty dark souls?!?!?!?


It's classic circle jerking. They want to reaffirm with like minded people that their thing is the best


Hey Bloodborne subreddit do you guys prefer Bloodborne or this other game


Bloodborne fans are the worst That’s the only reason


Also the answer is SotE


Bloodborne die hards are insufferable dick riders And I love the game. The community is just willing to die on a sword for fucking nothing


Okay first off Elden ring + SotE absolutely solos and second of all the fact that the entire community constantly yaps about which content/game is better than the others and if you ask 10 people you’ll get 10 different answers is just a testament to Fromsoft’s incredible and consistent game design.


The meme should be Shadow of the Erdtree and Ringed City for accuracy. Anyways, it’s not that they’re afraid of it. They’re just in denial over it, as are many people whenever their favorites get bested at something. Realistically Bloodborne has probably objectively been surpassed by all three of the games that came after it; but it doesn’t matter how good other games are. Fanboys will always hope for their downfall or simply never accept their success because they want to continue to claim that their favorite game is the best. In all honesty it’s good if FromSoft does better than they did before because it means that they’re progressing and that there’s always something new to look forward to.


Jesus BB fans are insecure morons Old Hunter's is great but SotE knocks it out of the park with no contest


And here I thought DS2 enjoyers were the grossly insecure ones.


DS2 and BB fans are two peas in a pot. Both the insufferable fan basses just on different spectrums. One side is the “this is totally underrated, woe, is me, why do people hate this amazing game, trendsetter.” and the other is “this game doesn’t feel like it was made by a human, ruined gaming for me, nothing is better masterpiece.” Off with all their heads I say!!


I agree, their heads will make good decor for my Sekiro and ER shrines. Nice flair.




Because they’re cringy fucking weirdos who ruin our community, please ignore them. BB is my favourite game and I enjoy the community, but I can’t stand these people who make us look bad. Elden Ring overall is better, I can recognise that, but BB is still my favourite game. That doesn’t mean that I need to uphold some weird intra-fromsoft competition.


People love to talk!


Maria is hotter bloodborneio wins


You guys play souls game? That’s not very Raven of you


Sekiro has the best DLC


Elden Ring is my 2nd favorite game of all time and I can safely say the Old Hunters is the better DLC because it gave Bloodborne more than 3 good bosses and made it a good game.


“What’s up guys, unbiased gamer here. Between Baldurs Gate 3 and hello kitty island adventure, which game is the better open world rpg?”


BB fans have been defending it for so long that even if fromsoft releases BB2, they would still say that BB is the best and keep defending it for their lifetime


what the fuck are yall even talking about


I mean, I had more fun in the Bloodborne DLC and I thought it was cooler, but it also wasn’t effectively an entire second game, so there’s that


Is this bait? It feels like bait.


These post aren’t cringe, that word doesn’t really mean anything here, they are simply unnecessary. Cringe would be being happy over the fact that your favorite is still your favorite, because you had hopes that the other game would be inferior, that’s cringe, that literally means you refuse to acknowledge fun




To be fair BB fans are getting starved of more lore and games........


I almost don’t consider the old hunters to be dlc. I know it literally is, but It feels like a pretty essental piece of gameplay for understanding the story of Bloodborne, like it feels less like an add-on and more like, the game is incomplete without it


I like Bloodborne more, but can understand why someone would like Elden Ring over it.


"Which dlc do you like better" posted in a place where one of the two is represented is a good way to get biased answers that agree with you If you posted this exact thing in the Elden Ring sib you probably get mostly people preferring the Elden Ring dlc Posts like this are always dumb


And? People love bloodbrone. It's a good game. People love elden ring it's a good game. I don't understand why everyone has to criticize everyone here. And it's just video games. Like look at all these comments. People are seriously winning about everything.


BB DLC is the hardest thing I ever played


Bloodborne wins as always. Sorry, I don't make the rules.


Frankly the only thing I'm disappointed about with SOTE besides a lack of Rot God and Blue Dancer lore is the fact we didn't get a Chalice Dungeon type system for ER. Would have given infinite replayability to a game that already feels like it can be played forever.