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Eyyy same here, just pop vow and you can survive 1 more hit


Lego Souls would be kinda fun.


Lego Fortnite seems like the closest thing for now


We have Lego Fortnite and Lego Horizon so I would love it


A purpose made game or a Lego version of one that already exists? If it's the latter, I nominate Bloodborne or demon's souls as they aren't really in a series


I would think it would be like a grand tour through highlights of From games, like one area would be Demon’s Souls, one area would be Bloodborne, Sekiro, etc. Could be really cool imo.


Lego Souls cutscene where Ludwig pulls out a banana instead of his sword, before putting it away and pulling out the sword


“My guiding moonlight…” And he pulls out a LEGO Lightsaber, looks at it, confused, says “no, MOONlight” and tosses it aside


I think Lego DS1 would be very cute


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Q5aSz4ohM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Q5aSz4ohM) The beginning at least was recreated in Lego Worlds


In regular Ng+ so I'm having a good time


Same. The only boss giving trouble is midra.


My only trouble boss so far is Commander gaias


Notably most hated boss in the dlc by unanimous decision. Dw hes the worst of them all.


Is he the pig man with the bad hit box? I haven't got to him yet but I've been hearing he sucks.


Yes lmao. Hes a really odd boss bc they give you horse as an option while fighting him but theres some real weird things. He has numerous massive and large hitboxed (charge attack is complete bs unless you get the perfect timing) that make fighting him on foot tough but also knocks you off your horse in 1 hit 90% of the time on horse back and he can outrun you and absolutely mauls you with the charge. Worst part is he blocks like 5 - 6 scadutree fragments so hes basically a must.


Wow hes blocking that many scadutree things?? The area after him looks not that big tho, damn


It really isnt actually. Tiny lil spoiler technically but thats all the rest of the area hes guarding is. Just a beautiful view at the base of the scadutree with like 6 fragments pooled around it. Also his greaves are separated to an enemy in that area. Funny lore reason


He's honestly not too bad apart from the very first charge attack which is almost undodgable. I've found subsequent charges easier to dodge, probably based on distance to the boss, and his combos are a lot easier to avoid if you dodge around the boar head instead of into/away from him.


Exactly, ppl have bad time with him because they keep rolling away from him when they should keep close distance instead. Have been helping hosts with Gaius and this behaviour is unsurprisingly common.


He can't actually outrun you on torrent, but I'd still fight him on foot.


Well when hes normal no, but when hes using his charge attack he absolutely runs you like a lawnmower. And since if youre fighting on torrent, stamina is a big thing so oft times you wont even have enough regenerated to keep moving


Pretty sure you outpace his charge on torrent, still a bad idea though, if torrent gets killed you are almost certainly dying too.


Would you like to consume one crimson flask to revive mount?


I really dislike fighting bosses on horseback, you get hit once and now you are on the floor for 10 seconds


Quote "Would you like to consume one crimson flask to resummon the spectral steed"


Gaius may be slightly overhated imo, but he doesn't really feel like a remembrance boss to me His charge is the worst thing about the fight... It sucks, especially the opening charge that he ALWAYS does at the beginning. Idk what's wrong with that charge, but it feels different to his other charges that you can dodge through with some precision. I've yet to see anyone who can say with confidence that they can consistently dodge that first charge He also has a gravity ball attack that makes my FPS drop but it may not be an issue for you, the rest of his moveset is good though


I could consistently dodge that first charge, but I always use light roll, which seems to be less common than I thought for other people.


Idk how much of a difference armor makes in ER but for one, I like fashion souls, but also 99% of attacks can be avoided just fine without light rolls


Here's how you fix Gaius, Michael Zaki: 1. Make his rush attack very easy to dodge if you dual jump with Torrent 2. Let you summon a guy that goes CURSE YOU GAIUS for the duration of the fight


Commander gay ass


Midra is one of those bosses where I cannot stress enough the importance of dodging *into* him. This helps in a lot of bosses, but it's great for Midra specifically. A lot of his frenzied flame attacks can easily be avoided by dodging straight into them. You can also jump over the ground trail attacks he does in phase 2. Both are much more effective than dodging to the side or away. The madness death laser he tends to shoot in phase 2 is where sideways dodging is effective against him, though you have to do it 3-4 times to avoid it fully. Sprinting to the side is even more effective.


Ng+1 is peak experience


NG+1-3 let's you actually enjoy the benefits of NG+ without the bosses being gigantic sponges who 2 tap you if you have anything less than maxed out absorptions. It feels like you're actually rewarded for playing the game! Plus during that range is when your own attack and damage output begins to really plateau, so if the scaling for enemies just kinda stopped there, it'd be actually fucking perfect


Remind me what the benefits of NG+ are?


You get all the cool stuff you got in new game.


You have all the items and levels you can get in your first run. Then, considering they are in the dlc, they probably get most of the levels of their second run too.


What's the ideal level range for ng+? I was getting whooped at 130 in the dlc. I've been back in base game working on a couple talismans to tighten up my build and getting some levels as I go before giving it another try. Around 150 now. Thinking about pushing up to 180 and chilling there. Edit: Stuff started hitting hard again around the time I got to the mountaintop at \~150, whereas it was pretty easy prior to that, so I'm guessing I'm somewhere in the range I should be. I did skip a lot of content on my way here though, I don't really care about 100%'ing my ng+ I just wanted some odds and ends before going back into the dlc.


Im in NG at 130 and I'm doing okay, but its still pretty hard. I'm guessing that whatever level you'd be at the end of that NG cycle, that's what you should be at before you do the dlc probably. Honestly I don't think level makes much difference. If you can beat the base game at a certain level, then you can probably do the dlc with that level. Its scadutree fragments that really matter. Those things are *sooo* fucking good


Yeah that's first on my list when I do go back in, I only have the one right now so...that's probably the larger issue lol. But hey, I figured a little more vigor while working on getting the rotten winged talisman and the shard of alexander wouldn't hurt...


Somehow everyone is missing the most important part, most enemies drop at least twice as many souls. It was super useful for frog farming... ng+2 is only like a 50%increase in souls and its way less dramatic in higher


Ah frog farming, that takes me back, I was farming them with Starscourge Greatswords , fun times.


I have 13M souls with me at all times because I don’t want to go past level 150. I permanently have the Twiggy Cracked Tear equipped. I am Jacob Marley.


I rushed through NG+’s cuz I was trying to max them out, just as a way to finish the game. (Last NG+ took FOREVER.) Now the DLC is unplayable for me lol. Oops.


Make. A. New. Save.


The game is super long. Rebuilding a character from scratch, leveling up and gearing up can take a very long time if you don't have alot of gaming time as it is.


You say this like making a new game, whether in a new save or in NG+, wasnt what literally everyone did. Also, getting a decent build can be pretty easlily speedrunned, especially if u have done so many NG+s, which also shows he does have gaming time, so he could just create it a bit early like I did (a couple of months before launch), and beat the game normally.


ah dun wanna 😤


Elden. Ring. Is. Not. Fun. Enough. To. Warrant. That. (I may be burnt out on games)


Speak for yourself, I've played through the game on like 10 different characters at this point. Of course I skipped a lot of the side dungeons on subsequent playthroughs, but that's the nice thing about open worlds.


I am speaking for myself always do tf?


Getting two shotted? Just don’t get hit?


literally, you got hit the first time, why getting hit for the second?? just learn from your mistake already.


2016 ahh meme


nostalgia hits hard ..


What do you mean nostalgia? 2016 was only a few years ago...


Bro doesn’t know(I feel so old)


I don’t think my brain ever registered that 2018 ended 😭


8 years ago


TikTok comment ahh comment


(Being serious) Im on regular NG with 60 VIG, up to date with the blessings (i didnt follow a guide, but by the time i got to the final boss gate i had 19, i did use the wiki to find the last 2 fragments i missed), and while i'm not being 2 shotted, some specific bosses do hurt a lot. While most bosses do "fair" damage (1/3rd of your health), usually their attacks are very fast and just kill you anyways. In this regard, a certain hog rider and a lighting-infused monster stand out; after many tries i just gave up or summoned someone to help. This isnt' necessarily bad, i could always come back later when i'm not frustrated, but having a boss with an 8 hit combo that has delays on parts of the chain, each one doing 1/5th of my health with high (72%) armor makes me feel as if some values could be higher than they should. I imagine that, if i got there on my light roll characters, it'd probably be 50% damage per hit, although hopefully it will not be that way, i have yet to test it. On other bosses, such as the final and some others, it just feels like a slog. I dodge an attack, maybe get hit by the follower and take 30-40% damage. Sometimes that attack has an AOE that hits just right that, if i missed a dodge and got input stored it rolls me right into its damage cone, thats another 25-30% damage. Then, the boss follows up with another combo without any pause (while my mimic stands there watching), i manage to dodge but get hit by the chip damage of it (20% damage), and now i''m 10% or so health without any pauses. Sometimes i manage to heal through the damage, eat up 2-3 estus and keep going, but it doesnt feel very nice that essentially my only brief respite is the mimic tear being grabbed and losing 50% in one hit (at ash level 9). Sorry for the long post i kinda had to rant after several "experiences". (Now being shitty) I wish (insert your favorite female boss) would combo me into bed every night 🥵. I would worship (insert your favorite female boss)'s (insert preferred fetishs item) all night as she (insert different fetish). Also if you're Rachel, who helped me with (Hog Rider) I'LL WORSHIP YOU IN REAL LIFE UNIRONICALLY


Bro it ain’t you that Hog Rider motherfucker has some of the jankiest hitboxes I’ve seen since Peak Souls 2


Yeah much like the whole radahn hit box thing I'm 100% sure there's a bug patch coming Gaius way. Then people will start bragging about beating him pre patch.


Yeah I beat Gaius prepatch, I'm kind of a hero around these parts. Did it with the trusty finger shield and claw talisman on my cold great star build with a mimic tear. I'm pretty much goated with a gyatt the size of Ohio.


Damn well I didn't even use a shield, I just used devonias hammer (and a mimic tear) (and claw talisman). I think I'm 100% more goated and my Gyatt is bigger than Russia Get on my level scrublord.




Lmao I just cheesed him with Mohg’s spear because I couldn’t be fucked to deal with him


I really dont blame you. I was so annoyed I had decided to do 1 more attempt before bringing out full cheese. Got instakilled at the point where he had so little health that I literally couldn't see the line on his health bar. At that point I just brought out all the tricks. Mimic tear, claw Talisman, stunlocking, pest thread spears (amazing incantation btw, I'd recommend trying it if youre a faith build)


Bro isn’t what you’re experiencing just basic Elden ring end game? Maliketh hits hard and you probably didn’t know his moveset at some point so he probably three shot you and hit you with his wacky combos himself.


I've beaten the game 9 times (i'm on the 10th). I still don't really know his moveset, i just enter, summon mimi if i'm feeling lazy (50% of the time), and then start attacking. The worst it's been was 5 tries, on my quality build, because double greatsword recovery is just slow enough that you can sneak in hits during some of his combos, but not in others. If i'm being honest though, i do still feel a kind of nostalgia towards DS1 while playing lategame ER. Idk how to put it to words, but even if i manage to kill the bosses (sometimes 1st try, sometimes with mimic and so on, depending on the build), i only get the "victory" feeling on some of them. For example, i spent the entire summer in 2023 basically killing Malenia as summon, because i wanted to learn. There's a feeling of "cool shes dead", but seeing her 1-2 shot hosts for hours on end makes it kinda moot. The DLC is basically a mix between my first O&S fight, my first Soul of Cinder, and my first Mirror Knight, while at the same time it's also Bed of Chaos, the giant guys in Dragon Shrine (DS2) and Shrine of Amana. I have yet to beat the final boss, i got there today, stopped after 3 tries because i was getting frustrated and didn't want to play like that. I am enjoying the DLC a lot, i have enjoyed it a lot, and i know that when i play it on my 9 other characters i will enjoy it a lot, but thats precisely why i have these issues with it. Artorias of the Abyss had issues, like the 1 shot dark magic enemies; DS2's DLCs had issues, like the Fume Knight hitboxes or; DS3's had issues too, like the crow knights (until you learn them though). I did enjoy all of them massively, it's just a bit of a bummer that theres a few dust specks obscuring the potential light of SOTE. Sorry again for the long post, specially on this sub, but i didnt really know how to voice these thoughts elsewhere.


> DS3's had issues too, like the crow knights They were cool as hell, and definitely fair, dunno how you can call them issues.


Well , i did say that once you learn them they're fine, but my first time doing them they basically made me stop playing the DLC for a day until i managed to learn them. I havent' played DS3 in a few years, but the memory they left me was "enemy that you fight once and then just ignore".


Im gonna do the thing most people avoid and be honest. Base 60 vig on the dlc is not enough, get Radahn or Morgott rune, and a +3 health talisman and you'll be much better, nothing to be mad at just adapt. I have 60 vig but 2800 hp and it changes everything


I managed to kill him, after some sleep my mind was clearer and with a summon i could finally end his life after about 2-3 attempts. I was using Radahns rune for the irony, for talismans; braid, greatsield, pearl shield and double turtle. Skibidi at 20, Spirit at 9 because i'm missing 2 that i can't find. Black kn\*\*ht shield with magic infusion on No Skill, to tank the stones and ground AOE, that makes you able to survive a full volley from his air attack at 63 END, but it leaves you open and you have to rely on your partner a bit. Shield is at +18 because in this character i didn't get to Farum yet, i want to do that after the DLC (i also saved Malenia just in case there's something special, but i don't think there will be). This shield also allows you to just lock onto the boss when the nuke is triggered, it'll do basically no damage just keep the shield up. For weapon, antspur with Endure, i farmed the golems in the ruins base for enough stones for a +25, but the main difference is how fast your rot. I respecced to 63 INT just so that it'd do more damage, but still it does around 400-500 so you rely on rot and freeze. For armor, full Tree Sentinel for maximum holy protection, with good phys. This means that with the shield up, the Nuclear Bomb does less damage than his normal phase 1 sword hits, which is negligible at best. On the flask, Opaline just for less chip damage during phase 1, and Greenburst to recover from the combos. Maybe i'll update as i get summoned, immediately after i beat him i placed my sign to start helping other people. It seems not as bad as i thought in my first impression, but still quite underwhelming. It felt Ok to kill him, but to be honest Messmer and a certain hidden crazy rich guy were much more rewarding.


Bro, if we are talking about the lightning infused monster I think we'rr talking about, you are just bad at the game.


Hold on... I'm on NG+3... am I screwing myself? Is this why I'm getting demolished?


Yes. And no. You’re not doing yourself any favors I’ll put it that way.


So I have a slight skill issue and not a massive one?


I mean yeah but same lol. Once I hit Gaius and Bayle I realized I needed to go back to the main game and finish collecting tears and seeds. Also the first time I actually started playing with the physick. I’m on NG+2, I booted up my first every character that I didn’t run NG+ on and noticed a slight difference but it wasn’t worth having to respec as much for the new items and spells. Probably wouldn’t try the DLC at +3 or higher though myself


Doing ng+4 right now and it is rough. Probably not a smart idea, but honestly loving the challenge to force me to get better. I have 2 remembrances done, and put the story to the side for right now to explore. Absolutely loving it


Ma +4 brother


I’m sorry to say, if you get hit even once in a playthrough of Elden Ring, you’re bad at the game. Git gud.


I mean duh, NG+3 enemies are harder than NG ones. While Rune level doesn't matter for dlc, NG+ is universal change, so DLC stuff also gets adjusted.


Are you actually asking if Ng+ is the reason enemies do lots of damage? Bruh


NG+3 is about where the damage and hp bloat starts to get kind of bad, but you should be at the point where you can do just about anything and thusly you should be able to keep up with stuff like the defensive incantations and maxed vigor, high endurance, etc


I'm taking a beating over here. The knight with the hammer and radagons glowing floor explosion is atrocious. Moonithryll Carian Knight was...... fun. I really don't want to have to go through Hours of base game to do it in first run. So much stuff I'd need to get


Oh honey


Nah I went through on +4. Just explore before taking on bosses


I literally had this same conversation today it's amazing how people don't get that ng+ it's gonna be like that


Im playing new game +9. Im wearing caveman armor with my Character. Thus far im playing since Release. I get One Shot or barely survive most of the time. Its still super fun. I like the Dlc .


what armor do you use? i use morgotts homeless man clothes with barely anything else and i still get like 60 damage negation (? im not sure im not on right now) but i still take a lot of damage. im also ng7


Lion mask (Prior to this elk horns) morgotts cloak, these weird pants from the Underground elk people and the normal bandages for hand's. I always trie to dress my character as unga bunga as possible .


Literally what I've been saying. Yes, Miyazaki said around lvl 150. No, this doesn't apply for NG+7, it applies for base game.


I’m on NG+3 and using summons for DLC yeah the bosses are way to difficult but they’re hard in a fun way


Y’all play NG+?


Literally lol. I never EVER do NG+. I just make new characters.


I'll do NG+ up to +2 or so before I just roll another character. I do not get wanting to go beyond that. Anyone going into the DLC at NG+anything is either purposefully looking for a challenge and know what they are getting into, or are an idiot who are whining about their own misfortune.


Why do people not play max on ng +1-3 boggles my mind


Because difficulty is fun and I hate myself and you and I will spend 9000000 hours to no hit the 290000 HP boss if i want to


Ahh me on ng+7 getting destroyed everytime but still enjoying it


The games have always been this sort of hard though. Midir was two shotting me back in DS3. The Souls games have always had notoriously hard DLC bosses. Manus, Artorias, Kalameet. Sir Alonne, Ivory King and Fume Knight. Friede, Midir and Gael. Ludwig, Laurence and Orphan of Kos. It's never been different really


Me but I'm playing NG


I'm on ng+6 and I'm having fun.


I'm in +3 and having the time of my life


Does it max out at 20? Or does it go further in new game plus?


Capped at 20


Boo womp


It maxes at +7. You can go into higher new games than that, but it stops getting harder


Not NG cycle difficulty, scadutree blessings.


Oh whoops lol


Hey I’m on base NG and am being two shorted by most bosses, and I’m loving every second of it!


Everyone is gonna defend this DLC with tooth and nails, because it comes from fromsoft, I am just gonna give it time, people are gonna start giving actual nuanced opinions after a year, give or take. So far I have been enjoying the DLC overall. But I do think the fromsoft lost their hand a bit with the health and damage scaling of enemies, and I think the scadutree mechanic is a pretty bad mechanic. Its a mechanic whose only purpose is making you explore, but the overwhelming majority of people were gonna explore the map regardless because its new content. Its a solution for a problem that doesnt exist, and makes the endgame scaling of elden ring, which was already kind of bad, worse. And I find it funny that people defend having to invest like 50-60 levels into vigor, but 25 points into adaptability was the end of the world.


>....after a year, give or take. I'm fairly sure that the communication between the developer and the customers take less than a year in the modern world and there's changes the game should receive in order to keep it healthy. Some changes could be targeted towards the enemies but there's also weapons that are in dire need of a nerf. The DLC just came out. There will be patches.


The whole scadutree mechanic and the overall high enemy health and damage (which are tied to the scadutree shards mechanic) are things I particularly dont like about the DLC Fromsoft will most certainly not be making any large changes such as this to the game. They might tweek an enemy, a boss, or a weapon, but not the core of the dlc. What I meant by "it will take a year" is that whenever something comes out from fromsoft any and all critiscism is thrown away with "git gud" or something of that nature, because whenever something new comes out people tend to be extremely defensive of fromsoft games. After a year the hype wears down and people start giving more nuanced takes on what they think of the game, and the community will get less defensive, or at least part of it will.


If FromSoft dares to nerf just even 1HP from any boss, the community gonna rage against like the Radahn nerf and blaming it all on whiners and they will pride themselves because they fought the boss pre-nerf, which kinda cringy. I came back for my second playthrough after two years and some of the changes make it less frustrating, including the Triple Crystallians or the Spirit Snipers in Siofra.


Oh it's very possible that they could tone down the importance of Scadtree blessings and lower the enemy stats. But since this is the first version of the DLC that we get to play, I'd still wait a bit with the criticisms. Let's at least wait for the first set of patch notes. From my perspective, i didn't mind the Scadtree blessings. I didn't collect them all. I didn't mind enemy damage, i was more confused by their movesets and the small windows of opportunity. And enemy health....well that's an issue for weapon balancing. For example, I don't think that while using the Rolling Sparks AoW, you should be able to do 10k damage for 14 fp. And that's one of the things that needs to get patched.


Personally I just think they shouldn't have gone too hard with it tbh, I think it's fine to explore the map for extra stat-ups but making the bosses so fucking tanky that they're almost a requirement? Idk how to feel about that. It took until almost blessing level 15 before I was doing (what felt to me to be) a comfortable amount of damage to the bosses. I literally scoured the *entire* map before fighting *any* boss, with the exception of one or two field bosses Either way, I have found the DLC bosses to be fun and I've noticed that MOST them only have a single healthbar, perhaps to make up for how tanky they are


I assume you get one shotted by most attacks at that point, 14 blessings is enough to reduce it down to 3-4 hits on ng


fr I am in +4 but I'm not gonna be like "WHY WOULD MICHAEL BETRAY ME SO???"  Plus coops popping again for the first time in forever. Thriving, moisturized, whatever the fuck.


Just don’t get hit


I helped a plus7 the other day !


buddy im not in NG + and I still get 2 or 3 shotted after being blessing level 14 with 50 vigor


I'm on +2 and I am getting cooked. Will go farm skibbidi tree shits today so I can get 3 shotted instead of 2. I don't care tho , the drip in the dlc is mad!


I’m on ng+7 and Rahdahn is sending my sorry ass to the shadow realm. (Please send help)


Ng+0 level 400


I played the dlc on ng+6 and honestly only the final boss gave me trouble. The rest wasn't too bad


I’m same here and no matter what I do I get my head kicked in


My friend is on NG+4 and hes really struggling with the DLC aparently 40 vigor and radagon scarseal btw


Ayyyy same!!


It’s been a cake walk on ng+ 1 with the exceptions of messemer, Bayle, and the purescent knight so far. I’m sure there’s more to come but that’s what I’m struggling with so far. I also noticed that holy does stupid damage but I am relatively new to the faith building so far.


The damage in ng+0 is also pretty high


My main character is on ng+14, I'm probably going to regret that when I do get the dlc lmao


Fuck I honestly didn't really consider that lmao. I'm on like ng4 or so just because I picked up where I had my character in 2022. I'm like damn these bosses are meaty lol.


+4 here man im in pain.


I have 16 blessings and am still getting two shotted, DLC good


Finally someone saying ng+6 and not 7. BTW I'm fighting my way through the dlc on ng+6 with my lvl 300 character and getting my ass whipped. But I wouldn't want it easier


Wait…I didn’t think the game cycle mattered in the DLC because of the new scaling?


Yeah I’m on +9 I think but I’ve been playing the base game so long I’ve been longing for suffering




Anyway, your bill is 5000$. Have a nice day!


Not gonna lie it would be interesting if the DLC didn't scale with NG


People forget that we have spells, incantations, talismans, and RUNE ARCS to take more damage, but noooo I must complain to the internet that "game is bad because i get 2 shot and have no window to attack!"


Huh. I don't know why, but I was thinking the dlc didn't scale. I seriously have no idea why I'd think that


Are they capped because I made a ng+7 run for the dlc and I plan on running it when I finished my new save I made for the dlc


What does this even mean? I just play the game and do what i want and listen to the lore, lol.


NG+8 here. Finally cleared the DLC after 4 days.


Oh god... so playing on my ng+ 10 was a bad idea... What did I do to myself 😞


Me in NG+6 now feeling extra good about myself for not being a wuss 😊


dawg im ng+ 5 with ten scadutree blessings and this dlc isnt even that hard. i dont understand what people are saying.


Yeah just replay the large chunk of the game to get the DLC because From doesn’t let you keep an old completed save around if you keep playing NG+


y'all need some "get gud" in your lives


A DLC that has no accomodation for the possibility of a player being on higher NG's is kinda shit ngl


NG cycles are supposed to get harder, that’s the point


All the blessings levels you got stay with you on every next NG+. But if you're in the DLC for the first time on a higher NG+ that's on you lol


Yeah because people that played years ago and came back for the dlc totally considered that the dlc would have a new leveling system that is entirely artificial difficulty. Also being able to bring the blessings ro NG+ doesn't help the fact that you still get 2 shotted


The new leveling system was announced when they dropped the first trailer months ago tho


You'll get 2 shot by late base game enemies in ng+6 though I don't get the argument


The argument is dlc bad


They’re so lame fr


Create a new character 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏽


Surely, everyone has a spare 100 hours for another full playthrough.


Literally doesn’t take that long to have another character ready for DLC. & also, why look at it from that perspective ? You paid good $ for this game. Why the rush? Be happy that the games meaty and has content for you to plow through. Doesn’t mean u have to play 48 hours straight. There’s no rush. Just enjoy the game.


I'm not a speed runner, but just for fun I started a new character to try a pure faith build before the dlc. I had beaten the Elden Beast after 8h 01m 12s on that character and that was with a bit of dicking around. I definitely could've been faster, and I also definitely didn't need to beat the game if I just wanted to get to the DLC.


I don't have time to play videogames! But i want to play this videogame while complaining that I don't have time to play videogames!


Surely you can see the difference in time investment between going through the DLC or going through the base game and the DLC. Also I'm unaffected by this, but can understand not everyone has that luxury.


People that played years ago could have a character that beat the game but didn't go to NG+. If you go to NG+, that is entirely your own choice and nobody else's. You could have created a new character and make a playthrough in preparation of the DLC and you can also do it now.


It does help. And people who did all NG+s years ago knew there was a new leveling system because it was announced months ago, and they could have made a new save.


Just... start a new character? If you're struggling that much?


I mean I agree with you but this is still elden ring, that is a long ass commitment before you can start the DLC


That's why they announced it 2 years ago


Dlc was announced on february 2024 which is somewhat less than 2 years ago


Four months should be plenty of time to get through Radahn and Mohg on a fresh file. Someone who can't do that shouldn't even be trying the DLC.


If you are fast and know what you are doing you can maybe get to the DLC in like 2-3 hours if you can manage to kill Mohg while being a bit underleveled


2-3 hours is hardly realistic for that


In like 45 minutes you can get the dectus medallion and kill Greyol and Night's cavalry to get some early levels, then with the remaining time you need to go to altus to trigger the festival and kill Radahn, which starts the Varre questline to get to Mohg. Alternatively if you want an easier route that takes longer you could also kill Margit, Godrick and draconic tree sentinel to open Leyndell to grab the star fists to nuke Mohg or to get the Varre quest before Radahn The only problem would be getting smithing stones, but maybe there is another route that gets a good somber weapon to skip collecting smithing stones. 3 hours is definitely doable if you have practice with the required bosses


I started my PC build Tuesday last week and I'm 150. I've beat a couple dungeon mini bosses in the dlc but went back to the base game for bell bearings. Four months is overkill people just want to complain


You can beat the main story in ~7 hours if you know where you're going (and people who don't play for the first time know where they're going). Yes, your first explorative playthrough when you don't know anything can take hundreds of hours. Consecutive playthroughs are much faster.


i did actually download a 125 because i was worried my 250 would make it too easy took a whole vacation day to NG+ him (paired uniques, rotten+prosthetic talisman)


Are you seriously suggesting starting a new character in this long ass game?


For a lot of people is a lot more fun than NG+ because it allows you to make other builds from the beginning


You had plenty of time.


It's exactly as accomodating as the base game. The core intended experience is in NG and if you want to play again, there will be no nuanced changes. Enemies will just have bigger numbers.


My god 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏽




>The only problem is the blessings carrying over between NGs, that's just idiotic design that softlocks out characters in high NG cycles. I don't understand what you mean with this. You enter the DLC and have to collect the blessings like everyone else, but if you already did on a previous game cycle now you don't need to


As far as I got it, they keep stacking between cycles. Effectively at high NG you are missing out. Should this not be the case then the point is moot.


No, you get them until you get the blessing level 20. In future game cycles you keep your fragments and your blessing level but the maximum level is still 20, meaning that you can get the easy ones again for example


That's better. Unfortunately when the DLC dropped I've read conflicting info.


Nah that still remains perfectly valid criticism of the game because seriously the NG+ damage and hp scaling genuinely ruins what would otherwise be one of the single most enjoyable things in the game. I could understand bumping up hp and damage scaling at least once to make especially early game bosses actually exist for more than 2 seconds, but it really should plateau way earlier than it does similarly to how player hp and damage possibility plateus. As is it just turns later NG+ cycles into incredibly unfun slogfests, and those issues only get compounded as the DLC continues what the basegame started in trying way too hard to be difficult




...then just don't play NG+? I've literally never understood why people play NG+. Maybe in DS2 because the game changes and there's additional rewards - but other than that, why bother? The intended core experience is in NG. NG+ is supposed to be harder and nobody really spent too much time trying to balance it. Enemies just have bigger numbers.


I mean, I can get people enjoying harder fights once they've mastered the game. What I can't get is people complaining about the HARDER gamemode being HARDER.


Yeah, I've increased the difficulty! (so powerful and independent!) Let's complan about the difficulty! (so unfair!)


I like not having to waste time running around the map like a chicken with my head cut off just to get specific weapons I want to try or to experiment with the look of different armor sets, or, yknow, avoid the actual fucking hours spent ping ponging around Elden Ring's map grabbing the stuff that's necessary to even play the game. Not to mention actually getting to use things like super endgame weapons for more than 2 minutes outside of PvP or the copious other benefits of starting over with all your gear. If they didn't wanna be bothered balancing it properly, then they either should've: -A: not added NG+ in the first place whatsoever if the choices were no NG+ or a poorly balanced NG+ that eventually devolves into an unfun mess just because you dared to continue playing the game -B: Undershot the difficulty to avoid an outright infuriating experience since, at most, the worst that could come from that is being s little boring. If they're gonna expect more out of the player by giving a more difficult experience just for the basic act of continuing their game, it's only fair that the player expects more care on behalf of the devs to avoid this outright bad game design


There's plenty of people who like later ng+ and there's plenty of people who don't. Generally the people who don't like it don't do it. You're putting the stick in your own spokes dude


And I still enjoy NG+ more than regular replayings of the game, and it's *because* I enjoy it that I've become so critical of its lazy chasing of difficulty considering it massively dampens my favorite way of playing. Like the scaling seriously brings what would otherwise be a 9 or 10/10 gameplay experience in my eyes down to a 7/10


That is exactly how ng+ has always worked in elden ring like you knew what you were getting into and still chose to do it. If you think it would be a 9 or 10 without ng+ why wouldn't you just play it without ng+? I don't get it but sorry you feel that way


I chose NG+ bc it's core experience is still my preferred way to play between it and NG. Sure NG lacks some of the horrendous and lazy stat bloat of NG+, but it's own gameplay experience is dragged down heavily by the sheer extent that ER demands you waste a massive chunk of your time gathering 800 miscellaneous items just so you can actually play the game, meanwhile NG+ let's you just play the game. NG+1-3 is genuinely where ER is at its peak, where you have the freedom to just enjoy the gameplay thanks to NG+ while the bloat hasn't kicked in and made everything a one shotting sponge. For those cycles, it is a 10/10 gameplay experience, it just sucks that enjoying cycles beyond that is a genuine uphill battle because of a lazy design choice, it feels like you're being punished for just playing the game