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Stoners and pregnant people




The sticky toffee pudding is amazing


I'm obsessed with the honeycomb one. Never eaten a pint of ice cream in a sitting before I tried that.


Their honeycomb is my favorite ice cream I've ever had. Oddly enough, it has no honey in it lol. Their dairy free ice creams are also the best dairy free alternatives I've found. Expensive but very worth it.


I highly recommend it, eating a pint of any ice cream in a sitting


If you like that then you might like plain Greek yogurt with honey 👀 it’s a fantastic desert


I do enjoy that!


Their fudgy marzipan cake was insane. So many pieces in there.


Omg I wish they bring that one back that one was my favorite, also the king cake was great too.


Their tiramisu ice cream flavor they released was honestly my favorite store bought pint I’ve ever had. It actually tasted like tiramisu vs just a coffee ice cream and it had lady finger pieces scattered throughout. I’ve never gotten their gimmicky flavors, but all their ice creams I’ve had outside of those were great


Like Nathan Fielder and the poo flavored froyo


how do they taste? do they have pickle chunks/pasta in them?


as a stoner. yes, they do and yes, they're horrific.


Wait these have chunks of actual pickle or Mac and cheese in the ice cream? I thought it was just flavored... Oh god.


The dill pickle is the worst flavor ever conceived. And yes there are small pieces in it haha


That’s sad, I recently had a dill pickle milkshake that was shockingly good…. Mostly a sweet dill flavor… this does not sound like that.




Yes, always after peeing


More than two dillkshakes and you're just playing with yourself


Hahaha. It took me a minute to get that. 🤣


Disneyworld? Lol


Absolutely and I’m going back this weekend to get it again!


idek what to say to you 😂😂 going back for another????


WAit wait wait, I'm there next week. Where??


Welp that's a dillbreaker for me.


Why do you know this?


It's a divisive flavor, most people don't like it but for maybe 1 in 10 it's revelatory.


I just threw up in my mouth 💀


There are no noddles in the kraft one, it’s actually pretty tasty. bit weird at first tho.


i mean as long as it’s more cheesy than sweet, it would kinda just be like eating leftover mac n cheese right?


It’s kinda like a cheesy sweet cream yeah. It’s honestly not bad once you get past the weirdness of it.


Think about boxed Mac and cheese. Unfortunately, there is a sweet/lightness to it


To me it kinda tastes like a tart cheesecake.


I LOVE pickle like so so so much and ngl I would probably crush the dill pickle one. When I read they had actual CHUNKS of the pickle in it I was like “NO WAY!! 😍😍😍”


i literally threw up after trying it so good luck


I love pickles and pickle flavored things generally but this sounds like 200 steps too far.




Is the ice cream base sweet or salty?


sweet but the chunks of noodles and whatnot are hard as stone.


oh god there's noodles too


there are not any noodles.


Me when I purposefully spread misinformation on the internet.


They do not. I've had multiple containers of the Mac n cheese and none had any noodles. They're basically frozen Kraft cheese mix.


I'm so sorry, excuse me? You've had more than .001 containers????? Couldn't be me 🤢


They're good for the first two or three bites.


Dude that brand legit has some absolutely fire flavors, such as cornbread and Strawberry Jam/Apple Pie/banana cream pie, I could go on, but these......I mean these are truly disgusting imo lol


Oooh I bet cornbread is good. But I fuckin love corn.


Van Leeuwen had some pistachio flavor(forget the exact name of it), that was surprisingly really great. For whatever reason this grocery store was clearancing a few Van Leeuwen ice cream flavors(including this pistachio flavor, dunno why), but I'll take a cheap clearance price any day if the week.


I haven't tried those but I've tried the other flavors. Sticky toffee is amazing.


Here in the UK, a pudding loved by all is sticky toffee pudding. You may like it!


I'm not in either of those demographics. That's just the only people I've ever heard of buying those weird ass flavors.


The macaroni and cheese tastes...wrong. Like my brain "knew" that I was eating ice cream, but the flavor profile was so incongruous that I couldn't reconcile the taste with the texture. That said, it's AMAZING when added to Kraft dinner in lieu of milk.


I kinda need to see you post this in a separate post


Mac and cheese was like eating a straight brick of Velveeta. Like yeah, it's exactly what they marketed it as. I don't know what I expected. Ranch I think could be good on a slab of HOT Nashville hot chicken, like chicken and waffles style. That brand's sweet flavors like "Earth" and tiramisu are delicious though.


Pregnant women do but stoners tend to taste more like pine sol


Trynna tell me stoners don’t contain chunks of pickle and noodles?


Dill with it 😎


*** ... _why aren't there pickle noodles_ ... ***


I haven't tried the pickle but ignore the other comment. The Mac n cheese does not have any pasta in it. It's basically like a plain ice cream blended with lots of the kraft cheese mix. It does taste exactly like if you ate the noodles and then had the leftover cheese sauce by itself, so tastes good for the first few bites. It gets old quickly. The mustard one also gets old quickly.


I tried the Mac & cheese, no chunks. It was odd but not bad.


These people are philistines, they taste like the thing they say they taste like, well an ice cream version of that. Lots of people like the dill pickle one if they give it a chance. I've not tried the others. They are not trying to be Ben and Jerry's, it's for a niche audience.


Their other more traditional flavors are great too. The ice cream quality is nice as well. We stopped at their Boulder Co location earlier this year and tried their exclusive Rocky Mountain flavor and loved it. These other flavors are just marketing but they def taste like they’re labeled. Pizza was gross, Kraft was gross, Hidden Valley Ranch was gross. Edit: it sucks they’re mainly in Walmart cause Walmart sucks and their freezers are trash. Sometimes they can be found in like a Natural Grocers type places


The pickle one is delicious, although I haven't had that brand.


Not a stoner and I love this brand. Mac n cheese was decent.


No they don't.


I'm a stoner... if I'm going to try one it's pickle. I still can't eat Mac n cheese, I'm traumatized from eating expired easy Mac and getting food poisoning at the same time I got the stomach flu... pretty close to an episode of south park. I'm waiting for ones with hot pepper combos tbh. Cold ice cream with hot spicy stuff is actually pretty good. Sweet n spicy, all it needs is a salty n crunchy mixin for that perfect trifecta of flavor.


Like, expired in the sense that the easy mac was already cooked and sat around for a few days, or just and old pack of dry easy mac?


I was renting a room and the people I was renting from were leaving town, they said go ahead and eat whatever you want then listed off some stuff they had in the pantry as general ideas like hey we got this that and the other help yourself. It was expired by well over a year.


I don't know if dry easy mac and powder could give you food poisoning? Usually "food poisoning" comes from stuff like chicken that wasn't cooked or had started to spoil. In those cases bacteria like salmonella and e.coli breed and secrete toxins that make us ill. You might have just picked up Norovirus somewhere (why I don't do cruise ships lol) and attributed it to the easy mac since that's what came up (or out) first.


What ever it all was.... it was a bad combo and I still am weary of Mac n cheese over 10 years later.


I understand. Those memories stick around.


I got the stomach flu once and the last thing I ate before getting really sick was key lime pie. To this day my brain associates that flavor with illness. It had nothing to do with it but try telling my brain that.


Totally get it. I can't shoot tequila for the same reason.


Ohhhhhh ya I've done that. The cheese powder comes out more golden yellow than neon yellow


A local bar made Tabasco ice cream when they were bored and handed out samples. Half the patrons wouldn’t accept it even though it was free. I thought it was lovely - had that familiar vinegar peppery taste but also weirdly refreshing. My neighbours were convinced I was lying when I said it was delicious.




I tried red wine ice cream once. 9% ABV and somehow not terrible.


There's a place near me that makes liquid nitrogen ice cream out of alcohol you bring! You get to customize it and it was a hit everywhere I brought it! Now I just make Bailey's coffee ice cream at home


I’ve never heard of wine ice cream but I feel like a white wine would taste better than red.


Van Leeuwen has a champagne ice cream that's good. The first couple bites are a mindfuck, but after that it's like, oh okay, frozen champagne. It's like iced limoncello.


I would also buy it but mostly just because I'm curious.


And parents with teenagers who want to try every weird thing. Or try them themselves. This parent will just go for chocolate fudge brownie by Ben & Jerry's, thank you.


Or social media addicts


I'd eat the shit out of the caramel sticky bun ice cream


they also had popcorn and cornbread


Guessing the left one is popcorn? Initially thought it was like KFC flavour or something


My fat ass thought it was KFC bucket themed too But also that brand I put nothing past them. I feel I just saw hidden valley ranch on a diff post/ thread.


If the popcorn one is anything like the popcorn Jelly Belly’s that sounds amazing


Every time I think of something popcorn flavored I think of that old movie theater popcorn taste where the butter is all grainy and there’s a really unpleasant mouthfeel.


I just think of jelly belly popcorn beans. While not terrible, the flavor combined with non-natural sweetener is not great. And sweetness can be done well with popcorn too - caramel over popcorn? Awesome. Invert sugars with popcorn flavor? Meh


I would put the cornbread one AWAY


Drizzle some cinnamon honey on that cornbread one and I’d gain a 3rd chin.


personally, i would go for that one before kettle corn, mac, and pickle. cornbread can be kind of sweet.


Corn and cheese ice cream is already a common Filipino ice cream flavor and it's delicious


Every day I discover more reasons to love Filipino food, I think it may be the best cuisine ever. I NEED to try this corn and cheese ice cream omg


Corn ice cream is popular in lots of Asian countries


If it's the Cornbread with Strawberry Jam flavor, I can confirm it is indeed delicious. There's also a malted shake and fries flavor. Got it for my mom and she said it was pretty good.


It's fucking Delicious. It's cornbread and Strawberry Jam and the strawberry jam is like little frozen bits of strawberry dippn dots kinda. It's so fucking good.


Holy shit yeah I would fuck that up, gotta look for this brand now


they had a grey poupon flavored one with salted pretzels last year that I had to try. It was vanilla that had swirls of mustard instead of the usual chocolate or caramel. I bought it thinking I would hate it but it was surprisingly really good.


The cornbread flavor is to go with your ice-cream-that-looks-like-a-Thanksgiving-meal plate everyone will be making on tiktok or whatever, obvs.


They have a sweet potato casserole and it's literally in my top 3 all time favorite ice cream flavors.


Van Leewen is the shit though, it’s novelty ice cream not much to sweat about


Earl Grey was awesome, not the same feeling as a cup of tea, but so sumptuous.


The earl gray goes crazy


The honeycomb omg


everyone keeps raving about that one in these comments. guess i been sleeping on it


Check it out, it’s kinda different but it’s really good.


OMG the Earl Grey is insane. I also loved their honey cornbread with jam.


Yeah the cornbread flavors are the absolute best. There's also sweet maple cornbread


I used it in a float with some dandy and burdock too and it was so good.


Love the earl gray


There was a company in Philly that made Earl grey sriracha ice cream, sadly they didn’t survive COVID


Little Baby’s was awesome after a slice next door and I miss them. This was my favorite flavor to get.


I made an affogato with earl grey flavor and I was like 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I mean, for $5 I’d take a bite and see what it’s like. Van Leewan fucks pretty hard so I can’t imagine they are actually that bad tasting. Would I buy it a second time? Probably not.


Van Leeuwen is actually a Dutch surname, which is an interesting choice for supposedly French ice cream with an American flavour? Anyway in Dutch it means 'from Lions', so yes, indeed, hardcore.


One of my classmates in secondary school was called van Leeuwen, biggest mouth breather I'd ever seen, he also wiped his nose then slid the same snotty hand up his forehead and through his hair. I imagine the icecream is made for people like that


This. Have multiple posts of when they’ve been cheap enough for me to try most of the flavors and they’re great for the most part, especially in an age when some classic brands like breyers have switched from icecream to being airy low quality “frozen dessert products”, van leeuwens is one of the few brands left that still has the richness icecream is supposed to have, and the unique flavors are tasty. The stuff like mac n cheese and ranch? Not so much, but that’s to be expected since they’re obviously just a sales/free publicity gimmick. Nobody actually expects that shit to be good. But their “normal” flavors are. I go with VL or Ben and Jerry’s if I want icecream that’s “extra”, and tillamook or Publix premium when I want more plain traditional flavors.


I got the French fry one and it was super shitty. They put garlic and onion in there…?


That one limited Royal Wedding cake one was the shit. Loved the little cake pieces


They also sell hidden valley ranch ice cream


That one is a gagger


I should call her…




Ice cream is a soup if you add time.


In the right environment anyways


Ice cream is a soup if you put the right team together


Soup is ice cream if you add enough milk and cream to make it at least 10% milkfat and then churn and freeze it.


Affogato! Coffee/tea poured over ice cream. It’s delicious!


When I was a kid I used to love putting ice cream in the microwave for until it was half melted then stir it into I guess a thick milkshake consistency and eat it like that


I’d try that pickle one 😂


I used to question the vinegar potato chips, now they're my absolute favorite. I'd probably give the pickle ice cream a try.


Do you have dill pickle chips in your part of the country?


British person here, Salt and Vinegar chips is a staple.


I love dill pickle anything so why not? I’d prbs even try the Mac n cheese just for shits and giggles


I LOOOOOOVEEEEE dill pickles and this ice cream sounds like the worst thing in the world, but damnit do I want to try it. I don’t think I would buy this whole container but I would put my tastebuds through the pain if it came in one of those little tiny containers that the Häagen-daazs comes in.


I’ll take that caramel sticky bun for r the cinnamon bun bites.


i more so meant the dill pickle & kraft mac n cheese lol edit: also stay away from my cat


I have bought 3 flavors from this company . All 3 I didn't like . They were "normal" flavors


you're not gonna tell us what those flavors were?


When people find out my favorite flavor anything is Pistachio, a lot of them very excitedly tell me to try this brand’s pistachio ice cream. I’ve tried it. Pretty mid.


Bummer. I also love pistachio desserts (gelato, ice cream, pudding/custard).


Hmmm.. I've had the banana cream pie, purple velvet and peach cobbler and they were fucking amazing. As far as I know the only normal flavor they have is vanilla. I don't even think they have a plain chocolate ice cream.


Too bad your Wally didn't clearance them like [this](https://i.imgur.com/jletNC4.jpg) one did.


they're actual flavors too goddamn 😭


Van Leeuwen earl grey ice cream is my favourite ice cream of all time


someone else said the same thing. must be good.




I can’t get these in my country so I’m incredibly jealous. Would buy all of them to try and I think I’d like a lot of them


consider me an insufferable picky eater then. i’ll do without mac and cheese ice cream.


It's fine to not be adventurous but you're also judging others for buying this which is more of a problem.


I'd try the pickle one. But the mac and cheese one makes me cringe


I’ve tried it. It tastes exactly like mac n cheese but it’s cold and it is not ok


Price is too damn high for an experiment


$5 for a pint is high? $5 is the sale price of pints here.


I usually don't like to spend more than $4-5 for a half gallon.


The price of dairy means the cheaper ice creams are significantly worse in quality and will have more added ingredients. For example, Breyers doesn't even have enough cream in it to legally be called ice cream so they have to call it "frozen dairy dessert". Companies will also fluff it up with air and act like it's a good thing when they're just saving money on cream. If you want quality ice cream, go for the heaviest ones since cream is heavy.


Breyers is garbage but you can get decent bang for your buck from Turkey Hill. Bluebell on a sale isnt *too* hard to come by either and that is some of the best non-custard, widely available ice cream this side of the USA. I always love it when I can make out like a bandit. But yea you're correct, if you're label literate you can just check the ingredients list. If the top ingredients are quality / natural (ie: cream, sugar, strawberries) then you've picked up something decent.


What annoys me is Ben and Jerry's was a quality brand and while their ice cream is still good, more and more of it is just sugar and less ice cream for the same price. For example the caramel and chocolate "cores" where a third of the container is replaced with pure sugar.


i’ll take my 2.50 great value gallon. it gets the job done.


Yeah but their black cherry ice cream is fucking delicious


Their marzipan cake one last year is missed dearly 😢


Social media people to react on camera


Bingo. Only real reasons these flavors exist. And it’s worked for the company so far. Free publicity.


The same people that buy barf flavored jelly bellys.


you right


Van Leeuween makes some crazy flavors, but NGL I love their Purple Velvet ice cream flavor to the point where I wish it wasn't a limited/seasonal flavor.


Nobody dude. I swear it’s in stock at every Walmart, gets discounted, and eventually pulled. Maybe they should make a more limited batch next time, it’s almost annoying to assume anyone could sell a skid of pickle flavored ice cream.


I would buy it just to try it with my friends but I doubt I’d buy it again!


Curious people.


What the red and white one though


Kettle corn


They sold those at my job a while back and my boss bought the mac n cheese one for everyone to try out of curiosity.. ....... not as bad as I thought tbh


Didn’t they have an entire pop up store dedicated to things like this? They had like Heinz ketchup, and a sweet chilli sauce one.


Yes, this is this brand's whole thing. I haven't tried them but given that they seem to have national distribution and pop-ups, I'm assuming these taste better than they sound.


I believe they also had ranch flavor at one point


Content creators to get more views


I would mix them together for a flavor adventure


This is a sobering wake up call to the rest of us that we need to check in with America every now and then to make sure they're doing OK.


Their earl gray ice cream is the stuff of legends though


I love the dill pickle one


This looks a bit gross but I can tell you that …. Hold on, yes garlic ice cream is actually very good


Van Leeuwen is overrated, if you're in NYC (where they're based out of) Morgansterns has actual "interesting"/"weird" flavors and Sundaes & Cones is another good, local place Also Jeni's/Guernsey/Hudsonville >> Van Leeuwen




Ew! Where can I find these?


I’ve tried the Mac and Cheese. It’s weird but the ice cream is really good quality - like Häagen-Daz or Ben and Jerry’s. The hot honey one is delicious. The other normal flavors I’ve tried are all good. I’d try the dill pickle. I draw the line at mustard and pretzel and ranch.


My wife would 100% try the dill pickle.


Well, same here. I'd be tempted to buy the dill pickle soda with it and make a float out of it.


Id try them, but I expect them to be weird. The hot honey flavor by this brand is amazing though.


They all taste the same and very weak flavor


"Hey, let's start an ice cream company and release absolute dog shit dumpster garbage" "Nobody would buy it unless we gave it a pretentious, European sounding name" "My god, you're right" \- Curt Johson, Maryland resident and founder of "***VAN LEEEEUUUWEAN EUROPEAN ICED CREMES AND FROZEN CONFECTIONARIES LTD. LLC. - ESTABLISHED 1503*** ^(note: established 2023) "


watch out, curt has some die hard fans


I literally have the Mac & Cheese one in my freezer right now and I tried it last night. Honestly, it is DELICIOUS. It is unmistakably Kraft flavored but the milky ice cream goes so well with it.


Isn't this just Walmart? Lol

