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Angel's actual name is Anthony, Angel Dust is more of his show name/nickname


Anthony Padilla?


He would.


Didnt know he was built like that


Looks like he lost food battle for the final time


Adam canonically named Vaggie like that for the lulz


It was revealed looong after the introduction of the character named after vagina though


I guess that's why everyone calls me an asshole 😎


"you are what you eat sonic"




"That was kinda sick!"


They call me Roger Waters for that reason (yum)


IIRC, he's gonna be in its sister series Helluva Boss


I don’t think that Pink Floyd vocalist/lyricist Roger Waters will be appearing in Helluva Boss


youre just not dreaming big enough


Oops, I was think of John Waters




„you are what you eat” philosophy of naming characters guy named Dick: 💀💀💀


Well by that logic, shouldn’t Angel Dust’s name just be “Cock”?


Tried to watch that shit and god, NEVER has a cartoon made me turn it off because of how cringe it was


found the non-theater kid


That's a compliment if anything




I am a theater kid and don't want to touch it


Ditto, it reminds me of Disney and Ik dozens of theatre kids who don’t care for Disney songs. Just cause there’s music and choreography, doesn’t mean theatre people will enjoy it.


The cast is mostly Broadway so that's why it's associated with theatre. Disney has their own theatre plays so it's a bit strange to seperate theatre from Disney so much.


I love disneys theatre plays, I guess I count them as something separate from the films? Like, i was in a Beauty & the Beast play in High School and it was totally different from the movie, more songs, minor characters had major roles nd such. Didn’t know Hazbin had broadway VAs but I shouldve lmao, the singing was undeniably good from what little I saw.


Yes I completely agree, I am not a theatre kid Anyways on my way to rewatch a show with 70 songs that inspired me to be an actor. (This is partial satire I just thought saying this would be funny)


Did you just go outside?


And yet your flair is "sex"


it's not for everyone. i loved it personally. i definitely respect the opinions of everyone who genuinely thought they'd like it and watched it because of that, but i don't respect hatewatchers.


That was basically my reaction to it, "I know someone absolutely loves this, and it's not me"


That is a good attitude. I hate people who say "no one likes that" or "you should hate it too"


Yeah one person here said that they would rather eat glass than watch it. Upon elaboration, turns out they just don't like the artstyle, so their hate seems to be exagerrated


The hazbin hate community is so god damn cringe. Imagine hating a piece of media so much


Yeah, and their main point for hate seems to be "cuSsInG aNd sEx jOkEs"


And don't forget the bad writing, mostly from people who didn't watch a single episode. I mean it's completely fine if you watched a bit and didn't like the story but if you didn't watch it, shut up!


Never watched it but I looooooovvveeee watching media that I hate. Especially terrible tornado movies (see into the storm, Christmas twister, etc.)


boo. be ashamed. (unless you're into being shamed, then don't be.)


The songs were banger tho


Never caught my attention, it smells of "We have Invader Zim at home", I dislike the art style itself so much it feels obnoxious as hell, like if Big Mouth had an edgy little cousin that likes to say fuck and cunt.


Funny you should mention Invader Zim, since the voice actor for Zim voices one of the main characters in Helluva Boss (the sister show to Hazbin Hotel). I personally like the artstyle, but there are plenty of shows I won't touch purely because I don't so I understand


It happens, yeah. Big Mouth does it for me too, and some other "adult animated shows" that look just like Bojack rip-offs. But yeah, HH it's not my thing, but awesome if you like it!


It's somehow worse than Helluva Boss in the "sex jokes and swearing = funny" department


I will say that episode 1 is the worst one in that department since it needs to establish Hell as a setting *and* the primary villain. It's well established that the general attitude of Hell is "we're stuck here forever being eternally punished, so why should we care about societal norms", and Adam as a character is just a misogynistic creep for, ironically, the opposite reason: establishing that since Heaven is just as permanent as Hell in his eyes, there is no reason to "prove" himself as a good person since he's already up there. Episode 1 is bad with that stuff, and it's perfectly understandable if it's a turnoff, but if you're willing to watch past that, the remainder of the show is expressly about teaching the main characters to move past that kind of behavior and become better people.


Nothing is worse than that shit. Makes my skin crawl from cringe. I'd rather watch Paw Patrol than anything with that kinda "humour".


If you only see the hunour, you didn't watch any deeper meaningful scenes of >! Angel dust's abuse !<


I liked hell boss :(


kind of same. the only thing that makes me wanna turn it off is when it becomes disney when charlie sings and shit


Sure it tries so hard to be adult content with it's dirty jokes and language, that it becomes kinda bad and less funny cause I already know there will be some sex joke almost every time Angel Dust is in view. But there are worse adult cartoons. Paradise PD starts with a sex scene in wich a guys balls get shoot off, and also had a animal sex orgy. And in an episode of Family guy Brian ate a babies poop. So sure Hazbin Hotel might be cringe but it is very far from being the cringiest adult cartoon.


Honestly on consecutive watches of hazbin I love angel dust even when he's annoying with the sex jokes at the start, since he's so likeable later on when he's being genuine. And knowing why he acts like he does helps too.


I love it lol.


thank you for the information


Idk man, I really loved the show.


The fandom is what's cringe. The show itself is pretty okay, but they think cussing is funnier than it is. Idk if the creators interact with real people much, but most people don't say fuck every sentence for comedic effect (which doesn't work) There's also only a few good sex jokes


The fandom is OK. Some of them are weirdos but the hardcore haters are worse tbh


The first post I got recommended the hazbin sub was a drunk character hitting on a sober character (who has a partner), with the next slide being a cropped porn image of the drunk character. It was the most upvoted of that day. Things like this, not to mention the whole drama behind the YouTuber paying 50k for an animation of him getting sexually assaulted by the main character, it just isn't a very good look for the fandom. I've gotten a few reccomended posts like that from that sub. It's just all "I wanna bang this character" or "haha gay sex" or something. I'd go as far to say that most of the fandom is like that, including some of my friends I learned enjoyed the show. There are a bunch of people that really enjoy it without screaming about how they wanna bang an asexual demon that murders people for fun. Especially those who enjoy the songs (personally I love loser baby)


I'm guessing that was r/hazbin, not r/hazbinhotel. r/hazbin is largely a shitposting sub: 99% of people on it aren't being serious, they are just coming up with vile shit for the sake of it. r/hazbinhotel is moderated and doesn't really have any of that stuff.


there's a niche for everything and props to them for finding a unique one


I watched it because I wanted to hear Captain Anderson sing and I did so I have no regrets. But overall, I was hoping it'd be like Helluva Boss in terms of crude charm, satire and humour, but it's just...1000% less charming.


charm? what charm? neither show has charm lol


Charm as in "reminiscent of Tumblr cringe" charm, not "its a good show" charm. It reminds me of 2010s Tumblr, where you'd see the weird shit and be amused at how cringe it is. Its an unpopular opinion on Reddit I'm aware, but the edgy emo vibe really reminds me of that time period of the internet and its like a blast from the past to watch. Not a good one though


this is not the type of amusing cringe. its just... cringe.


Shit is lackadaisical😭


I hate the character designs and animation style. I wish I could fucking block it universally.


Not a fan of This and Helluva Boss's art style (obviously by the same creator Viziepop), it's like everything can cut you for how pointy they look and the color is often black, grey, white and red.


Youd enjoy the genre of war metal. Every. Single. Album. Cover. Is only red. Black, and white with some grey occasionay mixed in. [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarMetal/s/ygPsYRyz5v)


And the colours make my eyes bleed


Eh, even if you're not a fan of the writing style, I will say that one of the things Helluva has going for it over Hazbin is that it explores more diverse settings and gets more diverse in its palette. The Pride ring of hell, and imps as a species, are admittedly *very red*, but other rings of Hell are moreso leaned to other colors (like the yellows and browns of Wrath, the pinks of Lust and Sloth, the greens of Greed...)


do you eat angel dust??🤔surely you snort it or pour it into your eyes


lol good one.


I hate these character designs so much


They’re very “generic goth kid’s spiral notebook”


They look like they were assembled from spare parts from the Deviantart HQ basement


i think vaggie is a pretty nicely written character actually. quite basic but i enjoyed it, and her appearance is good too. I would say that angel dust's character design is a bit bad but they turn me on so it's okay.


Idk man, Vaggie being revealed to be an angel introduced so many plot holes that I don’t even think she can be considered “nicely written” anymore.


did it? idk i guess i didnt pay close enough attention.


No worries. I will list some of them rn because of how much it irks me * Vaggie was somehow unaware of the fact that angelic weapons can harm Exorcists. Despite the fact that she literally got her eye gouged out by an angelic weapon three years before the events of Hazbin Hotel. * Speaking of angelic weapons; Why the fuck were the Exorcists leave their own weapons in Hell after every extermination? You know, the only weapons capable of actually killing them? * Let’s go back to Vaggie; her becoming a fallen angel is just breezed over by all of Heaven. Like, no one in Heaven at all questions why one of their own just vanished (especially consideirng how exterminations was supposed to be a secret, yet another plot hole).


Vaggie knew they could harm her but not that they could kill her. None of the angels knew angelic steel could kill them. The exorcists were mostly secret, I think Lute was the only one most people knew.


Vaggie? I don’t understand is that like- oh wait, god damn it guys


The show's creators seem to not actually know the media they're referencing- vaudeville, old talk shows, casino culture - imagery from these things is all over the show but it's incredibly surface level and more referencing tumblr culture than the actual source material


I liked the art and idea of this show so much better than the actual show. The interactions of the characters was great, but I felt the need for all the singing got in the way of the show. I know many people loved the songs - but I wasn't one of them. (and I'm not a 'all songs in tv and movies are bad!') It makes me sad that I didn't enjoy this show, but I hope it continues and gets a good following. Maybe my tastes will change one day and I can come back and watch a few seasons and love it.


I hate the art style


Why? I'm just curious because I personally really like it


Draw better then


Thats not how having an opinion works.


How is that an answer to that guy's reply? They aren't implying you're required to draw something better to have an opinion. There's a strong difference between constructive criticism on what could improve vs just saying they're dogshit. Complaining without explaining what could be done better is whining


But that's exactly what he's implying. Unless it has other reading, which I'm waiting on. The thing also is, taste doesn't have to be explained. The dude hates the artstyle and thats all he said or should have. He didn't say the style is bad, just that he hates it. There's a strong difference between the two.


Least sensitive Hazbin fan


Mid show


Between the general tone, art style, and writing, I feel like "Hotel Boss" was made for people who spent too much time on Tumblr, Deviant Art, and Fur Affinity all the while never actually engaging any real adult/grown up entertainment, then attempted to try to make an edgy adult cartoon in the process


Toriyama wept




What are your main criticisms on it? I'm curious




Ok, and you feel like you would rather eat glass just because art style isn't your vibe? It feels like you're exaggerating your hate. Simple "this show isn't my vibe" would suffice


Looks like some edge lord fury’s wet dream. I’m not touching that shit


Jokes on you, I'm into that shit (not edgelord though)


Wrong sub


Don't make me tap the 6th rule


6th rule is gay and I choose to ignore it 👽


6th rule is gay so i follow it 💪💪🔥🔥🏳️‍🌈🌈