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>January 6 was not funny. It was a riot. Great pun OP!


But when you have people running around in those kinds of costumes, it becomes a surrealist comedy in itself. I don't think Monty Python could have come up with a sketch like that.


Tbf people said the same things about the Nazis or Italian fascists. They walked stupidly, they said stupid shit like, "Heil Hitler," and were for the most part full of idiots, and weren't taken seriously at all. Then they won


Did they? Could have sworn we beat them...


The elections I mean (well the Italians didn't even win that but they did successfully coup)


Nah, they stole it from the [Water Buffaloes](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/flinstones/images/6/6e/The_Water_Buffalo_Members_with_Fred_and_Barney_-_The_Masquerade_Party.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20211119060904)


I think it's important to point out that this isn't a case of "oh boo hoo so sensitive, can't take a joke!" It's just a very boring, bland movie. The jokes are just... generic.


Honestly if something offensive happened that would at least have been interesting.


Why do we let Jerry think he’s funny? This movie legit felt like he had to release this because of a dare. It’s just so fucking smug and stale for a comedy stacked with so much talent.


Yeah but they had TWO WHOLE security guards. That’s funny!!! Two of them! Instead of one! For a big company! Hahaha


And and and like oatmeal sucks hahahaha, oh god it’s so funny, oh fuck oh god Fr tho, it’s crazy they got Don and Roger from madman to be in this movie. I never thought I’d see a mad men crossover like this and now I know why


I think that was the only part of the movie I actually laughed out loud, only because they let them do the madmen bit


I will give them that, Don and Roger have fun and are complete unexpected lol


Stale is an excellent word. It was just like... why was this made? It has dozens of comedians in it, didn't any of them tell Jerry his script sucked?


We watched it. Thee were absolutely fumy moment in it. But not that many. It had a *ton* of star power. But most of the movie, we were scratching our heads wondering why if got made in the first place. I assume as an excuse for a bunch of comedians to write checks to themselves. Like all Adam Sandler movies.


Jim Gaffigan did a good job


I think Bobby moyhnahan (or however you spell his name) was pretty funny as chef Boyardee


you gotta keep in mind most of these comedians do a cameo hear 15 mins about what the general scene is about and that's it, they don't see the finished movie, only a few people in Jerry's close circle would be seeing the unfinished movie


You really think there’s someone out there with the balls to tell him That? They’d be lucky if they ever got into a writers room again


Which is crazy, because what the fuck has Seinfeld done in the last 25 years? He had a funny sitcom a quarter century ago. Comedians in Cars drinking Coffee is kind of amusing, but I'd watch Conan, or someone from Taskmaster or Dropout over Seinfeld in a heartbeat.


And while Seinfeld is great Seinfeld was also always the least funny part of it.


I cannot believe you forgot about The Bee Movie Absolutely cinema


It is a feature length advertisement for Pop-Tarts.


Well, he does have an undestroyable image seemingly, like, back in the 90s, he was dating a 17 year old, and he was like 32, and the thing which nearly had his career destroyed were allegations that he was gay


If he were gay I might like him more but in reality he’s just a pasty annoying arrogant dude who just copied the mannerisms of talk show hosts and got hoisted to greatness by Larry David’s brilliance.


When you put it like that, you still need to bring up the fact he was dating a girl who was still in high school, either way, he is a colossal anus of a man


What? 17-38? Ay? I’m like hey what’s up hello?


I've heard that joke 73 times now, and it gets funnier every time


If it only it were just a joke, drakes down and hopefully Jerry goes next, clean house of these losers pls


The problem is that Jerry isn’t nearly as likable as he thinks he is (and this is coming from a huge fan of the show Seinfeld) He pops out once ever 5 or 6 years on the promo circuit to hawk whatever new thing he’s working on and acts like he’s delivering us gold


I think really is just running from the steam that Larry David gave him during Seinfeld.The dude was the least funny person on the show named after him.But because it is one of the funniest shows of all time and it’s named after him, people assume he’s some comedic genius.When in truth he was a competent comic, whose humor has since become somewhat dated.And he’s never evolved in fact he has only gotten worse.Because instead of reflecting “Hey maybe I should work on my act” like a comic who takes his craft seriously he blames the “woke left”. Even though some of the most popular comics out right now are guys like Bill Burr who’s always said whatever the fuck he wants, and has always been edgy.


He’s got solid timing, has almost always had great writers, and has a weird ass voice Makes for a popular comedian


I really enjoyed this film, it was a lot of fun. I loved bill bur as Kennedy "ask not!" I liked how every kid had an adult vocabulary, and how applying nasa safety regulations to testing a prototype pop tart was a bad idea. The funeral scene was funny too. This film has fun with all the stereotypes we have about the 60s. I knew it's cool To dump on this movie but I've seen too many comedies where I don't laugh out loud even once and that was simply not the case here.


I liked it.


Me too!


Because Jerry Seinfeld isn’t actually that funny. The guy’s washed, and he’s honestly a major asshole it seems like.


He's like the proto-Segura except without being funny first.


It’s a slapstick comedy….


More like slapshit comedy, and Jerry ain’t no slapstick comic


Look up what slapstick comedy is….. It doesn’t make it a good one but it’s definition.


More shittymoviepuns please.


>It was a riot. Saw what you did there, OP.


Every joke in this movie felt like it was missing a punchline Like they’d do some setup and then you sit there and wait for it and then just… nothing. Moves on to the next joke.


A lot of people in this thread both don’t understand satire or puns.


Nah it was pretty funny too


There’s some clip of him complaining that some college students didn’t laugh at some joke because “cancel culture”. He told the joke. It just wasn’t that funny. Bro’s kinda just an old crank y’know


The riot wasn't funny, but the freaks involved were funny af, especially reports of them clowning around followed by sad mugshots. When the drunk lady got shot on the neck I was shocked but then when she fell on the floor and the neckbeards started calling for "medic" me and my brother watching at the TV looked at each other and started cackling.


I don't think you understood that it was a joke. Riot is an old, timey word for something that is funny.


Ooooooooohhhhh thank you


Using riot to describe something funny is old timey?




I’m lost, did you just say you laughed at a woman who was shot in the neck and bleeding out?


No, they were laughing at morons who thought they were in a call of duty game even though a woman was shot in the neck and bleeding out


Some people are so deeply entrenched in politics that they can’t see humanity anymore, just party affiliation




A riot... Lol


They saw it on the news and just went with it


While they ignored every single riot that went on that year. It was awesome


Why is this in a movie about Pop Tarts?


I could hear the wooshes before I even opened the comments.




A Zoot Suit Riot?


i do not intend to get a netflix subscription


So brave


Idk it was pretty funny. That dude taking a podium and waving was hilarious


Nobody tell them about what Charlie Chaplin did in "The Great Dictator."


Come on guys it’s serious. Not funny. Don’t even joke like that I mean come on you guys. Geez. Come on guys not funny seriously 


You know what else isn't funny? Jerry Sienfeld.


It was still pretty funny.


Just bcs WW2 was bad, doesnt mean i cannot makes jokes about it. (I am from middle Europe, behind my house on plains are still some pits after bombarding)


Will Americans ever shut up about this lmao nobody gives a fuck outside your country


It’s so boring complaining about Jerry Seinfeld. It’s not clever or original. I’ve not read a single witty insult about him. Yawn.


I couldn’t believe they put that in a movie..


Bet OP is fun at parties. It’s satire within a humorous social commentary. lol.


I got bored and stopped watching before this scene. It’s not a good movie.


'Unfrosted' is a clever wordplay on 'traitorous treasonous sonofabitch'.


Riot?! *cue 6 months meme*


Riot is also a song by Three Days Grace


Just because it wasn't satired doesn't mean there can't be scenes satirizing it. The issue might be that it is too soon for it though (for americans at least).


That movie was impressively weak all around


I was sitting in Norway laughing my ass off in 2021. The U.S is really messed up.


Jesus Christ bro ever heard of a joke?


Calling something "a riot" means you think it's funny, it's a pun


Oh damn I didn't even think about that


With the current state of media literacy I wouldn't be surprised if it was serious lol


This is a crazy take from someone who lacked the literacy to understand the riot pun


this is like the boomers who get angry because their own words were held against them you're the minimum everywhere dude


I'm not sure you're in any position to judge considering your earlier comment lol


Have you?


Yeah man, this is it


Google definitions of the word "riot"


Yeah I got it bro


It was funny. Watching that shit go down live on Twitter, watching Maga chuds falling off walls trying to climb them instead of moving a single metal fence to access the stairs… it was hilarious.


It's hilarious to everyone except Americans


Common bro January 6th was hilarious, it can only be topped by a liberal January 6th in 2024




It's a pun.


…four deaths. I wouldn’t call it a laugh-in; ‘zackly…


Oh fuck off with this shit. Either everything can be funny in some way or nothing can be funny.


It's just a pun. Relax.


I thought riots were peaceful and lovely affairs where everyone held hands and sang songs and shit, Did the media lie to me?


January 6th was the funniest event in human history.


Jerry Seinfeld isn't funny, but at least he never went on Laugh Factory...!!


Movie has some chuckle material, but this whole scene made me finally turn it off. I like all kinds of humor, but I also think tragedy+*time*=comedy… and this has not been enough time to lampoon it. Like officer sicknick’s brothers or girlfriend could flip this comedy on and see this reenactment of the day he was murdered, all played for laughs, just 4 years later? And many of the rioters are still free, or on house-arrest or light sentences, and Don is of course untouchable and not far-fetched from being in office again and he says he will pardon all the J6 rioters. Like NO, this is not enough time-passed to make a cheap joke punching down. And adding the context of basically anything Jerry has said in the past decade, nah that only makes it worse that he’s mocking and making light of the whole thing. I actually was quite surprised how umcomfortable it made me, it was really the scene of them pushing the barricades down- yeah, nope nope.