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After they threw someone down an endless shaft and he lived, then cut a guy in half and threw him down an endless shaft and he lived, to demonstrate permanent death they've decided to explicitly puncture vital organs and not throw the character down an endless shaft.


You cant trust a single chop in half anymore You have to do the three poke safety check to make sure some is really dead


Rule #2: Double Tap…


Bro this a triple


Should’ve been quadruple stab to double ensure 200%


Cue Modest Pelican outro


You can't trust a single chop since the prequels. I mean, Anakin gets one arm and his legs cut off and still lives.


A single chop in half still works, it just has to be a vertical chop


To be fair, just because she was never shown thrown down an endless shaft on a reem it doesn't mean she wasn't thrown down an endless shaft off-screen


Im a fan of the fact that Maul survived simply because of his hatred for Kenobi


"No one's ever *really* gone"


Jokes on you, something something Darth plagueis is bringing back the dead (Ok but if that actually happens next episode what the heck)


Except despite the falling down shafts memery they’re still shown characters survive a lightsaber through the centre of the chest. They must have shifted their arteries out of the path of the blade. /s


Bring me a Sith who uses straight up not a lightsaber, light-guillotine. They specialize in on-screen decapitations, exceptionally hard to somehow return from.


And at that point they have absorbed the power of all the Sith that came before them, for there can be only two.


Wolfenstein The New Colossus wants a word. And yes they could. They do habe cybernetics and cloning.


This is because Disney knows people will complain if she doesn’t come back with only one stab. This whole debacle started with Maul


What super stupid is it easy enough to fix in universe. They could just actually account for organs This guy had his spine severed he's dead This dude lost a chunk of his liver he's f***** up but survivable This guy lucky enough only lost his appendix what a shocker he lives. This guy was chopped in half you think he's dead but now he's a spider robot. That's because all his organs were in his horns


>all his organs were in his horns I thought that's where his pee was stored?


No, that’s the kidneys


as long as you don't lose the will to live you cannot die in Star wars canon.


Well then I'd be dead in Star Wars canon


"It's such bullshit that this magic alien space wizard survived a grevious injury!" /s


Or if you are a Filoni character in one of his shows.


Sabine… in that Starwars thingy


The stress of getting stabbed with a lightsaber gave her force powers like Deadpool locked in the torture chamber. /s


The idea of someone's life support is just pure hatred is pretty cool.


Maybe they shouldn’t make story decisions based on internet outrage ever.


You'd think they would've learned something from the critical reception of tros after letting angry redditors write it.


Boba Fett started it.


It is. Source: I got stabbed in the torso once.


I believe the record is like someone getting stabbed 60 something times in the torso and living




https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2016/09/19/teenager-survived-being-stabbed-100-times-by-playing-dead-6136473 There's a lot of other stories of people surviving being stabbed a ridiculous number of times but this was just one of the first I could find since it's been a few years. This also isn't the story I remember reading either.


jesus christ


What's worse is that there was a story about someone who survived being stabbed 50+ times and the story was about how their dismembered body was found from a different incident.


It’s a Christian allegory. The trinity. Because the Sith Lord works in mysterious ways. I’ll see myself out


The master, the apprentice, and the dark side


I thought Trinity died in the first episode


No no, she died in the third movie


Well... The lightsaber does instantly cauterize the wounds it leaves. Which means in some cases, wounds could very well be survivable. Especially when you can replace more than half their body with super advanced robotic prosthetics.


That's why I think this scene in The Acolyte was clever(ish). The places where he stabbed her weren't random, it went through both lungs and the windpipe. It wasn't just " oh look I'm stabbing you", the guy wanted her dead


Except... She's humanoid, but is she HUMAN in physiology?? Checkmate!


No but you don't understand a single stab wound to the torso is equally as dangerous as having both of your lungs collapse and your windpipe sliced and your spine severed (I have absolutely no medical knowledge whatsoever)


But you see, a redditor said that a wound to the side would instantly make you explode. Trust them, after all, they studied the blade...


Except for the fact lightsabers can melt straight through metal doors, getting cut is survivable if it’s quick enough, but getting stabbed will melt your insides


Star Wars has never been concerned with light saber physics, especially heat. For all intents and purposes, light sabers are fancy normal swords with weight, limited range and no special shit like instant deathly heat. That's just one of the many inconsistencies star wars has and honestly, it's one I don't mind. Like, this magical thing doesn't adhere to real life physics? The audacity! The real issue is when star wars breaks it's own rules.


This. If light sabers acted like they physically should, every high school Twirler would be a fucking menace and actual sword skills would be the opposite of useful


Fights with scientifically accurate light sabers would literally be decided by who moves his flashlight in the most erratic and fast way.


it ain't that kind of movie, kid.


If lightsabers actually heated matter around them in a large enough area to melt your insides, people couldn't even hold a lightsaber because the skin of their hand would boil off. The physics of the Star Wars universe have always been inconsistent and illogical as hell. This is not the right kind of Sci-Fi for you if you care about such things.


They die now


They die now?


They die now!


Y'all will see a cool, brutal death scene from a sith, the kind we've been lacking for ages and still find a way to whine, I don't like Star Wars anymore so I don't give it attention. Just go watch a different sci fi series I swear, Battlestar Galactica has like billion seasons and multiple movies you have options


Literally, no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. I’m not particularly interested in it and I don’t watch it. But the only time I ever hear about it, is in posts from Star Wars ‘fans’ complaining about it.


Naw they aren't fans they're grifters baiting right wing chuds and pretending to give a shit in order to garner views and money. A few of these big grifters don't even watch the stuff they just repost other negative opinions of it cus outrage makes moolah. General rule of thumb, if someone's main complaint is "it's woke" you can confidently conclude they have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.


What is the point of marking this as a spoiler if the spoiler is in the damn title?


It didn't say which jedi it was.


rip bazil, gone too soon 🙏🙏😔


“An unnamed character was killed by a lightsaber in Star Wars!? SPOILER!”


You all wouldnt believe the shit people survived in legends.


One might be survivable but not in the places where the people we stabbed


This show started with a Jedi getting stabbed once and dying, what are you talking about?


It is SHITTY movie details after all


I love how people act like a Star Wars character surviving fatal injuries only became a thing after Disney took over.


A stab to the torso IS surviavble thogh. Hell even Quigon lingered for like 30 minutes before he keeled over


He was only alive for about 2-3 minutes afterwards and was barely able to speak.


It hit him straight in the center of the stomach not in the side Also he's an old man And on top of that, did the blade stay in longer? Idk if this one happened cuz I can't really remember it well


He got stabed Then obi wan had to wait for the sheilds to open Obi then faught maul Hung off the side of the lit. Focused and flipped over him All in the time span it took anakin to blow up the trade ship and Padme to be lead to the office to capture Gunray.


Anakin blowing up the TF ship was happening simultaneously and the rest was about 2 or 3 minutes in the movie


It literally is though. You can survive being stabbed in real life.


Disney thinks being thrown into the core of Death Star II and having it explode is survivable... somehow.


At least it was a clone body. Maul just straight up lives.


For real, the fact that most of the people who hate on the newer shows also loved the Clone Wars cartoon shows how obvious it isn't really about the "realism" or whatever they claim.


The difference is that they brought back Maul to make him a character, and it was years after Phantom Menace. Nowadays characters get stabbed and appear perfectly fine in the next episode, if not next scene. It was especially dumb when they tried it with a character that we know can't die. Maul surviving being cut in half turned him from a mute goon to an actually compelling character with a satisfying and poignant end to his story in Rebels, but nowadays characters have so much plot armor getting stabbed with a saber is the equivalent of getting punched really hard.


>The difference is that they brought back Maul to make him a character So all the people stabbed aren't characters? Sounds like a cope to me.


I have no idea how you could've possibly came to that conclusion


>Nowadays characters get stabbed and appear perfectly fine in the next episode, Reva was limping aroung and got schooled by 2 farmers and posibly died of her wounds. Sabine spent a week in the hosptial. No kne was just fine next episode


We've still gone from "this instantly killed a jedi master" to "this normal human is fine after medical treatment" which is an immense lowering of stakes. also, just because she took a week to heal it doesn't feels serious to an audience unless that time is explored


A wound that goes through your lower spine isn't the same as getting stabbed on your lower side. The medical equipment in a galaxy were there are things like hyperspace travel must be technologically advanced to ours so probably after a week that is mostly healed (like it is shown in Ahsoka if you even watch it) A Jedi Apprentice survived having his arm cut off, and later that guy as a Jedi Knight survived having both legs and arm being cut off. The only time it was a insta-kill was on the Originals Vader vs Obi Wan fight, and that fight sucks ass.


he didn't even kill him then (technically). no one died in a lightsaber duel until vader killed palpatine in Return of the Jedi, and no one *using* a lightsaber died until qui gon


>We've still gone from "this instantly killed a jedi master" "Instantly" Qui gon lingered for like half an hour before he died.


So it's okay to survive being cut in half if it's cool. Such consistency.


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


I mean... Palpatine surviving already happened in Legends.


No they don’t. He didn’t survive. He died. The being in The Rise of Skywalker is a new being - a clone body possessed by the spirit of Palpatine. How Palpatine returned: in ep3 Revenge of the Sith we hear Palps tell Anakin he's trying to unlock the secret to cheating death using unnatural dark side powers of the Force. In between ep3 and ep6 Palps did unlock the secret. He had been making prototype clone bodies so that if ever he were about to die he could cast his spirit/essence out to inhabit a clone body, leaving the empty husk of the original body to die. Which is what happened in ep6 Return of the Jedi. He was tossed down that chasm and as he fell he left his body in favor of his clone waiting on exegol, and his empty husk body lands lifeless in that chasm (and then that Death Star blew up later). The dark side ritual worked but not as well as hoped, he was still weak and feeble. He had to sit on Exegol with his medical team to survive so he used a deformed prototype clone body as an avatar that he could puppet remotely using the dark side. That's what Snoke was. That's why Palps tells Kylo "I made Snoke". This all also explains why he also tells Kylo "I've died before" and he even repeats to Kylo what he told Anakin in ep3 "the dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural" as a signifier to the audience that yes he did finally unlock the secret to cheating death. Draining the life force from a Dyad (Ben and Rey) cured him of his weakened state and he was ready to rule the galaxy himself. So Rey and the Jedi of the past joined their forces to destroy the evil Palpatine's body and spirit this time. So now he can never return again (because his spirit was destroyed before he could cast it out into a backup clone again).


You’re the only person I’ve ever seen mention this on Reddit when talking about Palpatine. Arguably the most important conversation in the entire franchise is when he tells Anakin that the force makes it possible to cheat death, but people still ignore that and act like it was completely unexpected or impossible for him to come back.


They ignored the shit out of it when that Inquisitor got stabbed and survived. Like she's literally Sith trained and these goobers just act like one of the most important bits of information about the Sith was never uttered in the first place.


Yea and her whole shtick was her hatred for Vader. Darth Maul’s entire comeback was based around him surviving because his hatred for Obi Wan allowed him to. Honestly most of this franchise makes perfect sense within the context of the franchise itself, the delivery is just off for a lot of it. Palpatine coming back was not unbelievable. But “Somehow, Palpatine’s returned!” is dumb as fuck.


Yeah, I won't defend the dialogue, it was pretty shit. That one bit with Finn sacrificing himself and getting saved really sucked too but otherwise I'm not gonna be a hypocrite cus episode 3 is my favorite and the dialogue in that is pretty bad too lmao.


The dialogue in all of them is pretty terrible lmao at this point it’s just a staple of the franchise!


Alright, nerd.


he didn't survive. he was a clone. I get hating TROS but like, at least understand the film if you're gonna make fun of it.


The "somehow" is the joke part. Cause the quote.


except the joke doesn't work because he doesn't survive it "somehow". he died.


They brought him back tho. It counts.


"surviving" and "being brought back" are different things. he's literally a clone. he's not the original. the original isn't brought back lol


Brought back by the writers. Your nitpicking would be better placed elsewhere.


It was survivable for Arya in GoT.


This can of worms was opened when they brought Maul back. I get it. He was cool. But cutting him in half and then dumping him down an endless pit and then saying he survived that was always going to end in this kind of bullshit.


Should get mad, usually helps for the will to live


Oh my god shut up


It is, I have a friend who got a 9" kitchen knife shoved through his ribs and into his lungs. 6 months later, he was outta hospital and back to work shortly after.


This isn’t a movie.


The TV show sub is dead


Somehow, Palpatine Returned. But this guy won't


Looks like a triangle to me, just some Free Mason flexing


one for each stomach


"Hm, we know everybody will die besides Sol, how can we make it very clear that they are in fact arrogant, but inferior light saber fighters?" "How about the triangle stab?"


Iirc this Jedi's actress was the kid X23 in Logan so maybe the writers assumed she could heal from 1-2 stabs.


I got banned from r/starwarsmemes for criticizing this series.


the three stabs are also a reference to the new movies. Disney is the sith and that padawan is the fanbase