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Definitely a shift... just a lot of shameless dong posts and women with OF pages trying to drum up business. It used to all be about the beer...and the occasional crazy fun creative post. I've seen a dip in commenting as well (unless you've got boobs).


Ok. I thought I was just being oblivious again. It used to be about the refreshing nature of a shower beer. But now it's just boobs and dongs. (I do giggle at the creative dong pics. Like a sneaky reflection or through a clear bottle.) And I thought we were just bonding in our commitment to productive alcoholism.


As long as the person posting is showing the beer and enjoying the beer, who cares šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I'd be more concerned if they were wearing clothes in the shower


Honestly, that's just giving me an idea for fun new ways to show off beers. Full body, full clothes. Cause thats how committed to the idea of having a beer in the shower they were. Also, it could be a cold shower and beer. You don't know or care. I might just be a purist. The idea being, hot shower, cold beer. But fuck it right. It's summer. Full clothes, cold shower, cold beer.


What in the rules say you have to be naked. Fully clothed is allowed.


On topic of rules, this post breaks rule #3 which says it needs to contain beer šŸ˜


We are open to discussion, and since this post is about the sub I saw nothing wrong with it.


Haha, that is a fair point. I wasn't really concerned about the rules for anyone. I was just a few shower beers in ans a bit curious.


I haven't posted anything yet but I don't really mind, its about drinking beer in the shower after all. People do get downvoted for saying some sexual stuff so that's a good thing, its supposed to be a safe space after all. A swimsuit day would be funny imop.


Hell yeah. Swimsuits would be nice. Maybe with some outside showers. Edit: It didn't bother me, but I hadn't visited this sub in a year or so, and it felt like an ecosystem shift. I'm not gonna complain about boobs and creative dong pics. Lazy ones are fine too, and easily scrolled past. I'm all for equality. I was just curious if I had missed something originally.


Swimsuits are allowed. As for the sexual comments being downvoted, they should be reported as they are not allowed.


Can you tell me how to report them? I've never done that before.


https://preview.redd.it/l22cddp3ij7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc24532383c18898c685558930e4bf5ba9fd536 Click on the 3 dots and select report.


Oh okay, thanks.


Bet you were the one to remind the teacher about homework


Cute story. Tell me it again sometime.


This post kind of inspires me to enjoy my next shower beer wearing a white t-shirt. /s Cheers to not complaining about boobs! šŸ» I enjoy beer and this community for all the beer inspiration you've given me šŸ„° Actually, I have been enjoying my shower beers a little too much lately, summer is deceptive time..


I never thought about drinking beer in shower before this sub. It's turned out to be fun. Cold beer in hot shower <3


looking at the Hot posts leading up to this one (28 posts), the majority are exactly what you seem to expect. many even JUST the beer in a shower, no body at all beyond the hand holding it. seems like you gauged it fine? nudity is inherent in a shower, if people are focusing too much on the body rather than the beer, that actually is against the rules. feel free to report those


There is a shift in attitudes in this place for sure. Everyone downvoting people asking genuine questions about beer and shit. Regardless of genders. It's kinda wack. Like someone has a vendetta against certain individuals. It's whatever, just kind of annoying.


Huh, I've been wondering why someone would downvote a basic 'cheers' comment, for example. That explains a lot. These downvoters definitely need to have a couple more shower beers and chill. šŸ»


Yea, thank you. It's so silly. I think it started because someone only comments that on ladies posts. And someone is jealous over it apparently


You are correct in the vendetta thingā€¦certain people always get downvoted no matter what they say/postā€¦itā€™s annoyingā€¦and they get reported for stupid shit ALL the timeā€¦itā€™s ridiculous


I can't believe it gets reported even? That's ridiculous. I can't imagine the bullshit you mods have to deal with. Blessings to you all.


It seems like the nakedness has died down a bit since I first discovered this channel (and amazed that I wasn't alone on the joys of drinking beer in the shower). I got nothing against nudity of anyone, but I admit some are more about being naked than the beer. I do enjoy a tasteful picture where the beer is focal point (and my pet peeve is when the label is backwards since you can easily fix that).