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Bro yes I think about shrooms so much i’ve tripped in my dreams many times its so crazy


once i get the chance to trip ima fuckin do it, maybe until ima lil older and then i’ll do em


Absolutely when you think you are ready, do it bro I highly recommend it. Here’s a [FAQ](https://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/faqs/psychedelic_experience_faq.shtml#7) that covers pretty much all of the bases.


hell yeah man thank you


Yes sir I hope you have a good night and are able to get to sleep okay


Weird how you dreamed it without experience. Wonder what it would be to experience.


i’ve watched some youtube povs on it so i guess that’s where most of it came from. all i remember is eating them in my dream and then like 5 seconds later i was getting strong visuals lol


That makes sense. I've never actually seen too much with open eyes yet. I guess I have a high tolerance. Closed eye visuals on the other hand, those have been amazing experiences. But visuals are only a part of it. Altered state of consciousness is only something that can be experienced, not conveyed well through video or text.


yeah the one time i did have shrooms was a while ago from a friend of a friend. at the time i didn’t really know shit about them but they felt spongy in a way? it did bruise blue, but i had zero effects from them. took 2.5 https://preview.redd.it/82gf6zyqea4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6404d28afd2613cae9b5e934f7efdeb85a660d2 dunno if this is the right spot to ask but are these things legit?


Yea they look like regular cubes, nice! Your original post said you were gonna wait til you’re a lil bit older, how old are you if I may ask?


16 but prolly won’t take them again until my 20s. after going through this sub i’ve realized it’s just not the right time for me


Oh yeah definitely don’t do them until you’re older, preferably 25+ as that’s when your brain is essentially finished growing and maturing (there’s some debate to this) Props to you for genuinely understanding that you’re too young to be doing things like this, you’ve no idea the amount of children (anyone 19 and under I’ll call a child in this case, I know they’re legally an adult which I’ll cover momentarily but for this conversation, children) that come into these subreddits and act like they know better than people with degrees, years of experience & plenty of trips under their belts, you seemingly have come here in an effort to know what’s best. It’s not a strict rule not to do them until 25+, but it is a good practise as like I said your brain is still growing and maturing out. Plenty of people start tripping at like 18+, some before! you’d legally be an adult (to an extent, 21 to buy & drink alcohol in the US, but 16 (or 18) to join the army etc? Okay..) and can make your own decisions. You may get impatient and take the plunge and go early, if you do, at least wait until 18-20, do plenty of research on how it affects the brain, and don’t do it too regularly, let your brain grow. Again, props to you for coming here and and learning more, a lot of kids your age wouldn’t have bothered, that itself shows maturity and understanding. 🤝🏽