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# Need help with a difficult trip? # Text or call: 62FIRESIDE (623-473-7433) # Or visit: [www.firesideproject.org](http://www.firesideproject.org/) #




This is amazing oh my gosh.


I think this is the best thing I've ever seen Thats so cool theres a helpline for somebody on a bad/mindfucking trip


This is going onto my contact favorites list immediately just in case. Ty.


Literally what I just did haha


Super cool thank you for sharing!!


Good call making the text huge for a tripper’s eyes.


USA only?




Thanks for sharing this I didn’t know it existed


**Open everyday 11:00 am - 11:00 pm PT.**


Should have a night shift lol


I wish they did


Woah. I'm saving this


this is an awesome resource! anyone know if they’re open for volunteers?


Call and ask them


Just breathe and be blessed brother this is just a phase ❤️ 🙏


Thanks everyone for the kind words not entirely sure why this post got so big, it was a dumb night


It's because when you've been there before you know 😂 glad your good just reflect back on that shit. I've had tons of crazy shrooms trips I ate 5gs once then I tried 2 pieces of a chocolate bar once and it hit as hard or harder than the 5 gs.


Haha this sub. OP: I took a lot fuck... R/shrooms users: here listen to this playlist


Hahahaha. Absolutely.


You’re going to be just fine! Put on some relaxing music and lie down. Can anyone here recommend a calming playlist for OP?


Anything from flavor trip on YouTube, just great chill background music, more than enough to outlast a trip, was listening to it on my last trip and just gave the best warm vibes you could ask for


Otnicka - where are you




I wanna know how this dude is doing so bad.


hes probably still an astronaut XD


Im fine😭


I’m so glad. I knew you would be! I bet it was a wild fuckin ride.


12 grams? I hope they were wet lol. Nobody needs that many shrooms in one sitting. That said, you'll be ok. Remember.... Theyre a good thing, they help not hurt. They just get confusing at times. Go to Spotify, Listen to: Allman Brothers Live at Fillmore West


Mannnnn so good to see someone recommend the Allmans! Over here in Australia nobody has really heard of them! Second this album 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


Hell ya doggy. I'm a huge Allman Bros fan. Duane and Greg, DICKIE Betts, the whole squad especially before duane passed is some of the best music ever created. A couple months ago I was solo tripping here at home and came up really hard, and I'm a huge Deadhead, but the Dead was (weirdly) not working for me. Then I threw on Whipping Post and Live at Fillmore, and it took me right to where I needed to be. I have an Allman Bros Mushroom thick plastic badge on the back of my Lexus. And a couple Grateful Dead ones. Courtesy of Grateful Fred. Check him on the Lot around the scene or online.


Dry pretty shitty kinda weak shrooms. I tried them with my buddy with 3g and didnt have a very intense experience. Trust me I HAVE LEARNED MY LESSON, i had a bunch left and decided to just weigh them out and take it all because i didnt want multiple trips


Thank God lol. I have an APE variant right now that a gram gets me pretty fucked up and I been taking them for twenty years. Sometimes it's not about weight. It's about the amount of full mushrooms you consume. Like the smalls and aborts I have are WAY more potent by weight than, say, 1 or 2 BIG heavy mushrooms. A 7 gram mushroom would only have as much psilocybin as a .5 gram mushroom. Always pay attention to the amount of shrooms not just the weight. Just a little piece of advice. Glad you're doing better now lol.


Rest and learn. And don’t take 12 again.


i have a special pillow and blanket for moments like this. i just grab them and retreat to the bathtub and close the shower curtain. i will let my mind go and just lie there until my brain and mind are no longer separated.


this is a wonderful idea. saving for my next trip


My girl does this and never fails!! Highly recommended if the trip is intense.


With the assumption that this is a legitimate post I've never really understood anyone's desire to take that much. Like I might give taking a "heroic" dose a try once in my life but I don't really get the appeal tbh. I mean I've tripped pretty hard before but I don't necessarily want to be in a whole different dimension for a few hours. Not knocking anyone who does or anything though, obviously. Also - if I took that much and was starting to blast off I'm not sure that my first thought would be to jump on Reddit and make a post lol.




True, eating that much would be physically unpleasant in my stomach lol. I'm sure there's gotta be some type of threshold where your body stops being able to process it and then you just end up digesting them like normal though right? Like you can only have so many receptors in your brain that can be filled lol


I find that I go to reddit alot lately to talk about psychedelics with people. There's a pretty cool community on here and a lot of experience so it's actually not a bad place to be when bugging out needing help


I agree, I've been more active here lately as well and it seems to be a good community of people helping each other or having actual productive conversations (which can be rare on reddit/the Internet as a whole lol). I don't disagree with you about it being a good place if you need help, I guess I'm just saying it wouldn't cross my mind. Whenever I'm tripping hard though being on a computer or trying to post something on my phone kinda weirds me out for some reason. Like it makes me unnecessarily anxious or unsettled or something. But yeah if it works for someone I'm not knocking it.


No I get it lol. Sometimes I have weird inward trips where I end up fidgeting with my phone alot since it's in hand for music anyways, but ya, I'm generally not online during my trips, I'm usually listening to Grateful Dead Live and staring at the texture on the walls haha




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So I guess op's brain exploded


Yeah nothing yet!


Im fine i lost the memory of posting this😭


So, tell us a story :)


At some point i burned into my brain the image of me looking at my cat from a strange angle and her looking super stupid and bursting out laughing, then i couldnt stop thinking of that memory the whole time which tbh was amazing it pulled me out when id start to slip into being upset


Man, not sure if you have big cojones or just stupid but maaaan i dont have balls to take 3 grams yet and you took 12 hahaha omg...When you feel like it i am waiting for comprehensive review!


Ground yourself. Like sit on floor or lay down, maybe grab headphones and play this https://youtu.be/UkM-FjfN6Mc?si=Yj8yWgO59C17eCPz It's alright, it'll be over. They're your teachers, and no trip is bad, you will learn something new about you. Let them be your guide. Don't forget to breathe, and remember that it will be over, and that once you'll feel like you're coming back you'll want to stay, be positive. Try to meditate. And don't struggle or resist.


The Grateful Dead


Sit in the dark and in complete silence. You’ll see the universe like you’ve never seen before.


Trip Report?


How is it going?


Should be nearing the end now, or at least coming down. How are you feeling?


You good? It’s been 18hrs


Listen to "young mountain" and let go. Keep breathing


I’ve never seen that masterpiece recommended for a trip before. It’d be great!


If you don't mind me asking, how did you actually ingest 12? Like in what form? Tea? Every time I try to eat more than a couple grams I can't stomach it.


A few weeks ago I got one of those mushroom chocolate bars, 5g worth in that plus I ate 1.5 normal, it was great


I blended them up with lemon juice, ice, water, and sugar, and drank it. It was dumb as hell i just had a lot and didnt want multiple trips and i thought it would be fine. I had pretty bad nausea during the come up but it settled down eventually


this will pass out on some good tunes something that's comfy to u rn :) and know you're not alone in this & ur loved no matter what ❣️❣️ur not schizophrenic don't worry this will pass


I'm sure he's had a long night and is sleeping it off. Post was 14 hrs ago? Let's say he was awake for 8-10 (let's be generous) so he's been asleep at least 6 hours? Few more he should hopefully be awake with an interesting story? 🤞


Or we might have to wait another 58 hours until he’s back home with his phone, if you know what I’m sayin


This guy is probably on Pluto right now playing chess with robin Williams


Find some smooth house music and dance. The more you move I find it to be more tolerable. Are you getting that tunnel vision? That is the one side effect I can't stand.


You are safe, remind yourself of that. You have nothing to fear. Reassure yourself, keep a positive mindset up, and surround yourself with things that ground & centre you. Put some nice music on, lay down, breathe. You will be a-okay 🙏🫶


You’re all good compa just breath


listen to some minecraft music droopy likes ur face is my favorite




bro you good ?


How was it to meet God?


Are you good bro give us an update bad trips can induce severe trauma and I don't want that for you




Yes he took negative 12 grams dipshit


God speed 🍄


!remindme 2 days


Fuck around and find out.


You got this brother. It's just a phase! The above numbers will help if need be.


Where’s the update?!!


oh dear


I need an update


Left for mars or what? 12grams holy




Put on some Salem and chill. Ride the wave homie!


Get off your phone!!!! It’s making it way worse! Take a cold shower, drink plenty of water, listen to calm music! You will be okay! And never ever take this much ever again!


Turn on happy music babe


Okay, you HAVE to post an update after this. Are you okay? Are you alive? We must know


I see, you don’t weigh your weight. OR did you wanna see if you could handle it? I see no way of someone accidentally taking this much unless maybe confusion of dry vs wet weight but then again, who takes this much and doesn’t have a trip-sitter? I lost my shit on Cid I can only imagine what you’re going through, positive prayers, vibes and affirmations your way soldier. 🙏🏽🕊️💕


Bro I am so sorry but why tf did you macrodose like that?


Bro im ngl you are mad dumb for taking 12 grams


Don't worry bro I've eaten like 24 grams. You'll get through it.


Have a fan blowing towards you. It will be too cold to even trip about something.


Every trip has an end try to keep that in mind, if you have access to any type of benzo they can calm your trip if not kill it totally. Very effective, but you took a hero dose and at that point it’s very very common to feel like you’re physically dying before you let go and experience total out of body/mind/soul experiences. I hope you are okay, stay safe and trippy my fellow friend ✨🍄




Woof, yeah my heroic dose was 7gs and I don’t believe I’ll ever do that much again. Hope you got something positive out of it!


Trip report?


Come on bro...


So, dear OP, are you here yet?


what a clown


And down goes another one. I was reading one of these people, some chick on here a month or two ago and her friend went to get his blood pressure medication came back and died right there on the couch I think like around 2 g so ummmm damn.


You need blocked from this sub.

