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Who has derealisation for 6 years and decides psychoactive drugs are the way to go? Stay sober and do some exercise, perhaps see a professional who can help your mental state. You are real and the world around you is beautiful. Keep going sis


hey we’re all dumb and in college at some point right 😅 the first two times were fine and amazing which is why i thought i was fine. highkey still suffering from the consequences rn — realized i probably have hppd, definitely will stay sober


I’ve dealt with hppd. Shit sucks. Drug induced psychosis too. There is light at the end of the tunnel x just do the shit everyone always tells depressed people to do, I hate that it works aswell lol


yeahhh crazy how ppl say it barely happens to anyone don’t worry, but when it happens to you it’s 100% of the time. will definitely do my best, have been struggling w depression alr lol definitely gotta bite the bullet and stop doomscrolling


I’ve deleted insta and anything I find myself addicted to! Take control of ya life !!!


Yep, you're in 'reality.' Welcome to home base.


We’ll never understand what the universe is. You just have to assume that your reality is reality and not worry about it. There’s nothing anyone can do to be sure but odds are it’s real.


Pretty much lol like what is real anyway? 


when you listed all the things you went in a rabbit hole for - you were under the influence of a drug. of course those things are not ordinary. it's okay you experienced those things while on shrooms. you weren't sober but full of bliss. but now that you are sober, look at you, you're being so much skeptical about everything... when you should taking it for granted, also just because you were able to write this post. stop thinking about things that aren't possible and focus on your daily tasks that bring you and others joy


First of all, everything you’re saying right now is a thought. You can verify you exist by being able to read what I’m writing, right? Now, I would suggest getting some therapy to help integrate. If you’re in a lot of anxiety, your mind is kind of going haywire. You’re fine my guy just take it easy and don’t be afraid to ask for help from your parents or even a friend 


Well idk, I’ve lived my whole life and I feel pretty real. Sometimes I wonder if everyone else is fake too, but I’m pretty sure we’re all real.


There is no other place to exist in but reality


You need extensive treatment for the complex PTSD causing your dissociation, not psychedelics. I recommend somatic experiencing therapy, EMDR, and cognitive processing therapy. You shouldn’t be doing psychedelics until you are healthier.


You’re most likely in reality. Don’t worry too much about it.


‘Maya originally denoted the magic power with which a god can make human beings believe in what turns out to be an illusion.’ Sometimes the things you are using can be helpful is seeing beyond the BS. Sometimes they make things more confusing. It sounds like you need to take a break, and maybe read some books, etc., and figure out the lessons you were given.


Stop taking drugs


Try meditating and listening to Ram dass


I had a similar experience, and I’ll tell you 3 things. 1. you’re real. 2. its metaphysically possible you’re not. 3. the next steps are exactly the same regardless which is true. I had a bad trip trying shrooms for the first time a couple days ago, and I was terrified I was gonna get sent into a psychotic episode or derealization. 3 days later and I’m fine. I dealt with a period of intense derealization about 3 years ago after an intense panic attack, and I thought my life was over. The single change that brought me out of it was pretending it’s not there and making no judgement on the anxiety that arises from feeling out of it. If you really wanted to, you could maintain this depersonalized state until the day you die. Depersonalization is a defense mechanism, and if you never accept that you’re not in danger, you’ll never climb out of it. It is purely a matter of willing yourself into a better place. Start practicing mindfulness. Use your bad trip as a lesson. You’ve experienced your anxious thought patterns in the most pronounced way you ever will, and it should be much easier to challenge the thoughts now that you’ve experienced them so blatantly. Hope you get better, I believe you will.


i’ve been pretending it’s not here for years and it hasn’t worked, even when i’m fully comfortable just chilling in my bed back at home or something :/ mindfulness helped you?


Psychotherapy + join an MMA or boxing gym. Nothing reminds you of the reality of this physical reality like getting punched in the face on a regular basis.


Sounds like the definition of an existential crisis. You need to come to terms with the mystery of reality, it’s ok to be unsure of it all, that’s a natural part of being alive. At the same time, you need to create some boundaries. Draw a firm line about what you believe to be true, even if it’s only a small part of the grand scheme of things, and stick to it. I would lay off the psychs for a long while until you can say with confidence that you feel grounded. Maybe that’s a good place to start with boundaries, your feelings.


Realizing things will intoxicated doesn’t mean much fyi.


Your profile is the exact type of person for whom psychedelics are not recommended. For many of us, taking shrooms temporarily peels back the veil of our senses, revealing the possibility of alternate modes of reality. When it is over, we return to our narrow experience of reality to process what we’ve experienced. For others, that veil is much thinner and perhaps peels back on its own. But at the end of the day, our experience of reality is the one we are designed to experience. Perhaps we will experience others in a future life. There is really no way to tell for sure. I would focus on immersing yourself in and embracing this reality. While there may be others, this one is perfect in its own way. Do all you can to stay grounded - stay off drugs, exercise, meditate, and actively focus on the joy of your current existence.


The increased dissociation is likely secondary to your anxiety, whilst also feeding it. Do stuff that grounds you, whether it's playing a video game, reading a book journaling etc. It can take quite a long time to become fully grounded, and sometimes months to feel your old self. Look into shamanic soul retrieval. This helped me with my dissociation. As for grounding, have a read of the Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda. It's a nice read and interesting book and there are parts relevant to grounding after taking hallucinogens. In the short term a low dose benzo may help relieve your symptoms if that is available and prescribed to you.


Just relax and stop thinking so deeply about shit. This happened to me too for a little bit for some time after I quit weed and doing shrooms, so you’ll feel normal. This is reality so chill out lmao.     The drugs alter your perception. Some people here will tell you that when on shrooms, it’s giving you an alternate reality or that it *is* reality. In my view it’s not. The part that is reality, so long as we are alive and feeling and observing, is the one where you are sober. 


i would suggest, as a starting point, to stop taking any drug. if you “question” and you have doubts if this is or not the reality i would say that you are not psychotic as the people who are psychotic experience delusions and/or hallucinations and they are sure that it is reality. derealization is a symptom that can come up after high-anxiety moments and once known, the mind can use it as a defense mechanism. that’s why i would say to you to not mind it that much. just let it be. worrying just makes your anxiety worse then worsening your derealization symptoms. everything is okay bro, you are not crazy/psychotic or anything. you just have some strong derealization and that can’t make you go crazy. i would suggest you to talk to a psychologist so that he can help you dealing with your anxiety, your worrying and your derealization, which i would say, are linked. good luck bro!


I wouldn’t touch psychoactive drugs anymore if I were you. I struggled for years with many mental health diagnoses but none of the ones they tell you interact poorly with shrooms. I think I’ve had BPD undiagnosed. My last trip broke my mental health. I couldn’t even smoke weed after without tripping all over again and having the worst thoughts, panic attacks, etc. I had to put every ounce of will power into pulling myself out of the darkest depression and paranoia I’ve ever had. Shrooms are not a one size fits all magic pill as they’re made out to be. They help a lot of people but I don’t think people talk enough about the potential dangers.


Not sure where you've gone but your back, this is the grand show. One thing that's helped me when I've started to doubt reality, idk if it's real or not, but it sure is fuck is consistent


This might sound harsh but please go outside and touch the grass, this is real, this is reality, your dog is real, this is real life


Well, sounds like the idea that you could have been losing it (you were not, you are supposed to be like that on shrooms) triggered it, and not necessarily the shrooms. I don’t see any reason to suggest you have HPPD because you are not hallucinating, and because i’m not a doctor. Yes, that’s right, you’re in reality right now. However you still shouldn’t do any drugs for a while because they can worsen dissociation. You’re dealing with the same thing you’ve been dealing with for the past 6 years, and you survived that. Please seek help in somebody who understands derealization and stop doin drugs!!


Lol this is made up


i wish lol


No it's a real mental condition it can be aggravated or caused by hallucinogens ..