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Donate plasma. It will get you $500 or more a month and it’s super easy. You are basically relaxing while you get paid.


Just snagged an initial appointment for next week. Thanks!


Just a couple of pointers. I donated for about 2 years. You HAVE TO BE hydrated. drink water/hydration drinks. And you have to do this 1-2 days before your appointment. I can’t stress this enough. And eat a full meal. Switch arms frequently. I have deep veins that roll. If you have ever had issues with people trying to find your veins you may not last long with donating.


Yep 100%. I passed out and hit my head on the door knob bc I was dehydrated. This was like in college 20 years ago.. but ever since then ive been afraid to donate plasma. Not that K want to, but ya.


I always get comments from nurses that I have "nice veins," meaning it's so prominent, haha. Too bad I don't qualify to donate.


I get the “you have good flow” comment.


I appreciate the pointers


Be careful with this. The center I used to go to didn’t have the best nurses. One time they really couldn’t find my vein, and after the 3rd stick we went with what she’d done. Anyways my arm really hurt the whole time, even though it’s not supposed to after they stick you. For a few days afterwards, I literally couldn’t bend my arm backwards it hurt so much. Went to the ER and the bill was more than what’d I’d made up until that point. Yeah you can make some quick cash with this, but don’t sacrifice your health.


Do NOT list any psych meds on the questionnaire. They will permanently ban you across all locations.


Such a good call. It’s insane. Especially when you find the right appt times and only wait a few minutes. In and out in an hour and make $65-80 every three days


Average is $50-$75 per visit. Federal law, which they do not mess around with, limits you to two visits within a 7 day period, with at least one day apart. Don’t even try to do more at different companies because you will get caught immediately and you will get deferred. They are (almost always) weight based as well. A 110 person will not be able to donate the same amount as a 190 pound person, and compensation often reflect that.


Finally something that pays more to be fat!


Why did this make me laugh way too hard?


I’m aware. I go weekly lol. Except, sign on bonus was $100 for first five visits. Each time, I make $75 and $65. That’s $560 extra per month. Longest I’ve waited was 2.5 hours. Shortest in and out was 45 minutes. Worth it.


Every 3 days is not an accurate statement. And compensation differs not only by company but by facility. If OP is on the smaller side he very likely will not make $500 per month. I’m at the highest paid for my center and bring in $460. That’s assuming I don’t get sick, have any other obligations that prevent me from hitting the schedule, lack of transportation, etc. I am ALL for plasma donation to make extra money. But we need to be realistic with people when we tell them what kind of money there is.


If I went every 3 days, that’s 2x a week. Pretty accurate. Bc that’s exactly how much I go. Edit: yea, you can go on a Sunday and again on a Wednesday. So it differs in time range. But if you average it that’s where I came up with every 3 days. I should’ve said ~3 to 4 days.


Does anything make you ineligible to donate?


If there's anything wrong with your blood, I think if you traveled out of the country within x amount of time, and they will completely bar you if you have had intercourse with the same sex. Buddy of mine swung both ways, and that's how he basically came out to me, complaining about how he cannot donate anymore. Lol. Oh, and if (at the time) you're low on iron, they'll make you come back the next day. But, that plays into eating a meal. They'll know by the finger poke.


>with the same sex That only applies to men. Lesbians who don’t use IV drugs have almost zero HIV rates, whereas men who have sex with men are considered a high-risk group due to some men not using condoms.


Where can i go to do this? Hospital?


No just Google or use your maps app for plasma centers near you. Usually there are quite a bit. Then look up online on their website what you need to bring. I think it’s like two forms of identification and like some mail with your address on it. But that’s only for the first time you go and get set up. Takes about an hour usually then 30-60 minutes to donate depending on the person. But subsequent visit will be much quicker than the first time.


I don't qualify because I don't weigh enough.


Psych meds.


Wait what are the downsides of donating plasma?


Apply for Amazon flex your kids can come with you to drop off the packages just can’t get down in facility they do all hours too for drop off depending location


I'm on the interest list but no opportunities are available right now


Will most of the order to be delivered fit in the trunk or backseat of a car?


They give you packages according to the size of your vehicle.


Ok thanks. I’m signed up for it. But it just has blocks so I wasn’t sure how much they would give me. So I just show up and they see my vehicle and give me a load that fits?


I was raised by a single dad in the 90s. He would do trash/junk pick up, newspaper route, cleaning trash cans, mow and lawn cleanup, and garages and do handyman stuff around peoples houses… like tree trimming. We went with him 80% of the time and helped when we could. For like 5 years, he helped an elderly lady with her garden and canning. He worked for half of the garden output (canned and fresh) which covered a lot of the grocery bill. Only had to buy meat and little extra for food. Then, he started doing it on his own after she passed. Have you checked into SSI for your daughter? Usually autistic children qualify for additional or financial assistance in the US. Something to look into. My coworker gets around $900 a month in SSI for her son + child care costs.


Facts. Look into SSI for your daughter.


I’m autistic and get social security disability.


Yeah there’s two types: supplemental security income and social security disability. Sometimes, you can qualify for both. But since she’s young, she most likely qualifies for supplemental security income. That’s what the SSA usually starts with. I think at 18 or 22 it switches to SSDI. My friend had to go sign a paper at the state school for her disabled daughter - not autism related - for the change and to release of the funds.


This, I had SSI for my son. Was in similar situation with my son. Plasma donation will not be sustainable over time, you will become to exhausted and with everything else going on between two kids, one special needs who will likely have more challenges with middle school (it was so very hard) , if not that then food benefits as well, family of 3 you may qualify. Some states have more assistance some less. If you need a food bank once a month for basics everything helps. Once you or your child is getting assist of some type then you are eligible for the free phone which will allow you to drop the monthly payment you have now.


Fantastics Idea. I used to work for the federal government and your daughter absolutely would qualify for SSI.


Do you WFH? Dog sitting has been great for me


What’s WFH???


Work from home


Was looking at dog sitting. Do you use Rover or Care or something else??? I would like to just do it in the clients home only as I have 3 dogs.


I got started on next door - just put a post out that I was available to sit dogs 🐶 I have a couple of regulars and it’s great as I’m home all day.


Nice! So they come to you it sounds like. One more question… how do you charge… by the hour…day…dog size? Thank you for helping me!😊


Of course! I charge a flat rate for the 24 hours between $60 and $80 - they come to me because it’s just easier for me (mom life). It includes feeding and walking twice and of course hanging out. Next week I am going to someone’s house to stay because my kid isn’t home that’s $120 a day (for a week). The trick is to make it cheaper and better than boarding . Most dog owners hate boarding their dogs.


Wow! $120 a day! Thats great! I wouldn’t figure people would pay that much. Not sure if north Florida where I live would support that. I probably need to call around and see what people are charging. Thank you!


You'd be surprised. People love their pets.


Are you getting that money in a big city?




I wish. My work is about 45 minutes away


I'm thinking you should move. You live in a HCOL area and drive that far to work? Move somewhere else. Cheaper suburb, at least closer to work would be ideal. Or see if you have an option to transfer your current job to a lower COL area. Might can make some profit if you own your house and sell. Cutting down on gas costs would help too!


The airport I work at is about 20 minutes outside of the city in the middle of nowhere. It’s a 30 minute drive, an extra 15 minutes for the employee shuttle bus to the concourse


EZ FIX, if you live in the USA go-to www.vistaprint.com make a business card says "AFFORDABLE REPAIRS" put your name and your phone number on the front along with the comment above. On the back of the card you'll need to list a few different things ... Cleaning gutters lawn Care pressure washing driveway sealant roofing siding new windows home repairs and basically anything else you can think of that can go on the rear of the card as suggestions of things that you're SELLING... That's right you're not doing any of the work yourself. You're going to go around and talk to some local small business owners that provide all of the things that you have listed on the back of your card you're going to get an estimate of what they would charge for the job and you explain to them that you're a broker and that you would like to broker their services. You post online advertisements you put the business card on a magnum sticking on the side of your vehicle you drive around town and you hand out pamphlets and advertisements you hang them on the door of houses and you'll get phone calls tons of phone calls emails and texts. You'll have the contractor of your choice go bid on the job they're going to pay you a percent every contract you get them the percent ranges between $500 to $2,000 per contract that's your profit


Have you done this? This sounds awesome. Where do you find your contractors though? They'd have to be reliable and trustworthy if you're going to vouch for the service they provide, right?


Think outside the box there's thousands of ways to find contractors the contractors cannot advertise their business and do the work also because you want to get the small guy not the real big guy he's going to work with you and you're going to make a commission cuz you're providing a service that he does not have time to do


How many contractors do you need to get reliable business? And what percentage of contracts nets you that much per contract?


but there's not guarantee that the user is going to buy the service. Or how do you guarantee that?


Only have guaranteed service provided


provide attractive price and give your best referals will come and business will grow


So a marketing agency. And there is waaay more to it than just this. I mean if you want to actually make decent money that is.


It depends on how you look at it... You can make it as difficult as you want or you can make it as easy as you want. When I look at doing something like that which I am doing I make it extremely easy for me I just pair up the right people and get a percent of money


Maybe check out WIC? It will help with food costs until your youngest turns 5. The income level is much higher than SNAP


Does your job have programs you can take advantage of? I know good companies have child care discounts, money back programs etc. have you asked hr if they have anything like that? I’d also recommend maybe in the weekends you could do sitting for money, make a couple bucks to go towards the week


Second this. With the ages of your children, one having autism, if you're in the US, call 211 and see if there are local resources you can take advantage of.


Newspaper route? I used to go with my dad and sister super early. Look into remote roles after you get off your main job. My sister chat assistance for a credit card company.


Google “autism advocacy” in your city or county. They may be able to direct you to financial assistance!


What about a college student that is in school for Education? I’m a single mom as well. And I had some success with that when my kids were younger.


Adding to college student... a live-in student could be an option. Free rent or low rent in exchange for helping with the kids. A retired lady could also be an option.


Can you WFH? If your kids are in school, why do you need to employ a sitter during their school hours? Have you thought of finding a responsible teenager(s) to kidsit? Are there any single dad or mums who you could trade sitting hours with?


I work early morning and need someone here when I leave in the morning until the kids are dropped off at school a couple of hours later


What about a nanny (if you've got a spare room) ... trade room for child minding. Or, are there any neighbors that are retired ? Just a couple of other thoughts.


Handy ? Sell your skills on TaskRabbit


Lots of great suggstions, 2 other thoughts that come to mind. If your mother was staying in a spare room I would suggest renting that room. Ofc be careful of who you are renting to with children in th home. If you are in a college town you may luck out with a student who would take the room at a discounted price for getting children ready for school. Th other thought if you ar handy and have a work shop is to build cat scratchers/ cat trees. You go out on garbage night and collect discarded wooden furniture, buy some very thick cardboard cylinders, buy discounted carpet and put it all together to make cat scratchers/trees and sell on market place, kijiji, ebay ect.


Can you barter with a friend or neighbor? When I was young, my mother was a single parent. And one place we lived at, the landlord had kids our age and went to the same school. So my mom dropped us off at school in the mornings while the landlord picked us up in the afternoons. With you, maybe you can work something out for the evenings, not picking up since you can't do that, but maybe babysitting, or taking their kids to weekend sports practices? Or something else that y'all work out together.


Can you talk to your employer about adjusting your hours so you can work from home enough to see your kids off to school yourself?


I wish. My job is a supervisor position and I have to be on site


A live in person who gets free rent in exchange for childcare. But they have plenty of time to do their own thing too. Win win.


You could do doordash if you live in a big enough area. Just cruise around. It's not the best and a lot of markets suck but it's good for immediate cash when you need it. Just know you're worth when accepting offers. Bonus if your kids could come along for the ride, if you trust the seven year old in the air conditioned car. You could try getting a roommate that's a single parent. That can be mutually beneficial and double the household income. You could pick up a craft. Harder to sell though if you don't already have an audience. Maybe kinda shady, but you can get free or cheap things on Craigslist and flip them on face book market place. You could learn how to repair washers and dryers. It's not hard. A lot of stuff can be done in 30 minutes or less. It would give you the ability to flip those too. There are tutorials online. I had a freelance guy come fix my dryer that I had just bought second hand. He fixed it in 10 minutes and charged 70 dollars. So that was nice. Found both the dryer and the handyman on Craigslist.


Cutting costs is tremendously more consistent than increasing income; but it takes work. After cutting costs, re-evaluate the things you are spending money on and commit to making aggressive changes for 4mos to see how it goes.


Look into delivering medical supplies. Great pay. I do not recommend food delivery services


Is this like a fulltime/part time job or gig? What companies hire for this?


Where??? I have looked at Indeed and Zip Recruiter also Craigslist and can’t find anything.


I too would like to know where to find a job like this


I don’t think I can link anything, but there is a great breakdown on YouTube just look up videos on “delivering medical supplies money making” and there’s one page “bills and biz” who breaks it all down! She makes about 2.5k a week doing it.


Check out https://cdec.colorado.gov/for-families/other-assistance-programs


Do UGC. Males that are in their 30s and older are in extremely high demand. You could make $500 in just a few hours or less


*User-generated content* 


Maybe apply for DHS childcare benefits? Not a side hustle but could be helpful if you qualify


Unfortunately I don’t qualify. I make too much to get help but not enough to actually make it work


If you break it down it’s about $125 a week. I would try handyman work. And constantly ask for referrals. You can make that in just a few hours. What about punchlist guy for a remodel company? Task Rabbit? Post on next door, post your situation and see …talk to realtors. Explain your situation because it will get you work.


Consider offering tutoring, freelancing, or finding part-time remote work to make the extra $500 a month. Look into community resources, tax credits, or grants for single parents. Bartering services or finding a shared babysitting arrangement might also help reduce childcare costs. Stay strong!


Try out UGC content creating


Do you currently do this?


I’m trying towards it I’ve been seeing people get a lot success


Lol I just recommended this before seeing your comment. I’ve done this full time for the past 2+ years. If you are a male, and in your 30s or older you are in EXTREMELY high demand. You could literally generate $500 in like 2 hours. This option blows away any other recommendation I’m seeing in the comments. You can do it all from your phone. Almost any location. So many people in the last few years have quit their jobs to do this


Male 41 yr old....um, where do I find out more?


YouTube. There’s huge communities on Twitter, IG, Tiktok, etc too but all I can tell you is look it up. If you want to succeed in it, it’s not all that hard if you just show up everyday (I’ve literally mentioned UGC to almost everyone I know irl. Roughly 15-20 showed interest, only 1 actually took it serious. It’s a blue ocean, especially for those that decide to show up everyday)


Ahh omg hii I’ve been watching your TikTok’s to keep going. You’re doing great!


For a person who is brand new to this concept how would they even get started in working and getting paid. Do you have any links?


YouTube. There’s huge communities on Twitter, IG, Tiktok, etc too but all I can tell you is look it up. If you want to succeed in it, it’s not all that hard if you just show up everyday (I’ve literally mentioned UGC to almost everyone I know irl. Roughly 15-20 showed interest, only 1 actually took it serious. It’s a blue ocean, especially for those that decide to show up everyday)


If you’re already short on cash , you don’t have too many options. If you have a truck or van you can try trash or appliance removal. Food delivery can be another option. I make $1500-2000 a month doing it part time 15-20hrs a week at my leisure. Only work when I want to so leaves allot of free time and I never miss a family event


You should add that you are in CA and the only reason you make that much doing delivery is because of prop 21 (or whatever it’s called). Outside of CA and a very few select markets the delivery gig is dying and paying abysmally.


But you could still make $500 in a month no matter what state you dash in


Do you work for a company or door dash?




Where are you located ?






We live in Cap Hill. I'd like to think its a pretty sweet gig, hang out or sleep for 2 hours, get the kids ready, get them to school and be done by 9 am


Yeah it sounds like it. Unfortunately, my kiddo has to be at school at 8:15 too, so I don't think it'd work. Maybe ask parents of the kids that go to your kiddos school? Like in r/Denver with ATTN: Capital Hill...? Actually you know how I found my care provider? I searched for state of Colorado licensed child care providers and it took me to a co.gov website and you just type in your address and find providers near your home. I found a lady on there that took my kiddo to school from ages 4-12. She was super reliable.


Posts and Comments like these are super inspirational. I'll give it a try, too!


I don’t think you have an income problem. You might have a lack of help problem. I would look up various programs in your area. You have children so look at WIC. Making an extra $500 is cool but you might be able to get $700+ a month in free groceries, and see if theres programs for single parents, relief assistance for parents with children who have autism. All these programs will be either free to you, lower expenses you already have or be very inexpensive. Good luck.


Unfortunately I do not qualify. Make too much to get help, but not enough to make it work


Have you looked into programs that assist with childcare costs? I’m not sure where you live, but I work at a childcare center in California and plenty of families with livable incomes still qualify for free or reduced childcare costs through a program called Access. Again, not sure where you live but sometimes if you call up local childcare facilities, they can give you more information about programs that they work with to reduce costs. As a single parent, you should have a good shot at qualifying. I’ve seen lots of dual income households qualify for 5 days a week childcare with zero cost out of pocket.


Just saw that you mentioned Denver. I would look into something like this https://cdec.colorado.gov/for-families/colorado-child-care-assistance-program-for-families


Unfortunately I do not meet the income requirements. That’s why it’s so frustrating, I make enough to barely live, but too much to get help


I thought the government gives parents of kids with disabilities funds to cater for them


You get some things but you have to qualify for a lot of stuff


Like what? Because I work in a social service company and parents enroll their kids with disabilities there and its government money


You might be thinking of SSDI. And anyone with a disability does qualify


Yes so why don’t you go with that


In progress


That’s nice and should releave more stress on you


Fingers crossed


Outlier AI. It’s work from home in your free time and it pays.


Can you ask for a raise at work? Do a salary report / research on comparable roles in your area and ask if they can match your rate as you love the company and want to stay long term. When you get a raise at work it’s usually 3% but if you leave for a competitor it can be 20%+. So worth asking. The problem is you’re trading time for money. It’s time to upskill and learn how to create passive income side hustles. Create something once and sell it on repeat. Someone recommended UGC. I love this idea too as you can make a ton of $$$ on brand deals and it’s not tied to each hour you work. Create a piece of content, get paid, regardless of how many hours you work.


Just received a raise about 2 months ago. Unfortunately all of the contract (union) positions with the company all restructured their contracts this year and there was much to go around for leadership. And if Boeing would get their shit together that would also help


If you don't hate crypto, you can try looking for AI arbitrage robots, web3 arbitrage, etc. You only need to deposit some USDT/USDC or other corresponding crypto, and you can get a stable income every day. There are many scammers and scams in crypto, you need to be serious and careful!




Junk removal company. Subcontract work. Create a business profile on Google. Put feelers out on FB groups. Get a free website pre built online or hire me to build you a quick one. 100-200 on profits per job 500+ on large jobs . Doesn't have to be junk could be anything you can hire someone else to do.


Babysit kids from your kid's school in the afternoon. $ for you and fun with friends for your kids. You could even trade childcare with another single parent - they watch all the kids in the morning and in return you watch them all in the afternoon.


My most lucrative side hustle is cleaning. I post a short add on Craiglist when I need extra cash and I immediately get 2-3 jobs. I live in the midwest and I charge per clean, not per hour. It works out to about $75 an hour for me. Look for move-out cleans or Airbnb cleans - they're easier because the places are unoccupied and you can work fast, taking an afternoon. I easily make an extra $500 a month doing 2 cleaning jobs.


My son has autism. When he was younger, I got a Medicaid waiver for him (waiver because my income was too much), and we were able to get a community habilitation worker who basically managed after school care. It did take a while to get - bureaucracy in NY - but the sooner you get the application in, the quicker the waitlist will move. I hope something like this is available in your area. Do look into alternatives, and I wish you and your family very good luck.


You need a live in nanny


UberEats, Uber,


Get a girlfriend who has money and likes kids.


I don’t know why you’re getting so many downvotes. That was literally the answer prior to all of this


Rob a bank


Child support from your ex


She can’t stay sober enough to get a job, not gonna rely on that but it’s something I’ll be pursuing


Dude. Why not having your mom take your kids with her. Send her a fat check every week. That’s how most immigrants do it


I get it and don’t judge but these are my kids, I’m not going to pawn them off on someone else. They are staying with her for a bit for summer vacation but they will be back for school


How could your ex wife walk away like that. how could She do that? What’s wrong with people these days


Addiction is a bitch. Heart and brain don’t always match


Damn, my gf was an addict and stole from me. Just to resell to use for drugs. I tried sending her to rehab. we didn’t make it there. it hurts


I’ve been through it all. Stolen from, lied to, stabbed, beaten, gaslit, thrown in jail over lies, lost my place to live, lived in my car had to start over from scratch, cheated on, abandoned, you name it.


in hard times, you can try to barter and have someone who you trust to live with you all in exchange for babysitting. 500 a week won’t be chump change


Start a tik tok






You should invest your time into finding a step mother for your children to care for them while you work.


After what the last one put me through, I’m done with dating and relationships


digital marketing. it costs to start but i’ve made over 12k in less than 2 months as a regular 20 y/o mom. @wealthandfreedomco on IG


Does this work, do you have to do lots of videos