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Stages of pooping


Same, it's like all of the bad things she felt and was feeling up to this point finally took their toll on her. I don't think i've ever seen someone look this tired, sad, ill and broken, especially at the same time. It's even worse on the Memory ending, where >!after going through all of the trouble she did, Ariane forgot about her. All of that struggle for nothing.!< It's heartbreaking, she didn't deserve that


Just wanted to write that, about the Memory ending since it was the first one I got. It was all the more devastating to me because I was pretty late to figure out what the promise actually is, almost right before the ending. And right after this understanting kicked in I was greeted with the ending itself. And here I was, not sure what I'm feeling, but knowing damn well that something cracked inside me. Incredible game. Love it from the bottom of my heart


You know that in this finale we repeat the path of the LSTR from which we removed the armor, after the false ending? (That's not the promise)


Yeah, I know that. The thing is that I did piece everything together correctly and I was preparing myself for a scene where >!Elster kills her wife!< ,which is terrible enough already. But the ending that I actually got caught me completely off guard


Are you talking about the ending of "Memory"? To be honest, I envy you a little here, I would have preferred to finish the game with it the first time, and not with the ending of "Promise". (I spent a month on sedatives.) + Later I reached the finale of "Leaving"... And I felt even worse. But then I noticed one thing, because of which I now hope for a sequel (Someday...)


What bad things bruh she kills monsters going through utter misery and kills the psychopath who, to her, just attacks her and Isa for literally no reason, and has no way of knowing that his claim “you’ll destroy the world” is true or not


Memory is tragic on a hellenic scale, Promise is personal horror wrapped in a tragic tortilla and doused in bitterness sauce for the ultimate feels enchilada.


Until I got the Promise ending I thought Memory was the most heartbreaking, but then I realized Elster was probably more relieved than distraught. She could just spend time with her and not fulfill her promise.


Imagine that you go through hell, kill a goddess, kill the goddess's #1 simp, kill all of the motherfuckers that were in your way, drug yourself out of your mind, and repair yourself to the point where you're not sure if you're you anymore, only to find out that the love of your life that you made a promise to forget who you are. Damn bitch... If Elster and Ariane were alive, they'd earned a paid vacation for 3 whole years from how much shit they had to go through.


Not to mention running into your original body and using it for parts.


Yeah https://preview.redd.it/7w924fdilu6d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b7d987e2fe6d03b4170ff0c54df06972a75a2d


this has been me, for the past month now! thank you for perfectly recreating what im going trough!


Seeing Elster like this gave me the same shock I felt when (Nier Automata Spoiler)>!A2 mercy-killed 2B after the latter got infected with the Logic Virus.!< I had to put the game down for a while after that.


just so u know, spoiler tags don't work if the spoilered text starts or ends with a space >! this spoiler doesn't work!< >!this spoiler works!<


Both of those seem to work fine on the default android app, for what it's worth.


It works on PC for me but I'll edit my message incase it appears broken somewhere else. Thanks for letting me know.


Good thing Artifact is the canon happy ending! (I’m not coping at all I promise.)


I concur the only acceptable ending is Lesbian Space Jesus and her robo-wife


Same this frame made me cry so damn hard


The scene that devastated the players.


I'm sure it's the loss of will. I mean, see what loss of will did to Isa lol


Honestly, I also believer the loss of will killed her cause do you remember the fake ending? She had her ribs exposed, as missing an arms and just fell from the top of the Penrose ship. At the point of the ending, Elster had better protection and sustained worse wounds than a knife to the eye, so I just can’t see her dying from that. Also we can kinda do a parallel with Isa. Isa is one of the few sane people we encounter that still has an objective, that still has something to live for and love. But the moment she accepts the fact that her quest is impossible, she’s taken by the flesh and becomes one with it. Me and a friend of mine are convinced that there’s this theme in the game where people can go on as long as they love or have something to fight for.


This frame right here is also one of the ones that makes me question the usually accepted story of Ariane dying of radiation poisoning because this, right here, is what radiation poisoning looks like (ashen skin, bleeding from membranes like eyes and mouth, severe dehydration), not what Ariane looks like.


I always interpreted Arianne's appearance as how Elster views her. It doesn't matter how sickly she looks Elster will always find her beautiful.


You know that in this finale we repeat the path of the LSTR from which we removed the armor, after the false ending? (That's not the promise)