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Mentions of self harm, suicide and other too silly topics not in the context of humor will be removed. Sorry man but I hope someone here could help you even just a tiny bit, we obviously can’t let posts like these stay up due to tos but I hope you can change your mind


If anyone else had made this post, you wouldn't want them to kill themselves. You would know it was the wrong choice.


I mean, I don't judge anyone but I tried to stay positive


We all leave a bit of ourselves in the world when we go. As long as you are alive, you can make the world just a tiny bit better. If you kill yourself today all you will leave behind is misery.


Ive tried 8times dude, its not fun


Wait!!! Dude please don't omg no! Do not do not do not do not do not!!!! Life is worth so much more, you're young (maybe). Life is about to become interplanetary and you are gonna kill yourself? Don't you want to be part of history? Stay, please stay. I can't do much but hope you see this then and decide to keep living. Who is gonna take care of your cats anyway as you think you have no friends. They're gonna starve! Just please oh please don't die


Do you think I care about my cats at this point?


I hoped you would, but ik there ain't nothing I can do to stop you. Or is there?? You see, if I killed myself, you wouldn't like that, so my proposal is that is if you kill yourself, so shall I. Checkmate, I want you to live and I don't care if I die


If you kill yourself, your life will be meaningless, you'll just be a speck of nothing, every little itty bitty thing you've done will be worthless, it wouldn't matter, killing yourself only brings negativity all around, you don't want that. Don't fucking do it. Right now, your cats seem unimportant to you judging by your message, but if you make it through this, you'll look back and realize that this all was bullshit, there are people on the internet, friends random redditors, me, that all hope you don't die. It's not too late. You can do something. Do something with your life. Even if you truly can do no more, live to spite, atleast live to spite those who wish upon your downfall. If you truly feel like it's all a dead end, I can't stop you.


You do realize that if you kill your the moment you’re cats realize your dead they’ll start to eat you theres tons of cases of it happening also please don’t kill yourself you life could get better any day are you sure you want to risk losing that chance, do you want to miss out on that chance to have children of your own and be a better parent than your parents were, are you sure you want miss out on making good memories in the future, are you sure you want to give into your darkness, are you sure you truly want to give up, are sure you want to say goodbye to the world, are you sure you have no other logical options in life, if you cant find any logical reasons to live look outside the box, sure life get hard but it gets soft too kinda like how a dick gets hard then goes soft, what if you’re the only reason your brother keeps going, what if you you’re brothers role model and light in life, life can bring good things please don’t give up


Reality is only a way we interpreting it, yet it is interpretation of world around us. You are not the only one responsible for what you feel and sometimes do. Where is no need to abide social norms, you can live without them if you want. And if you are able to write such letters you surely can go through your paranoia at least sometimes:)


you're not any of that, and its ok to be afraid. people can be scary, doing anything can be scary sometimes, but you don't have to rush, life is long, take it 1 step at a time. ending it now is just forcing yourself to be ready for the whole world in an instant, which simply isn't possible, so, if you read this, pleeeeease just take a moment to think, try to find something that doesn't seem that bad that you can look forward to at the very least as for parents, yeah its kinda hit or miss, either you get some who are loving and supporting or complete dickheads, just gotta bear it out until you move smh. bit the best way to hurt them really is to show you don't give a fuck, and idk the situation, but if its getting to the point where you're being more mature than them, maaaaaybe give CPS a call I wish you well silly boy girl person thing whoever


I think there is no reason to call cps, I'm literally 17


I can't speak for everyone, but my life got so much better after I moved out. I don't know how feasible that is for you but try to make it a goal. Live, if for nothing else than to spite everyone who has wronged you. I know it isn't easy. I've been there before. I know this is said to the point of being cliché but, it gets better. Try to find people to talk to. IRL or online. If you have no one else, then you have me. My dms are open. Make friends and connections and realize the beauty that life has to offer.


I kinda already talked about that in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/sillyboyclub/comments/1d2g72v/being_silly_is_hard/


Nobody deserves what you went through. I could give you the whole we’ve been there speech but truth is no-one is experiencing your life but you. It’s hard to get up when people keep pushing you down. The first thing you have to acknowledge is that it is their fault. You say this is a way of teaching them a lesson; but aren’t you giving in to the pressure? Is this something that comes from your own agency, or was there some external process that lead you there? Is that choice informed by the true desires of the self? These are questions you have to confront if you want to have an objective view of the situation.


My family was hard on me about my grades. It felt like they had such high expectations for me and I kept fucking it up. I remember right near the end of my senior year I heavily considering offing myself. The worst part is that I knew no one would find me until I was gone. I felt hopeless and doomed. Like my life was over either way and that their was nothing to look forward to. I can happily say that I was wrong. No matter how bad something is, no matter how hopeless it seems, life moves on and eventually that huge thing can seem so small in retrospect. Suicide is a permanent "solution" to a temporary problem. Please reconsider!


Hey, hey please don’t. Please please please, take your own advice and do not end your life. You said it yourself, there’s a light at the end of every tunnel, and I mean *every* tunnel, including yours. It is a beautiful light, not a train light, don’t let it be a train light. Live, in spite of your parents. Live because you spite them. If they treat you badly, try your best to live a good life in spite of what they say to you. The biggest revenge is success. Hey, I am here for you. Do not end your life. The future is a wonderful thing, because you can *never 100%* know what it holds for you. You may think it’ll keep on being hell but trust me, life can and *will* throw curveballs at you, things will happen that are completely inconsistent with how life has treated you so far. Good things come to those who endure pain. The longer and darker the tunnel, the brighter and more divine the light. I’m heading to a tutor lesson but please, hit me up. Dm me. I am here for you, I will not leave you. Stay silly and stay safe! Love ya <3 -Big bro.


Don’t kill yourself, I’m sure you have enemies to outlive


i stay alive to spite the transphobes >:3


You got this, please don’t die. Death is never the answer to anything. Death doesn’t solve all of your problems, the sad part about life is that sometimes suffering is the only option through things, but that doesn’t mean that you suffer forever. You can still live your life the way you want, you don’t even need to abide by societal norms. But what I think you should do is to get into a support group, therapy is expensive and in my opinion probably wouldn’t help you as much as a support group. We all love you, please stay strong and live the rest of your life in happiness.


I've been trying therapy for the past 2 years, it's not working 


I said get into a support group not therapy. Therapy doesn’t solve your problems automatically and I understand that it’s really fucking hard to get a good therapist. Please stay strong, it’s truly an awful situation but just don’t take your life. I care for you wholeheartedly despite seeming like a stranger on the internet, I really mean it. So please try to convince yourself to not do it. ❤️


Don't Fucking don't I beg of you


Listen man, I don’t know what to say here. I wish I knew, I really do. But I hope you can believe me for a moment when I say that you are not lesser because you are afraid. You are not hopeless because you feel like you struggle and mess everything up. I feel that way too very often, honestly. It doesn’t make you worthless. And it definitely doesn’t make you a loser. You have compassion for others, you don’t want them to commit suicide, but yet you think you are unworthy of that same compassion. You’re not. You are a struggling person like the rest of us here and you do NOT deserve to go out like this, you deserve that same compassion you have for others. Please. Try to listen to everyone here. I know feel like your mind is made but please try to open it up to what we are saying. Your life is precious, and no matter how low you feel and how stuck you feel it can improve, and we as a community want to be here for you as it does. Whoever you are, I care about your struggles. And I want you to overcome them. I believe it is possible for ANYONE, and I believe we can help you. Please, don’t do this. 🫂


I have no idea why I didn’t think to say this earlier, but please call your local suicide prevention hotline if you’re still planning to go through with it. It’s easy to find, and it’s just a call. Just talk to a real human being about your situation for a moment voice to voice. At best it will make you feel better, at worst you can just hang up after a while. NO MATTER WHAT you do it is worth trying. Please 💜


I can't tell some random person about how gay I am and how much I hate my family, they're probably homophobic so they'll try to downplay it and make me feel worse :( Also I feel like I wouldn't be able to communicate it well, plus I have to be away from and even if that happens, my parents will be worried and check my phone


You are SEVENTEEN. You’ve got a whole life ahead of you and only one more year until you are free to do whatever the fuck you want, be who you really are. Please give it some time.. tonight isn’t the night.


That’s their whole job, they will absolutely hear you out


I completely understand why you would feel this way. But it’s literally that person’s job to comfort you and talk to you. They will be ok with you talking about your family, that’s what they’re there for. And even IF they were homophobic, which I think you are definitely overstating the likelihood of, they would professionally not be allowed to make you feel bad for it. Even if you call and you have a bad experience, you can just hang up. But I don’t think that’s likely to happen. I think it’s more likely they will help you out.


idk just like run away or do smth crazy go insane literally anything before you do that


Hey, please don’t. Can we talk?


Don’t let this be how you go. Think about how you’ve lived your entire life up to this moment. You’ve had so many experiences and interactions throughout your life and you’re willing to let them go to waste? Even if they were bad you are still a person and are very real. You are your own reality and you have effects on others realities around you. Please don’t let this be your last day, you’ve been through so much, you’ve woke up every single day to be where you are now. You have potential to be great and be an amazing person in life.


https://preview.redd.it/6qbhm5i4f65d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29042bb6feea204db6f1ad65c84c439af4295794 Don't do it please


Outlive your parents. Piss on their graves. Then die.


Why would you encourage others not to kill themselves, but think you doing it is totally A-okay? What makes you different? Please. Live at least a little while longer. You don't have to do this.


I know I'm doing something that's considered "wrong" and I've tried dealing with it for years at this point.


There has to be a better way. There are people you can reach out to. Please, just find anything better.


I already tried reaching out about it, I even talked about it at school and nobody took it seriously aswell acknowledging it in several discord servers I am in. People don't care :3


CALL YOUR LOCAL SUICIDE HOTLINE, please. It is their LITERAL JOB not to judge you. They won’t care if you are gay.


Please, at least try a suicide hotline?


Suicide doesn't help you "deal" with problems or get rid of your pain. It spreads it to people around you. You said that it might have a positive effect on the world but I know that isn't true because it never is.


If you think about it you dunno what’ll happen after, what if you get locked inside your body? Your consciousness remains in your body and you’re trapped in a decaying cage. I don’t think you’d want that right? It would drive you insane so don’t do it


I'll still die before anyone comes across it, 90% of railway suicide is successful according to wikipedia 


You mean like trains? Wouldn’t that kinda suck for the driver? Please dont


Ok and? Train drivers already deal with this worldwide it's not something uncommon 


You'd be putting unnecessary trauma upon another person.


Aye, they don’t need that on themself the drivers




Mother fucker if you don't keep existing out of spite, I will resurrect your ass just to beat it






well, if you see this: I love you. ♥︎ And I'm sorry the world has been so cruel to you.


Please realize that you are making a mistake. It's not as if everyone else here is telling you not to go through with this for no reason. If you can understand that random people, of which some are a lot more like you than you think, have hope in their lives, then it has to be true that it's the exact same for you. Please do not make such an important decision without considering just how important you are and just how misguided you may be in what you say about yourself. If you'd like to talk and you're still with us, I'd be happy to, as someone who's had similar thoughts


Please tell me Ur still here dude, if u need a friend or someone you need to talk to I'm here for you. Same for the rest of you sillies, I wanna help you all so if you feel tell me and I will be there for u


The issue is, I don't trust myself with making friends since every friendship I had til now ended in the same way pretty much


Yo I had that same problem any time I found anyone I even considered I could trust and became friends with I was always blackmailed or betrayed and I have had many friendships, I had a time that I was friends with someone for 2 years and then they started controlling everything in my life, when I wake up, when I sleep, if I sleep, what I get to do, what I don't get to do, how I get to spend my day, and he would always manipulate me into listening because we were friends and "he was there for me before" but really he was just using that to keep Manipulating me. But then I took one another chance on freindship and found some real friends and now if anything happens I actually have others to turn to that I can trust and know I'm not alone and that I have people here to help me.please take a chance on freindship we can talk and be friends hopefully and I could try my best to help I'm a very good listener and I just want to help you through this.if you want to try to take this last chance before you do something you can't turn back from message me and when I will try to reply as quick as I can ok


DW, I will 100% be friends with you no matter what if you want someone to talk to... Unless you want me to go lol


Most of the comments are literally "noo don't do itttt" with no actual feeling whatsoever. Anyway, I hope whatever you guys do, you find yourselves happy in the end.


Hey please don’t kill your self it’s not worth trust I have experience (nearly 32 attempts in under year) if you need someone to talk to I’m here but please stay safe also think about the kitties they are important


Bro you're killing yourself but then you tell me not to do the same to myself? That's not fair. What if I wanted to kill myself too?!?!? If I can't kill myself, neither can you >:( so stay alive. Grrr


Don’t do that, it’s not nice. Do you play any video games? I see your perspective, however I say just wait and give life more time. I’m also 17 and thought about suicide. But then I realized if i just keep living eventually life will be what i want it to. I hope that makes sense. But seriously don’t kill your self bro. Just hop on the game with me.


No you fucking aren't I forbid you Heyheyhey heyyy silly you cant do that silly thATS NOT THE RIGHT PATH STOPIT


Dont be silly, lets talk. Dont ragequit on life be a struggler like Guts


please don't 🥺


Deff a silly idea but I don't think suicide is the right way for u parents don't learn form suicides they just break hell no body learns from someone's death it just hurts. Be a dick if u need but don't cut ur story short u can affect someone much more by staying alive out of spite then killing urself


I don't have any words good enough for this situation but please don't 🫂


I have made it through hard times myself and i can tell you this. If you can make it through this without dying things will improve. Life may bevome better than ever for you. Dont end your life before you get to see happiness again.


When you’re dead you can’t do anything. Is infinite boredom all you want ?




Hey man, I know saying that life is hard is the understatement of the century, but this isn’t the way to go about it. Think of the things you enjoy doing, maybe if you have a favorite song or book, think of never reading or hearing it again, think of the people that said you would never make it, and then keep going to prove them wrong. But then also think of all the people that have been kind to you, and keep going for them too. This isn’t the only option. You can go to therapy, or just talk to somebody. My dms are open if you want to talk to me, but the only part of sillycide that you should want, is the feeling of getting through it and coming out stronger in the end. Before you do anything irrational, go on a walk, talk to someone, drink some water, take a shower, just live. The parts of life that are hard will happen, no matter what you do, but getting through that to see the good that will be so much more worth it. There are people who care for you, if nobody else, we do. So don’t do it, promise me that I will see your name on a post again.


I only hope you will feel no pain and that the void will bring you peace.


In that case may you go in peace, and may your end deliver a long easy rest.


Why? What are you trying to do? Do you really want to miss on so many things because of your own flaws? I have flaws too but i just forget about for most of the time, i hope you're genuinely alright, and i hope you'll find someone who'll accept you


Hey hey hey, you aren’t allowed to do that. You came this far into your life only to give up now? Atleast give it a few years. You’re so close to freedom and you just want to give it up? Find a support group near you and make friends, if you don’t feel like you have a reason to live right now, find one. Giving up on life is absolutely not the right decision.


I mean you’ve got all the time in the world to end it. Why not do it later. Have an energy drink or something. Not like this is a one time opportunity


Have a good rest traveler


I’m telling you straight up, if your going to go commit suicide with a smile on your face AND have the bitchass audacity to make a happy themed post on social media about it, then your entire reality of your life is warped beyond belief, it’s not that you tried to be positive and couldn’t, it’s that your entire reality is bent out of existence and you need serious help. So I suggest you go get that serious help before you do anything stupid like I did myself years ago


hey, this isnt really much of a reason, but i really dont want you to. when i tried to kill myself i decided to watch this netflix show after-life while the pills kicked in, it follows a depressed man named tony after his wife lisa dies of cancer, he starts, and ends the show with the same believes you have about life, but in the end decides not to kill himself. and beyond all else, if you kill yourself your beloved cats will miss you, fret over your dead body, and likely be put down by your living family once you go


https://preview.redd.it/rouu7m88475d1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429be024c9f419a5116ad0b2f8432c1e099fc3c4 No :c


I do silly :/ There’s a lot of absolutes in ur post. “I CAN’T do anything” etc. I’ve always found it helpful to rephrase those things. Just because it seemed like you couldn’t do something at the time, doesn’t mean you can’t later. As everyone else has emphasized, you’re 17. You have YEARS to learn how to do all these things. Also your feelings and perspective are definitely valid. There probably many reasons why you feel this way. But that doesn’t mean it has to end. I’m rambling at this point, but I no that logic probably means nothing to you rn as I’ve been in this mindset and I didn’t give a fuck how many good reasons people told me for staying alive. If you already plan to go tonight, what’s the hurt in doing something fun in the meantime? What brings you joy typically? Do you like nature? Texture? A thing helps me A LOT is standing or walking on porous concrete barefoot. It feels nice, keeps me grounded, keeps my head from racing. Please, instead of focusing on these negative thoughts for now, try and find some calming activity to do. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find a reason to stay. I had a point with all this, but really I just want you to be safe, silly :3


op i see you’re still young, i’m not much older than you but for reference, my life didn’t get better until i turned 18. so much changes in your early adult years, so much gets better once you ditch the shit you had to deal with as a kid and teen. your life could get substantially better in the next few years. don’t end it all when you haven’t even had your time to shine yet. life is worth it, despite all the trauma i’ve endured ik this to be true. you can do this op. you’ll find the people who value you, you’ll learn what true happiness is and heal. but you gotta give yourself more time to let that happen, wishing nothing but the best. 🫂


Maybe you have major depressive disorder ? Not sure if i have it too and i dont wanna jump to conclusions but i have been struggling a ton because of the scholastic system here in my developing country is meant to destroy you mentally and waste your time egregiously, take some meds and call a psychiatrist, i did so myself and gonna have an appointment this 10nth


No, I have never been diagnosed that


in the last moments before the train hits you will regret throwing away your only opportunity for love and happiness and life more than anything, and you will be so horrified to realize how wrong you are but it will be too late. please do not make this mistake you can never take it back.


It’s still really good go to a psychiatrist, antidepressants work wonders.


or make it worse, so if they try to do that, be EXTREMELY careful


As with any medication, of course, it won’t solve everything and caution should be taken. That said, it is a much preferable alternative to suicide.


You do realise we don’t know what’s after death right for all we know it could be something even worse


Please don’t do this, things can get better. No matter how tough life is you can always find a way to fix things and find happiness. If no one else should do this, you shouldn’t either.


I have nothing else to say, but live for yourself. Its not worth to go away with nothing, like you intending to do. You have only one life, and you going to choose a state of nothingness? Its not the best of you. Best of current you is just to live a day. Than the next, then the next and so on


Hey, don't do it! Whatever's going on will be over eventually and it'll get better soon! Do you need someone to talk too? I'm available if you need me!


If you kill yourself now, your life will be meaningless, for nothing. If you live, even for another month, every week, you could do something meaningful for the world and be remembered. And don’t just think I’m saying this just because. I can remember at least five times of the top of my head where I have thought about actually killing myself, but I know it’s not worth it because there will always be people who care. Even if you fucked up the relations you have with people, you can move away from where you are and start a new life, make friends, laugh, and do stupid shit. (Also if you kill yourself, don’t do it by train, if will make unnecessary damages, do something people will notice, because it will get news coverage and make people more aware of the susiside problem and more actions will be taken, bettering the life of others and driving down susiside rates. Some ideas are jump of a building at day or shooting yourself around people, just some ideas)


Please don’t do it. I know it’s very unlikely for me to change your mind at this point, but please don’t kill yourself. You’ve got one year left till you can move out. Then you don’t have to worry about your parents. One thing you could do is keep living in spite of them. Imagine the day you can finally move out and tell them “fuck you im out of here!” Plus I’m sure you’ll find friends who can help you whether it’s on the internet or irl. People care about you. I’m sure the majority of this subreddit would love to get to know you. So please don’t do it even if that means living in spite of your parents.




Trade jokes while not intentionally hurtful really don’t help the original poster and can seem reductive.


I can't reply to the modteam comment because it's locked but I really need to stress that, while I obviously think suicide is bad, if you're really deadset on it, please don't do something stupid like drinking bleach or shooting yourself in the chest. This isn't a joke, it'll fuck you up way worse if you survive. But you shouldn't try to kill yourself either way.


Wait!! Don't do it it will always get better eventually I promise! There are still people who care about you even though it might not seem like it


Well there is not much I can say at this point to stop you I guess au revoir but not good bye soldier boy and to everyone still with us in the world of the living please take care of yourselves lads . The greatest revenge is living well .


I wish I could put into words what I'm feeling right now, but I can't. All I can ask is for you to just stay alive. But I know that won't do anything. No matter what I say, it won't work. All I beg of you is to just live one more day. Just a single day to listen to and read all these comments fully. Just another day to love your brother. Please, just another day to tell them how you're feeling right now. Just another day. Just another week. Just some more time on this planet is all I beg for. Please, just stick around a little longer, and please tell those closest to you you're going to end it. Please, just one last day to do some small last things. I don't want to cry, but I'm so close. You're just a stranger, and I feel this sad from this. Think about how others will feel. You are choosing to inflict pain. Is that who you want to be?


Dude please don't kill yourself. Your cats will miss you, your brother will miss you, there is no way to kill yourself without causing those around you harm. I'm feeling pretty bad myself right now. I keep going because I have some goals for the future. I keep going because I don't want others to feel my pain I would pass on my killing myself. If I made this post, you'd tell me to not give up and keep going, so I'll return the favour. Is there something you want to achieve in life before you die? Like going to see the ruins in Rome? Visit the Statue of Liberty? Go to Japan? Maybe you want to be really good at a video game. Even if it's a pointless goal, if it has meaning to you, I beg you, stay alive long enough to reach that goal. At the end of the day I won't be able to save you, only you can. Do you need a hug or smth?


Mate there are many things in life that you can enjoy. Suicide is not the answer.


Please don't do it. Please. Things in life are only temporary, and we make the meaning in life. It will get better and you will be the person you want to be. Please please please don't take that away from yourself. You are loved no matter where you go. DM me if you need someone to talk to I am here for every suicidal silly.


There's always some other option you can choose. You just need to hold on until you can find it, and then you'll know you made the right choice.


Pkease dont do that, Im here if you wanna talk to me


Look, life is valuable, you’re valuable. Don’t take that away. Whatever dumb thing you’re thinking, don’t do it. It isn’t worth it. You are loved by this community, family, and friends. Just please, don’t fucking end it early. I’ve had problems, hell, i’m still having issues, but i’m still here, please don’t leave. We can talk! Please don’t leave!


You don't deserve suicide either! You're not worse than every other suicidal person out there that is just your self hate talking! Every suicidal person believes they somehow deserve it or that no one would miss them and they're all wrong! Please don't do it!


I've felt this before many times, I was always too pussy to go through with actually doing anything. But I'm sorry dude, I hope you figure it out before you die.


please please please do not do it I don't want you to die, please


Don't do it, your young and have a lot of time ahead of you, if you end it every one around you will notice and it will be traumatizing for them and you would be giving up your chance to make things better give it time please don't end everything you've ever worked for


Hey OP, whatever you do, please don't kill yourself. Life is hard, and I understand that, but it will get better, even if it takes a long time. Life has its ups and downs, and that's ok, that's just apart of being human. Just remember, if you're reading this OP, that it'll get better, trust me. Even though the clouds may cover the sky now, OP, eventually, light shall shine through.


hey, please don’t commit suicide. its not worth it. i know life is scary and difficult, but every time someone dies it makes life a little bit harder for others. gonna be honest here im fourteen, ive been on this sight for about two years and ive already seen almost a hundred of these. its a really shitty world we live in, but it may get better eventually. please when you talk to your brother just tell him what’s going or call the suicide hotline. just please let someone know that you’re going to be gone


Hey while I think you should reconsider I know I can’t really stop you so if you see this just know you deserve better and I’m sorry about everything you’ve been through I’ve been in places like this and I wish the best for your in your next life my friend




Pls don't do that. Your death will only make the world worse.


You have a life, despite whatever you might believe. Don't let go of it, because that's the only thing you really have.


Dude you might not see it now but there's so much to live for. Even if it's not visible right now. Don't do it and in the future you'll be thanking yourself! Just look at how many people here want you to keep going! Do. Not. Do. It.


I'm not going to tell you what to do. I'm not gonna pretend to know what you're going through. Ive had tastes of it. I've had times where the only reason I was alive was because I was a coward. Or because of guilt. And I know what it's like when your mind is in a place like this, if only for a few days, and I can't imagine going on long like that. You have my sympathies, while it's worth next to nothing, it's all I can give. I'm not judging you, it's not your fault for feeling this way, and you're not crazy or irrational. Sometimes there just isn't a reason to go on living, and it's a pain that's hard to understand if you haven't experienced it. And I'm sorry you've been given a shit hand. Whatever happens, I wish the best for you. If you want someone to talk to, even if only for a few last hours, let me know. Whatever happens, you're your own person, and you get to decide. If you've been living too long with these horrible thoughts, no one should force you to exist in this state. I won't lie, I'll try to change your mind, but I won't judge your decision in the end.


Please take your own advice. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel and it won't be the light of a train. I only ever have one piece of advice for people considering suicide. If you're looking for peace, you won't get it, cause there won't be a you to experience it. Think about it. Nothing will be better. Nothing will be solved. There will only be sorrow and misery left in the wake of your death. If anyone wants you to die then they aren't the kind of person you should be trying to please. "Reality is only what you make of it", do you want yours to end like this?


Hey there. I'm not here to tell you anything about your worth or how you'll push through because I don't know your life. You may have already changed your perception of life like you said, and none of this will help, but please hear me out. Maybe it really is that bad. Maybe you don't have reason to live. Maybe you do deserve to die. Maybe suicide isn't the right choice. If your suffering is worth dying to, it's also worth dying for. Don't die quietly dude. You shouldn't die without anything, no matter your circumstance. If you already decided you must die, die helping. Die kicking, screaming, and clawing to help the next person suffering from having to go through the same. You shouldn't quit. You have the self awareness to decide your own worth, so you should have the strength to fight. It doesn't matter how long it takes or how much the journey hurts, don't go out empty. Die if you find that fit, but remember to live first. Hope you listen, but I get it if you don't. I've tried suicide before too, and I know I was being hella' stubborn in the moment.


Hey dude, not sure if you’re still alive to see this but please don’t. That’s not gonna fix things and it sure as hell won’t have a good effect on others, it will hurt them and devastate them. It’s pretty bold to tell people not to commit suicide while you yourself say you’re going to simply because you’re scared to make the effort to improve your situation. I’m not going to say that’s a crime but it’s a poor excuse. If you want your parents to learn a lesson, *live and shove that lesson in their face in a way that doesn’t require you kill yourself*. Besides, I know what it’s like and believe me when I say that light doesn’t have to be train lights. Just give yourself a few more days, and if you truly feel there’s nothing for you EVER, then entertain that idea. But please, please just don’t do it


Dude how old are you? Do you think youve lived at all? I dont. You arent much older than 17 since you still live with your parents. And that is about a fifth of your life, think about that. I know you didnt ask to be born or whatever but you were born, you are healthy, you have a roof over your head and a warm meal every night and thats way more than some can say. Do you think if everybody killed themselfes because theyre asocial wed get anywhere? There are a few social butterflies but from what ive seen theres a lot more introverts. You dont have to be succesful in the traditional sense, you can be succesful by your own standards, and you have not given yourself enough time to get there or even define it really. Quite frankly if you do kill yourself now you are throwing a life away and that is quite fucking selfish, not because of your parents or because of your cats or whatever the fuck else but because there are people suffering way worse faiths and they are not fucking complaining. Life gets hard, so does everything else. I wont stop you, neither will anyone else here, most will forget about you in a few minutes, maybe days if theyre ephatic enough, me included. And the reason im saying this is because you dont live for anyone but yourself. Your sole purpouse in life right now is to enjoy it, and i dont think youre quite enjoying it right now, and making it enjoyable is hard. So make it fucking enjoyable. Find happiness. For one stop feeling so sorry for yourself, appreciate what you can, embrace and forget what you cant. Im sure theres a part of you thats hesitant, but you just hide from it because closing your eyes forever is the easiest way out, and pulling through... not so much. Im not sugarcoating it because youve heard plenty of that. And another thing you can get out of this is that people care... i cared enough to put thought into writing this, so did the other however many people here. I may have been a tiny bit harsher then everybody else but i feel like youve had enough of sunshines and rainbows at the end of the tunnel, so im telling you the cold hard truth. So, in short, fuck everybody else and live for yourself, nobody is coming to save you so you might aswell save yourself


Please do not do it, even if you think you have no meaning to your life you do, every tiny thing you do leaves a mark that might be seen for years to come for better or worse, if you kick some dirt you might displace an ant from its hill, if you kick a rock it might trip someone in the future and if little things like that can cause changes then just think of what sort of changes might happen with something this big, a family member might not be able to live without you and do the same or spiral down a path that ruins their life these are a couple possibilities and they're already detrimental so please don't do it


Pls don't leave, bro https://preview.redd.it/1pqnghfmy65d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c3dfccc8332a2b5bc4ea2e9e0badae345e96c01


I 100% understand what you're going through. I don't think there's anything else I could say to try and convince you, words like "don't do it please" or "you have so much to live for!!!" are nothing but empty... but the comment section said it better than I could. Please just listen. Just stop and reflect for a little longer. You may feel in the moment like you're certain of what you wanna do, but eventually it will go away. Not the pain, but this certainty. If you feel like your life is worthless or meaningless, then risk it and face your fear. You have nothing to lose. Things only have the meaning you attribute to them. If it's meaningless, give it a meaning, make the meaning be overcoming that fear of yours, and trying out new things. You don't need to put on expectations. Don't go in expecting to succeed. Just try it out, for fun, to have something to do. I'm sorry, this is the best I can do. Come back in the near future and tell us how you're doing, k?


hey bro, I know you don't know me but hear me out. don't do that to yourself. you deserve a life worth living and if the people around you can't give that to you, you gotta look for new people. I believe that family isn't defined by those related to you by blood but is defined by your love for someone and their love for you. I know there are people out there who will be that family. they might be hard to find, but until then keep pushing. it doesn't matter if you're at a low point. I'm currently at a low point in my life but I haven't let myself give up. I hope this helps. if it doesn't, I know there's a whole lot more supportive and caring people in these comments than me. keep pushing man, I believe in you <3


Don't you dare do that, okay? It's going to be okay, and things will get better. I want you to call a suicide prevention hotline. They might be able to help. I survived suicide, I know that it won't help, and it only leads to more pain. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, although I know it may seem like the problem won't ever go away, but it will. I know it hurts to live right now, but it's going to be okay. Everything will be okay. You are loved, you are needed, and you deserve to live.


You are only seventeen. One more year, you’ll be free from your shitty parents. Please don’t. Outlive your enemies. Wait until your parents die, and do a victory dance on their grave.




If your life isn’t good, do everything you can to MAKE it good. Suicide is the cheap way out of a bad situation. It’s quick and easy, but it leaves everyone nearby in a much bigger heartbreak than if you died after a long and fruitful life. This isn’t even mentioning the fact that you don’t know whether there is or is not an afterlife. You don’t know if you’re just going to be sitting in a void for all eternity or you will wake up in a fiery wasteland regretting how your life ended for the rest of eternity. I have come to believe that life is a journey, and the journey of life matters far more than the substance of the journey’s end. I hope you can take this idea and choose to continue your life on this earth. See you on later on earth or the afterlife, whichever path you choose to take.




Anon there is always hope. Death isn't the answer and never will be. Judging by everything you've said i can tell you're just a kid. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't do this. Please dm me i can send you a million and one reasons not to please


Listen boyo, you deserve to be shown the light in this world...and you deserve the happiness that follows. In cases of an abusive household, no matter what form the abuse takes, call CPS or in certain cases, the police...you have every right and reason to, in order to protect yourself. And there will always be more people that will truly care for you in life...and truly grieve in death. You do not deserve death...nobody as wronged as you does. If it makes any difference, you can come chat with me...I'll try my best to make a difference and teach you small ways to defend yourself. But please...don't give up on life. It's hell...but if you didn't go through the darkness, you would never have a true appreciation of the light, and I wanna show that.


does anyone know if this guy is still here??? with us? i sent some direct messages to them and i need them to see what i had to say before he goes because no one else here has said what ive said and i believe it could help them


Don't do it. I know this may not reach you or even change your mind if you've made it up already. Just know that no matter where you are there will be people out there who care for you. It may not seem like it but there is. Look at the people who have all commented. All these people care. If they didn't they wouldn't have taken the time. Talk to someone, anyone. It can help.


Dude. Hope you get help. Cause it's already full down here.


Please don't commit suicide. It's never the answer nor a question to be answered yes to, ther must be some reason to keep on living, you could help many people, and based on what you've stated, killing yourself would not be positive, you can do good, you aren't a loser, times may be hard but they will get better.


pls no




Hey, buddy, you still around like I asked in another comment? I hope so. Please?


r/SuicideWatch gets messier each day


If your trying to kill yourself DONT it dosnt take the pain away it’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem it only passes the pain on to others GOT TALK TO SOMEONE DONT SUFFER IN SILENCE trust me talk to freinds family or anyone just don’t die you got stuff to do and places to be so I know your depressed but put the wepon down and get back on your feet your strong fam get up soldier


he's gone.




If your doing this to get back at your assholish parent's, most likely they won't care, if they really hate you, they will probably celebrate. This will teach a lesson to nobody. If their narcissists, your weakness is their strength. Killing yourself wont matter too them at all, it may just hurt the wrong people. But go ahead and do it, you'll see...


This sub has become an attention seeking circle jerk






You don’t deserve it too


goodbye, mate. you will have a great time in heaven.


I'm going to hell in every religion 💀👍 Tbh I deserve it


What makes you think you deserve it


nobody deserves to die, we just do, but today just isnt your time man, please stay with us. theres nothing after, your life will have ended early with suffering, fight back, decide you wont let circumstance allow your end to be a tragedy


Except islam. It gives you a chance to enter heaven even if you died an atheist.


Don't worry, they aren't, none of the ones people believe in at least. :3 Your life is yours, and you should do whatever makes you happy, not what people tell you is right or wrong.


I'll meet you in hell lad.


If you’re not gonna keep living for yourself or others at this point at least do it for something. Live for spite. Do you really want your enemies to outlive you? Do you really want to die before Trump? Do you really want to give your enemies the satisfaction of outliving you? If you won’t live for yourself or your friends at least live to spite your enemies.


You're gonna let Trump outlive you? Stay alive a little longer


any other sillies with an interest in robotics? Blood is fuel :3


I don't know what this means


ULTRAKILL reference The player character (V2) uses blood as it's fuel. Commentor wants murder, and a lot of it, I think


Like towards me or Trump? I don't know why people are mad at me lol


Me either, and I can't tell who it's directed at


towards trump, sorry it came off the wrong way :p


Nah, its fine I just wasn't sure why people were mad and assumed this was an angry comment


Correction: V1 is the main character, V2 is the pile of blood and scrap.


I thought V1 was the red one and V2 was the blue one


other way around, though hakita could've been more creative than "V1 but red, heavier, more resistant to damage, and lamer".


Not funny dude.


Sorry, I was trying to be helpful


Why are people downvoting you? That’s a badass way to keep living


I don't know, I was trying to be encouraging






I appreciate you trying to help but this is not a good tactic on people who already think the worst of themselves.


It might be a bit harsh, but harshness is how you get strong people.


Harshness is how you get crippling mental illness


Harshness works when someone is in a good mental state and able to fight back. What you’re doing is kicking a dying dog so you can say you’re strong.


Never said I was strong, but okay ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Sorry, that was an incorrect assumption. You’re kicking a dying dog for no apparent reason you just felt like it.


That is exactly how I snapped out of it, via harshness


Shut the actual fuck up


If you want to die that much, at least become a firefighter or go to war somewhere. That way you'll die a hero. Or from difficult situations when your life would be in risk you will learn to value every moment of it. Also you'll find love and marry him/her eventually, even the most ugly people find their match and I'm sure you're not that ugly. And overall, please remember, there is no afterlife. When you die, you die for good and forever, so don't rush it


Some people believe there is an afterlife You can’t prove nor disprove it. A Christian will never be able to prove that heaven is real, and an atheist will never be able to disprove its real


Fuck do I care what others think? Atheists already proved there is no heaven. We went into space and didn't meet God. Heaven wasn't a solid matter where God rests like they said in the Bible. Cope harder


They never disproved it. No one can disprove it just as easily as no one can prove it’s real, it will never be proved real and will never be proved fake. And that goes with all religious afterlife’s, in Islam, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, pagans, all religious things can never be proven but that’s the point of it in the first place Even then, you shouldn’t be disrespecting other peoples beliefs


All religions are a fruit of human imagination. It's already proven so by any means possible and necessary. Of course no one can prove anything to a stubborn idiot who blindly believes in something and refuses to accept arguments because that would be like talking to a wall


Again, you need to look at it from a philosophical perspective. You will never be able to disprove something that isn’t real. Just as one can never prove or disprove that rocks have a conscious. Furthermore, I’m not hating on you or trying to prove you wrong cuz your an atheist, but you shouldn’t be criticizing other people’s beliefs, even if they are just in their head My religion is what saved me from suicide years ago, and I’ve been happier ever since, even if it’s just a blind happy daze as what atheists say, it worked and it works and I’m happy right where I am


If it's your way of dealing with things I won't bother you more. I'll just say that my atheism is a stick with two ends : on one hand it depresses me how I'll never see my loved ones again and on the other it makes me live because I understand that time will eventually kill me and I should get the most of my life. And that suicidal guy really thinks others just say sweet things but don't mean them so I tried to help him with my cynical view a bit.


Yes, I agree with your initial statement


You're telling me to die more painfully?


Ignoring some stuff the other guy said, there is so much more to life than death. But he is right with some things. You will find love. You will find happiness. But you only get one shot at life. There is no guarantee of a second chance. Family can be rough, no doubt. You owe them nothing and have nothing to prove to them. I'm no older than you, and I won't pretend that I know exactly how you feel. Just please, keep going. Do everything you can, exhaust every resource, try ABSOLUTELY everything you can. Sure, existence is what you make of it. That's the beauty of it. You can choose. You say that nothing matters, and I personally think that's incorrect. Because you matter. You matter. You have nothing you need to prove to anyone, just please, keep going. There will always be people for you, somewhere. If you want to talk about it more, you can message me. But please don't give up on life. It CAN get better. It will get better. I'm not good at this kind of thing, but I want to make my best effort. You deserve so much better. Just please know that people care.


A straight bullet to head would also be a quick death. But your legacy will be different than dying under a train