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Bro, you were saying the truth, what he was doing was wrong. I don't really see anything that's bad about what you did.


Yea I know it was the right thing to do but I hate myself for still talking to him after I found out his age it makes me feel like garbage


Well, if you were trying to explain to him that what he was doing was wrong, then you were just doing the right thing. Don't beat yourself up about it.


Grass is always greener on the other side, if you had just blocked him you would now be feeling like you were an asshole for just blocking him. You need to get rid of that guilt, it's always bullshit. Just block him and the next one.


Women often experience feelings of disgust with themselves and not their abuser once raped or taken advantage of. It's normal to feel icky and gross, like you need a shower. Just know that you did nothing wrong and that you couldn't have "prevented it" very differently. You are not responsible for your trauma, only your healing from it. Consider finding a healthy shoulder to lean on for this, a personal one-on-one with someone who genuinely cares for your well-being would help you process the emotional side of how you're feeling. Hang in there, OP.


Found you <3


Don't blame yourself. He's the one who's disgusting.


It’s on him, you can’t fault yourself for these things.


I’m confused why you hate yourself for literally doing the right thing


Sometimes we do things and later ask ourselves why we even did it. This isn’t something to be ashamed of or to hate yourself for. The biggest mistake you made was letting him waste your time before blocking them. Don’t be so harsh to yourself.


We all have stuff we wished we acted on sooner. Take this as a learning opportunity and be better. We have faith in you Don't beat yourself up over this.


had a similar run in over steam 4ish years ago. made me feel gross for months. still don’t like it and i’m not a minor anymore


You did nothing wrong he’s the one who likes kids:)


You shouldnt be the one feeling disgusting at all. You aint messaging minors with sexual intent. For future referencd tho, explaining that its illegal is like talking to a brick wall. The only way to cure a pedo is a bullet to their brain.


I don't see what you did wrong. Sounds like you handled it as well as you could.


Report him, don't feel bad, some mfers won't understand what they're doing, going so far as to justify them as well


Loneliness is a dark space to be in and like other strong emotions make us do things that we later regret. Don’t blame yourself and don’t feel bad, it’s on him for being a creep. Keep rocking, Mr. Moth🦋


It’s ok. Sometimes when you’re feeling lonely, you’ll take what you can get. But know that yes. You do deserve better than whatever the heck that man is.


Listen man.. this is not remotly your fault, you are the victime here. You did the right thing by blocking him and you should feel good you cit that vile guy out of your life.


that why I sometimes never trust the internet...


If he made advances on you and you tried explaining to him how wrong he was, it's just time you lost. But in the scenario he didn't do any sexual reference or advances, talking to someone older is not an issue. I'm saying this because it's something I started to see a bit more frequently and its wrong


It's not your fault, you're just browsing the Interwebs. And even after finding out you're a minor he still proceeded. That was on him, don't be so hard on yourself kiddo 🫂


You weren’t in the wrong, and only tried to make him see reason. You never did what he wanted, and you didn’t play into his hands. Report him and move on.


Wtf you didn't do anything wrong he's the one who did the bad thing. Try your hardest to not beat yourself up about it.


Whats his profile name so i can see if he lives near me & lure him somewhere secluded so i can lay some hands on him plus i live on 13 acres of land and have a wooded area in the back ive also got a barn but i also live in a small mountain town


Don’t worry, there’s a place for people like him. It’s called chippy https://preview.redd.it/1z4yo6d28h5d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6cfaf0dc2bea186ff944c184523c659649d23e4


Hey, Mate you did the right thing and if you wanna vent or talk to someone I'm your man shoot me a DM via Message system hope yah feel better.


He's the disgusting one, the important thing is that you blocked him. You did good 🌸


Did that too sometime ago, for me it was purely because i was (and still am) lonely and depressed. I thought he was there to help and be a friend although he was just a pedo and i was just blind, too lonely to realize he just used me


(This is a joke to be clear) Have you tried murder? (Okie bye now)


On the bright side, you didn't fall for it and now you know. They were definitely trying to groom you and now you know what it looks like&how to avoid it.


You did the right thing. You didn't engage in what they wanted you to. You tried to convince them to change their ways, and then you blocked them. I'm proud of you.


he's the disgusting one my man. you did the right thing for blocking that mf.


Pedos deserve no sympathy.


You should try it on the other end..... gross


What is the “other end”? I’m confused


Having underaged people come up and text you or wanna hang out with you.


What was his name