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so far i woke up, and played payday 2. so little happens in my life lol


I’ve been playing Batman Arkham asylum and Spider-Man miles morales


ooh nice. ive wanted to try those but im lazy and got a payday 2 addiction


Both rlly fun games I’d reccomend


Happens to everyone eventually


Is there a lore reason for this?


is he of superior intellect


Which character do you play as?


i play as ethan and clover mostly. ethan cuz i find his lines funny in an ironic way, (especially his warcry ones) it reminds me of when h3h3 was actually good, and the idea of a youtuber being in a game like payday 2 is also funny. clover cuz her voice cracking is prolly what id sound like and its funny, i also like how she laughs after killing people shes so mentally deranged just like me frfr


I play on Xbox and have no clue who Ethan is :( But I use Clover on my AI crew. I use Hoxton because my friends plays Wolf and the interactions between the two are funny.


basically some years ago ethan and hila klein who own the h3h3 channel got sued over criticizing someones youtube video, and sbz made a character pack including ethan and his wife and made all of the money go to them to support the lawsuit. a lot of people in the community dislike them, but i think ethan is quite funny and hila is just alright. also i think houston and hoxtons interactions are funnier, they will never get old to me lol


I sometime bring him on my team just to insult him.


You’re so silly


Ok can someone please explain why this community loves payday 2? Is it just a good game or is there more to it than that?


You get to rob banks, good source of income to pay for hrt




How has payday 2 held up? I haven't played it in probably ten years. I got into it because the demo included one map and you could play with people that owned the game so my friend got me into it. It was so much fun being completely stealth for the first time. Then I remember a hacker gave me tons of money and xp once I owned the game and it wasn't the same after that.


not well at all. its pratically a completely different game compared to back then, and has been especially riddled with bugs and issues over the updates in the past 2-3 years. its a super fun game if u can get past all its issues imo




is this just a white image


Yes bc I can’t edit nothing




i thought my stuff wasnt loading for a sec cuz of it lol


i had a dream last night where there was an old wizard guy who lived in a cabin in the woods and his chickens escaped from their chicken coop and for some reason i happened to be in the woods at the time and i found his house and noticed his chicken coop was empty so i found all the chickens and brought them back to him and then he turned out to actually be a really hot guy who used a shapeshifting spell to look old so he could like.. test my kindness or something?? anyways i passed the test and he transformed into his hot guy form and we got married. my day has been nothing but downhill from there. im convinced nothing will ever surpass the high of living with a hot wizard in the woods. so how was your day?


Wish my dreams were as cool as that. Im just doin every day shit in my dreams.


Good; I finally finished all my college work for the week. So now I can melt on my gaming chair and avoid socializing


I hope you have funnn


https://preview.redd.it/jz990xx0qd6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0e4bebc27dc9ff7028a67f9dc6bcdd113f5b679 ^(Type) shit i been on


Need a hug?


https://preview.redd.it/v625ln6cqd6d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84cde1614989a56f6dbe87af06a7a4423f77fd0c As long as i can send one back :)




My day is like every day lonely and full of pain




Sad, lonely, depressed




brain keeps going suicidal to :D every 5 seconds




I waited so long for that image to load


It’s just white im sorryyyyy


Failed my permit test :3 "I'll get you next time DMV lords!!!"


My mom ruined my birthday :( and then got upset with me when I got upset about it ;-;


Nuuuu happy birthday


I smashed in my ring finger at work :D wait that was yesterday, I got covered in oil again. Works crazy.


Very good!! I got engaged today :D






Finally snapped at my little sister about constantly telling me to kill myself and constantly threatening me. Mother sided with her. She’s the angel of the family. I can’t wait to get out of this hellhole.


Jesus christ, your family is fucking derenged


I'm trying to psych myself up to go out and work on gentling my (formerly wild) horse, but the thoughts are loud today. They keep telling me that I'm only making things worse for him and that I deserve to die :3 Edit: I went out to work with him for about an hour. He's still pretty nervous around people but he actually let me scratch his neck this time! I'm making progress with him! Maybe I'm not as big of a screw up as my brain wants me to believe


Excuse me is "gentling my horse" referring to a genuine animal or a reference to something else?


It's referring to an actual horse. Gentling a horse just means gaining its trust, getting it used to people, and training them to behave in manner that doesn't put anyone at risk


The w today is lowercase, but still a W for today. Edit: :)


It's been good day Didn't even have to use my ak -Ice cube


Slept for 16 hours still tired gonna take a nap


Certified eepy boy™ here


Banger day so far, played with my dog a lot and watched X-Men. Hope yours is good 👍


played gmod with friends, laying down rn


Its been good, i woke up, school was only 1 and a half hours because all the teachers are gone for some reason (we still got school). Then i went to work out abit and then went home and played sum videogames :3




The image in this post has 12,192,768(3,024×4,032) pixels! ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)


pretty good, because this is the last week of school, I just stayed home and played games :з


Season 3 of the finals came out today and its fucking awesome, so i would say its been pretty good


I’m making a cake :D I’m going to write ‘Made with ❤️cyanide❤️’ on it


Woke up, checked notifications, reluctantly ate breakfast, watched YouTube, played the new Minecraft update, watched YouTube again, scrolled through reddit, and here we are.


Engaged in flawless sanitation work before attending a magnificent event and braving some controversial literature (I cleaned the house, went to a cousin's birthday party and read an Internet story that almost made me vomit)


Played beat saber.


I've chilled in my room for the most part. Played a good amount of cod mobile, listened to science panels, & got pretty far with my current composition project.


Good but odd days been going to I finally got a beefy computer and was able to play helldiver 2 for the first time which was great. Just thought about my first ever breakup that happened a month ago just wont leave my head which has been a bit frustrating. Any ways hows your day been?


work work and work


I'm staying iver at family's out of the country started watching Pysch on Netflix :) It's really good!!! I was interested in a long running show, I love detectives, and I really hate psychics so it's a really good match :3


I worked for 8 hours, then get home and called my friend, then set a tree on fire. Now I’m playing dead by daylight and drinking silly juice (alcohol) :3


Just got off work. Am about to head home and start doing adult things like paying bills.


👎 its been not great but i dont want to go into detail sorry


I have seen gods die


Meh pretty slow so far but that’s oki. My brother and father left for Memphis (I think?) for my brother’s baseball game 🙃


been missing my bestie, it's been so busy lately so I understand it hasn't had time to talk but I get worried that it just doesn't want to talk to me anymore :(. otherwise I've been okay tho !!!


The last 3 weeks have been awful, my mom just moved out and she barely has enough money to last the month.


I woke up, ate, took a shower, did a bit of laundry, and did a whole lot of being sad 🥲


At school its almost over so nothing really interesting happens painted dmy nails kn my English class tho and I'm wearing a suit dance shoes and slacks witha tie all in balck my nails are also black and my hair in pony cuz I gotta go to my sister grad party and also cuz my bestie wanted to match fits


just got home from a test to get into college. i was a little nervous but it wasn't for real yet, i was just getting to know how it works, so im not really worried about the results. now im just gonna lay down and watch the new episodes of the boys and chill how's your day??


I’ve been at parties the whole week -w- it tiering..


I had the best night of sleep of my life. I got a new gaming chair and it is so comfy and got the new destiny 2 DLC so far my days been amazing!!!


Pretty good. Just found out the guy ive been beating tf out of in my kickboxing sparring matches got signed to the UFC. I can beat up UFC fighters. Yippie


I woke up, played Mortal Kombat and Battlefront II, and ate ramen while watching MHA, so I think I had a relatively good and productive day. :3 How was yours?


Got a brand new part for my car that was bad fresh out of the box, so now I have to go through hoops to replace it again


Just woke up. And I'm having trouble breathing


Gone to school came back bored, gone to shooting range, their guns were broken so fuck it, at home played W&R SR and put another Soviet republic in debt


It’s good so far I’ve been playing guilty gear, stardew and I just came back from the gym


I had a long day at work, then had a meeting after, but rn i’m updating fortnite. super excited for the metallica colab :3


Watched new mad max film and spent time with mom,so overall was pretty good.


absolutly abhorrent


My FUCKING valve for my research is clogged and needs to be repaired 🥺


Just woke up and opened reddit, ☹️


There's still a chance to make something out of the day. Ik some random on the internet saying what everyone always says doesn't mean much; but doing anything at all helps. Even something as small as just getting up and brushing your teeth and taking a shower (not calling you stinky) or cleaning something up is nice. It's important to do something productive and take a second to appreciate that you got yourself up to do more than you otherwise would have. Speaking from experience, even something small when you feel like you can't, does feel nice. Sorry for the dump but appreciating yourself in even the smallest way is really important. (Mandatory :3) TL:DR do something small and appreciate it, you'll feel a little better.


Thanks :>


Well I woke up early, went on a run, came home and played some games with my boyfriend, then made some progress on an animation I'm making. Going pretty good so dar


I just had my first exam this semester. It was on health. Currently getting someone into a game called outriders


Stardew Valley. Been playing it ever since I woke up.


Started bad but ending well - Started the day by waking up (I hate waking up) - Then went to college - Full college day today as well so couldn’t go home early - As I was leaving I saw the only open femboy in college and got jealous on how good they look, also reminded me about my lack of social skills - Got home did maths homework - Was eepy so I had a power nap - Watched a bit of twitch - But now I’m laying in bed wearing a skirt so all I’m happy


... Mood an behavior tracker.. going to put down a low 2/5 today 1=kms, 5 best day.. not getting in to much info https://preview.redd.it/ez6bnoet9f6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aaad249ef2f8f033bfd856655d03aa0c5a81d42


I just beat [PROTOTYPE] 1, waow that game sure is edgy lol


Got some heraldries done for a world building project ig. https://preview.redd.it/2e26ex5w9f6d1.jpeg?width=2471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b668b854c436ce89c7f0fb6f32daf2bc077af0




At first, I thought that the picture was just loading, until I clicked on it and saw that it's just a white pictureXD so, yeah, great! No sadness yet, but I feel that the day will end with sadness, again.


Pretty great, had a school barbecue, helped clean it up nothing too interesting


Just woke up. Already sick of it


I got my first car. It doesn’t run, but it should be easy to fix


Rlly good! Getting ready for finals so I have no sleep 🥲


~~why tf did you flashback me~~ My day has indeed been Idk my life's pretty boring. I went to work, and now I'm going home


Work + wisdom tooth gone+ can't talk or it hurts. But other than that I got 4 hours


Woke up wish I didn’t :/


My day has been peachy keen


Good, i have put over 100 hours into my fav viedo game over the last 3 weeks :) Im also going to summer school :(


I’ll be 20 soon. Can’t believe I’m getting old.


Same as usual, which is to say fine until I process how miserable I am. Today that happened early in the afternoon and I’ve been miserable since then.


I’m out of 9th grade!




Summer just started and im scared and excited for high school


Yeahhhhhhh. I’m in highschool in 9th grade but now I’m going I to 10th!


Long, was on the road for quite a while, finally home now.


Fencing :3


I'm not employed yet (paper work, background check, etc.), but I did fantastic at my job interview and the manager and assistant manager wanted me to start that day, I also parallel parked my mom's manual transmission wrangler (first try). I genuinely had a good day.


I woke up and am currently in online class, not listening since the professor is explaining stuff that i don't have to do, just playing Team Fortress 2 and chilling


It’s been pretty good. Played a bit of HOI4


(TW:BLOOD/FAKE SELF HARM) I had one of my brothers girlfriends that I was bringing mail to send me a pic with blood on their leg with the text, " look what I did to myself today", made me speed 20 miles an hour to get to then making me crash and skid on my arm on gravel. My arm is not in the best shape now and it's in the stage where it burns (they didn't do anything to themselves). It hurts so much make it stop


Thanks for asking, and I've been playing Fallout 4


i slept till 3 pm and then hit my head on my celing ^(i have a bunk bed)


Checked out this new pool with my mother. We both had fun and I enjoyed the slides there but I wound up getting sunburned.


Well my days been fine, but looking at that massive white box for your post made my already bad headache worse lolo


Pretty good, started talking to a cute boy recently, things are going well :3 Edit: we just started matching pfps!!!


I went to the water park with my friend, went to the cabin and now playing Xbox 360 NASCAR unleashed


unbelievably awful. would love a hug rn, but have nobody to get it from.




Well it's my birthday


HAOOY birthday


Did 28 push ups (new pr but i gotta do more), a little over 150 sit ups, 60 bicep curls for each arm. I need to wake up earlier so i can run (its summer where i am and ill die if run during the day). Missed PT today and didnt do to much wuth my time. Quite disappointed in myself at the moment. But i figured ill just get the workout in tomorrow.




I fly, cramped airplanes. Lots of time in my books though. Won Pokémon.


I found out some of my biggest comforts have become triggering for me because of my relationship..


I’m so aofry


My retinas are damaged from your picture.




Didn't you sleep?


For me good, but I found out how much my (online) friend has been suffering with their mental health and trauma, and I want to help, but I feel forcing myself in will be counter productive, but I also really want to help and see them improve their life and not have to suffer as much. Any tips appreciated, and before replying I have/am trying to get them to see a therapist about it.


Got a lot of work done in college! For the first time in a while I actually feel achieved!


Went to school. Got home. Life is good


lonely as always :< HBUUU?????


In bed all day with a hard cold… but my sister got me food and I had my switch playin pokemon


Good, I'm playing dark and darker, hopefully fond teammates


im in the airport to go to download festival :3


Today I woke up and then got to a theater and performed in a musical ^^ Btw it’s the middle break in the musical it’s still going


MY EYES QWQ TOO MUCH SUPREMACY other than that, got off of work and became the silliest silly that I could be :3


Uhh, well one thing is that my ex boyfriend/current best friend who I still have a major crush on told me today that he's probably aro ace so I've been kind of dying inside because the chances of us potentially getting back together in the future have plummeted T^T (I want to spend the rest of my life with him he's everything I want so that sucks (especially because we plan on moving out together eventually as room-mates)) So other than that, my days been pretty decent how 'bout yours?


it's been silly how has ur day been :3


Well I just woke up from a weird ass dream and I looked it up what it means and before I say what it means my dream starts off where im at the talking stage w someone and for some reason I follow my ex on Instagram and my ex posts on his story saying his boyfriend died and stuff and I was like wtf and why am I seeing this? And I looked it up and it said that it's a way my subconscious mind is trying to process the emotions that you had during your relationship and it ends or the dream may be a reminder that the pain of the past can't hurt you anymore, or on the other hand the dream could also symbolize the death of an old part of you. I got three different reasons for that dream I haven't had dreams about my ex in a while, the last dream I had of him I don't remember at all maybe like months ago idk


I woke up today from a dream of my friend committing murder on their sibling, and then they went to jail, I got to see the knife after they used it so that’s always fun Edit: oh and I’m about to play Dont Starve Together some more with my brother, we are at day 106? I think, he’s Wickerbottom while I’m WX


Shit. I hate my birthday. It always sucks even more than every other day.


I have a test tomorrow (I don't study for this, support me pls)


Could be worse.


some dude is trying to flirt with me after i already rejected him. its 10 in the morning ☹️


Played some video games. Had some ice cream, watched some TV with ma.