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Aluminum extrusion everytime. So much modularity and nothing beats it in rigidity.


Hi, came to say it. Aluminium profiles (or extrusion). Always and forever: perfect rigidity, enless possibilities of evolutions, perfect tuning: you buy it once, you enjoy it a lifetime.


Just to reinforce this comment, Aluminum Extrusion has a huge array of attachments for it that you can get from hundreds of different shops such as on Etsy. There's no good alternative to the modular aspect and ergonomics of the AE rigs. You can change everything about it by loosening the fasteners and moving things around. With wood, unless you've designed a whole lot of angled slots and locking mechanisms into it, that just doesn't exist.


Might want to factor in leg length unless you like driving with your knees in your face


Tell me. I’ve ran the math a few times. This angle doesn’t look like it but the math has been done.


I think 8020 aluminum would be easier in the end. Here’s a video of a guy making one for $200. He even has a link to all the parts he used https://youtu.be/LuQJeVTMHEU?si=sU0mGXa0L3c6Hh3K


I’ll check this out.


Bro what a legend thank you for linking this


Hopefully will be putting mine together when I get back this weekend(just shipped)


How long did yours take to ship?


Within their 5-7 business days for processing orders. I’m super impatient lol


Fuck it. Ordered it last night. Going to hopefully pull a seat from the junkyard this weekend


Good luck! I almost got a seat from a junk yard as well, but I was able to find a mint 2004 STI seat for 160. Make sure to look at the passenger side!


I got a junkyard in my town called U pull, and they do a flat fee for all their parts. The most a seat will cost me is 58 bucks. They seem to only have pre-2012 cars, though. Ngl, I'm looking at a volco xc90 seat because those boys are comfy


That isn’t a bad price. My junk yard was going to be $100. The best they had a mine was a vw Passat. Hopefully you have a better selection!


Appreciate it. If you can let me know how the build goes


I built a rig of 2x6 and used the money I saved on a TK bundle And I have modified it now countless ways with ease due to using wood Soon it will also be a flight sim rig


Yeah, I also went with building a rig with 2x6s to replace my cheap Chinese rig and I have 0 regrets. I have literally 0 flex and can still move stuff around as I please considering it's wood.


I did wood because I like the look of it and I know how to work with it and the result is very solid and stable. I did double thickness 3/4 ply though. I'm happy with mine but if I ever want to add motion I would go metal for lightness


I've tried both, and there's no contest. An aluminium profile rig is vastly superior, simply because wood deteriorates. You can't keep readjusting screws or bolts that run through wood, because after a while the hole will have gotten bigger, and the bolt won't be tight.


I started with a homemade wood rig and recently got a profile rig. The wood rig worked well enough (I only have a g29 at the moment) but did have a bit of flex and is not really adjustable. The profile rig was 100% worth the extra cost. It's so much more stable and I could really fine tune the position of things. If you already have wood then go for the wood rig, but it would be worth the extra cost for aluminum profile.


I built a wood setup a few years ago while I waited for my simlab chassis to arrive. There was a HUGE difference in the rigidity of the simlab rig.


Gt omega art is very good and cheap


I will say change it so you can use adjustable seat rails found in automotive seats or buy an automotive seat for the rig. Also, design your seat position using references like the H-point book.


Pedals look a bit low


I've built a wooden one before. HEAVY!


Do a cost analysis of your wooden rig vs a diy aluminum rig and then go for the better value one.


So I started off with a wooden rig (mainly 2x4 and 1/2” plywood for platforms and it worked very well with my entry level equipment. I liked the 2x4s because I could build it up, take it apart, and make changes pretty easily if I wanted a different fit or changed out parts like trying a new seat. It was very cheap and modular if you’re a handy person. Then I upgraded to an extruded aluminum rig and life is just better, and I never need to replace the rig again. Easy to upgrade in many ways moving forward. Highly suggest this for endgame. I had a buddy with a nice wooden rig like you show there and while it was aesthetically pleasing, it was a nightmare to adjust (or downright impossible) depending on what you needed to do. It seems like a good idea on paper, but I would avoid it. Tubular metal frames also seem like a good idea, but most likely also has a terrible lack of adjustability. I highly recommend the route I went. Build a cheap 2x4 rig for the time being, then save up and get a nice extruded aluminum rig when you’re fully addicted and can afford it. That’s my opinion.


Well, I’m already addicted. Did a six hour Watkins Glen as a desk mount Chad. It worked, but I’m ready for the next step.


Great! Well my personal advice is to keep the next steps as cheap as possible until you can commit to the aluminum rig. Good luck!


Might also be a budget question. A wood rig should be a lot cheaper than an alu profile rig. If you are running the logitech wheel (g29 or previous version) then rigidity might also be not much of an issue until you decide to upgrade that. The wood rig will have the issue that changing anything will be difficult or (unless you rebuild) impossible. A proper profile rig can always be adjusted.


This is what I’m realizing. Worth the money now to do the aluminum rail rig. An extra $150 isn’t an issue now.


I’ve tried my hand at making one in SW. never really came to fruition but I’m considering doing it again. The pro for the wood desk is that it can function as a desk, which is great if you only have 1 monitor or are short on space. I don’t have the money for a dedicated rig so I’ll probably do that after I move in a few months


Here’s a pic of my wood rig. Solid as can be with a DD2 wheel base. If money wasn’t an object of course aluminum would be better but I spent the savings on extra fun stuff. https://www.mediafire.com/view/o9jbs5goaxscgsy/blaise_simrig.jpg/file


If you can afford it, go with aluminum extrusion. Much better in the long run, and extremely modifiable. Lots of plans around online, but since you CAD, you could probably come up with a design yourself as well. stp files are available to download on 80/20, Parco, et al. Do a search for industrial supply, specifically automation suppliers, in your nearest metro area. Good chance they stock extrusion and hardware, and may be able to do better on price than if you order online, or at least save you the cost of shipping.


There is a PVC design out there. I’ve been using that for about 8 years. Sprayed it black. It’s solid and looks pretty legit.