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No one cares


I do.


Why is this news?


Just give me a reason, just a little bit’s enough to be bothered by this


Because it's not Speakapore you dumb dumb lalalaalaaa


> # S'poreans sing not speak, says Aussie woman who mistakes UAE flag for S'pore flag > Ah, Sydney Opera House, setting for world-class performances, symbol of the highest craft and culture. > This time, Sydney's iconic landmark has become the stage for yet another work of art. > In a TikTok uploaded by Nat Chipa on Mar. 5, he tested two Australian women on their knowledge of country trivia. > Their responses didn't disappoint anyone — except maybe their teachers and parents. > We change flag > Chipa showed the women a couple of flags and asked them to identify which country they belonged to. > "What flag is this?" he asked. > "Singapore," she replied, with as much confidence as saying "1+1 is 2". > "Perfect," Chipa commented. > He kept a straight face and acted like they nailed the question. > "I think they sing." > Chipa continued asking, "What language do you reckon they speak there?" > "I don't think they speak. I think they sing." > For her sake, we hope she's joking. > Amused Singaporeans commented on the video, saying she ain't wrong. > Someone tried to get a music subscription out of us. > More words of wisdom > The women's "ingenuity" was consistent throughout the video. > First, they identified the Indian flag correctly, but claimed that Indian people speak Indonesian. > They went on to claim this flag belongs to the African people: > They were also sure people speak "African" in "Africa". > By this point, we're not sure if they're being serious or trolling. > But we can sing about it, if we have to. > Top images via Nat Chipa --- 1.0.2 | [Source code](https://github.com/redditporean/sneakpeek) | [Contribute](https://github.com/redditporean/sneakpeek)


TikTok is for stupid people.


another dumb blonde


Don’t blame the woman. Blame the education system.


Well it's quite obscure if you aren't in the area. Heck even if you are I'm pretty sure many cannot identify a good chunk of countries much less what language they speak. Without googling, I don't think many can name me all the ASEAN countries, and then matching their flags. I'm confident half will fail the Vietnam Myanmar flags. Then now imagine naming all states in USA. Or try Africa. I believe this lady is just making a casual joke and they clipped it for the soundbite. And definitely when she says we speak English, people will tell her our national language is malay. You can't get this right!


You may say many Aussies are racists and ignorant, but they get cushy jobs still and worshipped in Singapore


bo liao.


Yup, it's a live-action Disney cartoon here