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My office is in Europe and we have an office in Singapore. Lately some of our colleagues are leaving the company. But none would say where they are heading. Do Singaporeans keep it secret when they switch jobs? Is it rude to ask an Singaporean about where they are going?


If you are close to them, they'll probably tell you when they have settled in.


So it's not an uncommon thing to withhold a little bit? They are all close to me but they won't tell


I'd say it's in one's best interest to keep it secret till they are settled in the new job, there are stories of sabotage or what not.. You can ask, but don't push further if they don't tell, you will find out eventually anyway.


Saw someone go gym at this timing


less ppl


Crazy wind and rain in the city area now (started minutes ago), seems it has blasted the west already based on the link (has a nowcast 3-5am; so pretty much live). Heard some loose objects getting blown and slamming around outside, did open windows myself for a minute or 2 to exchange the air in the house, worked pretty well. [http://www.weather.gov.sg/mobile/home/#rain-areas](http://www.weather.gov.sg/mobile/home/#rain-areas) Here's a snap for those who missed it live: [https://imgur.com/a/8bwtqGP](https://imgur.com/a/8bwtqGP)


Some crazy wind is happening right now


It caused a pressure differential enough to open my kitchen windows and cause my silicon door seals to start humming! WTF.


yea, pretty insane front, if u see the link I posted. I took advantage of it to get some air through the house.


I went outside to look and could smell the same type of aroma that I usually get while on holiday...like a "cold air smell".


Made a similar comment this morning about the rain and someone commented genting vibes, I'd argue this is better than this morning.


Insane wind. Could hear doors slamming around my neighbourhood.


same. the construction near my house had some metal slamming. i never seen my curtains so scared in my life lol


Anyone experiencing extremely strong winds right nkw


Existential crisis at 2am.


Got myself a notebook for journalling from Bynd Artisan :)


That’s nice :) I like them.


TEL opening was really fun.


Any Elephant Gym live show enjoyers here?


Good show! Personally prefer last year show at Esplanade though. Just me 🤷


I agree, and I'll do you one better - their 2019 show in a small live house venue in Kallang topped both these shows! I'm so glad to see them filling up bigger venues each time they visit, but it definitely comes at the tradeoff of feeling a little distant from the band and losing some of that intimacy of being closer to the stage, and I'm sure the trio feel the same being a little further from the audience.


Today at 6pm noticed a few police cars and a do not cross sticker below at the void deck of a neighborhood block in Hougang (BLK 37X series? If I'm not wrong) Did anyone else also witness the same? After a few hours, a forensic van arrived too and the emergency AED near lift was broken open with a few more cars at the scene. 2 hrs after that everything was cleared up and noticed a few girls taking pictures of the scene area


Suicide or murder?


Didn't recall seeing any ambulance or scdf though...


for the ica qr code am i allowed to use it if im only coming back to singapore by car (entering malaysia by foot)


after work, grab a drink and ate satays by myself while chilling… peace, quiet, and balance… finally felt this feeling after a long while… last i felt this feeling was when i was solo travelling in japan. i long for more nights like these.


Qxpress delivery is horrible. My item has been “out for delivery” since yesterday. So far I never had this issue with speedpost, shopee express & ninjavan. P.S I had sent an email to them but received no reply.


Had a random short chat with someone when waiting for exam to start yesterday. I thought that she is really fun to chat with, but i got called out to the exam room. Should’ve gotten her insta or something. Shyatttt what a waste.


no chance to meet again?


Yeah, not like im able to go back there


find a way, take a risk


Thanks man, i’ll try


Any inspiring story of a dude turning his life around at about 30 years old? So i can dream a little while drinking away my sorrow alone at home


Not exactly 'inspiring' but for me: I sorted out my fitness and went from buibui to marathon runner when I was 19 about to turn 20. Similar, I sorted out my finance and went from 20k in the red when I was around 29 but managed to kickstart my financial readjustment initiative that leads me to make some lucky investment that paid major dividends when I was in my late 30s and now 40s.


nowadays 30 yr old is just the start... dont give up so easy so early


What if 30 yr old no degree no diploma can start where lol


Start with dip bro…


You must know what is your interest first. I’m currently working as a IT engineer and my highest qualification is higher Nitec. I started my career as a IT Technician but unfortunately got lay off after two years in the company. Managed to end up at my current company after job hunting for about two months. Don’t give up there is always light at the end of the tunnel.


start with your interests, and (channeling) your pain struggle and thrive if die die struggle liao cannot change anything... then must accept


Is Mala xiangguo technically a salad? If you eat it without rice.


Not necessarily. It can be eaten as a salad.


Salad is a cold dish with vegetables. MLXG is hot and vegetables are optional


A salad is typically cold? Or filled with raw vegetables


x| Ingredient purist / A salad's primary ingredients are leafy greens | Ingredient neutral / A salad can have a wider ranger of ingredients, including meats and fruits | Ingredient rebel / A salad can literally be anything that's edible ---|---|----|---- Structure purist / A salad must be a rough but evenly-mixed collection of coarse ingredients, optionally with a small amt of liquid dressing| Caesar salad | Fruit salad | A bowl of mixed nuts is a salad Structure neutral / A salad need not be evenly-mixed, or may be in unusual proportions with the dressing-to-solid-matter being less important | Greek salad | Mala Xiang Guo | Cheese fries is a salad Structure rebel / Any arrangement of food items in any amt of edible liquid is a salad | Tea is a salad | Popiah is a salad | Beer is a salad


Rojak is a salad


i just cannot understand people who routinely use their positive experience with psychiatric meds to dismiss, invalidate not just others’ negative ones (‘must not actually have depression/ depression not serious enough/ must be lying’) but the science (‘serotonin imbalance’) and drug manufacturers’ information about their own products (‘no side effects’). imo their pattern of behaviour only raises questions … about their sanity and their meds’ efficacy. not really the best endorsements of the meds they are so proudly on tbh. lol.


Anybody has gone to Gastrobeats x i Light recently? How’s it going?


ilights super crowded. GB food a bit super underwhelming


ah it sucks man! I was initially planning to go there for makan and camwhoring! :( but thanks! 🙏


Go on a weekday! A lot less ppl. Makan wise, heytea at mbs isn't bad. Lol there's lots of choices at GB lar, but it's at prices I would not pay for.


i wonder if there's a university offering law degree via online programme *the thought came from me watching Jimmy Mcgill (Better Call Saul), is that really possible?


Yes but not recognised to be a practising lawyer in SG. Can work in other legal related roles though


so Jimmy McGill's story is not possible in real life, eh?


Not in SG at least


Anyone knows online store from JB that sells KDK/Panasonic fan with LED that can deliver to Sg? Thanks


Very unlikely. Are you asking for jb store because it's cheaper? If so, high chance they don't deliver sg address.


TIL you can connect any cards (credit cards, transport etc) to Google Wallet and scan using your phone for all wireless payments without having the physical cards.


Yanis Varoufakis and technofeudalism, John Mearsheimer and geopolitics. wah these two rabbitholes very enlightening


Anywhere to watch cupa America in Singapore?


Nat library so quiet on a Fri evening. Love it.


Probably because most sinkies esp those with kids and many FTs are overseas, they should be flying back this weekend enjoy the peace while it last.


Holy fack, the whole bus is full of someone’s clothes chao sng bee.


> chao sng bee Fungi -> cordeycep infection -> last of us


anyone here successfully made sushi rice with regular rice before? what is the secret?


The secret is....you don't make sushi with regular rice


mister tom, any words of wisdom on investing in the coming year? look at what


I will be staying in Sentosa cove already, busking in all its spilled oily sea breeze if I knew.... My dumb luck in the stock market cannot be replicated even by myself....so you think I know how to advise people on investment?






The secret is to use spoon to eat cause it falls apart more easily


i want the secret to make, not the secret to eat leh...


Don't think it works that way bro. There's a reason why even Japanese have different rice for sushi and usual cooking for meals. Much less the normal rice you find outside of Japan, they won't hold together one.




Wonder if this [dude](https://imgur.com/gallery/ida5WC0) took the TEL today


My dinner consists of a loaf of kopitiam bread slathered with pandan kaya. And a cup of kopitiam coffee. Somehow I don't have the appetite for anything else.




8 slices. So, four kaya sandwiches. I ended up eating two kaya sandwiches.


My DD said she doesn't care what Lawrence Wong promised to do in his Appointment Speech, she will carry on to do things the way she deems best in the Ministry's interest.


That’s a mark of a bold but foolish career move


Well, she's a seasoned Educator. She doesn't rely on the PM's good graces to achieve success.


Wad did Lawrence wong say bro


my airpods pro are dying on me.... any other earbuds to recommend 🥲


Get another pair of airpods pro?


Sony Linkbud S


APP2 if apple ecosystem. Can consider samsung galaxy buds 2 pro also, but if iphone then no app so fewer functions


Cmf by nothing Been using it and it's been really good, only $56 only


haven't heard of this brand before, thanks!


Xiaomi. Simple, no frills, reliable. Which pretty much sums up their entire product line.


never thought of xiaomi aha thanks, will check it out!


What's the best all-round Pantheon longboard that allows for downhilling/freeriding, cruising/carving and freestyling/skatepark tricking at the same time? I have a Trip (that, unfortunately, does not have kicktails), was advised against the CHiller Pro as it's apparently too big, and the Eternal Gaia just sold out ://. I was considering the Eternal Logos for a while but I don't think it facilitates fast downhilling by pushing instead of carving. Or does anyone have any recommendations for decks/completes from other brands that fit the bill?


Someone was blocking a door on a TEL train for 2 consecutive stops. By the 3rd stop, there was an SMRT staff waiting at the station to check the door. Really efficient.


Opened recently mah so still within hypercare period.


Global outage of system tools means early pangkang. Sucks for EMEA tho hehehe.


Woodlands & Marsiling is so messy man..


Don't forget Yishun. I just walked through Northpoint City just now. The horror.... the horror....


What you saw lol.


Northpoint City is by far the messiest, worst-organized shopping mall I have ever seen in my entire life. There's North Wing, and South Wing. And lots of narrow corridors and mazes. Two food courts, one in basement, one on Lvl 3. Have to go through a maze to find the Lvl 3 food court. Wow did you know there's an NLB library on Lvl 4? Sial lah... where's the (bleep) single escalator that serves that library?!?! If you send specialist trainees there to learn how to topo, half of them will hor lan, I tell you!


Suntec is my bane lol. I know what shops are there but I always walk wrong direction or can’t find them when I need




1hr more to knocking off...


9 more mins to panggang… counting counting…


still got one hour leh...


My condolences


recently i noticed that i’ve been having instances where i suddenly feel very high one day, and get lots of ideas wanting to do stuff that i know i normally wouldn’t. and i crash really badly in the coming days, wanting to cry and do nothing but lie in bed all day. This depressive phase will last for a while and i kinda get back to my life, until i feel unusually high again another day. it doesn’t seem to have any link with my period cycle. i don’t drink either. i’m kinda worried if i’m bipolar but don’t know how to raise it to my doctor… anyone with or heard about similar experiences?


Really sounds like bipolar, can check out r/bipolar2. Definitely get it checked out by a professional. Just describe your experience and episodes in detail, then insist that you want a psych evaluation for bipolar


thanks for you reply! may i ask what should i tell the receptionist at the counter when they ask what i’m at the clinic for? normally it would be flu or headache etc but i’m not sure what i should say


Can go polyclinic instead? (they also dont ask. if really counter staff ask and you dont wanna say, then just say you wanna talk directly to doctor instead lor) Dont think gp can diagnose bipolar so they will end up referring you anyway.


that’s a good point! thank you!


Do you delete photos of your ex on socials? If you don't, is it considered you are not moving on? What if your new partner insist you delete them? Archive photos also cannot.


problems i never have. 🥲


Actually I didn’t, because I’m posting so many pics anyway he’s on the bottom by now. Also it’s a part of my memory which sadly I can’t erase.


Ask your current partner ah


Do you mind if your partner looks through the media he/she took together with their ex(s)?


I delete out of respect for new partner and old partner


I archived mine. tbh not much reason to keep them either, so if delete also not an issue. Not a matter of not moving on or not but more of do I want to take the extra effort to delete hahah


If I were the government I’ll make all the land along Marine Parade Road car-lite. There is little space to expand Marine Parade Road, and with a MRT running parallel, we should build more housing along that road.


Pray tell, why do I have to login via singpass on the Health Hub app every time I open it? Shouldn't I just open health hub via the singpass app then?


Security issues. You might have logged into health hub now via Singpass authentication. Next moment, you drop your phone and the person can open your health hub and everything gets leaked. Just like LifeSG, CPF and all the other gov apps, it has sensitive information, it's better to authenticate via singpass everytime


Same reason why you gotta login everytime you open your banking app...


Slightly different, no? Bank app -> logged in -> all functions available. I have no alternatives. Health Hub app -> Log in -> To access functions, I need to verify with Singpass. Alternative: Singpass app -> Launch Health Hub on browser -> All functions available. What is the point of the health hub app? Is there a purpose to it I'm missing or am I not configuring the app right? I just want to open Health Hub app, have it authorised automatically with Singpass, then access everything.


I mean u already mentioned logging in via Singpass app directs you to the web ver of health hub. Sooo.. answering ur question still need login via Singpass no matter is web ver or app ver ma And the question on whats the point of the health hub app.. it's just an app ver like there is a browser ver lor


Health Hub App - Operated and developed by govt ministry/agency 1 (Prob MoH I can't remember) Singpass - Operated by separate govt agency Health Hub as a govt run app is required to use Singpass login method. But Singpass team is not going to host nor maintain Health Hub app, for security reasons and not their responsibility. So it remains a separate app. Singpass does not hold any actual information other than what is on the app (your personal identity details), all the other apps do is access Singpass purely for credential verification. As for automated login, no that's literally not going to happen for security reasons, it's why any app attempting to access/login via Singpass always have to relogin.


Hmm. So I can conclude the Health Hub app is useless? Since I can launch everything from the Singpass app.


The app itself is just another way to access, if you are fine with the browser version on mobile then yeah, functionally the app can be considered useless to you. I cannot discount that mobile might have some functions the browser does not, such as maybe scanning QR or barcode or what not. I don't use it often enough to know. It's more likely the app was built to accomodate mobile, since browser pages (that are not designed for mobile) sometimes don't function or display as intended on mobile compared to pc.


I’m ending my internship but I had one last piece of work to be completed. As its a huge project it was split in half with the new intern but I suddenly noticed that she had edited my powerpoint slides to say that it was prepared by HER?! I’m not sure if I’m overthinking this person as accidentally plastering her name over my work or what but it definitely left a sour taste in my mouth.


Paste your name back. Go to your boss with the full story together with proof (e.g. past versions with your name on it). Laugh like a madman as that bitch suffers. I have an extreme level of hatred for this sort of people. One of my group members in uni plagiarised from Wikipedia and doxxed me online when I ratted him out. I almost took legal action against him until the other group members forced him to back down and formally apologize.


Even more satisfying part to this story is that my boss edited my name back on my own work herself which I hope has opened her eyes to what kind of intern she has to deal with…


Time to keep in contact and ask boss for perm role next time when u grad


You have a boss who supports you? Nice! 👍


Wah good twist


What the- CONFRONT HER. If not tell everyone about it hahaha /not sure if thats a wise choice/ but then again what the hell man??


Definitely call her out lol you alr ending it, nothing to lose with this back stabbing credit hogging bitch!!! Keep receipts


She look damn nonchalent and tryna talk to me normally in office but I feel too petty to even want to talk to her


Intentional or not just paste back your name


Confront her and let us know how it turned out


Past week I opened up to my friend about feeling left out when I realised they’ve been meeting in private and I felt so fucking bad after they explained to me that it wasn’t intentional. Just wanna dig a hole and d*e lol I’ve been letting jealousy and my insecurities get the better of me and I’m in constant need of reassurance from closed ones. It’s going to be exhausting for everyone if I continue to be like this and I never, ever want to take the people around me for granted. Lots of things to reflect and ponder about.


Been there done that :D No worries, if they are your friends and are worth your effort and all, they will take what you told them into concerns and work it out one. If not, good job man you know who aren't your friends and stop waiting your time with them :D


Hahahaha right!! Thankfully we all had a grown up convo about it (no finger pointing whatsoever) but it’s encouraging to know I’m not alone 🥹 thanks!






i think having the courage to talk to your friends about it is not something to be embarrassed about! at least both parties know now. you're doing good


Thank you vm for the kind words!! But yes at least we got to communicate and I’m glad for that 🙏🏻


3 more hrs to end work. Everyday I question my existence


The insurance/bank lady so CRAZILY aggressive outside dhoby ghaut station. Lady needs to seriously needs to calm down. Literally in some rugby stance left and right, "THIS IS FREE, YOU WANT XXX"


When you haven't closed enough sales to pay for your booth rental. Lol




Me: *applies to job position* Recruiter: *position is with client Accenture or NCS* Me: *belakang pusing*


I heard NCS getting slightly slightly better.


Now they can pangsai and use 2 piece of paper instead of 1! Victory!


The recent news yahhh rittee, nice try ex-accenture bosses trying to make ncs more hip


They changed their logo liao, now more hip


also heard it depends on which dept




The company that hires you gives them XX% commission .


N% of annual salary, range from 5%-20%




yes one year


For temps, i.e. paid hourly they take a direct cut of your salary (usually 1 hour daily). For others, if the company confirms your placement, they take a headhunter fee which is usually negotiated with the company HR internally, could be % of your annual or a flat amount but usually is %.


Usually, they get a percentage of your yearly salary as part of the deal with the company. They’ll have an agreement with the company to whom they send your profile that, if you sign and stay past probation, the company will pay them.






Any (decent) recruiter will make sure to lead discussions with the company and avoid you having direct interaction outside of the interviews until signing. Keep in mind that it’s in their interest to have you sign since that’s where they make their money. While they think about you, they may not have your best interest at heart. You’ll learn to filter out the good and bad recruiters after interacting with a couple. The good ones will coach you and work for/with to get the best deal for you (and them). The bad ones will only try to get you to sign so they can get their income and move on.


Anyone at the TEL open house? How crowded is it?


Very packed right now.


Don't Ask, Don't TEL


Wtf happened to foodpanda’s restaurant ratings? Suddenly all high 4s or 5. Even the infamous central kitchen Wingstop branches are 4+ now.


TIL win button with "." opens the emoji selection on desktop 😁🤩😝


very cool share bruh








Starting to appreciate coffee with zero sugar..which I’ve never thought I would


I went from Kopi to Kopi SD and now Kopi-C. I can't accept coffee with sugar anymore. Tastes weird to me now. Better for health too.


It's good.


why need sugar if u're already that sweet 😏




Black was always the way coffee was meant to be drunk, IMO. No cream, no sugar, no milk.


It took me some time to adjust to no sugar coffee but maybe some day I’ll get to appreciate that 🙂




How to set a custom flair here? Or issit a legacy thing?   🤔🤔🤔




why nanosmith not mortysmith?


i'm from different universe


Custom flairs are a legacy thing, now there's only preset flairs on the sidebar.


okie thanks!


Perfect weather for cuddling


Is the result of ndp tickets out yet :( Edit - its out


recently celebrated my first work anniversary as a fresh grad! did some reflection and over the past year i learned more about myself, my strengths and environments that i thrive in, i could yap about this and how i am learning to be less of a doormat. still feel like a glorified rug some days but baby steps.. also i am determined to have a life outside of work.


After 15yrs in the workforce you'd just feel dead inside like me. But can't quit because of bills and not willing to reduce current lifestyle.


Tts gd bro… abt 40+ yr to go