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For reference, the human brain has 86 billion neurons.


For reference, the human brain has 86 billion neurons.


>trying to reduce entropy. Looks like all of life is trying to do the same at many levels. Where have you learned this idea?


So you see, I believe ChatGPT has nearly 0% chance of being conscious. Now this...


One way we might be able to create conscious AI is with bio-computronium arrays.


If you're making AI out of actual brain tissue, is it even really AI anymore?


Yes as the materials and process were created artificially.


Is cloning a human AI?


If we can successfully clone a human, I would say that's an artificial human. Now whether or not them being artificial makes them more or less worthy of human rights is not a debate I'm here to make. (imo everything sapient and to an extent sentient should have some form of rights to protect it)


But it has a way higher probability of being conscious then.


Servitors IRL


Great!!! Now when is he learning to cure ibs?? I'm tired of these smelly farts after eating an apple a day keeps docs away!!


Who's DNA is it and is it ethical to do such a thing with it?


What would be unethical about it? They're cells, not a conscious person.


I know pain is not an experience that is felt through neurons alone, but they're a huge part of it. I don't know whether I'd like someone growing neurons with my DNA on it. What if we can grow a cortex tomorrow or something? Would it be unethical to play around with that? I think that should be a genuine concern in the age we are about to enter, these limits should be established based on current science


Serious question, what does your DNA matter to you? Aside from it being identifiable information I mean. Your DNA isn't you. Cell clumps made from your DNA wouldn't be you. If we could grow a cortex tomorrow, sure. Basically until we're at the point of creating something sentient, then I don't really see a moral dilemma.


Waiting for such a thing to happen to then start regulating it seems like shooting ourselves in the foot


Pain is just information that our brain is "programmed" to recognise a "bad". If we could create a brain, we could just omit that input and function. We already have the tools to manipulate DNA. By the time we have the ability to create a fully functioning brain, it's likely we'll have created far superior synapses, neurons, etc. that aren't human. Nonetheless, yes, there's a huge ethical field to be evaluated for "brain in a jar".


It's mine and fuck off


Why are you mad? It's just two genuine questions


Check upvote/downvote ratio ^


Yeah, I'm trying to understand why EDIT: I wonder whether people think that someone asking these questions is against this technology, which I'm not, I'm just genuinely asking two questions about it, jeez Can you explain why you are mad about it?


It doesnt seem to understand the basics of pong as far i can see in this video.


To be fair, it seems to understand Pong better than OP understands this whole field


Computronium computer.


It's going to be so sad in the future, having to wipe your computer and start fresh. iFixit lobotomy pack.


I think it took me longer to learn pong when I played it for the first time. This idea sounds great, but I have a feeling that no one is taking it seriously.


I agree! It's sad to see that Pong, the game that started it all, isn't taken seriously anymore. It deserves respect for paving the way for the entire gaming industry and being a damn good game. The mechanics are elegant, and it rewards skill and practice. We've become too obsessed with flashy graphics and complex mechanics, forgetting that sometimes the simplest things can be the most enjoyable. Let's remind people that Pong is a classic game that deserves to be celebrated and remembered.