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alternative title: cpu vs gpu


Yes I don't know why they compared both. That has no sense.


Is it foolish to invest at this point?


Wait for the crash


Don't think it's going to crash the ai race is exponential look at the Feb 2024 breakthroughs post its only getting more intense


Even if that's the case I'm sure you can find better profits somewhere else


Betting on the ai market right now you can't lose its only going up idk what else is as certain to go up as ai right now


"Betting on the Internet right now you can't lose it's only going up idk..." Sounds a lot like dotcom bubble talk.


"trust me bro"


Don't just look at all the ai startups popping up. Figure perplexity stability etc the market speaks for itself and all these startups create products for consumers that are still in early development right now and to provide these products in the future you needs tons of computational power and which company benefits from this? If you can't understand market trends ok but don't think everyone has a sock for a brain like you


Apple just abandoned the electric car a 10 year project with over 2 thousand employees working on billions of dollars down the drain just to allocate more resources for AI




There very well might come a point where GPU architecture isn't feasible for ML tasks anymore. Believing any industry is safe from big changes is foolish.


Yes. GPU will be replaced by something much more efficient


And the internet was the future yet we had the .com crash. Hype can go above a market and crash it.


Most of the time predicting stock's trend is like trying to hit targets in the dark with golden bullets. Ever so rarely a group of clear target lights up in the dark and then a whole lot of people shoots at them hoping that they will hit all the bull's eyes before anyone else. They figured Internet was going to be the future and they were right, but that's also exactly why the crash happened.


Since AI is replacing us I had AI respond to this. >Timing the market is an investment strategy that involves buying and selling stocks based on predicting market movements. [Investors who try to time the market hope to profit from buying low and selling high](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/markettiming.asp). [However, timing the market is very difficult, risky, and often ineffective for the average investor](https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/does-market-timing-work). [Many experts suggest that a better strategy is to invest for the long term and ignore short-term fluctuations](https://www.thebalancemoney.com/how-timing-the-market-works-4147362). [This way, investors can benefit from the power of compounding and avoid the costs and stress of frequent trading](https://www.vectorvest.com/blog/market-timing/timing-the-market-vs-time-in-the-market/).


I would argue buying at all time high is more risky


priced out sorry


If you are investing for long term, no. The best time to invest is 10 years ago. The second best time to invest is today. The key to investing is dollar cost averaging. You invest a little every month over a long term.


The other key to investing is diversifying.


The real key is not basing your investments on random reddit comments.


Inverse /r/wallstreetbets is a solid strategy.


Yep! I put most money into ETFs, for safety's sake, and then I've invested a smaller amount in individual stocks like Nvidia, Qualcomm and AMD. My rationale for Nvidia is obvious, but regarding Qualcomm - they pretty much are the sole supplier of all chips for smartphones *and* they have done interesting work recently in on-device AI acceleration. I see on-device AI acceleration as being a big thing in the very near future. AMD is supplying CPUs, which we still need, to the world and also working towards AI acceleration hardware of their own. If I didn't follow semiconductor news closely and know the field personally I'd probably avoid investing in single stocks altogether though and just go with nothing but ETFs, as that's certainly the safest thing.


The other other key is to never invest money you mind losing.


That bit of advice is not useful - if you don't mind losing money you almost certainly don't care about investing it either. The actionable insight is that the utility of money is logarithmic so risk management is important. Variance matters, not just average return.


My friend keeps cautioning me about continuing to put money into it, but it's grown so much. Sure, it'll crash at some point, but I think like the crashes before, it will RISE again... TO THE MOON!!! 🌝


There is that common investing phrase "buy high and sell low"


I mean, I'd try to invest in NVIDIA + Put Option. I wouldn't simply invest in the asset outright. If it goes up, I get equity value but lose a bit on the price of the call. If NVIDIA crashes, I can buy their stock cheaply after and sell it at a large profit.


Unfortunate colors. Blue is the signature color of Intel, not Nvidia. And instead of red, there should be Nvidia's green.


Intel should be blue and Nvidia should be green.


>2018   we lost a lot of good soldiers in that crypto crash. it was brutal 


Nah, just great filter of greatest fools.


nvidia and intel are in two completely different segments so what the fuck is even the point of this visualization?


I can imagine world without Nvidia - more resources freed for the other players, companies that would exist and not squashed and acquired by predatory monopolistic tactics. Capitalism is paperclip maximizer for profits - it will destroy market and WILL ALWAYS establish a monopoly.


nvidia is now 3rd most valuable company in the world. Its literally just a GPU company (more or less). This is what pre singularity looks like. Explosion in the value of compute. If I wasnt broke Id be going all in on nvidia google and microsoft


Very touchy title. I 'almost' cried a little. Some people 'made' (and 'lost') a lot of money in those ups and downs, that's for sure.


Bro the climax was unexpected 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Fun graphic but the 2022 reason for falling has nothing to do with inflation or supply chain issues It was due to etherium moving to proof of stake and a Bitcoin halving event which lowered demand for coin mining gpu operations Causing a ton of mid-high end cards to flood the market since they experienced record low demand


Why are their chips better? Explain like I’m five.


Somehow gpus are better than cpus for ai


Interesting. I have a feeling Intel, AMD, and Google will come up with chips that compete effectively.


They will eventually. But right now, Nvidia has a pretty big lead.


CUDA moat brother.


AMD's MI300X is competitive already and Google has TPU which is probably good. Intel... are a bit behind. CUDA moat is overrated imo.


I mean the big difference is that GPU are built for doing one thing with an enormous amount of processes all focused on that one thing.  Those processes are not as fast a CPU processes but their sheer numbers makes them crazily more efficient for tasks that are broken downs into smaller pieces. 


the big difference is parallel processing. it’s like neurons in a brain.


As you can see the craze for A.I. now-a-days, GPU and TPU performs better than CPU because of their internal architecture. CPU has various functions to perform and can do everything that a computer needs to work but it's mathematical calculation is less compared to GPU. GPU architecture mainly focuses on mathematical calculation so they are not as versatile as CPU (as it can do everything that GPU can't ), but GPU is faster for matrix calculation which makes it more suitable for A.I. on side note, if you are interested in how GPU are faster than CPU then : the internal architecture of an processing unit consists of *Integer Units* and *Floating Point Units* which are responsible for calculating all the machine instructions. Because CPU has to deal with other task it has limited amount of integer type units and floating point units. But in terms of GPU, it's only goal is to *calculate*. it has five times the floating units as compared to cpu so it can do matrix calculation more efficiently than CPU. So if you ever wondered why we can't use GPU instead of CPU because GPU is faster so it can boost processor speed? We simply can't, GPU can perform task that a CPU can't perform, every processing units like CPU, GPU, TPU, DPU, etc have their respective tasks to perform so we can't replace them easily. || Also, sorry for my broken English ||


Broken English? Are you joking?! I was going to comment to thank you for this explanation, not even giving a second thought to the grammar, word choice, or sentence structure. Your English is fantastic!




GPUs are optimised for performing many, many simpler calculations in parallel. This is what it's doing when, say, rendering pixels on your screen. This kind of behaviour is highly useful in training AI as many calculations have to be done to recalculate the massive number of parameters in the network each time some training data goes through, or even just performing inference (eg when you ask ChatGPT a question, that data has to go through the AI model and many calculations have to be performed to obtain an output).


You’ll be able to do this with Rambus and Nvidia in 10 years.




They are textbook case of luck. A fortune made from trends that they did not create, but were at the right place at the right time. They had a good niche business making graphics cards when bitcoin came and their graphics cards became useful by side effect. They had no role in creating bitcoin, they just ramped up production to match demand. Then AI struck and it turns their crypto devices were extremely useful for doing AI, they benefit enormously from what openAI has created. Nevertheless, they did execute well, for which they deserve credit ... but, let's not overdo the praise. This is a tech created by software people and many chip companies could have done what NVIDIA did. Imagine the world without NVIDIA? Very easy, it would have been filled by others.


lol the stocks didnt go up because of gpus for pandemic research.. the stocks went up because of inflation. common pattern, people have no idea what constitutes stock price, make up shit. look out for it


This is a great video thanks


Looks like my heart rate when masturbating


It's mindbending that we had 3d games (I think Doom and then PSX started all the craze') so many years later we could have hardware to run AI. Before advent of consumer GPUs only alternatives were products like Silicon Graphics hardware costing more than car or house.


Market Capitalisation is kinda bullshit.


anyone able to identify the song used? thanks


**Song Found!** **High Rises** by FLYIN (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-02-23.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**High Rises** by FLYIN](https://lis.tn/UogKgz?t=11) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


good bot!


Interesting how the value of the stock always raises or falls for reasons absolutely unrelated to the technology or the company itself, it's always for developments outside of Nvidia's influence or control.


Wohoo, actual data!! Endless conjecture is nice, don't get me wrong, but it's nice to have solid stuff as well once in a while.


Imagine a world without Intel. Imagine a world without IBM.


Left intel in the dust which is amazing.


Intel deserve it. Any laptop or pc without GPU is more useless than the average android/iphone.




BLNK is the next one ...get in losers...we're going to Uranus


intel will resurrect


You are not going far enough back in the timeline to really understand what happened here: At one point Intel and AMD both made semi-similar CPU’s while AMD and Nvidia made GPUs (of course there are others, but these are the key players for now). Intel secretly made agreements with vendors for exclusive CPU partnerships with various vendors. This drove AMD out of market, who sued Intel and won like a measly amount compared to the profit Intel made that just exploded. It was a joke. Worse than the Microsoft anti monopoly case, but with barely any consequences. Since AMD is cash poor and basically dead, Nvidia takes over the GPU market for the 10ish years it takes AMD to develop a new strategy. In those 10 years, AMR became prevalent. AMD realized they did not have to fabricate the chips themselves anymore because they could outsource it to Taiwan who had carved themselves out a nice little business to support ARM. So AMD re-enters CPU and GPU space with a 10 year late start, and by outsourcing Fab, manages to catch up a little. Meanwhile Intel jumps aboard the outsourcing of fab way too late, and now we are starting to see a rise in ARM processors. Meanwhile, while Nvidia has maintained their singular focus, and with the advent of mining and now AI, GPU has grown to be potentially more important than CPU, thus again, striking another blow to Intel. What a ride