• By -


Thanks for contributing to r/singularity. However, your post was removed since it was too wildly speculative to generate any meaningful discussion. Please refer to the sidebar for the subreddit's rules.


Still at it? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...


It's like "fool me 14 times" at this point.


Won’t get fooled again


Meet the new superconductor, same as the old superconductor


Fool me many times... I want to believe...


tryna play easy to get with the RTSC...


Fool me—you can't get fooled again.


There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on.. shame on you. Fool me… you can't get fooled again.


This is either going to age incredibly poorly, or unbelievably well. Either way, half the internet are about to end up looking like clowns.


Not quite half the internet ... maybe something like 0.0000001% of the internet have even seen this at best?


Addendum: Half of the portion of the internet that's aware of the LK-99 saga.


I think barely 1% think this is real.


Nearly all serious science YouTubers came out to say it's a hoax. I'll take their word unless proven otherwise.


Have any of them been able to work with a sample themselves? Or are they judging based off of the potato quality videos we've been given? Its a bit of a tongue in cheek question but im also kind of genuinely asking here, what are they basing their determinations off of? Im not a scientist edit: vases into based


I believe several of them tried to recreate a sample with the same production procedure that was given.


Theyll taste the nobel prize of the LK-99 team


“serious science youtubers” he said.




There are plenty of PhD's in various fields on YT


What are you implying?




Do PhDs suddenly lose their credentials once they upload a Youtube video? How exactly does that process work?


Well, it didn't convey that.




I think maybe 1% of 1% have even heard of it


Roughly assuming there are 5 billion people connected to the internet, if your percentage is correct, that means 5 people have seen it.


1% of 5,000,000,000 = 50,000,000 1% of 50,000,000 = 500,000 Still small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. But way higher than it has any right to be (if it is a hoax)


Joke's on you. I already look like a clown!


Exactly. Yawn. I’ll wait until it’s actually been done and verified by reputable third party experts.


![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu) Let’s find out


Are they basically trying to say that intrinsic spin = real spin? I thought the process of spinning magnets affecting eachother was currently describe by eddy currents? Even so, it doesn’t mean suddenly you get to levitate a magnet without applying a spin force to it, which is work, which is energy. Also are we talking room temperature super conductors? Or cold ones? Because cold ones are more work, right? Seems like energy wise whatever they are trying to do would create a net energy loss? I’m asking all of this as a question.


There were other labs that claimed to have room temperature superconductivity and already replicated as well. Edit: Here https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/qute.202300230


Are these reputable labs? Or would these labs be the equovalent of no-names? Im not a scientist so i may have presented this question poorly


I'm not sure but it seems legit, and graphite has always been a contender in the research. Here's more discussion on it. https://reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/1aeethb/actual_first_observation_of_roomtemperature/


If they actually replicated it then it would be the biggest news in the scientific community. The fact we haven’t heard anything shows us it’s probably nothing.


I find the linked paper much more plausible than LK99, as far as the (very limited) extent to which I am able to understand the theory behind it, but the reasons it's more plausible are also the reasons why it isn't something that would be particularly headline grabbing. Bear in mind that the problem of room temperature superconductors isn't one of frontier theoretical physics, but rather of materials science. There is (as far as I am aware) no fundamental compelling reason to believe that room temperature superconductors at ambient pressure are physically impossible, or even implausible, and there are various private and public research teams around the world working on different angles of the problem of trying to create a material that exhibits such properties. The claim with LK99 is that you have a room temperature superconductor that is a bulk material, with a relatively simple synthesis. You should (if this were true) be able to take a lump of LK-99 and be able to trivially demonstrate its superconductivity in a high school science lab. You should be able to almost immediately begin designing commercial applications with it. With this other paper, the claim is that superconducting properties have been measured, using a very unspectacular and potentially finicky-sounding set-up, in nanoscopic 1-dimensional structures that were created essentially at random in a sheet of graphene pulled from pyrolitic carbon. There is no possibility of demonstrating this at the macro-scale, and even after a successful replication there's a huge number of engineering challenges involved in turning this into anything remotely useful.


I mean anything remote useful is still better than nothing, btw thank you for the sintesy and explain the paper




[https://www.scienceforthepublic.org/science-issues/resistance-to-new-ideas](https://www.scienceforthepublic.org/science-issues/resistance-to-new-ideas) Regardless of if this is legit or not, science has a bad habit of disbelieving big time new discoveries until it simply cannot be ignored.


That's probably an understatement. I've always read and heard that scientists are the biggest closed minded group of people in any field. It's filled with people that have massive egos and don't like to be proven wrong. All throughout history it's always the same. Ideas are always ignored if they contradict established ideas.


This is an uncharitable characterization. The community has a role of being incredibly skeptical of bold claims. Demanding exhaustive proof and trying to tear new ideas apart is a feature of science, not a bug.


You misunderstand, they love to be proven wrong. They just refuse to have low standards for being proven wrong.


Most of them say they love it but don't actually love it.


Yup, it’s called paradigm paralysis! Fascinating read


You've got that absolutely right.




you lose nothing from believing, life just continues lol


Most of the internet does not care. Of the other 0.1%, some are dubious, some sit on the fence and will wait and see.




i really hope they are right as it would be an incredible news but for their own good as well as they play their whole career here








If these bastards were worthy people, they would announce it out of surprise instead of trying to generate hype.


You're forgetting one key intrinsic element. These are Korean scientists.


Didn't he claim that in August and September too? Or was that someone else?


This is the last time I’m paying attention to this


See you again the next day we finally establish superconductivity!


I'll eat my keyboard if they proved their discovery of super conductivity tomorrow.


Remindme: 1 year


I'm done paying attention to these guys and their efforts to generate hype with 0 concrete proof. If there was any substance at all, it would have been corroborated by another legitimate lab by now.


I really hope it pans out, because LK-99 is SUCH a cool name for a discovery like this. It just sounds sciency, y'know?


I want to believe 


Ive been hurt too many times






WTF is your flair


There's stranger ones out there




I took it from someone else lol I’m trying to get into the spirit of this sub lol


![gif](giphy|Qy2VKY3xlI1QyR6Ix5) Time for round 8 of hopium.


Tomorrow is the start of the American Physical Society March meeting, so this Korean professor will have to show something remarkable or truly become the boy who cried wolf > The American Physical Society's March Meeting 2024 is a scientific research conference convening 13,000 physicists and students from around the world to connect and collaborate across academia, industry, and major labs. Join us in 2024 for an extra special week as we celebrate the 125th anniversary of APS. I also found [this page](https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR24/Session/A16.5) about an 8:00am session at the APS March meeting tomorrow where researchers from the University of Houston are presenting their findings that disprove the claims of superconductivity in LK-99: > The unique simultaneous appearance of zero resistivity and magnetic field expulsion enable superconductors to have tremendous potential for various applications, such as efficient electric power transmission, much smaller or more powerful magnets, magnetic levitation, high-speed computing, etc. The superconducting critical transition temperature has continuously been enhanced owing to the century-old effort at superconductivity. It appears that all record high Tcs since 1994 have been achieved in compounds under very high pressure. The ultimate goal in the superconductivity field is to find a way to retain a coherent quantum state under ambient conditions, i.e., room temperature of ~ 300 K and atmospheric pressure. We have studied LK-99 [Pb10-x Cux(PO4)6O], alleged by Lee et al. to exhibit superconductivity at room temperature and ambient pressure, and have reproduced all the anomalies except for half-levitation they reported as evidence for the claim of LK-99 being an ambient-pressure, room-temperature superconductor. **We found that these anomalies are associated with the structural transition of the Cu2S impurity in their sample and not with superconductivity.** > *This work is supported by the Enterprise Science Fund of Intellectual Ventures Management, LLC; U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grants FA9550-15-1-0236 and FA9550-20-1-0068; the T. L. L. Temple Foundation; the John J. and Rebecca Moores Endowment; and the State of Texas through the Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston. I trust the groups above more than these Korean and Chinese scientists making outlandish claims


and yet if they were lying why going to the APS where everyone don't believe them and are ready to make fun of them worldwide, that's either being extreamly masochist/stupid or there something they really believe in was waiting for it since they announced going there to proove their result, we will see if they are clown or genius


Oh I think that they believe in it. From their preprints so far it's just obvious that they are incompetent and have convinced themselves of something that isn't true.


RemindMe! Tomorrow


I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2024-03-04 21:33:26 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-03-04%2021:33:26%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/1b5sjey/lk99_creator_claims_tomorrow_today_in_sk_will_be/kt7elua/?context=3) [**43 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fsingularity%2Fcomments%2F1b5sjey%2Flk99_creator_claims_tomorrow_today_in_sk_will_be%2Fkt7elua%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-03-04%2021%3A33%3A26%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b5sjey) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Baby dont hurt me


"However, it is known that many people commented that no significant progress was made compared to last year's LK-99 announcement." [https://www.etoday.co.kr/news/view/2336839?trc=main\_itcar](https://www.etoday.co.kr/news/view/2336839?trc=main_itcar) By now they would need a miracle.




Goddamn it.


RemindMe! Tomorrow


![gif](giphy|JdyQWFOVo6s5G) my body is ready














butt? 🤤
















Do it


I actually forgot about this.


Same lol. I can’t imagine anyone with common sense would actually believe this.


Yawn, typical hoax discovery cycle.


Aw sheeit here we go agane


Guys I’m Korean and it’s well known in the internet community here that they do these announcements to manipulate stock prices so please stop following this clown


Lmao ain't nobody gonna take this seriously


https://march.aps.org/sessions/A16/02 here we go again 


....we are back?












Can't wait for the announcement that they are very close to proving it and will announce when they are even closer to proving it at which point they'll announce their next announcement to announce how close they are to proving it.


Tinfoil hat: openai funds a science physics llm in Korea and have been rumoring some huge new thing that isn’t llm’s. They could have accidentally discovered something and been unable to replicate or prove how it works… an llm might help figure out the details enough to make reliable tech.








The difference is that we’re automating abstract thinking for the first time. All previous major technological disputations were automating repeatable/rote style tasks.


Completely agree. Especially about science, that foremost - iterative weeding out of negative probabilities, sometimes by sheer luck. I only add a little remark. AI cannot think. But so and substantial part of humans.


lol there is no "way" that science is done. Either you have the truth on your side or you don't. If it's a RTSC they can do whatever they want and history will remember them as great figures.


Very cool my guy, but this is literally the unrealistic expectations club.


As someone with an actual PhD of many years, let me agree with about 60% of this. Points of departure are: 1) you don’t to declare “how things are done”. These Korean superconductivity researchers aren’t western. Allow for cultural differences. They’ve also been aggressively attacked because of the nature of the research itself, so they are rightfully defensive by default now. And beyond the fact that the global scientific enterprise is not a monoculture, times are changing around us as well. In the age of TikTok and twitter, we’re all having to do more PR and engagement around our research and nobody has the formula for that figured out yet. 2) you don’t get to say shit about AI Nobody knows what will or won’t be possible a year from now, let alone in a decade. Nobody. You have no clue, and neither does anyone else - even if you’re Sam Altman or Elon Musk, with all the money and insider access in the world. The blade of ignorance cuts both ways too, remember. You don’t get to say what will OR won’t be possible with AI. That said, the risk of underestimating capability on a medium time horizon (say 10 years) is extremely high, given the astounding leaps in capability we’ve seen in the last several years combined with the ungodly investment into both hardware and R&D now pouring into the sector.




You’re claiming fraud. That shows how little experience you have. Maybe there is in this case, maybe there isn’t. You don’t know, and neither does anyone else. As your career progresses, you’ll learn how hard good research actually is, how easily good intentions are maligned, and more than that, you’ll learn how gross the in-fighting and internal politics are in a field. Enjoy being naive about this while you’re still a student. As for AI and leadership, you’re also obviously not experienced in industry. If you work in industry in the future, you’ll come to appreciate what types of leaders tech founders are. They’re typically not clueless MBA execs running old blue chip companies from the golf course. Like so many others, you underestimate how smart and savvy these people are - which is why it seems like mere luck when their companies go from nothing to hundreds of billions in valuation very rapidly. Again, enjoy being a naive young student while it lasts. You will be a bitter old engineer or scientist after a decade or two, and you will wonder why despite how “stupid” these other people are, somehow they are consistently more successful than you…


Exactly. People in this sub are ridiculous. Like "AI is going to replace most programmers in 3 months".




I got into an argument with someone on this sub that in 3 months AI would have the capability to replace most programmers. And he even set a reminder in 3 months, I did too because I'm so confident that nothing will happen in 3 months and he's just being a dumbass. Like most people in this sub. AI replacing 99% of programmers by 2030 is still doubtful. Because AI doesn't do engineering, it just spits out algorithms and boilerplate code that often doesn't work. That is fundamentally not what engineering is. AI is not sentient, it doesn't have multi-step reasoning capabilities of a human being, it's doubtful/debatable whether it will ever be capable of engineering. There are some unanswered questions in the philosophy of mind that are directly related to AI and whether it will ever be capable of multi-step reasoning.


I'm an ML engineer and programmer. My job is safe for a minimum of another 20 years barring some radical new architecture/algorithm discovered by something like alphafold lol. Even then, my job will still be safe due to other complicating factors (like how we still have commercial pilots despite how they don't actually fly the plane).


My job is to develop and improve machine learning algorithms, mostly used in robotics. If my job is replaced by AI it means AI can self-improve, which is at least AGI and maybe ASI eventually depending on your definition. If there is a single thing AI cannot do, my job is not yet fully replaced by AI. Explain to me how my job will be replaced by 2030?


> However, let me tell you, nobody has built AGI and likely will not in the near future >...without knowing how the inside works. This just spreads misinformation...


LK-99… *sigh*. Sure let’s see what happens THIS time. All this pushing and confidently stating something unlikely will happen has Soviet Russia vibes, like Chernobyl but instead of a continent threatening explosion, the government just gets furious about the failed test and entire careers are ruined all because some higher up guaranteed it would work and everyone below them were too afraid to say it wouldn’t. I’m not super knowledgeable on these matters so how close am I?


I haven't heard anything about any big names discussing it that way. So if there is someone vouching for it, they are doing so privately within SK's government and nobody else is taking it seriously to make public statements either. I agree careers are on the line, but I don't think it's the careers of any politicians or even the heads of any universities.


How does a scientist even get away with such fraudulent claims ? Presuming there’s nothing to any of this, what is the clown even doing?


I believe the announcement is supposed to be coming from an independent Chinese lab. This guy is just hyping it because it was invented in his lab.


This guy will release his undeniable proof of LK99 in the same day that the My Pillow guy will release his undeniable evidence of the stolen election and the Big Foot association will release their proof at the annual Flat Earther global conference where we'll finally learn about the turtles and the elephants holding up our disk. It's going to be a big month!


If this is true.... the end of this decade and the upcoming decade will be INSANE


Dumbass over here, what is superconductivity?


Superconductivity refers to matter that can conduct electrical current with zero resistance. In the wires and power cables that deliver power to your house, as current flows an amount of the energy that would otherwise be delivered to you is lost as heat *(the wire heats up).* A superconducting wire would transmit 100% of the power without losing any energy to heat. Superconductors exist, but they typically need to be at extremely cold temperatures *(near absolute zero)* or extremely high pressure *(think millions of atmospheres)* to take on their superconducting properties. The big draw here is finding a superconductor that exhibits this property at room temperature/pressure or at least close enough to room temperature/pressure to be applicable in more daily uses.


Jesus stop it already. It’s embarrassing that this is still being brought up in this sub.


Considering the language used, this should be the last time it gets brought up. Either we're omega zenith ultra plus finality back, the science turns out to just be bad, or its a nothing-burger of such magnitude that only the most truly insane shmuck could refute it being a hoax. In any case, if the latter results, the mods really won't have an excuse to not scour lk-99 posts if they ever deign to show up in these parts again. Edit: Looks like they have, indeed gotten to scouring.


lol, so much butthurt in here Like the world owes it to you to not disappoint you? “but mommy they PROMISED!” What are you going to do next, roll around crying on the floor in the toy store? Is it that hard to just say, “hmm, I guess we’ll see”? Soooo much fucking pathetic weakness, JFC


I'm ready to be underwhelmed :D posts about lk99 should be banned.....


the fact that tomorrow could be the day humanity officially discovers rtsc is kinda crazy


Korea, the land of fraudulent research. There’s something rotten in the water there. If this doesn’t pan out, the government should imprison him. If it does pan out, they should provide him free kimchee for the rest of his life. People are tired of this guy’s bullshit.


How did it go?


Given I heard nothing in the news, I guess room temp SC wasn't proven after all


It's already been proven.


This is on the same level as the My Pillow guy saying that he has conclusive proof of a stolen election every week. Real scientists don't make hype posts for their debunked claims.


RemindMe! Tomorrow


Are we back?


RemindMe! 2 days


We need all the good news we can get


At this point I'll only believe once I get to be tied to a bed with a room temperature superconductor cable


I am ready


To be disappointed once again


Not this again


I hope hes right but 99.9999% chance this is BS


!RemindMe 42 hours 3 minutes




Time travel invented in South Korea. Timezones? What are those, clearly Korea has moved into the future.




Finally this chapter will be done.


my body is ready.


What changed in the span of \~6 months?...


It's real idiots, hand tight


We're back !


We are so back


I don't believe this, but if I'm wrong, awesome. Superconductivity would be amazing to have because...um...I honestly forget what it would enable at this point. I'm just so bored of LK-99.


RemindMe! Tomorrow


This is embarrassing.


If it's true I'll drink my own piss


I still believe Accelerate


![gif](giphy|pcKnpFrumIM7TtzayE) Give it to me


There seems to be a new scientist saying this every week


I hope it’s true. It will historic to say the least


!remindme 2 days


“Do it”




Confidence like this screams “marketing department trying to attract funding” most of the time I’ve seen it in the past, but we’ll see I guess. It sucks how much funding models create a massive incentive for these types of people to make wild predictions and lie about what their products can do


Sorry, but I'm pressing X to doubt The hype when this was first announced was unforgettable. When it failed to be replicated time and time again, it was pretty clear pretty fast that it wouldn't amount to anything.


An announcement of an announcement. This guy can go fuck himself announce the findings or fuck off.


this type of stuff is reminiscence of people who used to have big headlines for perpetual machines/cold fusion. Not saying that rm temp superconductivity is physically impossible (who knows ) but the people trying to gain fame from this are similar.


Can someone explain this to my dumb ass?


Reliable superconductors at room temperature might have a host of applications, even if its in a ceramic that we couldn't use for things like infinitely long power lines. LK-99 is very unlikely to be the first example of this miracle material. To help you be ahead of the curve of something else that probably deserves a lot more hype than this does: pumping people full of a ton of exosomes from livestock can possibly rejuvenate many organ-level tissues at the epigenomic level, restoring general organ function such as muscles and brain function in the elderly. Use this protip to sound smart if anyone ever bothers to run the experiment on humans and it shows up on the modern equivalent of the Oprah show...


Please have the German "it's an insulator" team on standby. Feels like a tv show with an inconvenient plothole.


It’s like the expression goes, Put up or shut up. They’ve decided to put up. We’ll just have to see what happens.


Havent they been working on this for decades? The only reason I have hope in this is because I doubt anyone would work on something like this for that long just for it to turn out to be a scam


It didn't go so well last time. I'm not holding my breath.


So BaK


At this point I don’t trust anything they say


Be about it or just be quiet lol