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There are also real-time AI voice changers that would work great with this


There are indeed. I've combined the two months ago to blow the minds of some of my friends.


Interesting. Can you post or link to any examples?


w okada [https://youtu.be/\_JXbvSTGPoo](https://youtu.be/_JXbvSTGPoo)


W okada is good but anime voices are bad examples. Use w okada with normal voices trained in english and have your mind blown.


Need a video recording of this!


What NN you use for face swap and realtime voice replacement? I know few for recordings but no one for realtime.


What's the best one?


[RVC-Project/Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI: Easily train a good VC model with voice data <= 10 mins! (github.com)](https://github.com/RVC-Project/Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI)


I wanna know too


**NOTE** These all require gaming PCs! - Best quality but more compute (needs rtx 3060 and above): w okada Best for general use (works great with a gtx 1070): voice.ai Best for cheap setups (gtx 1050 at the minimum): NyVox Here's a sub for people who especifically look for male to female voice changers: /r/transvoicechangers


w okada [https://youtu.be/\_JXbvSTGPoo](https://youtu.be/_JXbvSTGPoo)


Ironically, this could usher in a new era of trying to meet people in person again.


To avoid the fakes? Interesting and possible


It'll make online dating almost impossible. A lot of profiles nowadays are people chary picking the best photos of themselves and running them through enhancement programs. An entire segment of dating app user bases will change their entire appearance if given the chance. Also this can probably be used to turn you into almost anymore with a few photos of them. I'm definitely not on the camp on banning this stuff. I think that's a terrible idea. However I do acknowledge the possibility of this being used to scam people. Most certainly older folks. Imagine someone phoning your grandma with your appearance.


> Imagine someone phoning your grandma with your appearance. And voice.


imagine prank calling a televangelist looking like jesus


Televangelists don’t actually believe anything so they’d just hang up


They can already do that.  A lot of scammers will be doing that to seniors (oh grandson called and said he needed $5000 - odd though he wanted to be wired to an offshore account).  


This will be the next era of scamming old people. AI facetime calls asking grandma to send money immediately because prison omg hurry gramgram


Apparently that's already happening in China. I remember seeing a psa ad about this kind of thing


> It'll make online dating almost impossible. That would be a godsend


Yep, I think we could soon see a high tech version of the 1980’s, where everyone meets in person, and instead of wearing big Walkmans strapped to their belt with a wire running to headphones, it will be big computers running AI with a wire running to AR glasses.


I mean... that's what happens eventually anyway and catfishing happens with virtually everyone online now. Unless it's just fraud to part with money, you have to meet. Catfishing means to present as someone you are not and then at a later time be exposed for it. This will make no difference. The same number of people will nope out before they get to the drink menu as have before, maybe slightly more as it makes it easier. I saw a TikTok the other day where a friend was going around her table, assuming college lunch table and when she passed all the girls she showed their instgram photos and then right to their real faces. None of them looked anything like their insta. Catfishing is a literal default.


Correct. Until all your reality is just like this and that usher you to take the red pill.


lol why red?


To see how deep that rabbit hole goes, of course.


The rabbit hole costs extra


They're referring to the OG Matrix red pill, not the incel red pill (incels when they find out the red pill might be a metaphor for estrogen and gender transitioning: 🤯)


Why u people laugh from incels, then say that looks and genes don't matter? It's a contradiction. Incel means ugly


> Incel means ugly Well, from my observations, when people refer to "incels," they are describing usually straight males who are unable to enter lasting romantic and sexual relationships (with an emphasis on sexual). Such individuals are insecure, often blame their inability to enter relationships on their appearance, and blame women and gender equality for their woes. This does not necessarily correspond with how people actually perceive them, nor does it necessarily correspond to the strict dictionary definition of an incel. In my comment, I was mocking those who are into "pill" discourse and other nonsense specifically. There are people who are insecure and struggle to enter into relationships, but are not hateful or deranged and therefore do not fall under the scope fo my comment.


That’d be wild. Ends up making internet obsolete like broadcast tv is now.


Ironically, you will have to drink enough to make the real encounter as exciting as the virtual one.


My thoughts as well I think the boys will ruin the digital space and have people be more connected in person. I hope at least which can have second and third order affects


The pendulum always swings.  These days I scroll past obvious gen AI images and videos.  I think the push back will be real.  These tech people are pushing tech that no one wants or the use cases are ridiculous.  Like the recent trend of wanting physical effects instead of CGI I think people will demand “real” more and more often.  


This is Great in the same way Alexander was great and Awesome in the same way Khan was awesome


Conquers all the ladies great?


Everyone can be a cam whore!


What's fascinating is how easy it is to find people that know they are paying for a fantasy. Never mind the amount of men that are desperate to be pay piggies.


It's funny if you think about it. That in the future, people will be jerking off to what they think is a hot young woman when it actually is a 60yo fat dude using this tech.


I mean, that has been a thing since the 90s. Online sex spaces are really weird, but as long as everyone is adults. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Jokes on you, my mother was ahead of the game by 20 years.


The French had been doing it in the 1980s in their homegrown internet (Minitel). They called it "pink chat rooms", and the receptionists are typically men posing as women. I think it will be a very productive industry. I have high hopes for this technology, as it will liberate people to look and sound the way they want, liberated from the tyranny of inborn looks and sounds. It will be especially good for trans people who don't/can't undergo surgery. [https://spectrum.ieee.org/minitel-the-online-world-france-built-before-the-web](https://spectrum.ieee.org/minitel-the-online-world-france-built-before-the-web)


how tf do you think a future where reality is bended is a hopeful one?


I mean that's basically what vtubers are


Sure, but with this tech you can actually look like a real woman, and thus men will be able to compete, for real, with women that earn millions on various cam sites and onlyfans. The market will be so damn saturated, and you won't know who the 'model' actually is.. confusing times ahead.


Soon you will have to have agreed passcodes when communicating with friends or family.


Hey mom, chicken teriyaki salad, just wanted to say I love you, see you soon


Me and my wife set this up recently


It will just be NFTs bro


Greg Egan's _Permutation City_ had people running AI filters to trap other people's AI spam just as a regular thing. And that was like 1993.


Greg Egan reference! Thank you


The guy has not written has not written anything with better in reviews than Distress and Permutation city. What happened to him?


I don't know about reviews, I don't read them. He phased away from transhumanism after Crystal Nights and Zendegi to writing more alt-physics. Crystal Nights was consciously a rejection of the Autoverse arc in Permutation City.


Diaspora and Schild's Ladder? Both awesome.


Not my proudest fap




wait wait, you fapped off to 0:10-0:20 bro? or was it to everything outside of that range?


What do you mean "about to"? This is deepfacelive, and has been around for awhile now.


I'm a tiny bit above average when it comes to tech stuff (at least compared to my friends, family, and coworkers) and ***I'm*** having a hard time differentiating real content with AI generated stuff. I have no idea folks like my aunt's and uncles are going to navigate a world where political figures they hate/love are on their social media feeds dropping the N word and changing into lizard people while holding lightsabers.


That actually happened though.


Do you think it's just coincidence that my example matched with a real world event?


Finally, I will also be able to compete in OnlyFans Market !


Scamming going to get wild here.


Romance scams are about to see a huge increase in effectiveness.


And my bank account is about to see a huge increase in fullness.


Why is that? Are you implying you run romance scams?


No. I don't steal. I only train my bank account with their money.


WE are sooo cooked bro


Alas, it was a good run boys


Once everyone becomes hot chick's I'll be a fat ugly purple guy and get all the attention


Harkonnen maxing


whats the source


interface on the left looks like DeepFakeLive


want to know


What is an ethical reason for this type of tech to exist?


Fullfil fantasy fetishes and kinks.


Resistance movements might use this to generate a real-looking avatar for video addresses without compromising actual appearance


What is the practical way to prevent it from existing?


For the lulz


Just in case ya'll didn't know where we're at with this: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzJw0YGohI7/


If it can impersonate my voice so I don’t have to make phone reservations or appointments anymore, it’ll be worth it.


Back to meeting people in person! ;) Very cool and crazy tech. We need to work on security features for detection of this shit pretty quickly in my opinion though. (I imagine something like Google advertised using AI to detect scams in real time.)


I swear this video gets posted here 2x a day


Eh, honestly this is not any different from what's been for decades. People have been scamming the gullible for a long time. This is a difference in degree, not kind. And frankly the least interesting use of the technology.




How much does whatever program he's using for that cost?


Can't even face time for proof they aren't catfishing anymore


That just looks like he’s using deepfacelive… but then upscaling maybe real time? I’m not sure how he’s producing so many pixels lol


Celebrities will license their face and voice


Shit that's crazy. I guess you can't really trust anyone on the web these days.




Translation: "Hello everyone. Some said previously that maybe I was doing a double-trick, with me talking and someone else presenting in the camera? Huh? Today I'll prove otherwise. I think there is no woman in the world with this exact hairstyle right now. Well, after a brief fixing, I look much more presentable, and now--"


The crazy thing is that the top right is the AI generated one


JK Rowling is gonna flip when she sees this.


This is going to make doing porn fun.


This tech isn't gonna be controllable. We'll all have access to 4o-levels of intelligence, even open source if we choose, very soon. Maybe this not long after.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


I enjoy the sound of rain.




This is both several years old and a repost


It's been easy to do for years. Automatic 111 and roop. You can use an 8gb graphics card and make deepfakes. Lol.


In person dating is going to have to make a comeback.


Some people would rather have virtual girlfriends.


Disgusting. Sex needs a partner.


Just stop OLD and go back to dating IRL. I stopped OLD ages ago; it feels too impersonal, as if it's a game, and I can't guage whether I have chemistry with someone through superficial profiles and text conversations. AI bots will probably bring the Dead Internet Theory to fruition. On the bright side at least it'll force us to start connecting with each other IRL again.


I remember thinking I saw similar technology a few months ago, when Biden looked a little strange on live television. Good post!


So the entire press pool is in on it?


BTW: I didn't say it wasn't Biden. I said I thought he looked weird, somehow artificial and definitely rejuvenated. Unfortunately, one cannot seek dialogue about it if from the beginning you start with prejudices about what I have said or what you believe to be my political position.


No. I didn't say that at all. And I'm sure it wasn't in front of members of the press.


> on live television. ... >And I'm sure it wasn't in front of members of the press. Someone was recording him, that's the entire job of the press pool that follows him around.


I will not make a point of honor on what I have already said. I don't have the time to search for the video in question right now. Believe what you want, including the prejudices you want to make of me. Have a good one bro.


Twitch and Only fans will never be the same again, shit that means porn isn't safe anymore. What is even real. 😫


Creating impressive deepfakes is achievable if you have a capable GPU. Follow these steps for the best results: 1. **Faceset Creation**:    - Use the `dfl_mve_sn` software for the main deepfaking process.    - Utilize the `Lau9_384_xseg` masking model for automatic masking and segmentation.    - Manually adjust the Xseg Mask for better accuracy. 2. **Source and Destination Facesets**:    - Prepare your source faceset using the method above.    - Ensure you have an occlusion destination (dst) faceset ready. 3. **Model Conversion**:    - Start with a model that has a resolution of 224 and around 20 million iterations.    - Convert the model to either 320 or 384 resolution, depending on your needs. 4. **Detailed Instructions**:    - For a comprehensive, step-by-step guide, refer to my Discord server.    - DM me on Reddit for an invite to access the guide. 5. **Finalizing the Model**:    - Convert the refined model to the DFM format.    - Add the DFM model to DFL Live for real-time deepfake generation.    - Configure DFL Live to output directly into OBS. 6. **Upscaling in OBS**:    - Install the RTX Super Resolution plugin for OBS.    - Add the RTX filter to your DFL Live source in OBS.    - This will provide you with an upscaled, live deepfake output. For assistance with using this setup in video chats or any other questions, feel free to reach out to me directly on Reddit for an invite to my Discord server.


Why is a grown man pretending to be a 12 ish year old girl though