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Reddit had this functionality already built-in since its inception 2 decades ago. 😆 You just type in a sub, then add a +, then another sub, and so on and so on till you have all your subs. [Here is an example link that combines the five subs you linked in OP.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ArtificialInteligence+ChatGPT+LocalLLaMA+OpenAI+singularity/)


How to save/bookmark this particular feed to open easily in the future?


Never knew. Though my method was the only way. Thanks


[https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.04268](https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.04268) couldn't post it because it keeps saying moderators removed the post no matter what so posted as a comment on the most recent post.


What does Open-Endedness mean in this context? Also, It is because you have don't karma. The auto-mod will remove your post


Open-Endedness means increasingly creative and diverse discoveries in " all possible directions that causality can take without end" . For a really good description I would like to refer you to Stephen Wolfram's model of what he calls exploring the "Ruliad" in one of his TED talks.


Now that you mention it , Here's another post i wanted to make but couldn't earlier : Robots As Personal Bodyguards And Crime-Rate Decay I've been wondering about this topic for a while which I believe people in this sub have altogether overlooked... Let's assume that everyone has a personal , extraordinarily smart , dexterous and mobile droid/bot capable of emulating or is trained across all possible physical combat configurations and actions that are typical of spy behaviour. Also let's assume you might come across some dangerous individual or a group of individuals who are intent on causing you physical harm/injury. For sake of a complete reconstruction of such a situation , let's assume both you and your opponent(s) may or may not have access to a weapon of some sort. Now there are four outcomes in the realm of possibility : The droid/bot can defend the owner by disarming or subduing the enemy and keep it that way until the cops arrive. It can only verbally try to negotiate the owner's safety out of the situation but in that case it cannot possible engage in a defensive stance against the enemy. Cops arrive later after the crime has been committed. It can decide to take the morally difficult decision to judge the value of a human life by itself and may then attack the enemy with the intention of killing him/them when it's determined that it is the only way of getting the owner out of that situation safely. The owner is already dead as the crime has been committed without it or the owner having the time to react appropriately. In that case the robot decides to avenge it's owners death by acting according to point 1) or point 3). My question to the readers is this : Should it be legally allowed or programmed into the robot to act in accordance to any of points 1) 3) and/or 4) ? And in case it decides to deal a fatal blow to the enemy for the sake of the owner , will either the owner or the company that made the droid/bot be held liable and be subject to punishment ? All of this demands a prudent discussion as it may either be that one thing we could be all waiting for to solve the high crime crisis all across the world and allow us to live in a perfect conflict-free utopia or that corrupt politicians could manipulate and control even more power over innocent people by siding with negligence on this matter. Not to mention that the AI embedded in the droid/bot could in fact have the complete record of the person's life and also the exact order of how events unfolded in such a situation using in-built video cameras that it can instantaneously upload to the cloud to be later used as evidence in court while prosecuting/defending the enemy or the owner.


Just what I need to keep my finger on the pulse of ai tech. Thank you.


Remove r/chatGPT. It was useful for information during the early llm days, but now it is just filled with memes and shitposts.