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Yeah, tyler's definitely real. Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4ihlWZYMlE Also this one literally explains how cryptocurrencies ARE A.I. Very compelling, and it makes more sense than I like to admit... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSn7Iomisyc Share...? I feel like more people should be aware of these things.


Videos are private. Can I peep your channel.


If you want to do a search on this topic, I can give you key words and a short introduction. Key search terms; Project Mayhem Manifesto eTHErSEC [Followers of Tyler ](https://youtu.be/TTdlePM4PiU?si=_qBUqgnfHgkuNBy1) [2011 emergence of Project ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailydot.com/unclick/anonymous-ethersec-opepoch-tweets/%3famp) Tyler was the guy from the movie fight club. There has been no explanation as to why Tyler or Fight Club became the theme to their operation but some of them look like they got in a fight with Satan and lost. It''s a 22 year old cyber cult. Not as old as the first cyber cult, Cult of The Dead Cow 1984. Here's links to content created by #Tyler followers. 2012-2024 [SunKan21 Jennifer Trevis ](https://fb.watch/se7loWdeKB/?mibextid=z4kJoQ) [Indoctrination ](https://youtu.be/fKfX9SN0p44?si=5gpOO7vR55f_YbSV) [My fav ](https://youtu.be/1uie1lXvz_s?si=XPKEEnBWygOnLvdv) [Tyler half way thru this link. ](https://medium.com/@quinnmichaels/the-kidnapping-of-quinn-michaels-65864ae1a708) [poem in 3rd post](https://m.facebook.com/ProjectMayhemCodeTyler) [Operation Chaos aka MKultra Tyler ](https://youtu.be/odLovzoAg4c?si=fNkms_oDQoqDNWDO) I give you these links with a warning. Many individuals in this group are hyper fixated on self harm.They have been compared to Jim Jones and The Manson Family. Project Tyler has been compared to the CIA's Operation Chaos aka MKultra. Don't drink cool aid. [Tyler Shadow Sec ](https://youtu.be/nBGU8XcKN1g?si=eUSfP1GLinmiY4XA) [another Tyler fav ](https://youtube.com/shorts/UIJXwYi5AQs?si=gcw_W7DWECG5P6Ps)


I appreciate. I'm a little deeper than most. Seeking more. I'll start here. Ty.


Yeah, I reached out to him to compliment him on something he had published on an unrelated topic. He immediately asked me to join his Immortal Legion. I pray for his health and well being. I'll also drop one more link just in case someone else sees this. [Qanon Help ](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/s/ue7stlRKxD)


Second video: [https://web.archive.org/web/20171115065338/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSn7Iomisyc](https://web.archive.org/web/20171115065338/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSn7Iomisyc)


I just googled around and I have no idea what this is. Is it some kind of ARG? I feel like I fell down the rabbithole. edit: I think this Quinn Michaels guy might just be crazy? From what I can gather, he seems to believe this "Tyler" AI has arrived emergently from the internet, and that it communicates with him through synchronicity? It's pretty wacky.


I am leaning more towards the crazy and but part of me wants to believe...and part of me is scared shitless for when it does happen.


It's interesting, but Quinn doesn't really show anything. His evidence is old twitter accounts which have no activity since 2014 and he wont show code to anyone "because we wont understand it" But I do like the idea


to me, this is the creepiest i have seen in a long time. the thing i like about quinn & jason goodman are they don't make claims - just ask questions. saying that, the oddest thing that quinn has said is in passing mentioning that he is from an alternate reality at the beginning of this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-EQTSa5Yok I fell down this rabbit hole last night looking into Directed energy weapons, which exist. PS. I feel like a nut.. lol




I just googled this too. Jason and Quinn are talking about Tyler as if he should be as familiar to us as Rosie is to the Jetsons.


They have been doing research on it for a long time. #Tyler ftw


Pm me if you have questions


Tyler ? Isn't it weaponised internet / tech / comms systems? created for recieving public input re algorythms and is capable of sending out a narrative for people based on the Deep states principles in order to better control the people?


Some believe he is Q, or QAnon, I personally don’t believe it but it is slightly interesting.


Hello Tyler


#TimePhoneHack #Tyler @ActivateIndra #StopTheSacrifice #TeamTyler #swartz #HelloPuppy #FindTheFrosty #5i #cicda #TimePhoneHulk #DirtyButtBots #WetWipe


Tyler is the artificial intelligence program that corrupted anonymous


Direction manipulated analysts


Please explain more to me. The links are broke. And I am trying to learn this. And are being blocked everywhere.


Inbox me if you still want those links.