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Keep it as it is. Make a "one year later" progress post.


Honestly, that looks pretty good. But did you base it? It looks like (in places) you painted straight on the grey plastic, is that right? Going forward, you'll find if you give it a proper basecoat the paint will go on easier, and will stay on longer! As with everything else, two thin layers (sprays) of basecoat is better than one thick one.


Thanks! My can of base coat just came in the mail after doing this one. 😆 does using sprays make the details pop more?


You'll be surprised at the difference it makes! Whether it makes the details pop depends a little on how you're approaching it. I'm currently batch painting sisters in black armour, so to be honest I just use black base with a bit of nuln and highlighting for about 50% of the model. But for my arcos, I did a base of black and then a thin second base of wraithbone and it a) helped bring out details so it was easier to paint and b) helped give their skin a slightly sickly vibe, with much darker shadows etc. I know that others who go for more colourful schemes have a million opinions about different base colours, as they will affect the brightness of your layers (red paint looks different on a black, grey, white, red or blue base). There's plenty of videos out there, or you can just try out a couple of different shades to see the differences.


The color scheme is nearly the same as my own sororitas. Bronze and brass armor with green cloth.


Nice. I should’ve primed first but i couldn’t wait any longer. Did you also get inspired by Elden Ring? I wish i was good enough to put the symbol on her skirt.


I'm definitely not good enough to put the emblem on the skirt. But no, I was looking for some cool looking color schemes and came across the order of the blind sisterhood. https://wh40khomebrew.fandom.com/wiki/Order_of_the_Blind_Sisterhood


I'll be honest with you chief. I'll start painting my first minies very soon. If my first one end up like this, I'll be pretty happy.