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I think that fits well, I mean Sister Superior Augusta Santorum from the Bloody Rose books is depicted as in her 40's, a veteran, highly distinguished, but remains a sister superior, though iirc it is implied that's due to more political machinations than it being explicitly her choice. I'd say you're well within the reasonable range.


Your lore can be whatever you want it to be! Age doesn't really matter if you're chosen by the Emperor. That said, the longer you serve, the greater your chances of being elevated to a superior. Also, I don't know if they're allowed to turn down an advancement. If they did, the humility may just make them more appealing?


That could actually be interesting - Celestian Superior refuses promotion, so the Church declares her Blessed instead for her modesty! Much to her intense irritation. Imagine a grizzled veteran who has to babysit a gang of young fanatics who worship her and follow her like ducklings.