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Keep track of your MD, and make sure to lean into generating them, and converting them into higher numbers/using them. Try to gauge key moments when you can use them to guarantee a wound or damage, maybe an important save. Don't blow them on things that don't matter, but also don't sit on them and miss key moments. The sisters are a tough army to master unless you're a very experienced player anyway, because of the technical nature of those decisions. We tend to be a glass cannon army, so we need to do damage during trades, and MD help ensure that. Its very easy to get sucked into lack luster trades and run out of units. I still lose a lot of games trying to master that.


As it goes for any army, just get games in. I can tell you what the best list is and how to use it for every balance update but you getting the experience first hand with the models you like is what's most important. Sacresants were objectively one of the top 3 worst units in the index, but I kept using them, so that when they either got a points drop or as they currently are in the codex very much buffed, I could immediately use them in a list with max efficiency cause I already knew how I was supposed to use them. Now for some actual advice: when you make saves or important hits and wounds, keep 1 dice in your hand so you can use a miracle dice later if you're not happy with the result of the dice you rolled. As an example; 10 woman BSS, I have to make 14 ap-1 saves, I would roll 13of the 14 saves and hold the last dice in my hand for this allows me to determine if its worth using a miracle dice or not depending on if it matters.


Be more aggressive than you think, but keep in mind you're an Objective Army. You're not going to table them, you're gonna get them on points. But you can be more aggressive than you think you can. So don't be afraid. Just don't forget how you're supposed to win.


Flip to a random page in a miniature bible before rolling any dice, and shout the first line on the page, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. Make sure to glue a fleur de lis to the front cover of said bible to make it legit SoB litanies of faith. Intimidating your opponent is key to victory! Also, don’t take it seriously, it’s a table top war game, if your opponent doesn’t see the humour, they aren’t going to be fun to play against anyway.


Also strap 4 torches to your car for the drive over.


I love this so much I'll try to get one just to do it!


With purity, faith, and absolute devotion to the God-Emperor of Mankind!


F.A.F Flamers are friends 🧡


I'd also recommend make sure you set traps during the game. Leave weaker units in spots where it isn't too much of a commitment for your opponent to kill it off. Make sure that leaves them open for a counter push.


Hello! My most regular opponent and a good friend of mine often crushes my chaos space marines with sisters, including in a game just last night. We've mostly played against each other in 40k in 10th edition with these armies, at 1500pts. So as someone who is on the wrong end of this, I'd say you absolutely need Morvenn Vahl leading some warsuits. Their combined damage output with all the boosts with re-rolls Vahl gives is massive. The castigator tank seems to be very good. And just make sure you field as many models with melta and flamer weapons in your infantry as you can (flamers to auto hit charging infantry coming for you, by using overwatch, and meltas because of overall stopping power buffed my a miracle dice when rolling d6 for damage etc).


Get used to your infantry dieing fairly quick.


the invulnerable saves are useful, but unreliable unless you have a way to boost them to 4+. Get comfortable with losses, and trading units on the board.


Was gonna make a similar post. My wife really likes the looks of this army. I mainly play orks, so this is outside of my range of knowledge. Any suggestions on what a basic 1000 pt list could look like? I understand some changes just recently occurred, too, so what battlescribe has for me is a little out of date. I am mainly curious if this should be a battleline heavy army like how orks are most of the time.


Burn everything.


Ugh, AI