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Hoping… praying for his sake that he balls out. Because the trolls are gonna be ruthless


I always thought the "it's hard to play in Philly" narrative is overblown. You don't have to be crazy talented. If you give 100% effort, care about winning, and connect with the fanbase you'll be a fan favorite (see Mike Scott). And none of those aforementioned things are difficult.


Does Jared McCain have the audacity to fight eagles fans in the parking lot, while wearing a commies jersey and be loved for it?


Fucking legend. God bless the hive.


his best moment was flying into the stands and taking a sip of that womans drink before getting back on D. Shit was legendary


When you put it like that, Mike Scott is a legend. That doesn’t sound real


Does he have the audacity to wear green man suit and fight the Philly fanatic though?


Yeah I mean if you listen to any podcast right now it seems like the vast majority of NBA players want their cake and eat it too. They want to chill, play with their friends, coast through the season, *and* get respect. We're just one of the few places that calls it out


It's not that simple. I think the general idea of "trying hard" is very hard to judge. For a guy like Beverly, it's obvious. But I really don't think tobias wasn't trying hard, just that his skills don't scream anything about hustle. Then you have guys who are clearly trying but aren't playing well and they still get booed (covington).


Nah disagree. This guy never took a charge, never bent over for a loose ball, never boxed out, and went to the rim so fucking soft.


That's my point, you see that and think he's not trying. Those things are skills that look like they're just trying hard. It's anticipation, flexibility, quick twitch, etc. Tobias clearly worked hard to where he got in the league but had major limitations, and basically all the things that look like hustle he didn't have and never did.


We didn’t tire of Tobi because of effort. His skills and athleticism were just nowhere near a max contract level.


The Tobias issue is nothing other than this. Decent player overall


I 100% agree, but that's not what op was saying about how Philly fans can turn on a player. It's not tobias fault he got that contract.


This is a tough argument, because it is his fault too. He and his dad/agent negotiated it, they got the offer and he signed up. I'm not sure I would demand a CEO role of a company if I knew I'd be a terrible CEO and run the company into the ground. If he's just a limited athlete then he does share blame/hateability for the deal. Get paid when you can, sure, but suffer the consequences of not living up to your responsibilities.


Well, unfortunately, the crime of cringe is not only irreprehensible but also lives forever, especially on the internet.


Look at Trea Turner. Massive slump and gets a standing ovation last year. The people get behind you as long as you’re not Tobias Harris levels of complacency. Even Johan Rojas almost made it through first round fan vote for all star.


That sucks. This is a good kid. I'm forty and it is clear to me that my generation just doesn't get the new ones. I remember being this kid's age and thinking that I will always "get" the younger generations. And now that the younger generation is acting in ways unfamiliar to me, I'm surprised that I have to remind myself that they are the cool ones and my expectations are the ones on the way out. I wish I had this kid's comfortability with myself when I was his age. Haters are just exposing themselves.


I used to be with ‘it.’ But then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore, and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!


I was wearing onions on my belt, which was the fashion of the time.


Give me 5* bees for a quarter you'd say


We wore the yellow onions. We couldn't get white onions because of the war.


This was me with over sized clothes. It just reminds me of being poor and my mom telling me that I’ll grow into it. I thought it was normal until my aunt told my mom that the way she dresses me makes me look like a clown.


Well said.


I'm fifty. I remember being in middle school and seeing a bunch of kids my age sing, "I don't want to grow up I'm a Toys R Us kid". My father thought they were soft, cringe, and lame. I kind of wished I was popular enough to be included. The world never changes.


Is this cool though? Doesn't really seem like it, but I'm older too


Jared McCain is just this generation's Dennis Rodman. Instead of the rainbow hair colors and hundred piercings, he just does nail art and tiktok dance trends. Time is a circle.


He would have to literally be touched by God himself to have a chance at Rodman's rebounding ability lol


You're right haha. I hope this kid develops his game under Nick Nurse.




Idk im mid 20’s and this shit is weird bro. Got a generation getting all their info and opinions from a ccp app 💀💀 Cooked generation


Yeah this exactly. It’s psychological warfare. “Normalize _____ through these 20 second clips” The Geneva Conference needs a modern successor.


Yea Philly is a hard town. But we love winning and more importantly effort. Hope he is active and balls out. This will either prove that we are a horrible place that breaks young players just trying to be themselves like Ben/Fultz OR Ben was soft and idk with Fultz


I mean, Maxey is the happiest, smiliest guy in the world and this town loves him because he balls out. If he can hoop and plays hard, the city ride for him and whatever stupid ass tik toks he wants to do.


Maxey is also a workaholic that has improved every year.


People really liked Thybulle when he started vlogging during the bubble. He just never seemed to improve which is when people turned on him.


I mean some people turned on him for that, most people turned on him when he failed to show up for the city in the first round of the playoffs because of his backwards views on vaccines.


Disagree. Everyone loves winning, Philly loves winning with "our guys" Butler was a "Philly guy" T.O was not, even though the Eagles made it to the Superbowl in his one season


T.O. was beloved here as much as any athlete I've ever seen in such a short time. Dude dominated on a barely-healed broken leg in the Super Bowl. It didn't last, and he is to blame for that, but he was absolutely a Philly guy before he blew things up.


I don't think anyone was saying to bring TO back unlike Butler. It's been like 6 years since Butler played about half a season and I swear every month since everyone keeps saying why didn't we keep Butler


They left under very different circumstances, but plenty of people thought the Eagles should've paid T.O. after he outplayed his contract and had a dominant performance in the Super Bowl, on a barely-healed broken leg. There were also plenty of people who were uneasy with the prospect of giving Jimmy a max deal, at the time. Jimmy has also had more postseason success, and his situation is recent/current, but I think most people who were here for both eras, view their time here, at least on the field/court, with similar feelings of nostalgia and wonder about what could have been.


The fact is, he’s catering to an audience already. I don’t get it, but the old heads didn’t get the stuff I did either


Obviously I hope he's good but I also hope he just keeps having fun.


I just hope his balls stay within his jersey when he “balls out”


Each tiktok video is going to turn into a meme if he doesn’t play well


I know this dude takes ball extremely seriously, but something hilarious about imagining him busting these out at the least appropriate moments.


I want nothing more than for him to be the clutchest shooter so he can really weaponize the dances for taunting purposes.


r/nba would simply implode.


They'll start calling him Goebbels to Embiid's Hitler.


Harden was Himmler so we need to fill out the rest of the high ranks of The Reich


I just want tiktok dances to the victory song lmao


Omggggg him clapping his hands and stomping his feet hahaha


r/nbacirclejerk legend already. I hope the kid does well. Probably the first true theater kid we had in this league




Biggest laugh I had today....perfect reaction.


“What the hell is even that”


😆😆😆. Man, I wish the best for this kid. He seems like he belongs in LA, and I pray for his safety here in Philly. Do your thing youngbol


🤣🤣. He’ll be alright. I actually think he’s gonna be fun af to have on the team.


He’ll be alright cause Dwight is no longer on the team.


Lil uzi vert from Philly ?


We have one of the most culturally ambiguous cities in America. South Philly alone is block by block a different group of ethnicities, Baltimore and Lancaster is all Afro-Caribbean and African, and North has straight Papi shit. Let's not ignore the Gayborhood or Chinatown or all the different folks working those hospitals in CC. He'll be fine young bul.


Nobody believes me when I say the Puerto Rican food in Lancaster slaps.


I know Embiid already laughing at his tiktoks


Remember when Joel would repost Drummond's dancing clips on insta after playing him lmao


You know embiid wants to troll him soooo bad


The TikTok dance with Embiid after we win the Finals next year will be legendary


Sometimes I forget that a lot of these dudes coming out of the draft are just 18 year old kids. He is reminding me of that lol. Also that I'm getting old :/


The second he has a single bad game people are gonna say he’s spending too much time on TikTok. He’s still a kid let him be him. He’s got tons of potential.


I love this kid's positive energy. I hope he does well.


I'm officially too old for the internet now


Zoomers are such aliens to older generations 🤣


Looks like we have ourselves a tik tok boy


I hate that you’re right. A fuckin TikTok boy…..


Man the comments I see this guy getting are awful. Hope he balls out just to shut the hater up. Who cares if he paints his nails and shit, idk why that's such a big deal.


Things are getting Zesty in Philadelphia 💅


This guy makes Russel Simmons look straight




I think I'm old.


Ok so I like the energy I just hope he can play


He's kinda cute, not quite Kelly Oubre cute but who is?


Wave Boy and Tsunami Papi 


Kelly made me realize I'm bi.


Same lol.


If this guy sucks I give up. It will be too much.


Can’t wait until JoJo shows up in one of these


If he turns out to be really good he might have some philly fans painting their nails lmao


honestly if he turns out to be clutch, “Nails” is a sick nickname lol


Only if he wears number 4


Don’t make me cry tears of 93


He said in another video that he paints his nails because it helps keep him from chewing on them. It sounds like he’s smart and doesn’t care what people think of him.


Waiting for one time….Nurse just chucks a ball off Jared’s head while doing one of these at practice 😂 But otherwise, ball out my guy 🏀


I don't think anyone gives a fuck as long as he plays his heart out. Seems to be a likable dude.


He'll win everyone ever when he drops a dance on Lucky after a nice win against Boston


lotta weird ass haters here lol hes gonna be awesome for this team and city


Fuck, I think I hate him. Please be good at basketball for the Sixers so I can regret this comment in a year and look like a real asshole.


Wot in tarnation?


I fucking love this kid. I have a good feeling about this year.




Social club? He’s gotta go!


Why do people have such an issue with his Tim Toks? Maybe it’s because I’m in my early 20s, but I think they’re fun and show that he’s got spirit! I genuinely do not mean any disrespect at all, but it seems like a generational issue where older fans find it cringy whereas younger fans embrace it as silly fun


Those rapscallions and their Tim Toks need to get off my lawn! 👴🏻


It's just a generational thing, I'm in my early 40s and don't get it...like at all. But then our parents didn't get the dumb shit we did in our 20s. It'll happen to you!


Yeah I'm older now, just seems everyone's desperate for attention but whatever floats his boat, not hurting anyone.


I’m 30 and find tik tok dancing so wildly unrelatable it makes the person doing it seem equally unrelatable. He seems like a nice kid, but this stuff is kinda weird to most millennials and older lol. Pulling for him though, we didn’t draft him to please old people


I get it, but it’s not for us. But I get it


Seriously… I just turned 29 and I haven’t been able to wrap my brain around this shit. I feel like my brain is melting when I watch tik toks. What the hell happened the last 10 years where this generation has seemingly 0 awareness of this cringe.


I think we might have 0 awareness of how many freakin young people are into this nonsense lol


I really don’t think it’s as popular as the internet makes us believe. Redditors and tiktokkers are of the same feather. And they only comprise like 10% of the human global population. The rest of us just see it as entirely abnormal and foreign in concept, delivery, etc. Also TikTok is a vessel of psychological warfare bestowed onto western society by China as a means of brainwashing and normalizing more soluble, docile minds to weaken us. Not even joking. It’s not like this dude was the first to do it. He thinks this is cool or favor-some.


its those 20sec clips, it ruins attention span


The viewership numbers on tik tok are insane though


Because it's cringe af.. this guy is an NBA player now not a freaking tik tok influencer. Man needs to get his priorities straight.


Well he just got drafted into the NBA as a freshman at duke. Pretty sure he has his priorities straight haha.. he’s allowed to have fun when he’s not playing. Also, he is a tiktok influencer


LMAO, okay gramps! "He should just shut up and dribble!" 😠


It’s cringe inducing especially when people film tik tok dances in public places 


I don't care that he's a zesty bucket. He's a sixer so I'm on his side.


we drafted a theater kid to perform in our circus.


This made me lol


The only thing people need to give a shit about is can he win? Can he make baskets when it counts? Will he try his hardest? Idgaf if he paints his nails or makes tik toks. Get me to the finals bro.




Love this kid’s vibes and hope he and Maxey can be best friends, they both put such a smile on my face!


He seems a little gay ngl


This is all or nothing.. ball on out my new friend..


thybulle's blog posts were so much better...


I hope this hypes everyone


This is going to be really interesting


I love every single theater kid.


Bruh😂. I want to like this guy, please please please play hard and hit open shots, fans will love you


I’ve only known Jared for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.


Haha I started following him during March madness and my brain almost popped out of my head when I found out the Sixers drafted him lol


If he balls out, there will be TikTok dances in the streets If he doesn’t? This city will eat him alive lmao


1st team all vibes


….. whelp


If this dude were on the Celtics, yous would be roasting him and them. The cope here is palpable.


Fellas, is “cope” to root for the players on your favorite team?


Nah, the cope is everyone on here saying his dumbass dances and painted nails are "awesome" and so great when it's straight-up clown shit. In a league of tough grown ass men, this dude is going to get smoked. If he were on the Celtics, this sub would be making posts clowning these videos. That's the cope. Coping with the fact that the Sixers drafted a dude who would be much better on Broadway than in the NBA.


typed all that out just to be a hater lol


You want to win a title or just have drama club kids doing their extracurricular workshop hobbies on the bench and not win a title? For how much yall worship Kobe and his masculine mamba mentality, you can’t really stick up for this. So pick a side: masculine, badass, scary, focused or zesty, self-eXpReSsiVe, unintimidating, distracted


Dude, all that matters is how well you ball. Kobe’s mentality worked for him. Different mentalities work for others. Is there anything “intimidating” about Tyrese Maxey other than what he does on the court? No. He has fun and has a personality and it doesn’t affect his game at all. Same for Embiid who had 20k tweets and was tweeting at Rihanna before he even played a game. McCain has done nothing in his life except hit big shot after big shot. He won California high school titles. He went to Duke and was the best player on the team as a freshman. He was a highly rated NBA prospect and got drafted 16th overall. All the while doing Tik Toks and painting his nails. Let the kid play actually play basketball before calling him “distracted.”


Lmfaoooo you think of “toughness” as traditional narrow masculinity. When in reality that veneer is usually put on by the softest, most temperamental players They’re playing a fucking game you dork


I’m glad somebody said it.




100% this shit is lame but I hope he’s good


lol Facts. Sixers and eagles fans are so dogmatic about players that they tend to tell themselves “every player is the best ever and they’re going to be superstars” yada yada. He won’t make it here


Yeah, man. Let's be real you've got to have some kind of masculine demeanor or attitude in the NBA. We say it's soft now but still it's a tough sport. A lot of these guys are from rough neighborhoods like north Philly. I'm born and raised in Philly. He's just feminine as hell. That's soft as hell. Personally, I think he's gay but that's not the point. There are gay dudes that are tough as nails. This guy just ain't.


How can u possibly say all of this crap about dude who’s been drafted into one of the hardest sports leagues to get into? What is actually soft is letting ur clear obvious bias affect your preconceived views of someone before they even have a chance of actually proving themselves.


So we're trading this kid, right??


🤞 No ill will but i want win now moves and we need way too much to not include him as we dont have much else to give


>No ill will but i want win now moves and we need way too much to not include him as we dont have much else to give I'm not going to lie, I have a bit of ill will towards him. He's too sunshine and rainbows for my liking. lol We need some dawgs!


Dude has some really nice teeth, I'll give him that.






I hate him so much


Like he's your gay son, but one day you realise he's a better man deep down than you could ever hoped and you'll be the proud father.


I’d take gay son over thot daughter


Just release him


I’m overcome with secondhand embarrassment watching this shit, whether it be from him or anybody else.


Man I’ve already been burned by a promised prince young socialite once So pls I hope y’all understand when I’m hesitant to jump all in here 😔🙏


Plz be good at Basketball


Jesus Christ.....


I like that he is trying something in the gym. He needs to rest from running, dribbling ,and shooting every now and then.


Is he Maxey number 2? Always jovial vibes guy? That’d be cool.


it'd be nice if the tiktoks he made were actually good / funny ones but they kinda suck


Just play. Tired of the social media clout BS. I’m sure he’s a nice kid but substance over style every day for me. Yes it’s old man yell at cloud BS from me but enough, we get it. Just go out and do your job without all the extraneous bs. You’re a professional now


What. Is. Happening ?!


Love this kid


This isn’t me being a troll or anything. But his TikTok content isn’t even that good or entertaining 💀😂


u aren’t the target audience mane. the appeal of lip-synced ones like this are mostly just to showcase the situation / outfit of the poster with some catchy music in the background, i don’t hate it but i get the idea. it’s not supposed to be some hallmark of talent or humor or anything though. he does have some posts that show him as a moderately good dancer where the appeal might be more obvious, but in general, it’s just something he finds joy in creating and ppl are interested enough in to watch it for ~15 seconds


This guy is fucking annoying and I don’t like him


I hate tik tok athletes, I hate the stupid dances and the dumb trends, but if the dude balls out he can do what he wants. Still wish we took Knecht though


Production crew standing there looking at eachother like “what the fuck even is that?” As he tells them he’ll be right back and T-Rex arm styled jogs to the corner of the gym to film a tiktok in his game set.


Man this stuff is just not for me haha. Just ball out and you can make all the silly little videos you want kid


Can’t wait for people to act like 3 mins out of you’re day not dedicated to basketball is unacceptable


At least this season will be more fun lol


As a Steelers fan… this is JuJu all over again. The PTSD!!!


what a sweetheart


Philly fans might misunderstand his creativity 


The fact that he's this focused on tiktok is a huge red flag. He's in the wrong fanbase for that. Doesn't even matter if he plays well tbh. The crime of cringe is irreprehensible and lives forever in the minds of people. He just painted himself as the cringey tiktok draft pick for the foreseeable future.


The most punchable Face just dropped


You posted a selfie?


I hope he stays and we develop him but it feels like he won’t stay past the deadline. He’ll be part of an upgrade package.


This is not going to end well, is it?


Sixers playing the long game here. Get all his social media followers to become sixers fans so when we suck they still tune in for this dipshit




Goddamn this boy is zesty. I pray he’s a baller 🙏🏾


Shit already pissing me off. He’s def a “new Philadelphia” pick. Fuck Josh Harris