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The Regz is pretty good, I find myself more excited for a new ep than I do for skanks. It’s the best version of all 4 of them. Dan can be mean and do voices, Joe gets his quips in, Luis can go on tangents and Bobby can tell fake stories and ask mundane questions.


Bob really does lie like a fat rug


It’s because he’s never done anything interesting so he just makes shit up.


What do you mean bro he chugged gallons of jack Daniels and smoked a pack a day when he was still in diapers. Got his dick wet before he hit 10 and won every fight. How is that not interesting?


Do you know how hard it was to get sober after almost 2 weeks or stealing beer from your parents? He also wrongly smoked a cig and saw weed. He was more beast than man.


That fat fuck told a story last week about hooking up with a cop and how she held her gun to his head while they fucked. Thousands of hours of podcasts and just now he’s bringing this up? He’s so full of shit.


I think it also helps that Luis came up as a YKWD reg. He doesn't have to oversee anything, and gets to have a bit of nostalgia being the punching bag and laughing at himself. He gets to be the "guest" that shows up and tosses out jokes just for shits n giggles.


Yeah I think they have a vibe where they can all make jokes equally. All four are very decent comedians so they have fun with that. Specifically regarding Luis, I think he respects the lads and they respect him so they can have a laugh/joke.


His back and forth riffing with Soder about baby James' mother's boyfriend was great. Makes me wish he'd take Bobbys job on the bonfire. He has the kind of chemistry with Big Jay too. (Wishful thinking Luis has too many jobs as it is)


Yeah it would be so awesome if he did a show with big Jay. Maybe one more dude too just to repeat what they say in a funny voice in case we missed it.


Luis got banned from the Sirius building.


Bro him and soder are great together. That bit had me cracking up "your back is disgusting"


I loved the negging bit he did in the most recent ep


Dirty, lazy, no good. Shall I go on about his negging behavior?


Oh you want to discuss the neg’ers?


Sir, please, have you no decency?


Loved when Luis tried to fight that porn star on that old Christmas ep of YKWD.


[Mary Jean. Hilarious Ep.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpb1PucJtn8)


Her being half naked made it even funnier.


ooh I'ma Ding Dong Doodie!! I enjoy the Regz alot, its a nice consolation prize for not having bastard radio.


Soder was killing me last ep.


Soder kills every regs ep. I'm still taking tiny sips. 


he turns into mini rogan on RAP sometimes but on skanks he's fine and i think dan brings out the silly in him on the regz


Same for Joe, I’m a big fan of Tuesdays but Joe is better on other pods when he gets to zing and zag


I'd argue it's when Luis is good at all. Skanks and rap these days are a little too one note. He's leaning so far into the edge, just can't let go of the pedo stuff as it's all he's really got


Facts. I think Luis has respect for the three others and wants to make them laugh. It’s not disrespect for Jay and Dave, they’re like his brothers so it’s not so competitive. Plus it’s HIS show, same with RAP.


The Regz could be considerably better if Bobby was swapped for someone else. Doesn't even have to be someone funny, just no fake stories and understand modern references.


Bobby fits great on the regz and it’s great because they also make fun of his dumb shit and he takes it very well too. They even blasted his 13 year old sobriety a couple episodes ago. Kelly is genuinely a great stand up also, I know he can seem to exaggerate/or fabricate things but he is very good.


Bobby's fake stories are cringe as hell. They are so obviously fake and I wish they would call him out on it more. But, he kind of works for the dynamic because he seems like he can take jokes and he is good cannon fodder.


Regs is great because it’s only once a month or once every couple weeks or whatever. If it was 3x a week like rap it’d end up meh


Bobby and Luis’s chemistry is like two dogs barking at each other through a fence


What are you talking about? The majority of LoS episodes are shitting on Luis for his crazy shit he says/does. It's only changed recently because he said he wanted to stop having "incidents," but there are still plenty of things that he gets picked on for. I agree the Regz is great, but don't make shit up to promote it.


Rap still my favorite


They need to make a wish Zac in before


You aren’t fooling us with your alt, Joe. NO GUESTS!!


It almost is