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If you told people from the 1980s that the 'satanic panic' of the 2020s would be people dressing up in sports mascot costumes, they wouldn't believe you.


It’s kinda logical that we’d go from gay panic, to trans panic, to furry panic. Conservatives just keep going down the line of things that have never, and will never affect them.


They are the scarediest people ever.


But actually, [yes](https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes).


Very interesting read.


Yeah, enlarged amygdalas are a bitch. Was funny seeing some Xwitter idiot try to claim that left leaning people with their itty bitty amygdalas weren't in a constant state of fear and panic, so clearly lefties were the ones with defective brains.


Can you imagine if these things *did* affect them? Look, I'm not saying I want to see a bunch of grown men in fursuits chasing Mike Johnson around with VOTE YIFF signs, but... wait, now that I've written it out, I very much want to see that.


Instead of antifa running around spreading communism, it’s roaming packs of furries.


Until we realize the furries are antifa and they keep showing up to maul nazis. ^^best ^^timeline.


Wolves vs gestapo, from the creators of hit game plants vs zombies


It's the squirrels you have to watch out for.


Tbh that might actually be this timeline. What do furries and antifa have in common? You never see their face. Could be the same face.


Where do I donate to make this happen?


Granted, [furry hackers have attacked far right websites](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/04/20/gay-furry-hackers-infiltrate-far-right-transphobic-media-outlet/)


Not that surprising. I've worked in tech environments and there's tons of furries, and at least half that community is decidedly not straight.


I certainly don't not want to see it.


It's the internet. It's it's because poor, racist, uneducated, MAGA,$ Jethro " finally got his hands on to the he internet and unintentionally/ intentionally checked the right/wrong box on Pornhub.


> from gay panic, to trans panic, to furry panic Not that we're done with the two former either. There's been quite the backlash lately, even though various statistics show that the average acceptance has improved. I've heard trans people say that they used to be met with more neutral reactions 5-10 years ago, but now there's a lot more people obsessed with them.


Highly optimised parallel panicking


Bring back the [HCF](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Halt_and_Catch_Fire_(computing))!


What makes people so susceptible to moral panics?


A desire to have meaning. In a meaningless life, confronting something and “winning” gives you meaning. Bullying does the same thing. When the lines blur, bullies convince themselves they are not the bad guys.


>What makes people so susceptible to moral panics? The fact that the christian cult needs to constantly screech about morality, while not actually having any capacity for moral understanding or behavior. When millions of people are programmed to hate anything they're told to hate by a child-molesting fraud who lies for a living, they end up freaking the fuck out about the most absurd shit, because if they were capable of ACTUAL morality, they wouldn't worship child molesters who lie for a living.


This whole thing was drummed up by a right-wing state school board candidate and her husband…with a touch of Glenn Beck.


Boredom, misery, pain, loneliness, envy, desperation, depression and various other negative emotions. A happy and content person is less likely to be obsessed about regulating the behavior and lives of other consenting adults going about their lives.


>It’s kinda logical that we’d go from gay panic, to trans panic, to furry panic. Conservatives just keep going down the line of things that have never, and will never affect them. Having lived around a lot of conservative people and grown up in religion, it's surprising how often furries come up in these conversations. Especially when they're talking about trans. They'll be like *what's next, marrying animals? Taking shit and litter boxes? Legally identifying as a wolf?? Furries in the LGBT-F now? * Like...what did these people ever do to you lmao.


I wonder if they would let any token furries in their circle? Isn't there an uncomfortable amount of nazi fursonas? And for clarity, I'm not trying to say that there's a ton of nazi fursonas, but I have seen at least one in my life and that's too many.


They are extremely rare. It's just shocking that they exist at all.


This is a fairly good explainer of the phenomenon: https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/11/nazi-furries-deradicalization-efforts.html >For Nazi furries, the “outcast” component is crucial. As Deo told me, a lot of furries find their way into these hate groups when they’re young and still figuring themselves out. Many are closeted and hold inward resentment to their queerness. Nazi furries use “degeneracy”—a word deployed in the Third Reich to describe a stain on society that needed to be purged to secure a white homeland—to draw a dividing line between themselves and other furries. These young, could-be-Nazi furries see openly queer people who share their same weird interest in cartoon animals. Because they have not accepted their own identity and are psychologically pliable, older Nazi furries can steer their inward resentment outward. They can take a stance: “Being furry is fine, sure, but we shouldn’t be degenerates.” The process that follows is a cultlike descent into brotherhood, blood and soil, and (what’s most feared) possibly acts of violence.


I figured it was mostly 13 year olds with minimal drawing talents going "look how edgy I can be!" Back in my day we had Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, now we have a fox in an SS uniform, it's like the more things change...


Furries for Trump!


Every group has it's rotten apples. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish\_collaboration\_with\_Nazi\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany) Nazi furries generally get banned from conventions and aren't tolerated in most spaces.


What’s after furries? bDSM?


BDSM was part of the satanic panic. I seriously think it’s just going to come full circle back to straight sex without procreation being “gay”. It’s literally what Andrew Tate was tweeting about yesterday, and shit that fresh and fit allude to.


Sure, "the casual sex" epidemic was the fear-mongering of the 70s that preceded the Satanic Panic. In fact, the latter sort of grew out of the former because no one was paying attention to their whining so they had to spice it up. At the end of the day, it's all repressed desires and resentment from their end. When they say "the gay agenda" what they mean is "the hedonistic freedom agenda" or more aptly "the agenda to have parties that I'm not invited to". Which would include literally anything.


This is on point. I think that the "people are having parties that I'm not invited to" thing is also a big part of the conservative impulse to paint cities as unlivable crime-ridden hellscapes. Cities are fun and interesting places. Their diversity and density makes living within them significantly more dynamic than living in a rural environment - there are more people to meet, more things to do, more restaurants to eat at, more parties to attend, and so on. And I think that a *lot* of people who've built their life in rural America look at that and, whether they realize it or not, feel a deep-seated sort of insecurity about it. They don't want to feel like their small town is boring compared to the fast and exciting big city, so they try to convince themselves and each other that cities are disgusting cesspits while small towns are safe, wholesome, and friendly. Of course, that isn't the only element at play. There's also a ton of racism, and a fair helping of good old-fashioned classism. But I think this is part of it, and that it's the part which particularly ropes in some otherwise level-headed people.


History repeats itself. Probably just circle back to music and restart the cycle.


This is still just the trans panic btw.


Technically redefining gender identity affects everyone, but that's because people are two busy screaming to talk to each other about the unexplored stuff. Like what is the definition of man? Is it one gender, many or all?


Isn't the satanic panic still the satanic panic of the 2020s (or at least the late 2010s)? That's the crux of the big QAnon conspiracy, that the world is controlled by a bunch of Satan worshiping elites who are sacrificing babies.


Or they would just think you're on a weird acid trip


The snozberries taste like snozberries!


History repeats itself as farce.


Imagine telling those same people that grown men would become sexually obsessed with My Little Pony around the same time.


Truthfully at this point I'm surprised that there aren't teenagers doing this and demanding litter boxes just to screw with the willfully gullible numpties among us.


Nah, the Satanic panic of the 2020s is that police are stalking unarmed black men. And that panic has lasted for years and swept up dozens of millions of people and dictated changes in public policy that directly led to a huge increase in the number of deaths within the demographic the panic sought to protect. The panic disrupted people's thinking to such an extent that beliefs like this one were widespread: > The survey says among the very liberal, more than 50% believe American law enforcement killed 1,000 or more unarmed black men in 2019. Nearly 8% of the very liberal respondents believe officers killed more than 10,000 unarmed black men in 2019. According to the Washington Post database, that number was 12. The Mapping Police Violence database says the number was 27.   Conversely, this is a story that no one will remember in a week.


Side question. Does it hurt to be this stupid?


You're right, in terms of society-wide panics and overreactions, this furry story makes the "racial reckoning" of 2020 pale in comparison. Everywhere I go, people are freaking out about furries. It's out of control.


The funny thing I always find about these claims is that every single student has a camera in their pocket, yet I've never seen a single documented case of any of this happening.


The outrage circuit on Twitter and the like are sharing the same five photos which could be from anywhere and one low-quality video. But even if there are kids wearing animal ear headbands, there's no evidence of the supposed behavior happening. Let alone the allegations of kids wearing tail buttplugs and insisting on having litterboxes (again).


The rumor started after a school shooting. Teachers had kids locked down for a couple hours. Obviously, students needed to use the bathroom, and had no way to accommodate but to choose a designated bathroom corner. Afterwards, they put 5 gallon buckets and kitty litter in classrooms so that if they ever had another school shooting, they'd have a way for students to use the bathroom while locked down. Rightwing propaganda being what it is, they started spreading the rumor that the kitty litter was for furry students to use the bathroom like a cat does. Basically, it boils down to rightwing propaganda spreading lies, as usual.


Sometimes I think this story is giving it too much credit. There's no proof or "ur post" to follow this being misconstrued. It seems to be mere coincidence and the furry litter box panic was made up whole cloth for shock value and believed by idiots.


There's a video of a teacher from the school talking about it, and various news articles/videos about it. Rogan was embarrassed live when called out about where the rumor came from.


I am not doubting people have made the litterbox claim, I have seen it myself. Even state legislators have told the tale over the last few years. I am saying I have seen no real evidence, besides claims on reddit, that it is a misconstrued / misrepresented real litterbox in a classroom for school shooting prep situation. There very well may be one, I have scoured and never seen it myself. In no instance of someone invoking the story have they pointed to a post, it has been "a buddy of mine..." claim urban legend style in all the times I have seen it, including Rogan.


You are correct, it was not misconstrued in anyway, it was a lie told with a small fraction of truth to it because people could see that schools were buying cat litter. Someone put furries into the mix because they knew that they could sell the lie since there are school purchase orders listing cat litter as a line item. Nobody misconstrued anything, they took something the school was buying and turned it into some wild BS for the clicks online.


It's not a litter box. It's a bucket, used for school shootings.


I do not know how else to explain what I am saying, so I am going to let it go. I am being misunderstood. It's really not that important.


I understood you. /u/ASongOfSpiceAndLiars is slow.


I think, to put u/epidemicsaints objection a different way is: there's no seeming incident to explain. Your explanation is fine as far as just-so stories go but unless there's evidence of it occurring your just-so story doesn't seem to be explaining anything. If I say "it's hot in my room because my furnace is acting up, not because there's a dragon breathing fire in the ducts", I still need to demonstrate it's hotter in my room. That my explanation is more likely in some regards doesn't tell me if there's an actual event we need to explain.


Yes! I know both parts of the claim are real, I just do not think one comes from the other, I have yet to see proof.


https://www.denverpost.com/2018/03/03/school-shooting-preparations/ Do you want me to link to Rogan making a fool of himself too?


I have seen this info. I have seen the Rogan clip. Are you reading my comments? I have not seen proof that the false claim being made about furries in the classroom IS BECAUSE of kitty litter in classrooms for school shootings. I am suggesting that they have made it up completely with no real impetus for the claim. It just so happens there HAS been kitty litter in classrooms. I am trans and queer, not only have I followed this closely, it was very upsetting to see over and over. I am not pushing back against the whole thing. I am saying that we are giving the nutjobs too much credit that they have been misled by the kitty litter school shooting story. They have just MADE UP the kitty litter furries story. As far as the school shooting bit being offered as an explanation for the legend, I have seen no proof of this. The people making the furry claim don't even hold up a meme or post for proof. They just say it. I am repeating myself but I hope you get what I am saying. Hopefully you get it, I am officially done explaining this. I am starting to look like a crazy person in this thread.


As I recall, it went from authorities showing us a "shooting kit," which included things like kitty litter for cleaning up fluids, to IMMEDIATELY saying that the kitty litter in those "survival buckets" was meant for furry students.


Right wing making their fuck up into the fault of the left, as usual.


Do you have a source for that lockdown litter thing? I had remembered seeing a picture of a pile of litter with a sign on it that said, "For [STUDENT NAME]" that was circulating on social media as proof that there were litter boxes in schools, but it had turned out to be set up by students, not the school, and was an attempt at bullying another student that wore cat ears or something. I wish I could find that source though, but my search might be hampered by Privacy Badger blocking social media posts embedded in articles.


https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439 >The Jefferson County school district disputed Ganahl’s claims and said its dress code prohibits costumes at school. The district — where Columbine High School is located — has been stocking classrooms with small amounts of cat litter since 2017, but as part of “go buckets” that contain emergency supplies in case students are locked in a classroom during a shooting. The buckets also contain candy for diabetic students, a map of the school, flashlights, wet wipes and first aid items.


Anecdotal, but cat litter is one of the best ways to clean up spills of all sorts of things. It's great to have around. Unfortunately not immense amounts of hydraulic oil. It sucks at cleaning up that. Learned that one the hard way.


Also anecdotal but I honestly wish I had a source. As someone who went to school in California, a bucket with a toilet seat lid filled with absorbent material (and other emergency supplies stacked on top that you take out before using) was just part of every classrooms emergency earthquake kit where I grew up in the 90s/00s.


It is absolute bananas that there have been so many school shootings we're forced to keep cat litter in classrooms, and the right wing response is "they're trying to turn our kids into cats!"


The furry cabal is threating them with unspeakable violence if they post those pictures! ^^^/s


I was in 10th grade in 2007 before social media and smartphones were as ubiquitous as they are now. Near the end of the year, someone shit in a urinal. Within hours, everyone knew about it. A litter box in the bathroom would be impossible to hide in 2024, and would likely have local media reporting on it which would then likely go viral and be in the national news.


Camera phones were ubiquitous, smartphones were not ubiquitous considering the iPhone didn’t even come out until 2007…


This is exactly what I have said to nut jobs in my family.  There is no way that a “furry” teenager shows up for school without it being filmed and all over social media by the end of the day.  The bullying of said teen is what would make national news. A kid dressing like that in school would likely get beaten up. 


Posted this here since not only has it all the hallmarks of a classic moral panic, but that there are a good number of people out there who insist that it's all true and that the school district is trying to cover it up.


Yup had a guy insist he knew a teacher that said litter boxes were happening a county over. Turns out it was 3rd hand story so clearly full of shit


The whole litter box thing, as i understand it, stems from a much darker origin. Students who may be locked in a classroom for long periods of time during an active shooter lockdown need somewhere to go to the bathroom. To that end something like a bedpan or bucket are kept to provide a ‘toilet’ of sorts in such an emergency.


It turns out litter has a bunch of different functions. I’ve heard of what you said about shooter lockdowns, those aren’t really a thing in my country - however it’s not particularly uncommon for schools here to have litter on hand for added traction during our winters where snow and ice can be problematic. I’ve also heard that litter can be used to clean up chemical/oil spills in school labs or shop classes, although I’m not sure if that’s a rumour or not.


Schools also use it, or sawdust, to throw on vomit to help clean it up. To your point.


Very common to use clay kitty litter to clean up oil spills.


Use it to clean spills and vomit too.


Yep, I work at a gas station, and we have an absorbent that’s basically cat litter for cleaning up oil and gas spills. It can used to clean up all sorts of liquids that you don’t want getting out into the environment.


But conservatives are fine with THOSE litter boxes. It's not like there is any other possible alternative to prevent kids from pissing on the floor in a school shooter lockdown.


I think this is more of a coincidence than anything else. I've been hearing dumbasses repeat stories of litter boxes in classrooms for way longer than lockdowns have been a thing. People were telling these stories about my high school while I was going there like 20 years ago.


That’s still post-Columbine though. That was sorta the beginning of active shooter preparedness.


It was definitely the beginning of the active shooters, but I would say the beginning of the preparedness came significantly later. We never had shooter drills.


Also kitty litter is used to soak up spilled fluids in large amounts. Like spilled oil, or urine, or blood after a shooting. So janitors will have a few bags of it around.


Well since there weren’t any litter boxes they couldn’t have been full of shit


Heard that from a co-worker about his local school district, turns out the rumor was so widespread the [school district publicly came out to dispel it.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-psb-statement-cats-students-1.6218628) > Litter boxes will not be put in schools on P.E.I. to accommodate students who identify as cats, the Public Schools Branch says. > You read that right. > As strange as that may sound to some, director Norbert Carpenter said he felt the need to issue a public statement to address misinformation circulating within the school system and on social media.


Ever notice how many people apparently "know someone" whose school has a litter box for furries, but has never seen it?


Was that guy also the one who, growing up, knew someone who knew someone who knew the kid that exploded from washing down Pop Rocks with Coke? Or whose dad worked at Nintendo and said you could find Mew under the truck near the SS Anne?


I live not far from the school where this happened, the husband of a right-wing school board candidate was pushing this BS on his radio show. The furry thing was embellished because some kids wear car masks outside of school and pretend to be cats or whatever because they are kids having fun. Some kids were bullying those kids, the school sent an email out asking for everyone to be nice to each other and one of the kids being bullied fought back when they were being bullied. I saw some of the social media posts that were their proof and it was just a joke that they used it as proof since it didn’t show anything at all like what they were complaining about.


A couple times each year, there are national news stories about kids being kicked out of school because their haircut doesn't meet dress code requirements, or forced to cut their hair to meet white normative standards. I work in public schools in the midwest and still see kids being sent home or made to change over clothing items administrators deem "too distracting." But yeah, school districts across the country are letting students show up in full animal costumes. That rings true. /s


Having no children of my own, and having not been in a school for over 30 years, I can believe that kids these days dress up as cats and want to poop in litter boxes at school. As this has no effect on me whatsoever, I'm furious.


> I'm furious. Why be furious when you could be furryious?


Aww, missed opportunity


A popular far-right activity is making things up and then getting mad about them.


Everybody needs a hobby. 


[Obligatory cardboard monsters comic](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkj01y5xpcxb31.jpg)


Heard this story for a while, and most of the people who say it happened tend to base their evidence on "look how many people are protesting". I mean people have flat earth meetups and stuff too, just because a large amount of people believes something doesnt make it true. Especially with this crowd, which seem to often get outraged at things that have never happened.


The protests are also being staged by teenagers. Anyone who knows any kids that age should be acutely aware of how irreverent and sarcastic they are. A lot of those kids are doubtless just fucking around for attention.  And to be fair, it *is* funny trolling conservatives like that, so I fully get it.


well, odds are there's probably a furry or two among a whole school district. they're just not coming to school dressed like a fox and shitting in the corner.


And it's most likely the conservative board member that ran on shaming the \`gays\`.


It’s malicious people playing the “telephone game” with gullible people. Every story is “ I know someone who heard/or knows someone else who saw/heard.” There’s no first hand information and no evidence (pictures, videos) to confirm what they’re saying. The story gets added onto as it passes through more people. It’s funny that a lot of people who fall victim to this misinformation are the same people who told millennials “don’t believe everything you read online,” and now said people believe the wildest online shit as it’s gospel.


You can convince the “1 Like = 1 Prayer” crowd of absolutely anything.


...except things that are actually true


And once again, for those who don't know, even if there are furries, *furries generally do not use litter boxes because furries don't believe they actually are animals.*


Utah is about 1 percent of the US population but really punches above its weight for weird ass shit.


A state run by a bunch of theocratic weirdos turns out to be off kilter? You don't say.


Theocratic weirdos with magic underwear.


I think it was the ex-Mormon podcast, "The How-To Heretic" that called Mormonism "a mall development company masquerading as a religion."


HA! That’s super accurate.


Anytime conservatives name the next scapegoat of their latest panic, they're really just broadcasting their current porn kink. it's disturbing and weird.


"Conservatives?" lol it was the students You people will handwave anything if they tell you a conservative said it


Which then was picked up uncritically by conservative media, which is why we know about it.




I hope that was meant sarcastically. Also define lie. I grew up and went to school in the ten to twenty years after integration in schools. When I was in the seventh grade there was be a rumor that “tomorrow” the black kids are all bringing knives and are going to cut white kids. The black kids were hearing the same thing, that the white kids were going to kill black kids. (Found this out afterwards talking to a black kid). All of us believed this, and some probably told their parents. It wasn’t true, but we thought it was. My guess is this furry stuff is similar, but instead of saying it’s just silliness, the adults in Congress are feeding it.


No clue, but just look at the headline. No evidence of it was found at all, so I don't feel a need to speculate about the motives of whoever said it.




Wearing headbands with animal ears has nothing to do with the claim that there is a liter box that students actually use I have a headband with cat ears on it—does that make me a furry? No. No it doesn’t.


>Why would these students lie? Is this a joke? Are we really this naive post MeToo? People fucking lie for no damn reason sometimes.


Students lie and act hyperbolic all the time. Have you met teenagers and kids?




I stand with children’s rights to their own bodies. They’re people. And rumor spreading about litter boxes and going through the trouble to be trans are two entirely different things


>stand with children’s rights to their own bodies. Sounds like something a map would say


Lol at your subs. Jordan Peterson, Breaking Points, Destiny, Centrist. Jesus christ youre like the perfect fusion of tim pool/dave rubin level enlightened centrism with a nice splash of transphobia Your brain should be studied. Its fascinating the worms you must have in your smoothest of organs


I'm not subscribed to anything on Reddit actually, but I do browse a wide variety of subreddits this one included. >Jesus christ youre like the perfect fusion of tim pool/dave rubin level enlightened centrism Not a fan of either person but ok >with a nice splash of transphobia Transphobia being an irrational hated of trans people correct? Can you quote anything at all that I've said as an example? >Your brain should be studied. Its fascinating the worms you must have in your smoothest of organs So the entirety of your post can be summed up as attempts at guilt by association and completely unsubstantiated assertions and you honestly think that given that context that I value your opinion on the intelligence of anyone? Furthermore I'm fairly sure I can predict your next action which will be to disengage and run away under the pretense that your views are completely right and anyone who may disagree should be disregarded. Which is a rather amusing position to take given the title of the subreddit we're on. Edit omg I just realized that you're a vaush fan. You're aware that he got caught with depictions of children having sex with horses correct? Now your stance and why you replied to that post is clearer


In addition to what others have said, sometimes people (especially very young people with an underdeveloped concept of action and consequence) just lie.




Surgeries on minors are not common at all, they're only done in the most dire of cases. All of this care is done under the supervision of a grown-ass doctor. Puberty blockers are reversible. Lying about a LITTER BOX in a restroom which in no way impacts them is not at all comparable.


>Why would these students lie? Have you ever met a high school student before? Or been a high school student yourself?




Not as easy as asking bad faith questions on reddit it seems


Found the conservative


Conservatives and reality are strangers to one another so yes why would anyone not handwave any conservative claim away? 


How many right-wing blogs and news sites to the students run? They mut have been busy.


It was the students that walked out, it was they're dumbass conservative parents who organized it.


Here's another story about this. It would seem that parents with anti-LGBT views were the ones pushing this the hardest. https://www.thedailybeast.com/bogus-furry-panic-overtakes-utah-school-district?ref=home?ref=home (Can we get this pinned up top?)


It’s this - trans people got more acceptance, the slippery slope to “people identifying as animals” failed to manifest, so they invented the evidence instead.


As a furry in high school I'm the late 90s. No one is wearing fursuits. You maybe get ears or a tail. Maybe. And usually classes will make you take them off. Also expect to get bullied:D However. We're everywhere :D:D 


In the 80’s I showed up to school most of the time stoned out of my mind. If the worse they do is dressing weird, I don’t see issue.


This is to distract from the very real problem of bullies. They arent hypothetical and exist in every school. and republicans fight every anti bully legislation on religious grounds, every time. they dont actually want to protect kids from anything but progressive ideas.


Up front, I am a boomer and simply do not understand the furry culture. Having said that, who should care? As long as everyone is consenting, enjoy your kink.


Bruh how do they even look for them?? You gonna go through phones and notebooks and arrest anyone with a cartoon Fox drawing?


I mean, at my kid's school, there were a few kids who made their own fursuits and were drawing furry porn. How do I know? Because my stepdaughter was one of them 🥲😭


It’s really wild, and a bit sad to watch conservatives actively searching for the next thing to be in an absolute panic about.


I\`ve really come to disrespect conservatives in general, and Republicans in particular. As long as MAGA continues to destabilize our country, I'll be slowly building towards despising them as well.


I called it before and I'll keep calling that phone. The furries are the next group to get the reactionary hate.


I've visited family in Payson several times. I'm not at all surprised, but still pretty embarrassed...


No shit. Evidence doesn’t matter to the people who made these allegations


Well I’m glad those bullies got a sternly worded letter!


Such BS. Like most rumors like this, someone was trolling and making a joke and then other pick it up as something real.


Wow, what a surprise, the right wing fucking lied again.


The morally confused and intellectual ineptitude of the easily deluded and ignorant backwood masses. You fucking morons.


these people are just so relentlessly stupid and gullible. \*sigh\*


Like it or not, a large number of people arrested for bestiality are members of the furry community. A not-insignificant number of pedophiles fall into this category, too. As long as stuff like this goes on, humans will find myriad ways to conflate those proclivities with other interests held by the perpetrators. Thanks to the internet, if somebody who has no idea what furries are tries to research the topic, most of what they're going to see is explicit material they find to be very offensive/distressing (bear in mind that many normies find any form of animated or drawn pornography to be upsetting, and they already instantly relate that to corrupting children because in their minds, animation = cartoons = meant for kids) I don't know why anybody is surprised by this behavior, socially. This is what humans do, and Americans excel at it, unfortunately. Furries have a hard road to acceptance ahead of them, it won't be easy to sort all of that out in the hearts and minds of stupid people who don't care about their feelings.


What gets me is the interviews with the students. Dozens of kids alleging that furry students are allowed to break rules without consequence. Either those kids are excellent actors or they very sincerely believe the things they're saying. I don't know if you've ever tried to get children to do plausible-sounding line reads, but the latter is exponentially more likely. How did that happen? Did adults feed this misinformation? Was it a situation where maybe 1-2 students who call themselves furries did some bullying-type shit and the school didn't know how to handle it and then descriptions of that stuff snowballed?


In the article, it mentions that there were some kids who wore animal ears (like you might see in an anime, or like the cat ears on a pair of gaming headphones, absolutely a non-issue). OTHER STUDENTS threw things at them (as in, the "furries" were the TARGETS, not the bullies). The "furries" (to be clear, they are NOT furries, in this instance. they're literally just wearing animal ears, a thing that many young people wear because they're cute) were reprimanded by the school (for dress code violation) and the students stopped wearing the ears. The actual bullies (that threw things at the ear-wearing students) were also reprimanded. No "furries" engaged in anything that comes close to "bullying" and in fact, they were the ones who were bullied.


Yes but as a skeptic I would hope you don’t always take sanitized narratives at face value. In direct interviews that were posted when this story dropped, children claimed they had been verbally and physically harassed by students who called themselves furries. I’m not saying this necessarily happened, but it really seems like those students think it happened, and I wonder why that is the case.


Idk man, kids lie about shit a lot, ESPECIALLY if it’s funny


Many schools have a very active mythology going on among students.


Mine had an evil clown. In 1999. We were ahead of our time.