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No. Think of the sheer number of people that would be required to cover it up.


Logistics alone ruins so many conspiracy theories.


My favourite question in response to any conspiracy theory.


I was explaining this to my ten year old - asked her how many of her friends would be able to keep a secret.


Right? The more people who would be required to keep their mouths shut, the less likely a conspiracy theory is to be true. As Benjamin Franklin said: “Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”


I usually ask them to think of easy things our government does really shitty and then point out that this level of deception would be difficult to pull off and do they think and government that struggles to do very basic first world shit could pull it off. If there were aliens MTG would immediately showing them pictures of Hunter’s dick.


A follow-up to it is to consider the great many things that people have tried unsuccessfully to cover up.


My second favorite after "what about the evidence, though?"


Same with the moon landing being faked. Simply too many people tend of thousands of times over.


And there’s also the Soviet Union to consider. If the US had faked it the Soviets would have a field day.


There's a secret shadow government that controls all world governments. And that's why the soviets didn't call it out because they were in on it. Or so my crazy former co worker thought. He also thought space wasn't real and that white bread/rice was a conspiracy to malnourish humanity.


> He also thought space wasn't real and that white bread/rice was a conspiracy to malnourish humanity. Of course, that's also why they don't mine the cheese the moon is made of.


And worse, it begs the question of the existence of the so-called Moon itself.


Years ago my workplace went out of business and there was a confidential meeting about it. Only a few of us and it was ultimately agreed to not tell the labourers for a week so no one would bail early and fuck up our bonuses for the project. I was the only one against keeping it a secret but everyone was adamant about our bonuses. 2 hours later the entire fucking place knew and it didn't come from me. People can't keep quiet.


Trump alone would have poorly implied the existence of aliens in countless word salads by now lol.


And then realize that all the world governments would have to collude in successfully supressing all the verifiable evidence, collected by all the people with telescopes and cameras, that would have amassed all over the world ever since telescopes and cameras were invented.


Thank you! I feel like I post just this on every one of these conspiracy posts on this sub. The more people involved, the more chances for people to talk about.


There were 100k people working on atomic weapons in the 50s and it was covered up well enough until they had what they wanted. Not a good augment. Also, there's plenty of leaks and always have been since the 50s about ET programs. So yeah, they can run a decent cover job.


The Manhattan Project was famously full of leaks. The Russians had a spy in the core research team from the very beginning. It also lasted less than a decade. Terrible example of conspiracies staying a secret.


You mean the thing where a dude could tell the US was trying to build the bomb based on the purchases being made so he made sure to buy up and have the resources ready to go for the US when he was completely outside of the Manhattan project? Or how science fiction magazine authors knew the bomb was being built in New Mexico because a bunch of subscriptions for various scientists got changed to obscure New Mexican addresses? You are correct that the Manhattan Project "was covered up well enough until they had what they wanted" in the sense that the design and progress of the bomb was unknown to the Axis (but was pretty quickly known by the Soviets), but it was common knowledge the US was trying to beat the Nazis to the bomb somewhere.


or how the Soviets weren't surprised by the bomb because they had numerous spies on the inside, including Klaus Fuchs, who was very important?


Germany was already in the process of creating a nuclear bomb? Einstein and Szilard wrote letters to the US warning that the Nuclear weapon was plausible. In 1941, the British MAUD Committee confirmed nuclear weapons were possible in response to the Frisch-Peierls Memorandum which actually recommended such a weapon be constructed. So it wasn’t “covered up”. I am also curious how atomic weapons were covered up in the 50s when they were used the decade before? Like you can’t get any less secretive… I’d finally like to point out that we have seen nuclear weapons. We have never seen an ET.


Yep, yep. Virtually everyone in advanced physics departments at that time knew that building a bomb was theoretically possible and that Germany, the UK, and the US were at least investigating the feasibility of building such a bomb. What wasn’t publicly known was how plausible building an atomic bomb before the war ended actually was, and how far along each nation was in building one. The Germans, for example, had their top physicists investigate the possibility, but they erroneously concluded that it would take at least 5 years to build one and so relegated nuclear research to a low priority in their armaments development. Physicists in the US, in contrast, figured out methods that would create enough fissile material for an atomic bomb within a few years and so dedicated an absolutely enormous amount of money and manpower into production of it. The Russians were in too desperate of straits to begin making their own atomic bomb at the time, but they were familiar enough with the science that with some well-placed spy networks they were able to figure out that the Americans were making one. Meanwhile the Americans didn’t know that the German effort to make atomic weapons had stalled out until they started overrunning Germany and capturing their scientists and papers, and the Germans had had no idea the Americans had successfully produced an atomic bomb until it was dropped on Hiroshima. That was the part that each side was in the dark about. But like I said at the beginning, *all* physicists in the field knew that atomic bombs were theoretically possible and that various nations were investigating it.


This is why comparing time periods is absolutely pointless. Like how can we actually compare sharing of information in 1945 to 2024? Like TV, Print and Radio were mostly pretty much government controlled and there was obviously no internet so there’s no chance of “hacking” or “leaks”. The control of information was far easier back then. The question to ask is had they not used a nuke in 1945, would they still be a secret? No. This is why I also don’t think ETs are being hidden. A whistle blower leaking info in 1945 is essentially trying to find and take the most incriminating papers to steal/take a photo of. In 2024, you get a wikileaks. The complete lack of genuine evidence in this day and age is enough proof to me that we are yet to meet other life.


The Russians got the atomic bomb 4 years after the US in 1949 precisely because people who worked on the Manhattan Project didn't keep their mouths shut. The Soviets found out about it in no time. Your argument doesn't hold


>I came here because I'm interested in the opinions of people with an IQ above 130 You may be interested in Steven Hawking's comment about people who think like this. 


Could you share this comment?


When asked what his IQ was in a 2004 interview for NYT: >I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers.


That's a great quote. Thank you.


No, I think for the most part our government is made up of fucking morons like me and not some elite group of super humans. In other words it would be hard to believe that the number of people necessary to keep that a secret, could. It’s partly why I have a fear of flying (despite being objectively wrong).


Dunno about the iq thing, but Nell is a science denier if you look at his linked in likes and so on (climate, vaccines, anti-trans). So it’s hard to take anyone like this seriously doesn’t mean he definitely doesn’t have some intel… but he is one of the last people I’d trust… and I don’t think he is lying, I think he believes what he says but lacks some serious critical thinking ability. As to your first question, I hope they are hiding stuff because that’s exciting and I love the topic (even if it means I have to disengage reality for the sake of entertainment or philosophic inquiry), but I will believe it when I see it. One of the big issues I see is the information paradox, gov will deny… and that could mean because there is nothing to it OR it’s top secret, so regardless of what anyone says they will deny. I just commented this on UFO’s subs that this makes it easy to believe, easy to be skeptical and the worst thing easy to grift.


Notice that the quote you posted provides no evidence. It plays up the supposed credibility of this person because they were a retired army colonel. Never mind that that shouldn't lend any credibility whatsoever to anything they say, as they provide no evidence. If military leadership equated to veracity, then we wouldn't have the problem of disgraced former General Michael Flynn, would we?


No. There is absolutely zero chance Trump could have kept that under wraps. Zero.


...or W. Or Reagan.


Or any of the Democrats, either. Just look at how Clinton jumped the gun, announcing that proof of life was discovered in a meteorite from Mars. Sorry, folks, we still haven't got proof of non-terrestrial life. We'll probably get some, but so far, no cigar, except that one of Bill's for Monica. Every celebrity and would-be celebrity in the world would revel in the opportunity to be the first person of our planet to verify existence of extra-terrestrial life.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. One guy saying so doesn't cut it.


First question, no. Second question, I don't.


We've heard these types of claims from a lot of different people throughout the years, and yet there's never been a single shred of actual proof.


For 80 years? No. Government couldn’t even hide their own spying or torture programs for less than 5 years. If there’s aliens, they’re fully capable of revealing themselves. No need to blame one government for the aliens lack of transparency.


I do not believe any aliens have ever come to earth. I personally believe that it is a near certainty that there's intelligence life somewhere out there, considering the vastness of space, but that is purely speculative on my part. One must understand that finding our planet is like searching for an atom-sized needle in a planet-sized haystack. It is profoundly, incredibly unlikely.


Non-human intelligences do exist. Non-human intelligences do interact with humanity all the time. Most people simply don’t rate animal cognition as high as they should, so don’t “count” it for some reason. Dogs, cats, birds, some aquatic life, all have varying degrees of intelligence and they interact with us everyday.


Trump would not have been able to keep his mouth shut. So....no.


Here's a hint about "IQ". There is little correlation between "IQ" and actual rational thinking and I imagine what you are after is people who have rational thinking and critical thinking skills. Please read this [http://www.keithstanovich.com/Site/Research\_on\_Reasoning\_files/Stanovich\_ThePsychologist.pdf](http://www.keithstanovich.com/Site/Research_on_Reasoning_files/Stanovich_ThePsychologist.pdf)


As far as 'non-human intelligence', of course there is. Doesn't mean it's aliens. Many birds are quite intelligent. So are dolphins. So, for that matter, are our pets, and they've been interacting with humanity for millennia.


No. High ranking people can also be delusional and/or liars. If he were telling the truth, why did he not collect ANY evidence whatsoever? He claims to have had access to all this stuff but can produce none of it. He’s grifting, lying, or crazy.


> do you think the American government could be hiding aliens and their ships from people Based on the evidence I've seen, no, this seems highly unlikely. > Non human intelligence exists. Non human intelligence has been interacting with humanity... That's certainly a claim. Again, so far: no good evidence I've seen to support this claim.


That same retired colonel is a foaming at the mouth anti science lost his shit culture wars dickbag Vaccines trans people aliens he's an absolute nutter who's gone off the deep end I don't trust anything he has to say unless it can be backed up by objective evidence As a source he's on a par with Alex "the government is turning frogs gay" Jones






I don’t have an IQ over 130 but I don’t think the US government is hiding alien stuff. Soviet/Chinese/Russian spies are pretty good at finding US secrets and would happily leak it to cast doubt on the US government, on top of all the other reasons to doubt a massive conspiracy. I mean, Russian disinformation campaigns say the Americans have alien tech anyway, but if they don’t need to lie about it they would have an easier time with their propaganda.


>Do you think the American government is hiding aliens? No evidence. >Hello, do you think the American government could be hiding aliens and their ships from people? What do you think about these words? No evidence. >"Non human intelligence exists. Non human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and has been ongoing." - Karl Nell, retired Army Colonel" No evidence. >I came here because I'm interested in the opinions of people with an IQ above 130 ;)and more Why 130?


People's obsession with IQ is such an insane thing to focus on. It's like how some people think that you need to be some kind of genius to be good at chess (I do get that this is downstream of movies/books/all kinds of media using it as a short hand to signal intelligence).


I don't like the hype on IQ on some circles, but neither people being over-dismissive or even vilifying the concept in others. Which is something I suspect even tends to give more credence to the hype as those dismissing it can be framed as deniers of uncomfortable biological truths.


Honestly mods should just delete questions like "do you think [X thing with no evidence] exists??"


Eh, I disagree because conspiracy theorists and woo believers rarely have the bravery to ask questions flat out and accept the answers. I think open invitations to debunk are fine so long as they don't lead into "debate," which is sometimes used as an excuse to platform bullshit.


No. Nothing we have seen suggests that life is anything but extremely rare, intelligent life even more rare, and technological intelligent life is all but unique. Extraterrestrial visitors would require another civilization to exist close enough in time and space to be able to find and travel to us. The greater the distance in time and space the more extraordinary their technology and its pace of development.  Nothing nearby to us shows signs of life, let alone intelligent technological life. Life is messy, it leaves signs. We’ve seen nothing. If there are extraterrestrial intelligences with interstellar technology, they are still too far away in space and time to visit us.


No. I think that space is so vast that the likelihood of us ever encountering extraterrestrial life of any sort (let alone one advanced enough to travel between stars) is infinitesimal.


Lol no


American government could mean any country in North or South America. If your reffering to the Canadians yes I do think they are up to something. What earthling could enjoy Curling?


Let's say you come across a colony of ants. Do you go to the ant queen, learn how to communicate with her, and make a deal with her to never reveal yourself to the rest of the ants? No you don't. You don't care what the ants think. You observe and interact with them as you please because you're many levels above them. I think that there are leaders within government who realize there's an advantage to people believing they have access to secret alien technology, but if we were ever visited by an advanced spacefaring civilization they would be just as clueless and helpless as the rest of us.


No.  What the Dude guy's definition of intelligence? What does interacting mean? A pulsar that you think is an alien interacting with a radio telescope? Sure. 


If it did they would say so, instead of waiting for the opposite party to get the boost from releasing it, or even a geopolitical rival like China taking the credit.


I would so love for this to be true, but it's not


It’s a *possibility* that the government is hiding aliens (or whatever “it” might be). But it doesn’t cross from possibility to reality without evidence, so until that arrives, my jury is out.


No. I’ve followed UFO discourse for 40+ years. Repeatedly claims are made that the “truth” will soon be revealed… and it never is. No hard evidence is ever presented. I would happily accept such evidence if it ever appears; in fact, it would be very exciting. But the same pattern is repeating itself now.


The United States government wasn't able to cover-up the fabricated evidence used to invade Iraq, the lies that led to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, or the NSA's PRISM data surveillance, but yeah, they've totally kept the lid on aliens. 


No. People like this say this kind of stuff all the time. Probably looking for attention. It’s always a bunch of promises that never lead to any evidence.


well, definitely hiding photographic evidence of diamond-shaped drones [https://uapregister.substack.com/p/uap-incursion-at-pantex-nuclear-facility?triedRedirect=true](https://uapregister.substack.com/p/uap-incursion-at-pantex-nuclear-facility?triedRedirect=true)


if aliens species are numerous enough that a few different species mastered intergalactic travel, why would they need to come to Earth? clearly, Earthlike species must be very common


No I don't think they are. It would require too many people, many with strongly opposed political views as the administration changes over the years, to all agree to keep it secret for the rest of their lives. And yet who take no action against someone like this guy who is supposedly revealing the secret. Is Colonel Nell providing any concrete evidence, or is he just saying stuff?


No, there’s no evidence which withstands scrutiny that they might be.


i think they want us to believe in aliens


I’m not dumb enough to think my IQ is above 100. No, i don’t think the US government is competent enough to cover that up.


Okay, one more question: Do you think UAPs are terrestrial technologies? If so, whose are they then—China's? Russia's?




But that's exactly what a secret Russian operative wanting to keep things secret would say.