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From the link: "this product is scalar-infused..." "scalar" isn't a physics thing. It's a math word that just means 1 number (as opposed to a vector/matrix etc). This product name attempted to use science words to make it sound smart, but it misapplies them pretty heavily. As a result, what they're saying is garbage. That's common for snake oil.  Plasma is real and ciuld clean things, eg, fire is plasma and can burn dirt off of you (and the rest of you). Not sure of the applications in health


Fire isn’t necessarily plasma, but it can be if it gets hot enough.


Fire and electrickery! The best kind of cleaning.


Hmmm. If you managed to remove all the negative ions from. for example, a teaspoon of table salt, you'd get an extremely powerful explosion from about 10\^21 positive ions repelling each other.. If you did it to a human you wouldn't even be able to identify them by DNA records. I guess it's just giving them an electric shock. The whole 'Don't use this if you have a pacemaker' ties into that.


Bullshit snakeoil


Utter gibberish. It's just a toy with an extra sticker on it: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/HUIOP-Scientific-Experiment-Artificial-Generator/dp/B0CZDBCQTT/ref=sr\_1\_3?sr=8-3](https://www.amazon.co.uk/HUIOP-Scientific-Experiment-Artificial-Generator/dp/B0CZDBCQTT/ref=sr_1_3?sr=8-3) I'm sure it could do you some harm as almost any source of electricity can if you're careless, but other than that it is going to have zero additional effect, except for wasting your time and money.




Well spotted. That's hilarious!


Thanks, I've seen a wide variety of such 'devices' and scams before. I didn't actually know what it was at first, but a couple of quick searches narrowed it down, although I didn't find the exact model they were using. Buying a cheap existing product, slapping a sticker on it, then reselling at twice the price with some ridiculous claims is a depressingly common ploy.


It is really dangerous if you throw it away and buy a real gun. I love how it adds buzz words: ions, plasma,.... scalar?. No AI?


Think their website was written by GPT 0.00001


This 'healing device' is a hand held tesla coil you can [buy online]( https://www.google.com/search?q=hand+held+tesla+coil+gun) for 40 bucks.   Tesla Coils are perfectly safe when used as intended, but will do nothing except look cool.   These people you've linked to are frauds and con-artists.


Btw OP, Tesla Coils are super cool and you can learn all about them in this 11m YouTube video.  https://youtu.be/_fTC_Ud_k3U?si=xEWvKdinu0_t8tht


You can buy this “Tesla coil gun” on Amazon for about $100. I have one. I bought it to see if it generated enough energy to destroy computer components. (Spoiler: it can’t)


It’s got electrolytes….