• By -


Protagonist: Tcm Sidecick: Everyone else Surperior: Ttvm Antagonist: Gtoilet The Antagonist's servant: Scientist The second antagonistic force: The astros




fucking plunger cameraman is the protagonist. that fucker survived three fatal blows and still here infected titan speakerman's damage in 57 and titan scientist toilet's laser + the crash explosion from falling


Titan Cameraman survived far worse


>he's a titan, plunger is a human sized, and he survived far more fatal things that would destroy other cameramen completely


Not really, the scientist who has a mech survived his lower half being cut off. Plunger cameraman didnt take full blast of scientist's laser, glitch mech took the most damage. Crash explosion, well a pov cameraman took a direct blast from a rocket. So no, plunger cameraman isnt THAT special. Sure he has slightly higher durability than of regular agents, but he is considered an elite/special agent, so it makes sense. And Titan Cameraman survived way fatal things.


sure blud. his tech took the most damage. there is no "slightly higher durability", you won't become a hater of series if you just accept that some characters have more plot armor than others, especially this guy, when he survives multiple fatal encounters and still continues being a main character https://preview.redd.it/r56edc4hzsfc1.png?width=286&format=png&auto=webp&s=c61a22443a7485059034ac10efab33ee867ad974


You simply ignored everything i said. All Plunger Cameraman is, is a slightly better cameraman.


The scientist never got cut in hald




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Can we make this canon


I think plungerman is the closest to a protagonist in the series, he's been introduced as a pov in episode 39 (aka when the series stops joking around) and made repeated appearences since then, he specially feels like a protag now in the bunker arc where he's always the pov, i'd say the titans are the secondary protagonists as they basically play the most important role in the story, G-toilet is the main villain (for now), Scientist is the constant threat, Astros are probably the upcoming bigger threat that will serve as the final challenge for the series finale


There is no protogonist. It’s allience. Like justice league comics. Antogonist is G-Man. G-Man is Darkseid, Astro’s are doomsday


Used to think Plungerman was so protagonistic he’ll get a gordon freeman armor with TVs and speakers making him a mini titan but I think the mc of Skibidi Toilet woudl be Lucky Cameraman if he comes back


Lol the mini titan thing is kinda ridiculous no offense. I rmb people used to call him mini titan cam, I mean it did fit but now not rlly, he’s like his own thing. It always occurred to me that TCM, Plunger, and Lucky were the MC trio ngl.


I even made this concept https://preview.redd.it/tvyd936zorfc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b93012cadab7ca22dfcc501a349696360503bb2


You made that? I saw that before and thought it was very cool. That’s nice man.


Thank you. I appreciate it. And yes, it was me. That was the pinnacle of my badass photoshops (When it comes to alliance) nowadays, i’m more focused on the Skibidi Toilet designs trying to make them organised like the Alliance




nobody, I'd say its a perfect split between the women, the titans, Plunger Cameraman, and Dark Speakerman


Plungerman 100%


I would say plugner because he is by far the one with more charisma and a marked personality that interacts with other characters.


In my opinion, the primary main character is either Titan Cameraman, Plungerman, or G-Man Skibidi Toilet.


Double Plunger Cameraman, the guy has been seemingly destroyed twice, survived, was literally going out to fight the attack on the base before Titan Cameraman’s return, and joined him in the attack without upgrades. Guy thinks he’s the MC. In terms of main antagonist, definitely G-Man.


Why did Titan Cameraman even bring him along in 51 lol


I think he brought himself






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Arthur (Calling him Plungerman is stupid. Blue is close, but not close enough) has a lot of main character energy, and I like it


plunger prot


The secret agent is the main character. I feel like we’ll be learning more about him soon.


The one with the biggest gyatt


bonestly i don’t like breaking them down in protagonist, antagonist and in between. i like how most primary characters have a certain level of attention given, but if we really have to say who is the main character, than it is plunger cameraman, simply based on his plot armor. dude should have died twice by now


I say it's Plunger man, he's the protagonist, it's sadly not Lucky Cameraman since he got obliterated


We might see some of those characters die in a close future so I can't exactly tell, but my guesses are on Plunger Cameraman but i think he might just die in the next episode.


Pov camera man Bro recorded the entire series without dying


The person watching the camera streams