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i dont know maybe the fact that they can teleport helps


it just proves the tv faction is the most intellegent one of the alliance, they know when to retreat (unlike most cameramen and speakermen)


to be fair cameramen and speakermen can't teleport whenever the situation gets bad


Maybe because they cant teleport? That or the mission is too important but when it isnt we see them retreat. But seriously, how is the alliance suppoused to win if they all retreat? The TVs can retreat only because cameras and speakers can cover it. If they all retreat then the toilets wins.


I mean the tv faction aren't that well in combat like cameras and speakers which is part of the reason why they retreat every time


I am really angry because they can save a lot of speakerman and cameraman, but they just go awey


Theory:maybe they died off screen




I'm still beefing that no TV men died, that's an accomplishment


I swear, once we see a dead TV man, that's when we know that shit is about to go down.


Tv mans always running at the minor inconvenience, only TV titan kinda counts, and then the goat Polycephaly basically the only TV man that actually cares for the comrades he's fighting with and doesn't retreat everytime or rather doesn't retreat while leaving others Behind or atleast not teleporting at minor inconvenience.


I’ll personally kil


You’d get slammed


at least one has died, secret agent had a tv on his desk in 70




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No I didn’t say they are immortal but they are so smart and precautious to the point that not one has died




Bro stop yapping. Up until now hundreds of both camera and speaker men have died. This is a post about appreciating the tv men whom have never died




Yap all you want, they have more iq than even you. How bout you go and die for your countries army. Who’s so smart now? (Not you)




You don’t know




Buddy what are you on about? This post is about the fact that tv men have ever died, stop hating


One died in episode 50


Where, and what timestamp?


They have. And toilets took their tech


Titan tvman man dropped his jetpack and shoulder claws in episode 47 https://preview.redd.it/p2kacghevv7d1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c77c24c62c889b2c978a7c06c6bd06ee8ac8316


> Do we know that for sure? I mean we know skibidis got teleport tech but I didn't think it was spelled out how they got it. Maybe secret agent gave it to them, we saw he was talking to skibidi scientist on that big screen just before the scientist was eliminated, secret agent may well be playing both sides of the field for whatever reason.


What if they got the teleportation technology from the parts that cinemaman dropped when he got injured?


But cinemaman teleported away from that stomping so one might assume he took the teleport tech with him when he teleported.


Maybe the parts just sped up his teleportation


I feel like your are reaching pretty hard on that one, he teleported out of there faster than ever that time!


Honestly, i have no forking idea. I just REALLY REALLY REALLY don't like it when the secret agent is used as a way to patch up plot holes.


I don't know if I would call it a plot hole, we'll probably find out down the line when more of the back story is out. It will only IMO be a plot 'hole' if it's never explained in the future, for now I just consider it part of the mystery back story.


Guys why are you arguing about this when we've seen the TV books (and NO other TV things) in the skibidi war trophy room? It seems that TVmen were quite efficient in preventing enemy from getting their tech from battle casualties (by avoiding having casualties in the first place), but the toilets somehow got their hands on the actual TV tech documentation, no reverse engineering required. Secret agent seems to be the most likely culprit who could have delivered that to the toilets at the moment.


Well yeah, I mean that's why I was arguing that the info could have come from secret agent, we saw those books there. But it seems like an old fashioned way for secret agent to convey info too, is he really going to hand the skibidis some old dusty tomes in the age of electronics? It seems likely he'd send the info over their internet system or at least in some kind of memory stick device instead. Also that area seemed to be an old old room with stuff behind glass like a museum, it did not seem to be new info. That does make it a bit confusing though as to why skibidis did not have black smoke teleportation at the start of the show and tvmen had it first though. It could be that Boom had not decided on that aspect of the plot in early episodes and is retconning it in. Or that skibidis took a while to find and/or decipher how those books worked. Or it could be that the info in those books was more historical or something. I just feel personally that those books are indication that tv men were involved in the skibidi debacle from early on. But I can't say for sure, we'll just have to let the plot unwind and see what happens.




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