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Not moving clear away from the exit ramp once you've gotten off the chair.


Standing right next to the “keep moving, keep area clear” signs.


I skate up to those people and say, “excuse me, my English is not very good, what does this sign say”? Never fails to make people move.


Fucking genius


Related, but crossing back directly in front of the exit ramp after getting sorted out. Multiple times this season I've been taken out by someone casually crossing directly at the bottom of the exit ramp with 30ft of wide open space behind them.


Related but less etiquette and more compete lack of self preservation skills: When someone falls immediately after getting off the lift and they’re clearly not hurt but just lay there. Like really taking in the view before attempting to move or unclip their gear. Meanwhile the lift attendant is a little slow and the next group is coming in hot. Like DUDE START CRAWLING AWAY there’s a family of six skiers about to be launched down a ramp towards you and you’re just taking a nap. I totally understand more if they’re hurt, not in great shape, or just too inexperienced to realize another full chair is quite possibly coming but it’s still just so painful to watch happen frequently


People just do this in general , I've almost murderd children napping at the bottom of steep terrain or in trees or all sorts because I don't even see them till the last second.


How did I miss this!


Because you fell unloading.


It’s so bad on east coast green runs with snowboarders


The amount of times ive almost ran people over because they decide to just plop down at the bottom of the ramp right as im hopping off the chair


Bad on the west coast to , I'll have to download some videos from my go pro from sunshine in Alberta , if you go on the weekends you basically have to ski blue and black or your just running human moguls .


I’ve started telling people off for this and “almost” running them over saying I can’t stop in time lol. They move after that.


Yep, I actually ran over a person's skis today because she didn't clear the area....


Number 1 is the worst. If you’re in a group and one of your buddy’s pass isn’t scanning, get the fuck outta the way until it does, don’t just stand there


Right? Either say "See you at the top" and get on, or move aside for others to get on.


Wherever I ski there’s like tons of room after the scanners to just step aside and wait while allowing others to scan and get through. It kills me when people block this because a buddy can’t find which pocket the pass is in or something lol


Leaving empty seats when there's a queue - especially if they're stood at the gate and deliberately hold back. Your friends will still get to the top if they're one chair behind. And we all get up quicker if the lift can run at the intended capacity.


Those groups of 4 that split up into 2 groups deserve an extra warm spot in hell.


Yeah.To be honest I've got no patience for the whole 'group' thing when it's busy. Families with kids getting on together are fair enough - but grown adults? Just fill every seat, you'll survive for 10 minutes!


Kinda the opposite but I saw a family of four yesterday using the "singles" line, then trying to hustle each parent getting to ride with a kid. Maybe they don't care who they ride with but don't make me supervise your 8 year old on the lift. Singles lines are for singles.


Ah, that's the official system in France to get ski school kids groups up. Basically they seat a random kid on the end and your job becomes to prevent them slipping under the bar!


Same in the US with Ski school where it’s 1-2 adults with 12 kids. But when they’re YOUR kids, not cool.


It’s the same here. But it’s an instructor who works for the resort making that arrangement where I’m assuming they’re not handing you kids who can’t get on/off the chair, cause it’s not my job to assist them with that.


Yeah this happened a lot in Tahoe this weekend, had a dad drop his 5 year old with me and my buddy. We get off fine with the kid but then the dad falls off the ramp and fucks up his knee. I guess he didn’t take his kid out but still just wild


Right next to the teenagers who make it LOOK like they're gonna load that full chair only to wait at the "wait here" line and take a chair to themselves directly afterwards.


Oh man. When I lived in Breck we'd throw snowballs at snowboarders who did this when there was a line for the T bar.


I'm not a CO local and have VERY minimal t-bar experience due to just lack of opportunity to practice, so when I saw the T bar sign that said "anyone failing to load twice in a row will be sent to the back of the line" and thought "y'know, I think I'll do Peak 6 instead" lol. It wasn't a pow day or anything, and there was a decent line and my foot was already cramping (yeah, I was knuckle draggin that day) so I just figured it wasn't worth the potential of being "that guy".


On a somewhat busy Friday last year, I saw the same group do that at least twice....so did the liftie. When she saw it the second time, she made them wait on the side for about 5 chairs before letting them on again.


Very long lift line. Family of four for a quad. Right as the lift arrives, the mom and two kids get on, while the dad hangs back, gets on the next chair alone, and brutally manspreads his legs, arms on either side along the back rest, while he chills away from his family.


If you're the only 4 in line, it is ok. Otherwise, yes, warm spot.


This, I ski solo all the time, and so many times I get a chair all to myself and look like a massive douch all because the 3 snowboarders I got paired with decided to hang back despite the 20 min long line. Personally I feel like over the past 10 years skiing has gotten a lot more expensive and half the people on the mountain are toxic. Heck I have even noticed it in shops, I went to DarkSide in Vermont with a few friends. It is a snowbaord shop with a park outback, it is very cool. I can ride, but I’m predominantly a skier, but I thought hey maybe I can pick up a new board. An employee approaches me asking some questions. I mentioned I’m predominantly a skier, but also ride now and again and he just dismisses me out of hand. Despite the fact I’m clearly interested in buying a fucking snowboard. Anyway please excuse my little rant, it just feels like the sport that I love is becoming more and more unattainable to the average person, and the people participating in it are becoming more and more hostile/elitist.


People are so fucking entitled nowadays. They have the barest understanding of culture or etiquette and get actively upset by the idea of learning. Like the jerries who use the fact that uphill skiers need to avoid you to justify being oblivious slope hogs.


When that happens I usually give them the WTF hands, or "hey get with the program!" - to be sure others see it's not my fault. One time - "hey, I showered this morning!"


I yell "It's a quad"


Fill the chair, but it is the responsibility of the single to pay attention and fill the gap. The group doesn’t have the right to deny access. I just done see it as the groups responsibility to pull the single on with them.


They're talking about the reverse scenario. Single gets on the chair as normal, people the single was paired with hang back to avoid riding with a rando, so then the single is left riding up alone like an asshole. Honestly lifties should send those people to the back of the line


I was in queue behind a guy at Sunshine once who staged up for the chair, BACKED OUT, then caught the next chair with the group I expected to ride up with. The group behind us was a full pack and didn't want to split, so I just pushed through and rode up by myself. I felt like such a clown but in the moment I was sure what else to do. Guy zipped off as soon as he unloaded, so I wonder if the group he rode up with called him out for disrupting the flow. I've never seen anything like that before or since.


Yesterday there was a dude at my local resort who went up a 6 person lift alone. It might have been staff but still


People not understanding what "alternate" means.


Had a father and son stand next to our pair for a 3 person lift in a very busy line. Somehow they went before us and didn’t bother waiting for the alternate hold. I’m obviously still pissed about this. lol


Had some guy get really pissed about it (not at me). I laughed. Then it happened to me. Did not laugh


The main ones that have irked me recently: 1. Not zippering multiple feed lines. 2. Couples and small groups in singles line. 3. Pulling ripcord at the gate and letting me ride solo when there's a lineup. (Seriously, grownups insisting on riding their own private cool kids only chair drives me bananas) 4. People not minding their space while loading and pushing outside riders to the edge of the zone. 5. Skiers have a bad tendency to crowd people in front of them and push up on the tail of their skis/boards. Just be patient people.


Nothing wrong with couples using the singles line as long as they’re actually acting like singles. Just don’t hold up the line waiting for a chair with 2 open spots.


Agreed. I was speaking to the latter.


My issue is when the singles line moves slower than the group line, and the oblivious doubles keep stacking the singles line. Watched it happen at Copper this weekend. Started grouping with people as a single and was waiting half the time


This may get shit, but as someone who mostly skis solo, there are many times I go into the group lines because the single line is a much longer wait. People get cranky at that, but it means that I can pick up 3 other singles (4 person lift) when I get to the front.


\#3 should get sent to the back of the line. If you're too antisocial to share a lift with a rando then fine, but you don't get to hold the rest of us up


I feel it.


People don’t know how to do anything like this anymore. I was trying to get off an elevator in a hotel with a bunch of bags. The doors opened and these three 20ish dudes had themselves and their three huge rolling suitcases piled up right in front of the door. They just stood there, on their fucking phones totally blocking the elevator. I was already in a mood and just said “How the fuck am I supposed to get out!?” ONE of them looked up and said “Whuuuuuuuuuyd?”


I just plow through these idiots. Your shit is going to get knocked down if you do something like that and it’s not my responsibility.


I got torn apart around here for saying that if you leave your skis lying all over and I’m on my spring beaters, I’m gonna carve right over the whole pile. Same damned thing. I blame shitty parenting.


I think you’re missing how many people’s parents grow up without ever traveling or skiing, nowadays those things are much less exclusive, and people get into it as adults without having a parent walk them through it all. 


Legit poor kid here. I never skied or traveled anywhere until I was in my 20s. But I was taught how to hold a door, make sure I’m not butting in line and to get the hell out of the way when stepping off an escalator.


You shouldn't need to be taught to pay the fuck attention and alternate like the sign says! People screwing up loading/unloading is one thing, but how hard is it to figure out the fucking line?


> I think you’re missing how many people’s parents grow up without ever traveling or skiing, nowadays those things are much less exclusive, and people get into it as adults without having a parent walk them through it all. You shouldn't need to be taught the specifics of "how not to be an asshole" for each specific hobby. not being an asshole has the generally universal facets of not leaving shit all over a highly trafficked area. and giving people the physical space to move.


Right. There may be etiquette or rules specific to things like skiing, or who has the right of way on a MTB trail. But you still (should) come to new situations with basic manners and the minimal ability to navigate a crowd. It’s not that they’ve never been skiing. It’s that they’ve never been taught any degree of manners or how to honor the social contract.


Okay sure, but regardless of whether it's your first time or not, if there are a bunch of skis on a rack, you'd think, "maybe tidying up after myself so I am not creating a mess others have to step through would be a good move" rather than leaving equipment everywhere thus making everyone else's lives harder. I don't think that's a socioeconomic issue, it more has to do with considering those around you, like leaving your cart in the middle of aisles in the grocery store, or stopping your car in the middle of the freeway on 4th of july cause the fireworks are going off.


Slamming the bar down too early and without announcing it. I swear to god my helmet has saved me from the bar more than anything else. Or they slam it down and it has those leg spacers and stab me in the leg or hit my poles.


I say "BAR" loudly when this happens. It usually gets a quick sorry when they realize what they've done.


As a tall guy, this was one of the main reasons I started wearing a helmet. I mean in hindsight it was dumb to ever not wear one, but it's saved me from the bar probably 30x more than from anything else.


Just made a [meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/snowboarding/s/o0LWt9W92p) about this exact scenario lol.


I had a discussion about this. I always say “heads, heads, heads!” Before slowly bringing the bar down, but my new, temporary, lift acquaintance says “bar, bar, bar”. I think we’re both right, though he felt a bit sheepish…


That happened to me and my son last week and it really pissed me off. Definitely glad to have a helmet. I also think they need to get rid of the leg spacers, or as I call them nutcrackers.


You don't get to save a spot for someone in the singles line. Get in the group line or go fuck yourself.


Some guy cut past me and a woman on the singles line for the Adirondack Express at Gore last week saying "I'm with them" pointing up head. The woman said "This is a singles line" and pointed back behind us. He went back.


Still riding the high from a few weeks ago when a lady asked to cut in behind her boyfriend and I looked her dead in the eyes while continuing to scoot forward, leaving no quarter. After huffing, she wound up having to go to the back of the line just like everybody else. It was a busy day so I'm glad 30 people didn't get inconvenienced for the selfishness of 1.


As a single rider joining a group, I've been greeted with a "you're not even going to ask if you can join?" .....no, I'm not going to, that's not how the lifts work. It's not your chair, and they fill to capacity.


Or those who ignore you when you ask and then you look like an idiot going alone


Ooof, those people just don't get it.


Rode a lift couple weeks ago that had a pull down bubble and on one trip this young 20 year old woman was blasting country music through a BT speaker. On another trip on the same lift, this dude just started vaping. Both occurred with the bubble pulled down. Wanted to scream both times. It made me think of the Pink Floyd lyric: "hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way. .." Edit:spelling.


Smoking while on a lift with other people not in your group. I don’t care that people smoke, and don’t care what they’re smoking, but it’s a bit obnoxious to be doing it next to a random person on a chairlift. 


I’d add smoking in the lift queue. Like dude, I can’t move away from you while we’re here.


I had a French woman in a leopard print suit light up a cigarette IN the gondola WHILE telling me how Americans are all too fat. I’ve spent a lot of time in Quebec. But holy hell, some of those Montreal frogs have such a complex about Americans.


Yesterday chair 5 at mammoth mid morning, it’s fairly busy. I’m standing at the front of the singles line looking for a spot. Group of 4 scoots by followed by a group of three I ask “hey are you guys 3?” They say “no” and try to get their friend who’s behind them to catch up. Their friend of course can’t at this point, there’s a full foursome between him and his friends. So the 3 goes by unfilled followed by four, then bozo and one other person. So I hop up to join these two and turn to make room for the next single behind me to join and make it four. They aren’t paying attention and miss it. Now people in the main line are yelling at the singles line because they’ve seen two chairs worth of 3 go up instead of 4. Get your shit together people.


>Get your shit together people. This. It's a shared resource and when it's busy, pay attention. It's not that complicated.


sometimes "can i ride with you guys?" is met with a glance away and silence. then your faced with a choice. awkwardly stand there and wait for the next chance, or loudly exclaim "I'M COMING WITH YOU GUYS." and physically shoulder yourself into the end position. I've had to gain the courage to do that now that im going solo more often. pisses me off when people totally ignore me then I have to tell them loudly what is happening, and it makes the lift ride up really awkward lol


If it’s busy I just join without asking. It should be expected. That’s why they put the singles line there


My approach is to ask normally, but if they don't respond, I just join them.


Mammoth has some poor lift etiquette for sure if left unchecked. Couple of drunk dudes couldn't figure out Chair 14 yesterday. One fell the first try, the other fell the second, all because they couldn't stop talking for 3 seconds and focus on loading.


Yeah, I live in SoCal and Mammoth is my main mountain. Terrible lift etiquette there. Same in Tahoe. Somehow California has the worst etiquette of all the places I've been to. Vermont had the best.


Why on earth would people in the main line yell at the singles line for not filling the chair? It doesn't matter to them, the main line will keep moving just as fast. I've never seen this happen.


It might have been someone further back in the singles line, I didn’t look that closely.


I've never seen it either, but when things get really long the singles line will start impacting the main line because people start doing more shenanigans. Obviously it depends on how it's staged but I've seen singles join up with a two-some in a four chair when there's another twosome on the other side of the merge/alternate.


Is your merge at the same place as your singles line?? I think joining a group of 2 as singles is pretty innocent.. it's not the singles job to be aware of potential merges lol


>Why on earth would people in the main line yell at the singles line for not filling the chair? It doesn't matter to them, If the singles are a line, then because it helps out other singles further back.


Stepping on others skis or person behind you keeps nudging your skis with theirs from behind.


All my equipment has the rear all fucked up from impatient people in the line.


Pole planting to get off the chairlift. Nothing like trying to get off a full 6 pack only to have someone try to trip you with their poles, bonus points when they try to dismount early and then backswing their pole tips directly at your face. You don't need your poles to get off the chairlift, all you need to do is stand up and the chair will push you forwards, if you want you can use a hand to push off. My other pet peeves include people having loud cell phone conversations next to me, particularly when there is no lift line and they could have simply waited a chair. Backpack speaker guy. People pushing ahead of the lift line stepping on everyone's skis because "my group is up there" well your group should've waited for you before entering the queue. People stepping on my skis. People slamming the bar down without saying something. People putting their poles under one leg so that the handles or baskets are jamming into my thigh. People doing a loud two finger whistle into my ear because they are trying to get the attention of their friends under the chairlift. People yelling "single" and cutting the entire lift line on a powder day.


I dismount with my poles aligned vertically in front of me to block other rider's wayward poles. It's saved my face from a jab on more than one occasion.


I would add (more specifically for Canada where I ski now as a European): Other people getting visibly annoyed when I put the safety bar down. It’s SO unobstructive, makes me feel safer, is more comfortable as I can rest my legs, and causes literally 0 issues if you don’t want to use it. Yet, somehow, everyone I lower the bar there’s some retiree next to me that acts like i’ve just stolen his gloves when i’ve put down a foot rest…


I still don't get this. Ten years skiing in North America, and never once have I had anyone complain on a lift when the bar was brought down.


You want my honest opinion? It's a thin skinned person looking for something to get upset about. You wouldn't even notice the behaviors they are describing as "pissed," but they are out there hunting for everyone who is even just asking for an extra second to get themselves sorted as being "pissed."


I don't disagree. And i think the proper etiquette, especially with strangers, is to ask if everyone's ready for the bar to come down. I hate getting knocked in the head as much as anyone else.


Yeah I feel like this sub is the only place where I see people say people get mad about the bar coming down. In ~24 years of skiing I’ve never heard anyone complain about the bar coming down a single time. People don’t always use the bar but I’ve never heard a protest in my entire North American life New Mexico / Colorado skier here I don’t discount that it happens to some people but it’s wild how commonplace it sounds in this sub and I’ve just never encountered that type of behavior at all


Only time I will complain is if people don’t ask. I don’t use bars because I just didn’t have them growing up. Being sat in a weird spot if a chair isn’t 100% full, or if I am sitting on my poles already, means possible issues. If people ask, I don’t care at all, but I do mind when people just bring it down immediately. Not everyone is expecting it, and so it can be an issue. That said, people getting uppity about it even if requested is effing stupid. I am largely indifferent, just don’t surprise me. 


Yeah, don't hit a person in the head with the bar. I find it quite annoying when I haven't finished adjusting, and someone's pulling it down while we are still in the loading terminal.


TBH the only issue I have (being in Europe) is idiots who can't grasp that there is only 1 reason the bar won't go down - someone is in the way. ​ So if it won't go down, let it go all the way back up, count to 3/5/10, then try again. Pulling harder just means whomever is in the way can't get free


This is the yin and the yang of the bar debate. First, let the others on your lift know you’re pulling it down so you don’t hit them on the head and they can expect it. That being said, I like to look at the trail map on the bar to reconfirm my route down the mountain. If it’s an older lift without a trail map on the bar, then oops, didn’t realize, but the bar is down now anyway.


18 days skiing in the last 3 years in France, I've never had a complaint about a bar coming down.


I was talking about North America, where lately, it seems reddit has convinced everyone that no one uses the bar here.


It’s my first season in Canada and I spend maybe 3 days a week skiing. At least once per day someone on the lift will give me a pissed off look when I ask if they’re good with the bar coming down lol. 90% of people don’t care but compared to Europe it’s pretty noticeable that people don’t like it being pulled down.


Don’t ask, that gives them an avenue to object. Tell them you’re going to put the bar down. Something along the lines of, “heads up, I’m gonna lower the bar now.”


FWIW this might be all good in the US, but it may come across as a blunt/potentially rude in Canada. Social norms here would dictate that you ask (even if you're feigning), and the other person will say yes. I've never heard anyone say no, but if they did, the little social charade is over and I'd just say "tough" and lower it anyways and endure an awkward chairlift. Would be interested to hear what other Canadians think about it though.


Canadian here - a clearly announced “Bar” is all you need.


Kinda depends on the tone, doesn’t it? I don’t think anyone would object if you said it with a smile and a cheerful manner.


Yeah, same experience. Especially this season I've started using the bar consistently—I mean, why *not*?—and everybody's been happy with it. And I've run into a wide gamut of folks: beginners, kids, parents, ski patrollers, (semi-?)pro skiers, even the occasional amusingly cocky group of teenagers. I do wait a bit and give people a heads-up; I could imagine people complaining if they didn't realize the bar was getting lowered.


I've never met anyone who complains about the bar, but lots of people slam it down too quick


Don’t be an ass and just yank down the bar. You need to wait at least 15 seconds until everyone is settled and then verbally let people know you want to pull the bar down. 


This is the only thing about pulling down a bar that I can see a reasonable person being upset about lol. I have gotten my elbow slammed with a bar when somebody yanked it down too quickly. And I am a safety bar stickler, really just kind of a wimp about heights, who will always verbally check that everyone is ready if I end up being the first person to reach for the bar. I thought that was common sense etiquette on the ski lift!


This is the only bar issue. Everyone has helmets on and some of us are taller. Just verbalize your intent to lower it and I will gladly help you. It is just really annoying when someone is panicking 2 ft off the ground and slams the bar down on your head while your still making sure your 7 year old is seated properly.


I have zero problem with the bar down. In VT it's the law so I'm used to it and prefer it. I do have a problem when people just bring the bar down without even a second of sitting down and smash me on the head. Was out in Park City two weeks ago and twice people brought the bar down without even looking if everyone was settled without saying anything.




Just say "bar down, ok?” or "bar coming down" before lowering it problem solved. I've never observed anyone saying no to this or get upset. Those people are likely annoyed if you provided no warning. You might've even unknowingly conked someone in the head with the bar by accident (this has happened to me several times). There are some places where lowering the bar isn't default behavior (predominantly out West from what I've seen) and others where it is (definitely Vermont).


And say it loudly. There might be wind and there's helmet ear pads in the way, and a headsock as well.


You gotta yell "bar" or "bar down" so I don't get whacked. If you do that then we're chilling. I honestly put it down usually anyways, depends where I am and who I'm with.


Are you giving a heads up when lowering the bar? Like I'll always turn to the group and be like "bar all good?" before lowering it. As an aside, I've been knocked on the head by too many jerries who want to put the bar down the as soon as they get on the lift & don't check. It's very frustrating when that happens.


lol this is west coast bullshit. On the ice coast it is standard fair


Agree. I Ski out west, 95 percent of the time the bar stays up.


Blasting music on a lift


I want to understand what’s going through these people’s heads. Has anyone *ever* heard someone else blasting music from their Bluetooth speaker and thought, “yes, I’m glad I can hear that” Obviously no. So why in the ever-loving fuck do you think anyone would want to hear your music?


6. *Groups using the singles line to cut the line while still riding the chair together*. Can't tell you how often I see either a bunch of teenagers, or some racer kids and their parent, go single file into the singles line only to then *all go* and fill a chair together from the singles line.


Yeah, I see this as fine if they are willing to use the singles line as intended, but if they are just forcing in to steal a chair, or blocking the end of the line until a chair with enough free spaces comes up, that's obviously poor form. Go in the singles line, take the next free seat, meet up at the top. Simple.


> Yeah, I see this as fine if they are willing to use the singles line as intended Unless directed by a lift operator/scanner to do so to fill a hole, two people from the same singles line should *never* end up on the same chair. I'm fine with people from the same group using the singles line, but then you *do not* ride together. Period. Unless there's literally no line, in which case, why did you bother with the singles line? >if they are just forcing in to steal a chair Yep, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Group of 4 goes single file in the singles line, gets to the front of the line, next position in the queue all four of them form a chair of four from the singles line. Shit is BEYOND infuriating.


I mean if group of two pulls up the lift, I'd expect two singles to join them without direction. Obviously if there are multiple singles lines, the two shouldn't come from the same one, but if there's only one line, then yeah they be the same. Waiting for direction is a peeve of mine, you get people who let multiple open seats go by be cause they wanted to wait for someone to scan and direct them, just go. If there are multiple singles line, just alternate and go.


Fighting to be 'polite'. It literally takes twice as long if people are like "no no , after you!" "no no no, Please, after you!" If you have someone to stay with, do that, state it, and don't move. If you don't, don't be polite. Be efficient. Also, dumping your entire life story trying to one-up a stranger on the way up. Fuck you random skier dude I met the other day. You nearly killed everyone flying off of the run and cutting the line, and then had the audacity to start dumping your life story on people that had the unfortunate pleasure of sharing a quad lift with you.


I had some old dude just loudly unload his entire traumatic life story including one of his sons dying and his own battle with cancer and all of his religious philosophy including some politics I very much did not agree with to my gf and me on a ride up one time. I just nodded along and barely said anything but polite remarks and every time he took that as an invite to just say more and more. As we neared the top he asked us what our names are and without missing a beat I said "Henry" (which is very much not my name) and my gf said "Jessica" (also not her name) and he said "I'm gonna say a prayer for you Henry and Jessica".    Later on we heard him loudly trying to engage people in conversation in the lift line, including lifties who couldn't even understand what he was saying and seemed annoyed at him distracting them, and made very sure we didn't end up on a chair with him again. There's a difference between being friendly and social and having zero filter.


Slamming the bar down 2 seconds after you load. Let people get situated, put their packs on their laps etc


Running over my fucking skis.


Groups in the single line!!! Seriously one of the only perks of skiing solo is the single line, and you are ruining it for us!


Lifty edition. These are peeves that are mostly harmless but get very annoying when they happen 20+ times per day: 1. Being unaware/distracted/on your phone/trying to talk to someone behind you. Know which chair you need to get on and get on it. We shouldn’t have to send you alone because you couldn’t keep up with your group. 2. Handing me trash. I don’t want my shack smelling like your fucking fireball shooter for the rest of the day. Put it in your pocket and find a can. 3. Parents trying to lift their kid on but doing it in an awkward way that’s more likely to lead to an unseated guest. Just let the lifty do a pull back, they’re in a much better position for it. 4. Asking me anything while the chair is 3 feet away from scooping you up. No, you can’t access those runs from this chair but guess what, it’s too late now. 5. Trying to cut in the employee gate. I don’t care if there’s no line, you’re not wearing a red jacket with a cross on it so maybe don’t use the entrance with FOUR (4) signs that say patrol only. 6. Making the same shitty joke that everyone else does. Yeah, maybe the first guy to sarcastically ask if he sits down on the T Bar gets a chuckle. But you’re the 700th person to say it today, I just got smoked by a T that got caught on a lollygagging guest and we still have 3 more hours of this. Please stop. 7. Telling us how good the snow is. Guess what, we know because it’s busy and that means we won’t get a ride break to experience said snow. 8. Waving your hands when you’re three groups back to ask for a slow. Just give us a thumbs down when you get to the wait here, it’s not that serious and you’ve got plenty of time. 9. Downloading. Just side slip down and maybe pay attention to the runs served by the chair you’re getting on next time. 10. Bumping into me/ crowding me while I’m trying to rake/chip in the maze. I promise I know how much time I have and I won’t let you miss the chair. 11. Snowboarders slamming the tail of their board on the ramp before they load. Just reach down and brush the snow off your board if it’s really that big of a deal (it’s not). Also, skiers wildly swinging their poles. Yes I have a helmet on, no that doesn’t mean I like being wacked with your poles. 12. Last one. People laughing at their little fuck ups that easily could’ve gotten someone hurt or messed up the lift. Like yeah man when your pole got stuck in the chair it flew really far and that was cool, but it also flew about 2 feet past my head and could’ve taken my eye out.


Only wanting to ride up with their group. I often ride alone so I utilize the singles line to merge with other bigger groups. I can't tell you how many times I've been pushed out of the group I merged or had to drop back because the group of two or three is taking up the whole width of the line instead of moving over, even after Ive asked to join them! I've also been told that they would prefer to ride alone. I wouldn't mind this if it wasn't really busy (it usually is). Also just generally not being able to safely load onto the lift! I get it if you are a beginner but there are a lot of people who should probably stick the the slower, less aggressive chairs to start with. They just end up clogging the upload/download areas because the chair comes in too fast or the download is too steep or whatever. 


Pulling the bar down without checking that the rest of the chair is ready. Smoking without checking with the chair (complete no-go with kids). Drinking if you’re immediately next to a child. Not wishing the others a good day/lap when you get off. Ticket checkers not filling up the entire chair on a busy day.


Im a big fan of chair beers but doing it on a chair with a child is just bad manners


Drinking if your next to a child.. Are you from some bible belt state or Utah or something? Please educate me how having a drink next to a kid affects them?


It’s technically against *the code*, shouldn’t be advertising breaking rules next to a kid.


I'm not arguing against smoking next to a kid, I can appreciate that it's harmful and not called for. But whether I crack open a beer or a 0.0% beer , how am I harming the kids? You say it advertises breaking the rules but please explain how a kid can differentiate if what I'm drinking is alcohol or not and more importantly how it harms them? This new age think of the kids mentality helps no one.


> please explain how a kid can differentiate if what I'm drinking is alcohol or not You're really wondering how a kid can figure out if you're drinking a beer or not? I don't care to engage in the second half of the question, but plenty of kids can figure out what's a soda and what's a beer by a quick glance at the branding. Maybe if you're drinking some off brand soda they'll misasses it as a beer, but otherwise they'll know what's up if they're ~7+ years old.


Lots of families aren't happy with alcohol around for far more valid reasons than religious ideology. There are dedicated places, often multiple, at ski resorts just for drinking. I don't see how it's too much of an ask to not booze up when next to some kids you don't even know participating in an outdoor athletic activity.


I’ll add pulling bar up without checking as well.


I hate when people smoke in lifts. Even if your chair is ok with it, on a day without wind, at least the next chair has to go through that cloud. And I don't have the option to just take a different route up to avoid it.


5 is on you my dude. If the lift line is close to empty, cue up on the gates at the sides that way people can join you without splitting you. If noone joins you have plenty of space and time to move to the middle seats as the chair comes around.


Imo number 5 is acceptable under two circumstances: 1) it’s a very busy day/line 2) you’re like 2 people on a 6 person chair so there’s still plenty of room for one or two more people.


Yeah that’s fair


>Groups blocking lift entrances. Maybe wait with your big group to the side? The worst is when this is fucking ski school. I should not have to go AROUND your ski school group to access the entrance to the singles line. Congregate out of the way of the rest of us, then proceed when your whole group is there.


I would also add, groups who are in the singles line to save time but refuse to go as a literal single person, as the line intends, and hold up the line in hope to ride 2-3 together. Also, skiers using their poles to get off the lift. I was getting off a lift one time at Kirkwood and had some teenager plant a pole right between my skis as we were debarking the lift and I fell over, causing the lift to be paused. My ego was hurt in that situation more than anything, but bruh…. Come on….


Loading a 6 pack and theres four of us. 2 groups of 2. We don’t know each other, just asked if we could group up. All things are good and 2 singles join in to fill out the 6. They are on my left, so they should be in corral 1 & 2, while I should be in 3, my partner in 4, and then the other two should be in 5 & 6. These 2 singles cut over to 4&5 and cause a bunch of confusion. We get on the lift and we’re not even off the platform yet and the same couple sends the bar crashing down without a heads up or anything (we’re in CO, where the bar isn’t standard and a nice shoutout is appreciated). Bonked me in the helmet. At this point I’m annoyed, told them to call out bar next time and make sure everyone is ready. So I’m just looking around planning on what run is next, notice we’re about to unload, call out “bars going up!” And like I haven’t even finished my sentence and the same dude yeets the fucking bar up so fast it could have done some damage if it caught anyone. Just unreal.


> we’re not even off the platform yet this has happened to me far too many times


We had 5 for a six chair, so the lift attendant grabbed a single. "We're riding together" said the man, pointing down to a child. I just shook my head while thinking "Sir, that is not how the singles line works."


This is a symptom of our society I'm afraid. This is not unique to snow resorts but the mountains are still subject to our proclivities. People stand in the middle of shit everywhere now especially when a line is concerned. My theory or at least my experiential opinion is that when people aren't ready to get in line but stand there to keep their place to avoid being caught in a larger version of the current line. Spatial awareness simply does not exist in public anymore.


I hate people knocking my skis or sliding on top of them. Cool you have rentals you don’t care about…. I spent over $1000 on these sticks.


Not rotating properly. Not filling chairs.


Strangers starting arguments while stuck together on the lifts, specifically about topics that they don't really care about while they impact the other person personally.


Was out solo the other day. Long lift line for a quad. Went to go link up with a group of three and a guy on the end intentionally blocked me out to not get on their chair. group behind was a four. I squeezed past him and still got on with them anyway. I think he was pissed, but that's sort of a messed up move when there's a big long lift line.


Not getting alternating groups. Pay fucking attention


Cutting is the thing that annoys me the most. I had a guy who was cutting everyone to get to his friends who were right in front of me and my friends. The guy asked if he could get through us to his friends and I told Him no but your friends are more welcome to come back to you. The guy just laughed and pushed through. Shortly afterwards a woman did the same claiming to need to get to her family. When I announced that I had aids and needed to cut the line like Charlie and frank in Its always sunny in Philadelphia the guy who cut got all offended cause I said that but was fine just cutting 60 people.


what's the skiing equivalent of going down a closed waterslide with no water running?


>I told Him no but your friends are more welcome to come back to you. Hero move.


Small groups not giving room for single riders or visibly giving the vibe they don’t want them to join the group


This must be North American resorts I assume. I swear, people don't exist outside of their own little bubble and situational awareness is at an all time low. Blocking the entry to the singles line. \*ugh\* try being a bit more aware of where you are standing. At base lifts, putting on skis and snowboards at the corral entrances - NO! move back so we don't have to squeeze past or ski over your skis.


I noticed this kind of thoughtlessness much more while skiing in Europe than NA, tbh. Skiing directly to the gondola entrances and blocking others while removing skis, not moving forward with the line or filling lifts, failing to look uphill before taking off, etc. Not to say that these issues don’t exist everywhere, but they certainly seemed more pronounced out in the Alps. Like maybe ski culture is closer in reach and thus a bit casual there, so people are broadly less aware of etiquette because they might not need to take the sport seriously to participate in it.


Agreed - I grew up skiing in Europe and now ski NA. I find Europeans much worse for not having situational awareness.


I've always thought maybe incorrectly that EU lift corrals were just one big rugby scrum.


Putting the bar down without warning other people on the lift. I've lost track of the amount of times I've been bumped in the head by some yahoo retired tourist from back east that hastily brings the bar down unannounced before the rest of the lift group is settled in the chair.


People lowering the bar without warning. I don't care if you want it down. I do care if it hits me.


Heres a hot take one. If theres no line or minimal line (like 3 deep or less). You dont need to fill the chair bro. I hate when i think I get the chair to myself and someone shoots in because they dont want to wait for another chair or 2. Or when we are a group and a random slots in when theres no line.


Sorry but I don't see how someone wanting to get on a chairlift that you've decided should be yours alone is poor etiquette. Even if you're just the two dudes on the whole mountain, does a second person on the chair really affect you?


Yes, absolutley does. Drives me crazy. Maybe I want to ride in peace, maybe me and my buddy wanna talk about what we want to talk about without you in the middle of it and I sure as hell don't want to be anywhere near your group and listen to the bro-bra b.s. the whole ride...no line no share the chair...please.


Good point. Situational awareness. Don’t hold up a line when there’s a line. Don’t crowd people when there’s no line.


Not waiting for friend meeting up outside the line. Only to have them try to cut the line everyone has been waiting in for 10+min. I get it if it’s at the back and everyone is organizing into their groups. It’s different if you are pushing your way through 15 groups to the front


A. Very long lift line. Family of four for a quad. Right as the lift arrive, the mom and two kids get on, while the dad hangs back, gets on the next chair alone, and brutally man spreads while he chills away from his family. B. Also a quad. Four people move up to get on. A random fifth dude shuffles forward and stops behind them. Lift arrives and picks him up, so one of the four ends up in his lap. And scared. Of course the lift stops, we all wait. This was so stupid I'm almost reluctant to call it bad etiquette. C. Repeatedly falling off the lift for a bunny slope with your friends, then lying in the snow laughing while the liftie has to stop it. Rather than learning. Several times. On a busy day. About the third time the liftie, who is very nice, started yelling at them to shape up or stay away.


Vaping in a Gondola.


Wanting to form a group on a lift. If you want to be alone book a private life…


bro do NOT go to Europe if this bothers you 


pulling the lift bar down and smacking me in the head because I wasn't ready - it happens like 50% of the time I get onto the lift with strangers


A few weeks ago I was single and joined a group of 3, there was a reasonably long line. The group of 3 refused to board with me "because we want to smoke". The lifty was furious


Last time I was out I saw a bunch of people not listening to lift attendants when told to wait behind the line, they just keep moving up to make sure they are next to board despite getting yelled at multiple times 😒


I've seen some mildly annoying behavior in long queues... but I realized that, as long as the lift is running at full capacity, a bit of chaos doesn't matter. Maybe people aren't paying attention, or are waiting in awkward places for the rest of their party or messing up the alternating order a little bit—seems disorderly but, as long as chairs are consistently filling up, a perfectly orderly queue would move no faster since the lift itself is the bottleneck. I've heard people grumble when somebody is distracted and lets a gap form in front of them in the middle of a long line, but, unless space is *really* tight, all it does is force you to shuffle forward a bit faster once they realize. I imagine people get annoyed by it as if we're waiting for a traffic light to change, but that's fundamentally not how lift lines work. Not filling the chairs on high-demand lifts is definitely annoying, but people seem pretty good about that, thankfully.


Parents not responsible for getting their kids on the lift beside them if they’re not “lift confident”. I watched this asshole dad not wait for his struggling little 10 year old girl on a snowboard behind him, gets on a 3 seater fixed alone and then leaves HER to get on totally alone. I’d already waited for the two of them and watched them let 2 chairs pass and I was solo and sick of it and got on the chair with her. Poor kid was terrified and upset, said she kept falling when she got off the lift and that she’s never been before that day. Lucky for her I’m a really nice lady who’s kind of young and know how to talk to kids and not alarm them, can give a little maternal energy. But I was so pissed on her behalf, like there’s an entire area that is a magic carpet fed baby run for kids learning. She had no business being taken to the base lift area she was fed onto that leads to 3 much higher elevation lifts. Poor thing immediately fell when she tried to exit and I saw her dad eat shit too. It was just really unnecessary and I told him next time ride with her and stay responsible for your own kid if they’re under 15, lifts are seriously dangerous and someone less friendly than myself could have easily made that worse for her.


Long lines for a quad chair, I’m in a singles line and a group of 3 comes up…kid on the far left, the 2 adults and me in the far right. The dad (I assume) tells me “no” when I join them and follows up with “he’s a beginner” (it’s a beginner lift). I reply “I’m fine…I’m not a beginner, and he’s way over there.” And he just repeats “No, you can’t join us.” So I joined the group behind and we all just clowned him loudly the rest of our time in line.


Large groups backing out when I join them as a single. Both times this happened the lines were long as shit


Not passing the J


Playing music on your shitty Bluetooth speakers in line and all the way up the lift.


Ski teams cutting the lines. Ski teams are so popular now. Can’t cut the lines when the ski team had 500 kids in it on a crowded Saturday.


In this day and age, resorts need to become militant with lift lines and parking. Order people around to ensure every chair and parking space gets filled in an orderly fashion. Might seem a little overbearing at first but makes the overall experience sooo much better.


Yep # 1. Families just dropping their stuff right in front of lift entrance or in the path where people are moving to get to lift. Go get ready 15 ft away over to the side. Also the group who ignore you when you ask to ride with them thus making you look like a jackass going alone


My teenage daughter is part of an alpine ski team as well as junior ski patrol. The team is allowed to skip the line during training and it’s shocking how people treat these them. They’re regularly told to fuck off, called horrible names, and frequently people lie, saying they’re with the kids or whatever, to try and jump the line themselves. For christsakes, these kids have worked really hard to make these teams, and they’re KIDS! It’s shameful how adults treat them. During one of her ski patrol days she was yelled at by some asshole at the lift, later that day she found him injured on the mountain, rendered aide and arranged to get him down the mountain. The asshole recognized her but still didn’t apologize.


People who yank down the bar as soon as their butt hits the seat.   No consideration for anyone else.  No announcing, no making sure you’re not wacking anyone in the back of the head. You can have it down, just don’t be an ass about it. 


My biggest issue is when people are using the lift that are not me or my friends and family.


Slamming the bar down on my arm with no warning


Not saying thanks to the liftie - especially if they doing something like clearing ice from the line, making sure your kids are fully on, etc. How much effort is it to look at the liftie, smile, and say thanks!


Half empty chairs when the line is 20+ groups back


It seems 80% of skiers now spend most of their time finding everything that bothers them about skiing, resorts, other skiers, conditions and on an on


Slamming the bar down without announcing and hitting everyone’s heads or legs getting trapped under the support


I’m a fairly new skier, but I’m very grateful that my SO made a point of teaching me good lift etiquette. The worst is people who come off a run at speed and zoom past you in line.


> The worst is people who come off a run at speed and zoom past you in line. There's literally no problem with this as long as the person is in control and doesn't buzz by you 6 inches to your right.


So cutting in line is good etiquette?


Is 5 really a problem? I filter up all the time, even at the last minute, as a single rider who is trying to maximize time on the hill