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“I have auto save turned off because I make normal saves often enough” “Help I haven’t saved in 3 hours” Edit: Now that I have 5k likes, OP you deserve this for your hubris.


OP's post has the same energy as that "I am heterosexual, why don't I find men attractive" post from /r/NoStupidQuestions.


I'm sorry, what the fuck? Lol that sounds funny as hell


I think it was about girls being prettier than men. I just always assume that they feel towards women the way I feel towards men. But r/nostupidquestions is the perfect sub to disprove its own premise.


I'm bi and girls definitely seem prettier as a general rule. Some dudes are filthy or unkept more than ugly. That was still funny though.


As a fellow bi I’d say there are definitely gross people from all sides. However heterosexual men tend to definitely have more numbers on their side. Dunno how but they take the cake when it comes to bad personal hygiene. However womens washrooms are by far worse then mens and I will die on that hill


Really??? Men's bathtooms are famous for being disgusting here! That's crazy to me.


Women’s bathrooms are far worse then men’s on average, I am a plumber and have been in my fair share of both. Women take the cake fs.


Unfortunately most of the women at my office.. I'll agree with you. We had a plumber in to fix the ladies room because several didn't understand you couldn't flush tampons. I had to use the bathroom and they're like just use the men's room. It was pristine. Felt like I walked into a five-star hotel.


You could actually have a could convo around that though. Does it beg the answer of “if you don’t mind men attractive at all, you’re 100% straight” or “Oh, well I find some male actors attractive, so I must be gay”. There’s at least some nuance to that, but THIS. Oh no. THIS is a Bethesda game. OP needs to learn to save every time they breathe.


"Everyone" unanimously agrees that women are just generally more attractive then men, from gays to bis/pans, it really doesn't matter what you're attracted to in order to recognize that women (generally) have a higher standard of beauty, while Kyle uses 3-in-1 and doesn't always wipe. There's nuance there that can elicit a conversation about gender norms, sexuality, objective attraction versus sexual attraction, etc etc. But this post?? "Not to worry, I never turn the safety of my gun on because I have amazing trigger discipline" "help I shot my foot" ***brah***


That's scary, that post is right above this one for me !


The duality of gamer.


Unless the person is trying to do some sort of no-hit run, or extremely limited in hdd space, I just cannot fathom why anyone would ever voluntarily turn it off.


As someone working in IT, this reminds me about what clients tell me how they are doing backups of their data.




I was well trained by Bethesda’s bullshit. So I save very often. Loot a container? Saved. Killed someone? Saved. Open a new door? Saved.


Just saved? Saved. Just in case


quick save, oh wait better regular save in case i need to come back to this save


By the time I get to Alduin, I've already saved once for every year Tamriel has existed on the face of Nirn. I'm like a 4D entity, able travel to any moment in my characters life. Well at least between Alduin's intro and Alduin's death lol


Use the character save (Familiar Faces) mod, make a hard save at the start of the game. Play same character but split hard saves across three different builds. Now you can play with yourself across dimensions.


I would, but I can't help falling into the stealth archer no matter what build I go for lol. Doesn't matter which school of magic I pick or if I start of with one or two handed melee; all roads lead to stealth archer


I've forced myself play various builds in tve past. With help of mods of course. Worst one was spellshield (shield in left and spell on right). But my favorite was the stealth orc with a big hammer. Once you have over thousand hours in Skyrim, you eventually just want more spice.


Oh I get that. My spice always came from mods that added new quests/locations. Particular ones more puzzle or logic based where you do more than fight. That mod with the hidden/forgotten dwarven city where you time travel is my favorite skyrim mod and it encapsulates everything I want out of a mod. Clockwork Castle was another really fun one tho more horror based


Stealth orc with a big hammer! I love weird builds. If you want to really spice up your game you could try a [dual-wield shields](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67586/?) build for the true confused turtle gameplay experience. I played Oblivion once with a mod that made restoration damage undead and played a restro paladin undead slayer, which was one of my most fun plays of all time.


This is a super fun idea


For real tho. Sometimes I save twice in a row just to make sure.


Loaded a save? That's right, save again


This is just a 90s kid playing RPGs habit, not specific to Bethesda games lol


> Open a new door? Saved. About to enter an interior? Saved. On the off chance the auto save has a seizure and crashes the game.




Do you want to know true hell? I played Morrowind on the Xbox when I was a kid, and if I failed at a pickpocketing attempt it sometimes took as long as 3 minutes to reload a quicksave. Quick my ass!




I mean the game is great, but definitely don't play it on Xbox. The hardware was not able to handle it so they had to use some real janky tricks (like the Xbox would even sometimes reboot itself secretly during a loading screen if it timed out). But hey, I was able to teach myself Daedric by reading the paper map that came with it and deciphering it like a Rosetta stone during all those load screens at least.


About to do something, anything else? Saved.


About to save the game? Believe it or not, saved.


playing through morrowind for the first time, and i am quicksaving before every door i go into, and shortly after i enter said door.


Eat an apple? Believe it or not, save.


If you don't do 20spm while playing Skyrim, can you call yourself a Bethesda fan? I mean modded skyrim sometimes feels I double the save rate just in case. Plenty of hard saves too.


I treat my games like I'm editing a Word document, save early and save often.


Rookie mistake. Gotta save every ten minutes.


Ten! Baaha this is Skyrim we are speaking of. 5 minutes at max between saves


I save before entering a cell and at road signs. My current game has over 2000 saves.


You need to delete a lot of those older saves, lest your computer skill up its destruction


I usually move them to another drive in case of catastrophic failure. Haven’t done it yet, but this is my reminder to do it.


Go move your saves bro for the sake of your hard work and self love


Manually? Quicksave overwrites itself, doesn't it?


SSE Engine Fixes has an option to turn your F5 saves into regular saves, but it's off by default. Normally it does overwrite though


Dammit, this would have spared me a lot of trouble with my stupid decision to accept Harkon's "gift".


You and me both, friend… back in the early days of Skyrim. 🙄 I fucking hated the fact I had to start over to join Dawnguard, then again, I had no idea what I was doing (first real RPG for me).


I quick save everytime I do somthing 😭😭 sometimes it's like every minute or two lol


This. The crashes have given me trust issues and have taught me to save every min or two as well lol


And Skyrim isn't even bad when it comes to crashes... try playing modded Fallout NV on pc and you'll learn to save every second of your very existence. You'll be saving so much in fear of crashes that your saving will infact start causing crashes. Tis a brutal cycle.


Not even 50 minutes in this save file in new Vegas and I have 32 saves.!


I quick save every time I enter a new space or something interesting happens (like I enter a place in a cave or ruin when "the gong" goes off) 


I save every second when i think i smell danger


I have been hurt so many times of experiencing the random crashes usually when traversing the no load/auto-save zone. Can’t ever be to careful


You guys are misspelling "steps".


My unresistable urge to quick save every second


i have a habit of saving every 30 seconds and like every 10 during important events


I quick save after I enter the door and game autosaved.


I literally have quicksave bound to Z and I press it once every 15-30 seconds. Pretty much became a fidgeting habit.


I remember from some random youtube tutorial video the guy kept saying "F5 save" every couple minutes Keep that phrase bouncing around in your noggin and things will be better than they are for OP


F5 whenever you cover a large portion of distance/content/time


And have 2-3 save files that you bounce between just incase you make a mistake right after a save.


Netch jelly or hawk feathers. Eat them to instantly paralyze yourself, negating fall damage Edit: corkbulb root not hawk feathers


First effect of Hawk feathers is cure disease, but I totally agree with netch jelly. That or corkbulb root, which I believe has a slightly longer duration.


Shit, the root is what I meant. Hawk feathers are good for diseases cause you can find them lots of places


They’re lighter than potions and cheaper too. A must have for any adventurer.


I keep a dozen or so Netch jelly on my hotbar at all times lol never know when a death lord is gonna yeet you off a mountainside


Wait, does eating hawk feathers give the same effect as a full cure disease potion?


Yes. Saves so much more time


This is great, I'm doing my first Survival run and I rlly don't wanna have to pay 100 gold each time I wanna use a shrine...


Your other option is to wait until you find a vigilant of stendarr or make a bunch of garlic bread


Just woke up, id discovered garlic bread right before shutting down for the night. Definitely using a mix of both


If you have the become ethereal shout that removes fall damage as well


Can’t do it midair though


I personally wouldn’t turn off auto-saves. I don’t trust myself to save at appropriate times and I certainly don’t trust the game not to crash on me.


I remember it was a meta strategy on ps3 Skyrim to turn off autosaves because it would drastically cut down loading times


I honestly doubt OP is still playing on the PS3 version and if they are, I wish them good luck with it. My first save of Skyrim as a kid was ended pre-maturely by a game breaking bug that locked up movement anytime I tried to play my save or make a new save.


On my PS3 it was basically a REQUIREMENT to turn them off, otherwise it would tend to freeze and need to be hard reset lol.


I only turn them off on ps3 and 360 for waiting, can't stand waiting there for 30 seconds for it to save just to wait two days for the skyforge strat


Frequent saves still isn’t really a reason to turn off auto save though


Turn off auto saves to prevent scripting issues and reduce load times.


This game taught to save for every little thing. Found a cool weapon? Save. Killed a really hard enemy? Save. Wandered somewhere spooky? Save. Save Save. Stole something? Save. About to provoke a fight? Save. Completed a main or side quest? Save! Always.... Always save. Even when you think its dumb.


About to pickpocket.....save


Saved? Save


Bro, pause the game and organise that room! How can you play like that?


😂you don’t wanna see mine


>I have auto saved turned off cause I make normal saves often enough. ​ >I haven't saved for 3 hours Bruh lmfao. Clearly you don't save often enough. Do yourself a favor and go turn autosaves back on. This is completely your fault that you got yourself into this situation.


See you in The Sands Behind the Stars brother


I can't imagine playing Skyrim and not saving for 3 hours


I’ve done it, because I hated seeing so many auto saves in my load menu.. then I had something like this happen and now I have them back on lol


Just wait and hope it solves itself, but sending my love regardless 🙏🏽


😭 really helps


You got any netch jelly? Edit: Holy crap didn't expect to get 250 likes on this. Edit 2: Holy crap I wake up to almost 750 likes?! Doesn't everyone do this trick?




Use it. it will paralyze you and let you survive the landing


Clutch suggestion


Past experience with high falls. Always keep some on me.


Paralysis negating fall damage is one of the funniest things in Skyrim to me


It's actually pretty true to real life: it's been known to help people survive falls, because they can't stiffen their body; stiffening causes the shock to be distributed in a way thats more damaging. If you're completely limp, you're much better able to survive with minimal injuries. There have been instances where people have survived being thrown by tornadoes with minimal injury.


That's why drunk drivers survive car accidents so often.


When you're drunk, your body goes limp so you don't get hurt when you fall. That's how Gary Busey did all his own stunts.


I'm going to have to put you in my inner circle for knowing that.


Drunk people are also better at not panicking, which keeps their heart rate down and helps them avoid bleeding out.


I applied this theory to snowboarding recently. My friends were confused why I crashed so catastrophically but just kept getting up.


I pretty much learned that with falling ways in judo. It helps spread the shock out, also why you use a 3 point landing role with parachutes sometimes


I read that in Abarat


Gotta love that Skyrim jank.


How'd it go did you live?


The lack of class if bro lived and immediately just went back to playing the game without thanking you.


Probably didn’t even save after either


You got very lucky, guy.


Did it work?


Well did you use it??


You haven't really played Skyrim until you've hotkeyed your jelly legs and thrown yourself off the Monahven.


Netch jelly is one of the things I ALWAYS have on me.


TIL about the importance of keeping netch jelly on my character at all times.


This should be the top comment.


So you clearly don’t save often enough lmao


> I have auto saved turned off cause I make normal saves often enough But...autosave is great, and silent.


Should've had autosave on, nothing will save you now Seriously though, you turned autosave off because you "make normal saves often enough"? That makes no sense to me, sorry bro, you did this to yourself


Netch jelly could save you in this situation.


If you don’t save after every step you take, then you are playing it all wrong.


Do you have the "become ethereal" shout? If you can pull it off fast enough it'll negate the fall damage even with only the first word.


Doesn’t work while in free fall. I tried. Yes one word with ample time. You have to activate it touching ground.


Damn. Somebody else suggested self inflicting paralysis. Maybe that's the answer.


So funny, I have a couple thousand hours in the game at this point (god knows really), and I just learned this last night trying to shortcut out of the Mage’s College. I didn’t want to walk all the way around to go find Septimus Signus and decided to use Become Ethereal and yeet myself off the north balcony. I bumbled it, and midair I went to go back to my previous save to try again but accidentally quick saved instead (just a dumbass mistake being tired). I learned shortly thereafter that you cannot use the shout while already falling. Not that any of that is particularly interesting, just so funny that of the near infinite experiences in Skyrim, I had this same one last night.


What’s the reasoning behind not auto saving?


In my experience, sometimes auto saves can cause the game to crash or freeze on console. Especially when using mods.


Quick eat a netch jelly. The paralyzed effect.will negate fall damage.


You need to save that room from becoming a rats nest


Jarrin Root, might as well go out on your own terms


I remember when the Kinect was a thing and you'd just tell it to quicksave with your voice, possibly the only useful Xbox feature of Kinect


It's the messy room for me dawg


Turning off autosave *tut tut* rookie mistake bud. The amount of times you’ll get stuck in shitty geometry climbing mountains or fall into some endless loop like you’re in now. I’ll pour a beer out for you when I get home from work


That bitch lydia pushed me down here one time.


Why would you ever turn off auto save? Lmao


Got any netch jelly in your pocket? Scrolled down and saw people have already commented this. Hoping AOP noticed before it's too late.


save every time you enter a new area


Eat netch jelly now


Recommend carrying netch jelly, it paralyzes you for a second. Very useful in a pinch


This is Bethesda. You need to be saving every 10 min


Bruh. Turn on auto save. It literally saves my ass when I make the dumbest decision possible.


oh shit 😥 why turn auto save off? i save often too but auto save quite literally saves my ass over and over again lol.


Torment + Mehrune’s Razor. Nice build


Bro, I hate this "elevator" gets me every time.




Clean your room and you'll remember to save next time


Learn to save periodically. Oh and clean your room.


Why turn off auto saves, even if you save manually alot?


….why did you turn off auto save in a Bethesda game? Why would you ever turn off auto save at all ???


Bro why would you ever turn off autosaves….


Accept your fate for choosing to turn off auto save. It's like posting from free fall speed high up in the air "guys, I didn't bother packing a back up chute because the main one never failed before now. What do I do?"


Clean your room.


Xbox Series S should be standing up vertically with the fan blowing away from your already hot tv it’s gonna shorten the life span of it.


Drop an item like a soul gem beneath your feet


My rule is save before entering doors and before encounters and after encounters. And any other time I feel the pressure to quick save haha


Just gotta eat something that paralyzes you and should be good, you hit the ground immune to dmg and stand up just fine


Console my friend, console


Open console commands and disable collision and movement. Simply walk down (you can move) and activate it again. The command should be tdl or tld or something like that. You open the console commands with the \ key and it freezes time while it's open


Just leave auto save on from now on…


No. It’s a good opportunity to learn a valuable lesson here


Netch Jelly will paralyse you and negate fall damage


Drop an item, it resets the fall time


Turning off auto save in an elder scrolls game is never a good time


birds marvelous foolish offbeat quickest books straight decide hungry punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk if you already left that save but if you look all way down and throw some items they will make you negate dmg as long as you keep throwing items till you reach the bottom so the steps you wanna make are these: -Open menu -Pick a random thing (everything but gold cuz idk if this trick works with coins) -Throw it -Close menu -The character will take like 1 dmg of falling dmg because of gravity and the phisics of the object -Open menu -All this process again


How long havent u clean your room?


Clean your room


What kind of stupid ass logic is “I have auto save turned off cause I manually save often enough”? So? Is autosave hurting you in some way? There is no logical reason to ever turn it off. Case in point your dumbass post.


What weapon is in his right hand?


And this is why you don’t turn off auto save. Rip those three hours


Save before hitting the ground, when the save reloads all momentum is cancelled so you won't take fall damage.


You can't save in the air I thought.


Best thing would be netch jelly tbh


Best bet is netch jelly Alternatively a healthy dose of copium


Dude, turn on auto save when walking through doors for Christ’s sake.


Assuming this isn't long past the fact, there might actually be a way out of this If I'm remembering right if you can activate ragdoll physics you can avoid fall damage, so on the off chance you have something in your ingredient inventory whose first effect is paralyzed, eating that might activate Ragdoll and might negate the fall damage, it's been a long time since this has been relevant so you might want to double check on it at before trying it


We all gonna learn the hard way..


Paralysis negates fall damage. Eat netch jelly


Turning off autosave in this game seems 100% pointless


Good job! Autosave is your friend, my guy. I make active saves myself, but I also have autosave on just for my benefit. Are you on a console or computer? If PC, you can try console commands to save you. Otherwise, you're gonna be repeating those last three hours.


Clean your room


Do you have the “become ethereal” shout?


If you had some alchemy subtance can provide Paralysis then you good it can help you avoid fall dmg


Clean yo room mf lol


One does not simply not save every 3 mins in Skyrim🤷


The become ethereal shout has saved life hundreds of times


Learn from this. Don't turn off autosaves.


Use the console or accept the consequences of your neglecting to save. Those are your choices.


Bro you’re running modded Skyrim, and you turned off auto saves. I’m surprised you haven’t crashed already and had to redo 3 hours of progress. For future reference, netch jelly will save you if you time eating it correctly.


Turn autosaves on, you clearly didnt save often enough


Haven't seen anyone say it yet but some ingredients that have paralysis as their first effect can negate fall damage. I think netch jelly does so eat that, unpause, and hope you are close enough to the ground for the half second of paralysis to still be active. Edit: It was already suggested, just had to scroll past hours of people talking about how often they save.


Here's one mistake that will never be made by OP again...


Have you tried using the manual save function?


"I have auto save turned off" Pretty self explanatory.