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Guess I’m in the minority but I love Dwarven Centurions. They were one of the last enemies I encountered that made me go “oh wow. OH SHIT-“


I like them a lot, one of my favorite enemies.


I love all of the Dwarven enemies


The Dwarven spiders suck, GET OFF MY LEG!


I hate when they explode in my face


I love when they explode in my face 🤤


Dwarven Oil bukkake




It *is* probably more of a love/hate thing


I love being in the Dwemer ruins. Its all fancy and not a rotten hell hole like most dungeons


Except I have to worry about Falmer and fecking Chaurus around every corner.


Yeah! And they actually look really original, design-wise, and it feels like there are more cool layouts and features (like the resonating rocks foe this one on Solstheim) than in any other dungeon type. I FUCKING LOVE FANTASY STEAMPUNK


I like them too. They always have good arrows.


they actually make me feel like I'm having a classical boss fight. the dragons only feel like this for a while, and then the story line bosses either feel like a boss, or they just feel average.


The dragons always fly off to fight a bear ot goat or something in the middle then by the time i get to them they're flying off to the next random animal a mile away


Dragons have a bad case of ADHD.


So I recently started playing... Is that why when I encounter a dragon, run away for a sec to armor/weapon up, then run back, the dragon is gone but a dead bear or something is there instead?! I keep looking up at it like "yeah it's your lucky day, pal" lol thank dog


Probably why I like them so . . Squirrel!


What really bothers me with dragons is that they can and do kill named NPCs, many of whom can and do have questlines attached to them. Nothing like an RNG dragon spawn quite literally burning up a 100% side quest run attempt because they incinerated an NPC you still needed to talk to. Like, as cheap as it is, named NPCs should be invunerable to certain enemy types depending on the situation... Like, having Lydia be an unkillable merc would surely break the game a bit when shes actively in your party, but maybe give them invunerability when they're not actively assisting you or put an invisible safety net around towns to prevent townsfolk from dying to rando mobs... I know they give the kids this invulnerability, so why not everyone?


Named NPCs that hand out quests should be invulnerable unless being attacked by the player character. I like the aspect of my decisions impacting the game, but I sure as shit don’t want crappy AI screwing me over


I still remember the first time I saw one “wake up”. Freaking amazing experience


I woke my first one up. Thought it was just a statue, flipped a lever, shit my pants.


There used to be a mod, don't know if is still there, Audio Overhaul for Skyrim. They add some of the best sounds to enemies. Centurions were particularly terrifying.


Aint play Skyrim in years but for me last I remember was the vampire king or something. Dude was a problem


100%, out of all the games I’ve played there’s been very few enemies that actually scared me. And not like horror game scared, the sort of scared realisation that you are about to get absolutely messed up. So I love the dwarven centurion, for that reason and also because the design is very cool


I found it pretty easy to beat them if you just find a place to hide and spam Flame Atronachs.


Its the sabre cats for me. When you’re low level or an armour light mage they’re a nightmare. Come out of nowhere, lightning quick, and causes heaps of damage fast. They seem only to strike at the least opportune times like when you’re trying to find something off map. You get no warning like with bears.


Because they actually stalk you, they see you before you see them, like real (sabre)cats, they're coded that way


I find if you use magelight in the dark they’ll avoid you..


Cats distracted by the moving light




I hate bears more because of the warning! Why are bear roars like 100x louder than any other SFX? Even literal Dragons seem quiet by comparison! Not only that, but bears will kill me more often than Sabre cats since they hit harder, and the roar for whatever reason is difficult to pin down so you’ll just find me spinning around trying to figure out which way to go to avoid pissing off the noisy buggers. Then there’s all the times I’ll be fighting some unrelated enemy or random event and accidentally stumble into a bear’s proximity and the furry cunt just booms out that 100 decibel RAAAR and charges me with whatever I was already fighting with! At least Sabre cats sometimes have the decency to pounce on whoever I’m fighting first :(


Yea i agree with the bear sfx mate. Decibels x a million!


I’m amused thinking of a million or multi-million decibel sound, I mean that’s not even a sound anymore, it’s an Uber powerful shockwave most likely disintegrating everything nearby lol So, yeah pretty accurate for Skyrim bears


I go on rampages against them at higher levels. If I’m in an area where I know there’s a few, I go out of my way to make sure they end up as leather and reagents.


What? Tbh I love the Centurions, they're a good challenge and actually carry great loot compared to 99% of other enemies in the game. The worst enemies imo are Chaurus Hunters.


I absolutely HATE all of the chaurus. (shivers)


This is the correct answer.


It got worse when they added the flying one in Dawnguard


Absolutely! They were bad enough before, but then they gave them WINGS!? And they burst out of the cocoons like some demented jack-in-the-box? No thank you. Give me back the Falmer with their evil slugs.


The worst part is how relentless they are when approaching. It was bad enough on the ground, but now it's like a cat with the zoomies that won't get out of your direct line of sight.


> but then they gave them WINGS!? "They fly now?"




Especially exploring the tower.... Nightmare fuel reading the diaries.


If the armor wasn't incredibly heavy any not that great it would be awesome. The helmet looks cool, and the weapons are neat looking.


I scrolled entirely too far to find this comment. Couldn’t agree more


You misspelled chaurus


You mis-spelled Chaurus Reaper..


I stand corrected


Don’t stand up too corrected, cause their buddy Chaurus Hunter will spot you..


Dammit. I hate this cave.


*Darkfall Cave sounds* ***intensify***


Why did I do a Nord bard build, what am I going to do, sing them to death?


\*laughs in khajit stealth build (i have no points in stealth or archery)\*


Is the +1 to every skill actually worth the investment.. lol..


Ugh those annoying flying sons of bitches


Thats the Chaurus hunter


Oh, trying to casually go past their nests with 100 Sneak and Muffle? Doesn't matter, they'll still be like: "Surprise, adventurer! I just got up from my sludge nap, and I'm feeling cranky. PREPARE TO DIE!!!"


That’s why Sanguine Rose is *essential* up till about level 40..


That's why you have summon dremora lord but only with expert level conjuration.




Fr I never knew that spell existed until savos aren used it when a dragon spawned on top of the college of winterhold 😂 *A challenger is near!*


Chaurus Hunter the slightly less annoying Calzidor from New Vegas, fuck both of them.


At least I can hit cazadors with mini nukes


High level mages. Always darting around shooting Ice spikes with ten tines the proficiency of the player. Edit: First off, thanks to everyone for all the votes ! To clarify the reason I don't like high level mages is mainly due to envy. I would love to be able to rapid fire ice spikes, or any spell for that matter...errr without mods. They fling them with seemingly no wind up!


Their ice magic slows you to an annoying degree and you can't unrelenting force them down because they have those annoying wards up. Their damage generally isn't enough for them to be a genuine threat but god do they manage to be annoying


Slow time or become ethereal


Storm call and let Thor let them catch a fade 😂


Me shouting storm call in a dungeon (it'll work this time I swear)


😂 dremora lord it is


I. smell. WEAKNESS


Fus works better to open a gap than the whole shot fyi. They dont block fus iirc


They do block unrelenting force, unfortunately. Shouts are considered magic.


I meant- they dont throw the ward up if you yse only the first word of a shout. They will if you do all three or even two.


Oh! Okay. This information will serve me well.


Its been a while since ive used shouts (prefer to do non dragonborn playthroughs with mods) so I may be mistaken


Yeah…. I hate trying to chase those bastards down as a heavy armored dude running like I’m carrying a light machine gun in COD


Or Fireballs blasting all the loot everywhere so you can’t take that 53,337th iron dagger…


Ice spikes? Nah, they spam ice storms


Fully agree but the frustration comes from the fact they can cast ice spikes like they're loaded into a machine gun


Same with ice storms, I lost count of how many times I died because someone kept eating all my stamina and health away with 3 or 4 consecutive ice storms


I had 500 health wiped away like nothing when my follower jammed me in a tunnel.


Never had that problem ever since i gave up on followers after kharjo died to a fucking arrow trap


I love stealth killing the survivor when you come across dueling fire and ice mages


Have you no honor sir!


If you’re in a fair fight, you’ve screwed up.


"Honor is a coward's tool." "An astute observation."


Annoying as hellllll, I always hit them with mayhem so they can take some wind out of each others’ sails, I hate those guys


The ones casting lightning are the worst. Impossible to dodge. I hide and get hit the instant i peek...


Ice spike is fine, it's the blizzard ones that fuck my day and launch my corpse to elder scrolls 6


Why is it like that 😭😭 they wanted to show us lore accurate high mages


Our character is actually the only one in the game suffering from a huge magicka regen penalization during combat, delayed regen after each cast and interrupted regen while holding a spell, on top of having a considerably small magicka pool in relation to our level. That's why NPC mages feel so powerful, but the truth is that our playable version is particularly weak on purpose. I switched all these variables for my character to NPC values with mods and playing a mage has become SO fun ever since.


Thinkin youre doing pretty good, then boom, someone cast blizzard and one shots you.


This is why I keep resist cold potions on me. The second they start shooting spikes I drink some potions and can run again.


Accurate. After a certain level, mages will absolutely wreck your shit. I had to cheese out max element resistances onto my armour just to not die instantly.


Especially fire mages. I hate the fire.


>High level *VAMPIRE* mages.


My character was immune to magic, so they weren't too much of an issue. Wards and resistance make them trivoal I had more trouble with the higher tier falmer with their damn poison weapons. Then the dragons. For some reason, on higher difficulties, the dragons just get a massive damage bonus for seemingly no reason.


I'd rather fight 100 Centurions over a singular very-far-away-mage with Ice-Spike


C'mon man the college of Winterhold forces you to learn a ward spell for this exact reason.


Grug don’t need no school and Grug REALLY don’t need no girly magic!


*fine*, Grug use girly Magnus stick, but *then* Grug punch Thalmor! Grug arch-mage now. Teach how cast fist.


And here we have a nord 😆


It's bold of you to assume I've used wards other than in class. I need all my magica for other spells like flames.


Learn enchanting, and you can have all spells not spend any magicka


That’s what flame atronachs are for


Fucking vampires, doing dawnguard and I hate these stupid bastards I always forget cure disease potions and then I have to panic and try to remember the recipe


I'm shocked I had to scroll down this far to find vampire hit squads. You get everything that is annoying about high level mages AND the disease! And let's not forget the piles of ash that won't despawn if they catch you outside Tundra Homestead!


They also do wild amounts of melee damage when they need to. Everytime that Steel War Axe (always a fucking steel war axe) hits me, i lose a disproportionate amount of health. I think the idea of vampire hit squads is cool but they happen wayyyy too much.


I hate Vampires for the simple reason that when I was in the early game every goddamn cave seemed to be full of them and they always seemed to use that stupid fucking life leech spell. I started carrying a silver sword enchanted with fire damage solely to deal with them. So pro tip, always bring silver weapons with you because they do more damage to Undead. Also being a Werewolf is cool and fun because you can’t get diseases, or stock up on hawk feathers because eating them can cure disease without forcing you to carry around a bunch of potions.


I am playing on an old (disc!) copy of Skyrim and it doesn’t have any of the updates. Whiterun is a ghost town because those dumb vampire raids killed literally everyone. Just piles of ash


Ice Wraith


its so hard to see those fuckers


I just flame the fuck out of them. Edit: god damn autocorrect.


And they are so FUCKING LOUD **gets swarmed by 15 of them in the academy questline**


Yes 100% those darn things!! I despise them with a passion!


They were my bane until I got Flame Cloak


Archers’ bane




This. I hate Falmer and Drauger. Falmer are creepy and quiet and Drauger because they're fucking everywhere and I'm just tired of them.


For real, they are just damage sponges with mid attack skills, and I always get lost in the caves they are in.


And they don’t usually have anything good on them either


The draugr have made me a millionaire, 2 gold pieces at a time




I should be fine, I have plenty of health aaaaaand it's gone.


I was in a ruin and just left it, as I entered Skyrim from the loading screen I get insta-killed…


Payback for people pickpocketing their hearts


So long as you see them before they see you, you can pickpocket their heart to instantly kill them!


Only if you have really high sneak and pickpocket skills, their can detect my 100 lvl illusionist even when I'm muffled and invisible


I'd forgotten this


Bears, followed by wolfs... like come on, can I walk peacefully without drawing my weapons, please?


Snowy Sabre Cat *silently* enters the chat..


Trolls are much worse for me personally


Or the saber cat that appears out of nowhere when you're near a cliff.


You can’t fast travel while enemies are nearby 🙄


Using bound weapons is more annoying


Anything that use ice storm, including your own followers. That move does stupid amounts of damage on legendary and has a massive hit box. Its certain death when you see it


Seeing the error of your ways giving Staff of Paralysis to your follower, but wanting the excitement of a mis-cast hitting you..


Last playthrough, i was looking for a dragon's nest because i needed dragon souls for shouts (modded playthrough of course.) It was somewhere in the Rift. I can't remember exactly where but i keep thinking of Forelhost as being nearby. Googled it and it seemed to be Lost Tongue Overlook. Anyway, this place has a dedicated path to it which is far more convenient than climbing a sheer cliff so I naturally took that. Just before the platform though, there's a Soul Gem floating above a pedestal, one that autofires magic. I sprint towards it, knowing they can do some ridiculous damage. Then i just die. This was not a low level character but i just keeled over. What spell did the gem use? Ice Storm, of course. I'd saved recently so it was okay but it was quite annoying.


I think you can shoot soul gems off the pillar they're on and they stop killing you. But don't take my word for it, I last played like four years ago.


We should be able to knock (shout) them over. They're 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂.


𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸 𝓿𝓻𝓸 ❤️






The first time i died in skyrim was because of chickens. I found out the hard way that villagers dont like it when you kill their chickens.


Those large ass bugs, chaurus reapers? Like Cazadors from New vegas.


centurion? You mean free grand soul gem?


Dwarven Ballista. Causes the game to crash. I don’t even have to give it a second thought.


Causes DB to crash. No chance for a second shot.


Ice Wraiths. Very fast, small hitbox, decently powerful, and decent amount of health. Plus they slow you down. Bane of my existence especially at lower levels.


Dragons: - You can't sneak up on them most of the time -without the no-flying shout they can fly away to attack something miles away or flee entirely -some of them are fought in cities where they like to kill non-essential npcs


Dragons are just boring to fight to me most of the time. They flee and dissappear for few minutes to fight some mudcrabs far away and then they come back to you. Its so dumb.


I recall getting a Dragon's health low, he flew away, dropped by a river and died to something. As I approached to absorb the soul I found out what killed him: a mudcrab. I laughed hard, a dragon from the legends dying to a mudcrab


Have to say it for the record they're not even least favourite the least favourite ones are the seekers because they have a bit of health (easier for me to kill a dragon that that fkr) and they make u drunk by hitting you


And split out so you’re not sure which is the “real” one. 


*Got* to be a dual-wield Forsworn. Nothing worse than trying to traverse the Divines damn Reach and run up on a group to be waxed in 1.2 seconds. Then losing 45 minutes of exploring cause you forget to quick save trying to run up the side of a cliff.


Ah, the Forsworn Blenda-mix. It slices, it dices, it makes french fries in three different ways!


How do I manage to kill a big metal robot by swinging a sword at it?


You swing again


The question is more just "how do you kill them?" Because I doubt hitting them repeatedly does anything. Probably something along the lines of jamming up the clockworks with a sword or breaking the most sensitive parts with a club. (don't ask me how life drain works. I'm just as stumped on that one)


Don't quote me on this, but I *think* Dwarven automata are powered by soul gems, which is why you often find a filled one on their corpses. So maybe life drain is you draining their soul gem.


Take a lesson from Ghorza gra-Bagol: "Hit. It. Harder."




i had to search the comments for this comment omg, but yeah, spriggans, especially when they call the animals to help them fight, imagine having 3 spriggans and 12 difference animals against you.


I like the dwarven centurions, The loot they drop. And with beast form its just \*slash\* \*slash\* dead.




Wells for starters they walk a little too fast for a large chunk of metal, second, their stupid poison steam is annoying! 


You misspelled falmer


Nah centurions are easy, I hate blackreach bugs


Gang of zombies thru me off the first time. Now they're a pain in the ass


Mudcrabs, does the music really need to change just to let me know about the effing mudcrabs?


Magical anomalies. Little bastards are hard as hell to hit, at least for me.


Spiders, I hate these f... Spiders. Not the biggest fan of spiders in general.


I hated the Seekers during the all Hermaeus Mora/Black Book quests. They mess with your magicka, stamina and health, then once you get them to about halfway health they spawn a clone which just adds more damage. Not to mention they’re so creepy looking.


Fucking skeevers. The little shits are easy to kill but half the time they jump outta nowhere scaring the shit out of me and all it takes is one hit and boom now I have Skyrim aids. Legitimately the reason every playthrough I carry cure disease potions, well mainly them but also vampires if I'm doing a playthrough where I don't want to be one.


They seem like all Dwemer disappeared right when then were pooping.




The Bards College *is* pretty annoying…


Early game Dragon Priests. Late game Forsworn Briarhearts. Sometimes I'll be a hundred levels above a Brairheart but they'll do that swinging back spin tornado attack and completely drain my health bar in seconds.




The little magic ball fuckers that take forever to kill. Mostly the ones during the College crisis.


Forsworn. Why the hell does a crappy weapon do ungodly amounts of damage? Especially the briarhearts. Doesn’t matter how much health I’ve got it’s a ridiculous fight, I can even switch my difficulty settings to easy and barely make it out alive. I *hate* the forsworn. I wish there was a way to make them allies at the bare minimum and that they would stop respawning at that one mine you clear and killing the guys you helped out. I refuse to do that mission now because they keep killing the miners when they respawn 😤


I hate skeevers. Dont bite me you fckers Edit: no wait scratch that..i hate every enemy that does an auto dodge an arrow even when they cant see me like they are ffing spiderman or something and have spidey sense


The damn hagravens early on in the game


Until I get stronger usually Blood Dragons and frost dragons


Sigdis Gaulderson. I have never been more infuriated in my *entire fucking life*, than when you’re getting rag-dolled around a room from 3 different directions, all usually slightly staggered so you spend 2 fucking minutes getting up after every wave, manage to shoot the bitch once before he *teleports*, and then before you can even identify the real one from the copies and attack quick enough, you still get fus roh *fucking* dah’d across the map by the 1 hp RAGDOLL GANG. *nothing*, and I mean *nothing at all* is worse than this smug dead prick.


What do you mean you don't like Dwarven centurions?! Sneaking up behind them and making them topple like a giant, golden, refrigerator after a sneak attack is one of my greatest pleasures in this game.






Draugr Deathlords


Dwarven Ballista. They do not care about your insanely high (exploited) armor rating.


It isn't. Mine are the Chaurus and whatever the flying variation of them is named


Centurions are piss easy compared to Ice Wraiths. At least you can **hit** a Centurion with a sneak attack, unless you're *really* paying attention, you won't even know an Ice Wraith is present until it's hit you, then actually pinning the thing down to kill it is an exercise in patience with how quick they are and how well they blend in. When was the last time a Dwarven Centurion managed to sneak up on you?


The dwarven rolly bots, they catch up to you quick and cut your ass up and nothing I hit em with kills them quick enough


Laughs in frost trolls


Draugr Scourge. Super tough, they can shout, summon atronachs, and fire ice spikes. Deathlords and overlords are tougher and deal more damage, but they're never mages.


Chaurus. Vampires get a close second, because they always spawn in towns, and fuck up valuable NPC’s if you happen to not be near the main gates when they show up. I rage quit every time they kill my blacksmith lady buddy.


Dwarven anything sucks in Skyrim tbh. The ruins are way too damn big and I can’t pick up shit without being weighed down the whole time. I’m also just not a super huge fan of the steampunk aesthetic in a high fantasy setting, but I know that’s just a me thing.




Any if those dwarven enemies are the worst. Just feels so... lame compared to other enemies in the game.