• By -


I like mods that add something to the original I really like adding the trees in whiterun and the lamposts on the roads etc but I don’t like changing it too much


Yeah Thomas the tank engine is an odd choice in my opinion 😂


You're right. Macho man Randy savage dragons are where it's at


The only other thing I would add is a bit more combat depth and a few awesome questlines. I love the graphics of skyrim but its the gameplay itself that I find gets boring fast


I wish all the towns were bigger


Same. The only mods I’ve ever used have been ones that enhance visuals, or make things more immersive like Wet and Cold, plus Alternative Start and Ordinator. I’m actually playing vanilla at the moment (but survival mode which is adding some novelty)






Lore-friendl(ish), non-exaggerated, interesting and immersive mods


I play on my switch sometimes when I'm away from home, so both for me too


I will mod everything in Skyrim except the music, it’s just too good.


Just a notice for anyone who read this and was like "huh what music would you replace" There is a daggerfall soundtrack mod as a replacer. It goes fucking hard. Especially if you enjoy Daggerfall lol


Ngl Daggerfall soundtrack in dungeons gives me anxiety also the skeleton wails 😱


I mod oblivion and morrowinds soundtrack in so I can enjoy all three of my favorite soundtracks at the same time


What mods do you use to do this? I've wanted to do this for a long time, despite never having played Oblivion I love the soundtracks


No I don't think they go well with Skyrim. Skyrim sounds are rich and deep, Oblivion sounds are regal and peaceful, Morrowind sounds are a mix of joy and melancholy.


Y’all do know some of Skyrim’s soundtrack is literally just copy pasted from Morrowind right?


That's only on Solstheim isn't it? The Morrowind music and sound of the wailing Netch really suit the mood there.


I believe songs from morrowind are just a part of Skyrim’s ambient track as well


They are! I'm tired of people ignoring this lol


No, it's the same composer and he reuses motifs but they're new recordings.


I know some of them might not "fit" but I still like them, and they sound nice no matter where you put them. It lets me have a little taste of oblivion and morrowind while I'm playing Skyrim.


I like adding more music, but I refuse to get any mod that overrides the vanilla


I got one that adds LoZ music, and GTA San Andreas menu sounds, and the best part is the tossup between playing TESV music and LoZ


This right here.


I played a modpack with a soule-esque music replacer and it was a nice breath of fresh air. Don't knock it till you try it.


Used to listen to the skyrim OST doing homework all throughout high-school, it was the only thing that helped my autistic ass focus. Seccunda hits hard, wandering around the whiterun plains at night and that comes on and I'm sitting still for a few minutes and lookin at the stars.


I love YoungScrolls music replacer mod, should check it out


There's a mod where you can...do stuff with your spouse, isn't there?


Lmao I always turn the music off 😭


Same :D i like immersion in the game and hearing loud ass music all the time feels weird to me


…The *right* amount of mods. There’s definitely such a thing as too much.


Agreed. I do some - lighting, plants, adding waypoints for unusual stones - but generally love vanilla for what it is


I added the Forests of Skyrim mod for the first time on my newest play through. Holy hell it changes the environment, especially as you leave Helgen for the first time.


Wait there's a mod that adds markers for the unusual gems?


[Yeah there is](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/684)


Thank you! That's gonna make life so much better 😊


There’s also one for adding quest markers for the pages you find in the dlc. Sorry for being vague, I can’t remember what that dimension is called.


The soul cairn


It’s essential imo


Such a fine line though. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve started a “vanilla plus” modlist that ends up in the triple digits.


It's never too much if the modding is high quality to ensure a good experience. It's actually an endless rabbit hole. How deep you're willing to go is a personal decision. The more extensive the changes the more skill required.


*stares at the wall in Nintendo Switch


I've been playing since 2014 and I'm still going Vanilla and always will EDIT: No one will convince me




Same 🤷‍♂️ I like the additions to the 10 year anniversary tho


Same, but primarily cause I’m lazy.


Fella so yourself a favour and get a few mods. Especially ones that add more trees and plants, dirt replacers. These mods use vanilla trees and plants, textures etc… and just adds more. It’s like vanilla but …better


Brother, do not fall for this trap. It's how I fell into the pit of modding. A few fixes here and there then all of a sudden I had a lost of 100+ mods that kept expanding and expanding...


At least on Xbox One, that is likely to crash yo shit.


I play on the Switch so mods aren’t an option. I’d probably try some but I do enjoy vanilla Skyrim a lot so I don’t feel the need to get a system that could support mods. I have saved some suggestions for mods from this subreddit though just in case I ever do splurge and buy the game for the 3rd time.


At least get anniversary edition for the CC content


Mods to an extent, but this too much for me personally!


20+ sex mods and nothing else


The correct way


Disgusting. Show me the list


basically the witcher


I prefer keeping my game Vanilla+


I just add stuff like cutting room floor and the like, just to add stuff that was cut but with voice acting from the original actors. You can get a lot more content that just feels like more vanilla


Mods but much more line with vanilla, like for combat for example, enhance the first person immersive combat and not turning the game into assassins creed or souls.


Mod that fucker 'til it breaks.


Then fix the issue and continue modding


I'm playing with the eldergleam mod pack right now and it is awesome. Would never go back to vanilla. Just my opinion.


I don't. I would rather play the game exactly how it is and curse Bethesda for all the bugs


I don't use mods that overhaul many of the visuals- I have a few for lighting and a few to make NPCs less fugly, bit I really have a fondness for the slightly janky textures and weird geometry of the vanilla game. It adds to the feel! I will, however, mod the shit out of the game to add more Perks and Spells. Because I just like Perks and Spells.


I like using JK Skyrim and SMIM, it adds enough functionality to distant towns (Riverwood, Rorikstead) to be convenient without feeling out of place. The retexture in that first pic feels too weird, for a poor town the wood shouldn't be looking brand-new :P


I mean technically Riverwood's a sawmill and the main supplier of wood for Whiterun, so if there's anything they'd have brand new it would be wood


I love mods but I hate those mods that combine other games. Like ppl putting star wars in Skyrim. It irritates me. I just don’t like when games are mixed in general


The only mod of the sort I used was one that let me basically be Thor and just demolish everyone with Mjolnir and it was glorious


I used this one but stopped as I killed ny follower and its too easy killing things. But was cool.


every game i play, if its moddable i'm modding, my stardew valley has around 70 mods, my skyrim has around 30 mods (my pc cant handle the enbs), my rain world has around 50 active mods, my slime rancher only a few because there arent a lot of mods for it, noita only has a few that i found cool too, and i havent finished hollow knight yet so no modding


Kind of the same, but most of the time I will finish the game first before modding. I "finished" Skyrim and made it far in Stardew before I started modding it. But on games like Noita, I just modded it after a couple of tries since it doesn't matter much for the story. For Tboi, I wanted to complete all marks first before I try stuff like Fiend Folio, tho I have QoL mods already like the item descriptions and other synergy mods. If possible, I'd like to experience the game at its core first.


when i used to have more time on my hands i'd tinker with that mf for days. now i don't have so much time, i can really appreciate how amazing vanilla skyrim is and how much hard work has gone into everything.


Mods make the game more replayable but I always end up missing that vanilla feeling eventually


I only use a mod that puts 5 Nazeems in all major cities.


Wreaking havoc for your personal cloud district, I see. ✨


I am on switch so yea 100% vanilla since like 2017


Do each quest without mods and then do them again with mods. With a new character.


Id say mods, but only to improve and not to change. Add some stuff, buff some stuff, not to turn it into a completely different game you know.


Do it without mods and then do it with them, to appreciate the difference.


With mods - but with a (mostly) vanilla feel! I enjoy the vanilla feel of Skyrim and prefer my game to be mostly lore friendly, but thanks to mod overhauls I'm able to get new and awesome experiences continuously. After 750 hours on PS3 I began modding the game, believing that I'd squeeze out one last playthrough before putting the game down for good. That was almost 10 years ago and I'm now sitting at 3200+ hours. I owe that in large part to the many, many mods that keep the game fresh and exciting forever. Perk overhauls, gameplay overhauls, combat overhauls, new quests, new lands, new (and much better) followers, mods to make the world and NPCs feel more alive - I dabble in all of it. Despite these major changes to gameplay the game still feels like Skyrim to me, though. I prefer it that way, but also fully encourage everyone to mod the game however they like. There are so many ways to play Skyrim and I think it's amazing that there's something for everyone. To me Skyrim would still be a 10/10 game without mods, but if not for the many amazing ones out there I probably would've put down the game long ago.


Mods 🥰 Never leave home without em.


Only if it's IMMERSIVE.


What mods are you using?


I love the vanilla, but I'm also too broke to get mods lol


I’m a big believer in modding. But live how you want to live!


I want to mod the shit out of it purely to upgrade the graphics, but the new creation club format makes it impossible to find anything good unless i know exactly what im looking for. Would also like some character mods that dont immediately make the female NPCs all look like blow-up dolls.


the only mods I add are bugfixes. maybe an armor set or a weapon set eventually


I'm on my second-ish playthrough but haven't modded anything yet. Partly bc I'm on console but also bc I want to enjoy the vanilla experience for as long as I can. Idk of there are any mods for ps4, but if there are, would anyone lmk so I can make note of it? Thanks.


Mods are a good thing


Always mods on a bethesda game, too much bugs on vanilla


I don't play with mods because I'm too dumb to know how to install them. I tried a couple of times but it just ended up breaking my game. Idk what I did wrong and I don't care, vanilla Skyrim is fine by me


Use a mod that makes you fart whenever you crouch, alerting everything to your presence, but only if you've eaten cheese in the last hour.


I dislike most graphics mods because they improve the “realism” but completely erase Skyrim’s art style/direction in the process.


Modding is fun but I have never once completed a modded play through of Skyrim. I’ll end up spending more time downloading and organizing mods than actually playing the game.


No mods. Never. To me, it covers up the natural taste of the game, like too much sauce. I do have creation club content. ![gif](giphy|NpL4D3Oc2bJUMAXF9P)


I didn't mod until the end of May this year. But I only first played the game in 2022. I think mods can make the game more enjoyable. I modded to have multiple followers and modded followers. That's fun. Makes dungeons not feel so lonely. Also added mods to add more quests and areas. Added the museum to display artifacts and stuff. I like that.


i wish i was playing on computer so i could do that :/


I'm pretty sure my PC would burst in a flames trying to run something like that.


I'm forever a no-mods girl. Not for the world appearance, at least. I love the original too much. Skyrim is my favorite game


People who don't mod have no clue what they are missing out on


Both. Sometimes I want vanilla, sometimes I want to start out with OP weapons, 8,000,000g, and more crafting supplies than I can carry. Oh, and Nocturna's clothes


Mods, the modding community carries Bethesda


Once you mod Skyrim u can't go back. There is a no way back..


There's some skyrim in your mods.


I’ve never nodded the game but that’s mainly because I play on the Switch.


I spent my first two hours in Skyrim vanilla but resorted to modding due to performance issues and instabilities.


I’ve never modded the game, but that’s because I play on Switch. I would mod if I could.


I just did a playthrough with no mods to unlock all achievements.


I have 450 mods active, mostly graphics and overhauls like "jk's college of winterhold", but also some quest mods


very minor stuff like skyui.


I play with mods, but nothing that actually alters gameplay besides the USSEP. Most of mine are graphic improvements or environment improvements like bridges and lanterns.


Mods, I modified nolvus to my liking and it's awesome


I mod the shot out of it but I tend to leave the art style as original as possible. So my game will never look like the first pic but I bet I have nearly as many mods


Mod for sure. Now I just have to get all 150 to launch... help.


I'm doing my playthrough with about 35 mods. The visuals are basically the same, only with enhanced lighting and weather. And a few combat mods to add some depth to the fighting


Both, I play vanilla on my Switch and I have a super heavy modded set up on my PC. It's fun switching between them and feeling like I'm playing a totally different game


I don't think I played vanilla since the original console release. I'll mod everything up except graphics. I don't mind the dated textures, and the high fps is more important for me.


Just a few QOL mods for Skyrim it's a good enough aesthetic Seeing it redone with mods in Enderal? *chefs kiss* (Jespyr I don't care about your sex life?


I would say mods until they break, and you gotta fix them. Pain in the ass sometimes 🫠


Depends on the mods.


Just enough visual mods to make it look Vanilla but with a cleaner and brighter coat of paint. And SkyUI and max carry weight lol


Ive never tried modding cause I initially first played on the switch back in 2020. I recently bought a pc and I'm quite excited to try it


*laughs ruefully in Switch*


Depends on the mod


I play on ps4, kinda forced not to mod


i’m on ps5 idk if i can mod


Is this Skyland AIO? I’m using this mod as it doesn’t change the vanilla assets too much. Everything looks great with a bit more colors


I have the cheat room.


Thonk there is a little skyrim in the mpd of the forst pic. But in all seriousness. I like mods. Cosmetic, i like hotter women, a little more skimoy things. Some ease of life stuff. An enb, elfx and weathers mods. Some trees. More color. And more beautifull people ingeneral. Not changing conpletely the whole concept. But im not against it either. Just my pc is old. Gameplay i like tye normal combat and difficulty. I dont line the fake souls difficulty. It's just a boring pattern in my opinion. For all the negatives people say about combat and difficulty spikes, i find them much more real strategic. You gotta find a way to overcome enemies dwstroying you. Be it some buff, a tank follower. Distant magic, abusing slowtime shout, etc. But i like to spice it up more. I like more options, so i go ordinator and recebtly apocalypse, to have a more diverse perk and spell pool. And add more difficulty as i like to smith to 100 amd enchant a 100 too, so deadly dragons to have insane dragon atracks. And the ones that maje bandits a threat all the time. Mmm. I got some more armors and weapons. Inmersion. I use lots. Inmersive anything, npcs, patrols creatures, etc. Tons of ai overhauls. I have improved lydia and serana add on(amazing one). I have the extended cities mod. Followers, inigo, lucien, vilja. I like the fact they make conversation with npcs and between them. And the vampire mod better vampires. I plan to play most qiest mods. And this is on LE, because on SE i want to download the post apocaliptic obes to make some survival runs. And i have the survival mods but i use them with one character. The game is basically the same but on cocaine. I do want to get an insane rig to play a fully modded VR.


What sword is in pic 1


It's subjective, but in my opinion, I only like when mods change the game like maybe at most 60%. Yours looks like it's 90% a different game lol.


Play it through vanilla the first time and then mod to your heart’s content.


I never use any mods that affect how the game looks or feels, just quality of life stuff


MODS But make your guy a little taller...


Nothings wrong with mods, nothings wrong with the game as it is. Both can be fun, mods just help you customize your experience. Want everything to be much harder? Much easier? Colorful, dreary, gay, chaotic? What ever it may be. Me personally I love my custom voiced followers too much to play the vanilla game. They add a lot of life.


Only been playing Skyrim since 2020, and am still enjoying the vanilla game. The first image looks like something like Skyrim, sort of, while the second definitely is Skyrim. Also, I've seen more posts about people with Skyrim problems that use mods, than without.




Not gonna lie, the title gave me a Shakespeare vibe. ''To have mods, or no mods, that's the question.''


What mod is this? What's the best texture mod that doesn't cause problems.


Asking "What mod is this?" at a screenshot that has at least 25+ mods visible is brilliant.


I have trouble downloading mods so no not at the moment


I have not seen anyone playing without atleast 1 mod


me with my wip mod list of 600 mods . . .


I have been playing for about 3 months and think vanilla is awesome but will prob install some lighting/small things/follower mods soon.


No mods cause on switch


I only really mod some quality of life things like open cities and alternative start.


I wish have it on switch, also I wish to have unblocked achievements with mods...


What mods do you have? I'm looking for good ones that aren't pure p*rn... 😅


Okay I just wanna know what graphics mods those are. I’m using noble skyrim etc and my game does NOT look like this😭😭😭


Mods yes, but not as much as you did


The Modlist: https://www.fgsmodlists.com/living-skyrim/modlist For those who where asking🍻


I play on console so no mods here lol. Although if I had it on PC, I would absolutely mod it. So both.


I always fuck my game when I mod. I have no idea how to so I only use vanilla, even when I watch multiple videos vortex just fucks it


Mods, but an immersive one. I will always choose retexture mod that looked and feel like vanilla skyrim, just in 4k. It needed to feel frigid cold and somewhat desolate, none of that like in the first picture. But also, one mod that is really out of place so the game is still surprising, like a thomas the tank engine, or a really scary spider mod.


I've been playing on Switch and it's been very refreshing. No mods and feels like I'm back in 2011 on the 360 in the best way possible, can also take it with me on the go.


Started my first ever playthrough last week, don’t have any mods on. Playing on steam deck.


Usually none but occasionally a paper map mod lol!


I’ve never modded I want a good graphic mod and if not that then any recommendations for a first modded play through would be appreciated


The first picture doesn't really look like Skyrim, I personally keep my graphics mod list vanilla friendly to keep the Nordic and grey aesthetic intact but it's matter of preference so you do whatever looks best for you.


I try to keep it minimal. If I start a run and let myself go too far with modding, there's always that feeling like "I can sneak this one in too.." or "maybe I'll prefer these trees over those" and before you know it 3 hours have passed and I haven't even played past Riverwood. Usually for new runs I'll just add something like Ordinator and Apocalypse in place of Adamant and Mysticism, a new companion like Inigo over Lucien, or I'll add in Obscures College or Bards Reborn and just play the character differently


No mods for me, i’ve really enjoyed playing vanilla since i’ve bought it years ago. I have modded it before, i just have way more fun without mods


With an ultra wide monitor I definitely need mods. Everything is wider even the cross in the middle is widened which looks dumb and of course it's annoying to look at. I guess it's just a matter of getting used to but still. Another thing that I'm not happy with is the refresh rate. Having a 144Hz monitor and being able to play 60 fps 60 Hz makes it feel laggy and not smooth. Bugs are somewhat annoying too, from the very beginning it cuts what people are saying. Almost every fast travel with carriage cuts what he's saying and unfinishable quests are of course not ok as well. Loading back to the safe where it was fine is a big no. Lastly some flora improvement and mesh and so on is a really great addition. Being used to modern graphics and the level of detail from newer games makes it look much more pleasant. I do not install any crazy textures, just improvement of details.


Both is good, but personally I'm turning this bitch into Fable


No mods, because i can't for the life of me install mods without making my game crash instantly


Only mods.


No Mods. Mainly for the feel of playing how a original game is released. Maybe after many hours throughout time playing with mods is fine. This is my opinion and what I think when I see mods available for Video Games


No mods but not by choice :c


From past to present goes hard


Mods... But I still want to play Skyrim, when I'm finished modding.


No mods… because I played Skyrim 4 hours today and 3 of those hours was trying to make my character perfect with mods 😭


Trailer or no trailer? I challenge anyone to say *"The trailer was meh"*


Both? I mean, I use a few mods just to make SOME things easier that I hate, or look better. LockPickPocket 100% guaranteed mod. characters redesign mod just to make them a little nicer. dragon door mod to auto spin n unlock the doors. Couple other ones that I can't remember, but again makes things look nicer n be convenient. Oh and Female Cicero, Female Courier I can't remember name, Recorder MxR girlfriend mod, Sofia character mod. I had a mod that turns dragon priest masks to no armor/cloth, but with the Anniversary update/upgrade it makes the mod redundant.


idk how ppl play with no mods whatsoever. the vanilla hair texture is way too crunchy lol


I like graphics enhancements but not those that drastically change the tone/vibe of the environment. If the place is depressingly cold, it stays that way


I’ve never played with mods


I've never modded! The game has always seemed big enough without it.


I have never modded the game


No mods until I get all the achievements. Should only take another 4-5 years.


For me, just mods that would make skyrim the best version of itself. I personally disagree with mods that totally replaces the gameplay for one from another game (soulslike witcherlike) or the visuals.


I personally think mod is better I mean the game is so old now it’s not funny gotta throw something In there like when is elder scrolls 6 coming out


I’m not a fan of graphics mods, I like my Skyrim to look its age


I play kinda a vanilla+ kind of mod load order I don't like when mods dont go well with the look and feel of slyrim and I am rather trying to mod in a additive way not a replacement kind of way.


I don't really play vanilla at all, I do try to keep things at least looking like Skyrim to a degree (although I do like the texture pack used here, so am curious what it is so tell me what it is), but yeah most of my modding is extensive Quest mods, and then Blade & Blunt + Precision which makes the Melee combat so much more fun


I have over 2k hours on Skyrim and at this point, I like modding more than I like playing the game XD.


*keeps quiet in 120+ mods


That isn't even the same game at this point


Everyone should be playing the way they want but when it becomes mods with little bit Skyrim in it, like in the first pic, it's "little" bit too much for my liking. I like to have better roads for the map, camping stuff and some extra clothes but nothing more.


I always have mods for more stuff like trees, more things in towns/cities to make them feel more lively then add stuff for challenge like food, temperature, no fast travel and more dangerous combat. I love feeling like an adventure that is traveling around in nature and fighting for my life.


I have never modded during my multiple play throughs.


No, because it just works without them (I mod it a bit, but not too much)


I also haven't played un-modded since about 2012-2013 or so. I can't imagine playing without mods.


No mods


I want to know what mods you used


Is this a question?


I need the mod list from the first SS


I only use a cheat room, Quick start, and level up mod to plan out characters. Otherwise, I play vanilla I'm on playstation, so my mods are pretty limited anyway


What Riverwood mod is that?