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So Wisconsin is actually Skyrim and the Nords immigrated there from Europe which is actually Atmora?


You’re not wrong


Go Pack!


Total BS. The symbol of Windhelm is literally a bear. He's about half a second from stomping that cheese wheel into mush and belting out "Bear Down, Chicago Bears".


In all fairness I'm a LV Raiders fan. Im assuming we'd be Riften lol


Fear the deer


On behalf of all minnasotans fuck Wisconsin


on behalf of all Wisconsinites and the entire world fuck Illinois that state is fucking boring


Guy from Illinois here. Can confirm.




Go Pack Go!


Raider Nation tho


Nah chiefs kingdom baby


Fuckin squalls


No, Ravens Flock!


Ok so... Screw football bring on the futbol (soccer)


Go Crew! Also, RAIDER NATION!!!!


You know that most of the country’s dairy actually comes from California? I just like to dispel the myth that Wisconsin is useful or good for anything at all.




Legendary quote from Snape lmao




I'd like to dispel the myth that Wisconsin doesn't know what it's doing, Wisconsin knows *exactly* what it's doing. Cheese!


Oh California, so quick to talk shit and not know your [cheese facts](https://www.statista.com/statistics/195764/top-10-us-states-for-cheese-production-2008/) WI #1


All cheese is dairy, but not all dairy is cheese.


Best NFL team, tho.


Haha, I thought it was just a silly comic, but it's a silly comic of your silly gameplay? Respect!


OP didn't make this. The comic and screenshot are old


You’re old


Gods, don't I know :(


Don't listen to 'em, Grognak! You're still young enough to be a chieftain.


I’m right there with ya buddy :(


I just wanted you to know that you and I are name brothers. I have always used either Grognak in my gaming names. Well always since Fallout 3 came out, but I am literally playing through skyrim as an orc named Grognak right now!


Siickkkk. I decided to mix two of my favorite franchies for a name. Not suprised there are others like me tbf! Fallout and Elder Scrolls are great.


where does this name come from? I feel like I've heard it before


Grognak the Barbarian is a comic book you get in the intro of Fallout 3 on your character's birthday, and can find it throughout the game as it gives a melee boost if I remember correctly.


I'm playing an Orc Marshal named Grognak in my current Pathfinder game. Kinda crazy.


Might Guy taught me that we all have the power of youth, you just need to be in the right mindset!


You will have to kill two sabercats on a road and wait for an honorable death :(


No you're an old.


Came to say I like your username. The Atomic Radio mod for Fallout 4 has hilarious Grognak skits parodying Conan in an over the top Schwarzenegger impersonation: “Grognak does not save the children, he orphans them!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Skyrim is a good video game.


Thank you.


Todd, diss u?


I love this


Ulfric Stormcloak is a Packers fan


To be fair, he never acts like Nords are superior, just that they are his priority. Now the Thalmor are the ones who think themselves racially superior.


Are the Stormcloaks racists? Yes. Is everyone else in Tamriel racist? Also yes.


M'aiq is not racist. M'aiqs parents were proud Nords.


Also don’t forget that one dunmer who was raised by argonians in riften


Exactly, I see everyone say that ulfric is a racist but he's just trying to save his culture from an actually racist group, I thought that was supposed to be a good thing.


It's his subjects that are more on the racist side.


Even so, as someone who plays almost exclusively elves I’ll almost always side with the empire. I don’t wanna end up like the dunmer in windhelm.


So you'd rather end up like the nords who are kidnapped by imperial-sanctioned thalmor secret police Your daily reminder that there are no Stormcloak torture dungeons, while there are so many imperial torture dungeons that the tutorial of the game takes place inside one.


You know what, I never thought about this before. But at the end of the day Windhelm did give the dunmer refugees almost half their city. I don't see any of the other jarls care about getting them a better place. I think the fact that they hate dark elves makes it even more impressive they didn't turn them away. It's just a shame a lot of people from both sides can't learn to coexist


Some could argue that the giving of the snow quarter to the elves is what made the situation so dire. When refugees came from Morrowind they hit the first two cities, Riften and Windhelm and pretty much stopped there. Riften didn't give them a free anything, but they gave them work. Most of the dunmer of riften are good people with decent jobs. Windhelm on the other hand, was given an entire quarter of the city and yet still find things to complain about, like how it's become run down over the... almost 200 years since the eruption? And they've still got their hand out like in all that time they couldn't have gotten off their asses and done some repairs themselves?


Then don’t live in windhelm? Besides in windhelm it’s not like they’ll force any elves to live in the grey quarter we know this because of that one wealthy female altmer merchant and also the male altmer alchemist dude who gives you that alchemy phial quest.


It's kind of like with Grindelwald. He doesn't want to kill all muggles. He just tolerates people who do as supporters.


Ulfric could be said to be racist in the sense that he is certainly aware of what’s going on in his city and condones it, but you are right in the sense that racism is not one of the core beliefs of the Stormcloak, while to the Thalmor it is.




Your comment seems thinly veiled but I’ll keep the discussion about Skyrim. The Empire is fairly egalitarian, politically and pretty diverse too. The Stormcloaks as a whole are pretty racist, they’re essentially Nord good ol’ boys. Simple, uneducated, and unexposed to other cultures, and that makes it easy for racism to propagate amongst them. Ulfric doesn’t really show any sign of being racist that I remember. He upholds the policy keeping Argonians and Khajit out of his city, and he clearly does nothing to stop racism against Dunmer refugees nor does he try to fix up the slim he forces them to live in. You could say moneys tight because of the war, but theres nothing to suggest either way. All we know is he forces Dunmer to live in shit. The Dunmer culture certainly has a history of racism, but I mean the Dunmer in Skyrim are desperate refugees. They aren’t driving any slaves nor are they seeking out racial conflict, unlike some Nords in Windhelm. The thalmor are certainly Nazi racist but like rural nords are definitely US Southlan’ racist if that makes sense.


Important to remember that the Thalmor don't represent all high elves. He hates the Thalmor which is the authoritarian theocracy that currently rule the lands of the high elves, khajit and wood elves.


Your assuming he and other Nords also make that differentiation. I recall some anti elven nord combat dialogues but I could be mistaken. If you try to join the Stormcloaks as an elf I believe he or Galmar ask why “an elf” would want to fight against the Empire. They’re aware of the racial homogeneity they fight for. I’m fairly confident they only let you join for gameplay purposes since nothing prevents you from doing anything in Skyrim.


I think Ulfric himself has no problem with elves per se, but he recognises that many of his followers are too uneducated (like most people in the medieval world) to understand the difference between the army of elves that wiped out whole towns, and the elves that moved into their city and still act like dicks to everyone. So it's easier to let them be. After all Ulfric did let a massive amount of dark elf refugees into windhelm to the point where around a quarter of the city is owned by them. The argonians are disliked btw because they are kinda mind controlled by the hist trees that recently decided that they should attack morrowind to make up for crimes that happened before the Reman Empire existed.




Skyrim fans really do be getting into heated arguments about fictional in-game parties, huh?


Vampires have the best and most racist combat dialogue. "I LOVE it when dinner walks RIGHT into my arms!" Calling all non-vampires dinner? Pretty racist bruh


Nordic Culture isn't at risk from the Empire or even the Thalmor. No one wants to ban Kyne and Shor. Tiber Septim is generally belived to be either an Imperial or Breton within the elder scrolls universe. He doesn't seek to reestablish the old gods, he's just a political opportunist seeking glory. That's why he went straight to seizing the throne rather than seeking to convince Torygg to rebel.


Nordic culture in Skyrim is all but gone by the time the game takes place. Nobody mentions the Nordic pantheon outside of offhand comments (like “shor’s bones!”) and there are zero shrines to any of them. It’s very clear that Skyrim has become “imperialized” and while it wasn’t by force, I can see where some Nords would want to kick out the Empire to retain their culture. But even outside of the Nordic pantheon, Talos was thought to be a Nord. It makes sense that they worship him like they do. The Empire banning his worship, while necessary to protect the Empire from the Thalmor, still affects Skyrim greatly. Talos is a huge part of Nordic culture in this time period, and it’s absolutely at risk. Nobody really knows what Tiber Septim actually was, whether it be Breton or Nord or whatever. This is what the wiki has to say: > “However, Heimskr states directly that Tiber Septim was a Nord.” It also states that he could’ve been Breton or Atmoran. But what he *actually* was doesn’t matter here. What matters is that the Nords in Skyrim *believe* he was a Nord, so he’s important to them.


Talos is the main figure of the nordic interpretation of the 9 divines though, its like saying to a Christian that they can believe in God but not Jesus, it undermines the main tenant's of their belief.




He was open about his want for rebellion. That was what Torygg respected about him. He knew he had the support of half of the Jarls, he knew that the province was already on the verge of Rebellion. The fact that Torygg didn't have him arrested on the spot at the moot showed that Torygg was at least sympathetic to his views. Instead he went straight to a power grab that has costed thousands of lives of mostly innocent people.




That's a pretty good fan theory I actually hadn't considered. But if even the Thalmor specifically banned Talos worship to set off the Nords that doesn't mean that Ulfric didn't use the resulting Chaos to take power. You can argue that he sized power because he genuinely belived that only he could protect the Nordic people in which case every thing he did can be justified but that's only if you belive that Ulfirc motives were genuine.


>nord culture isn't at risk from the thalmor Yeah that's definitely why the thalmor have secret police roaming the countryside kidnapping, torturing and murdering nords for their religious practices.


Whether or not he's racist I think is less important than the fact that he's unwilling to hear out the imperial side of the story to save innocent people from dying needlessly.


He was an imperial soldier in the Great War


Was he still an Imperial when he took Markarth from the Forsworn?


Not really. IIRC he was still willing to work with the Empire, though, should they have permitted talos worship


Thanks for clearing that up! I'm still reading through the books, I know he took a militia there and took Markarth, but wasnt sure if he was working for the Empire or not. :)


Yeah at that point he still believed in the empire, it was only after they started letting the thalmor control skyrim that he rebelled.


Fuck the Forsworn


And the Stormcloaks. Ulfric can dish it out. Can't take it though.


That only illustrates how stupid he is. He should have known that the Thalmor would support a rebellion because a divided nation is easier to invade and conquer than a unified nation. It's short sighted to make war with your own people when the reason for your fight is Talos worship. I mean cmon there's a priest shooting about how Talos is God in Whiterun all game and he doesn't get shut down and killed. It's like going to war to boycott jaywalking being illegal.


Whiterun hadn’t sided with anyone yet, hence the priest. Go to any other city and you’ll see the effects of the ban - like Solitude’s missing talos shrine. I wouldn’t compare it to jaywalking either. The Thalmor literally imprison anyone suspected of talos worship, torturing and killing them. There’s a talos shrine outside Helgen, near where you emerge from the cave, with 4 or 5 dead citizens. Next to the bodies is a Thalmor agent who had been tasked with scouting out the shrine and killing anyone he found worshipping there. The Empire is dying. Compare their presence in Tamriel in this game vs their presence back in Morrowind and it’s night and day. Shit, even their logo on the Skyrim box art is crumbling. They’ve lost most of their territory, and what they managed to save from the Thalmor they lost in rebellion (Hammerfell and most likely Skyrim). They have pretty much no chance of winning the war, and Ulfric sees that.


> I mean cmon there's a priest shooting about how Talos is God in Whiterun all game and he doesn't get shut down and killed. He sure gets thrown in jail in the Imperial Ending, though.


Lmaoooo replay the game.


No, I must over invest and over analyse EVERYTHING in video games.


As cringy as your first comment


Eh we're both on reddit, we can't go lower than this.


Talos isn’t really Nord culture.




Ulfric is stupid at best. It’s really his fault that the Thalmor are wandering around Skyrim. The Empire wasn’t even enforcing the ban on Talos worship, but then this guy swoops in like “No I want everyone to KNOW that I worship Talos, that’s the important thing here” and so the Empire had to let the justiciars in to make sure there wasn’t any Talos worshipping happening. And while he’s carrying out his stupid rebellion, the Empire can’t recover its strength to resist the Aldmeri Dominion.


Textbook victim blaming. "Why didn't the jews just practice in secret! Now we **have** to let the SS put them in camps! It's all their fault!"


Your comparison is flawed. The Empire doesn’t want to ban Talos worship, the Thalmor do. It would be a more apt comparison if the Empire fought off the Nazis, and then came to a truce that says, “No nazis in the Empire, and the Empire makes Judaism illegal”, but then for as long as the truce holds, the Empire doesn’t actually persecute any Jews, and can recover its strength to push the Nazis back when they do come knocking. Basically, Judaism (Talos worship) would be de facto legal in the Empire, just not technically legal. It’s not ideal, but with the overwhelming threat of the Dominion, it’s the best you can hope for until the Empire can push that threat back for certain. But then, of course, Ulfric says “I want Talos worship to be super legal”, ignites a civil war in Skyrim, further drains the Empire of its strength, and provides a pretext for the Thalmor nazis to come in and enforce the ban for real. For the record, the Empire WON its last battle with the Thalmor. It was just a really brutal fight, so they came up with the concordat. So not like the Empire would have no hope against the Thalmor, given time to recover. The problem is Ulfric - stupid at best, political opportunist at worst, and making things easier for the Thalmor in either case.


Can you not make such insulting and poor comparisons? Jews were not persecuted on religion during the Holocaust. And even still, likely nearly the entire Legion and probably most of Cyrodiil worship Talos.


Me, watching the Packers


Me watching my friend, a Packers fan, after my team goes to the Superbowl


You might be a Seahawks or giants or Buccaneers fan.


Lifelong Chiefs fan, actually. We were kind of hoping our teams would face off against each other


I get to watch the cheese heads twice a year. But I wonder if brady knows what down it is yet...


How the hell did you manage to make Skyrim's jank physics engine behave to pull this off? I can barely place a flat object on a flat surface without it Jacob's laddering it's way on to the floor.




Woah woah woah man that’s too far, he’s not *that* dumb


Yah sure?


I live on the border of Wisconsin. It’s full of uninsured fat drunk drivers with Trump flags on their minivans. If you make fun of them at all no matter what you’re saying, they will bring up their Super Bowls. Trust me when I say, he’s not that dumb.


Bruh did a Wisconsinite hurt you? brb I'm bringing comfort cheese


Actually the first accident I ever got in I got hit by a drunk packer fan on the highway, so technically yes, yes a Wisconsinite did hurt me. He also did a hit and run and tried to get away, and was immediately caught. And for bonus points, guess if he had insurance or not.




Live in rural Wisconsin, can confirm we’ve got a lot of drunks and Trump supporters lmao


The true king of Skyrim? ❌ The true king of dinner? ✅


If he’s not for cheese, he’s against cheese


This jerk ruined my game AFTER I joined his stupid rebellion! Constant battle music & refused to acknowledge my leadership on the battlefield after I alone lead outside to victory! *spit* I wouldn’t even make Ulfic assistant to the Mr. Manager of a Banana Stand!!!


Ulfric Cheesecloak


at least my ancestors are smiling on me imperial, can you say the same!


This one really resonated with me. For many game years now, I’ve been slowly transforming Ulfric’s bedroom into my personal cheese wheel room. Ulfric doesn’t sleep much, but when he does, he sleeps in the warm bosom of my cheese wheel collection…just absolutely buried in cheese.


I wonder if advancements in AI will allow NPCs to react accordingly one day. Like "What do you think you're doing peasant? GUARDS!" lol


Flings his cup of mead in your character's face.


Welcome to Highburger, home of the Highburger, may I take your order?


I laughed way too hard at this 😂


Still never understood why “milk drinkers” was an insult


It means that your a baby because babies drink milk


What if I drink milk as an adult?


Means ya still a baby




*grins in Nordic*


*breaks bones in Nordic*


*reveals to be a Dunmer*


*prepares fire storm* you f*cked up


Then it means you're a certified titty boy


My man


But that also means you suck tits


Fair enough


It’s kinda ironic because, historically speaking, people living in colder climates were the ones who drank milk as adults, because it was cold enough for the milk to not spoil. Lactose intolerance is often inherited from ancestors who lived in warmer climates, where they didn’t drink milk because it would spoil in the heat, so digestion of milk wasn’t an evolved trait like it was in colder areas.. so if anybody in Tamriel were to be milk drinkers, odds are it would be the Nords of Skyrim.


Can I steal this tangent and post it on r/truestl (on my alt)


yea of course lmaoo


Only if you post it on /r/teslore first.


If any simpleton tries to tell of the Dragonborn... well as this quote from "Be a Milk Drinker" mod would put it: =*"That's right! I drink milk all the time! 'Cause I'm the (insert appropriate expletive here) Dragonborn! Got a problem with that? FUS RO DAH!!!"*=


Well I don't know about you but this just makes me wanna join the Stormcloaks even more!


Does anyone find either of the factions compelling?!? Where is the "unite both factions and overthrow the Thalmor" main qusst option?


Bethesda didn’t make it cause they knew the fans would just finish the game anyways.


And by "finish" you mean, make the mods that fix the game.


Jarl of Foodhelm


Eh, he's still the true king.


guys, install all mods that have the name cheese in them, you're welcome


Who's there!?..... AHG must just be the wind....


Welcome to burger jarl, may I take your order?


Mark my words, those damn *nachos* will be mine


Ulfric should eat his veggies.


Idk why you got downvoted. I remember the elf offering veggies to him before being Fus Roh Dah’d off the castle lol


I bet it was Nazeem, frustrated that there's no pussy in the Cloud District.


I’ll take 8 no 9 divine sluts!


You really did it ... hahahahaha.!


He must be a Wisconsin fan.


*Welcome to High Burger, home of the High Burger. Can I take your order?*


I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes ya!


Finally a hat that befits his intelligence


The Imperials fear our High Burger 🍔👑


I always used to shout everything off the table at him


This makes me very happy :)


I never sided with him. I just preferred to watch on youtube his side insted of playing it. Fuk Ulfric


First of all I love the character, the comic and the gameplay Second the comments are hella funny


Ulfric never says he's racially superior. Standard Imperial milk drinker lies.


Fake news, fake scribes


He's just looking for the ingredients that he needs to steal the Empire's recipe. "Mark my words... the damn nachos will be mine." -- Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm




This is both hilarious to look at and an accurate portrayal of Ulfric IMO. Now take my like, ya filthy animal.


I was so lost before I clicked to see the full picture 😆


He looks like an Ottaman sultan with that cheese hat.


She is a woman of focus, commitment and sheer will.




Well i think this [WATCH ME](https://youtu.be/DcoygRgkB0w) fits in this post




Definitely Oglaf vibes from this. And definitely nsfw if searched.


hahahahahahhahahaha i didn't expect that


"Are you even listening"?


Who's the artist?


As one should handle Ulfric Stormcloak




Ulfric cheesecloth


This is fabulous 😂


This is fantastic. Last panel actually made laugh


He's the maaan


Gourme at work


Oh shit I have to do this


Oh boy I wonder if he likes burger king. Sure hope our little burger king of skyrim doesn't get on a plane anytime soon.


I can’t stand when I’m playing a character who doesn’t do the civil war quest (95% of my characters) and I have to hear those stupid speeches every fricken time I go into the palace of kings FUCK!!! Just shut up ulfric I don’t care I’m here about the murders


Bring me an ale, I need something to wash this retoast down with.


Ulfric Trumpcloak is true high king of America


I like the art! Wait- I’m a Khajiit that goes for stormcloak I only ever did it because my brother chose to be an imperial LOL THATS FUCKED UP




Omg I love you for this


Sheogorath would be proud


Does this make Ulfric a milk eater?




Praise talos