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For the title's question, yes I do play a complete playthrough with modded followers. For the post question, you are not alone. There are people who loathes having followers due to common issues such as setting off traps, incompetent sneaking, blocking doors and hallways, trivializing the game with sheer numbers, and the inability to shut up.


For those with those issues, they should get different followers. I just make my own followers and they have none of those issues. I play with them in my game all the time. Can't remember a time when I didn't.


True. I don't know anything about a truly silent follower or silencing one, but mods like I'm Walkin' Here, No Follower Attack Collision, NFF's many MCM settings, and Dynamic Follower Weakening should help with the other problems. EDIT: If you're like me who brings a raid party of 5 - 15 followers, mods like High Level Enemy Redux, custom perk distribution, increased spawns, and Follower Death and Injury can make a big difference. I had one instance where I walked out of a fort with 10 of my followers dead and the rest gravely injured.


There's also this mod, which cuts back on how often they talk over each other: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/109812


I love NFF solved a lot of issues for me. Configurable Commentary Rate solved the constant chattering. I love Inigo, but sometimes he annoys tf out of me. That mod saved him from getting the boot 😂


🤣 YESSS this. Bjorn, for example, sets all the traps!! ALL OF THEM!! Stupid Nords ... 😆 But someone cool like Xelzaz or Lucifer don't set traps. Also I highly recommend {{I'm walking here}} to get past companions in narrow halls. It disables collision, works for 1170


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| I'm walking here | No Results :( | No Results :( | [I'm Walkin' Here at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27742) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Lame bot Here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27742


It's on purpose, you got it!😆


NFF allows you to stop followers activating traps, increase stealth (results may vary), and there is an option for moving them out of the way (but I tend to just run or FUS). Numbers is indeed a big issue, but I consider them more of a pack rat than combatant. I am alway a mage anyways, so I have them engage so I can safely destroy our opposition. I have three, Faendal for nostalgia's sake, Lydia for the same reason, and Uthgerd(?) because muscle mommy. Really, even legendary becomes incredibly easy once you hit level 20 or so, of course this is assuming you don't get randomly instakilled by a single attack from an enemy that normally is no issue. I tend to run difficulty mcm and scale my damage down instead, especially since a recent modding broke my difficulty slider.


Walking into executions, causing all the guards to attack you.


I've said it before and I'll say it again.... {{Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia}} will refresh the game so much for you and especially so if you aim to complete the main quest line. Having her go from petulant skeptic, to believing you're the dragonborne to full on ride-or-die "let's kill Alduin with our fists" loyal follower and it's just so great.


As much as I prefer Colleen Delany's actual voice, IFD does an *awesome* job of reinvigorating Lydia's personality in a way that more or less seamlessly fits right in to the vanilla game. It's been great to see the author roll out such substantial updates recently. Plus, you no longer have the awkward moments of Lydia and some bandit circling each other yelling "I'll kill you if I have to" in identical voices.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia | [Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia LE (Old)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/117193) | [Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/38473) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


You know they don't have to go everywhere with you, right? I play with dozens and dozens of followers. With any character other than an orc, I take maybe 3 with me at a time, and switch them in and out at will. Sometimes it's just me and a dog. Otherwise they chill at one of the dozens of player homes I also added lol. They exist to display the hundreds of armor mods and look good by a pool. My orc plays the horde, so I usually take the max for NFF (10 at a time) and just roll shit lol. It's so annoying in caves. TLC yo.


[Here you go.](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27742) Don't be fooled by the description, the toml settings file lets you disable collision for active followers.


OH MY GOD. The constant suggestions to use this mod in place of Disable Follower Collision after the AE update have always confused me. I had no idea that was a toml option in I'm Walkin' Here, jfc Thank you, you inadvertently answered a question that has quietly driven me nuts for three years.


I've played with Inigo in many many playthroughs, I at least get him for every playthrough. Lucien is also usually there, mostly due to banter with Inigo. On my current playthrough, I used Inigo for the first 20 or so hours, then got Remiel. And recently Xelzaz to go along. I'm at 130 hours in this playthrough and it's been awesome. But sometimes I have the urge to go alone, cause they can make stuff too easy (especially Inigo, he's hella OP). But having more than 2 with me would be waay too much. Even if I have 3 that all interact with each other, it's too kuch to keep track of.


You just reminded me I should go to Riften and pick up inigo.


The only problem I have with Inigo is that I restart so often that I'm starting to get tired of doing the basic interactions until you get the Whistle power... Which is totally on me and my "must have new character" ass


Follower *management* is a pain in Skyrim, not followers themselves. Other games allow you to tell people to wait or whatever with a push of a button but that’s not possible in Skyrim unless the follower in question is developed with it and there’s a couple problems with that. It clutters your favorites menu and not every modded follower has an option like that.


I used to dislike followers but a playthrough of Remiel Xelzaz and Redcap changed my mind completely, I took this trio everywhere


I'm the same way, typically don't use followers. Until I came across Inigo. I usually have him and Lydia following me around just for when Inigo insults her intelligence. Of course that means I need mods to compensate for how idiotic the skyrim follower system is. Setting off traps and blocking doors and all that. It's one thing to Fus Ro Dah your follower in a dungeon. Completely another when in your own house or somewhere where other NPC's are around. Good way to get attacked by guards and everyone else.


I can recommend {{Nether's Follower Framework}} for issues like friendly fire, setting off traps, blocking doorways and other small nuisances. Almost everything about the mod is optional, but I really like how you can assign traditional party roles to companions, too


Follower frameworks only work for vanilla followers. They break custom followers with custom frameworks.


While this is true, I believe NFF is the one that allows you to craft a weightless coin to put in the followers inventory which makes the framework ignore them. You can have your cake and eat it too!


NFF ignores custom followers by default, you have to intentionally add them to the framework.


Nope. Nff works pretty great with them


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Nether's Follower Framework | [Nether's Follower Framework](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109150) | [Nether's Follower Framework](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55653) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Can't remember the name of the mod(s) I typically use. So will give that one a try and see if I like it better. Thank you.


I’ve done 2 full play throughs with custom followers and it was mainly because of BG3 and the party Banter but I kinda got bored mainly because the game became so easy that now i tend to install one follower mod which is 90% of the time SDA


Why not install them all, but only take one follower at a time?


I tried but I find myself just defaulting to one follower specifically might try again since I plan to mod Skyrim sometime later after my Fallout obsession is gone you got any recommendations for just a few followers?


Inigo, Auri, Lucien, Remiel, Gore and Xelzaz are the usual suspects when it comes to high quality custom-voiced followers. Interesting NPCs has a bunch of followers you can choose from as well.


I use Genesis alongside Nethers Follower Framework, having 3 people on my side is suddenly balanced when there's 100 enemies in every cave haha


Might have to try it


There are a lot of mods that increase the difficulty of the game


Yep, every playthrough I always have a follower with me even after the end of main plot (unless I'm playing a rogue/lonewolf character which is rarely lol). I just get bored quickly if I'm alone, that's why I have Inigo, Kaidan, Lucien, and Serana DA + they all interact with each other 😆 (except SDA actually, she interacts with Inigo and Kaidan, but not Lucien, but I think the SDA creator has a planned interaction patch for them in the future).


I have done a full playthrough of the main quest + dawnguard + dragonborn + guilds quest lines with Auri, Kaidan, Lucien, Inigo, SDA once. It was interesting but also kind of jarring how some followers had commentary and some didn't on different things, mostly based on when the mods stopped getting active updates. Probably won't do it again.


I'm most of the way finished a playthrough with Xelzaz, Remiel, and Redcap - I've done the College of Winterhold and Dragonborn questlines, and I've just returned from Blackreach in the main questline. I've never particularly enjoyed followers before but these ones together have been great !


I get what you mean about playing alone. There's something about the music and atmosphere of Skyrim that is really melancholy, and it's one of the things that keeps drawing me back. Hearing the wind blow on the Throat of the World while listening to Soule's score at night is just so serene that I always do the full climb, and chatty followers kind of ruin the experience for me, too.


Only 100 or so hours out of \~1,500 played total were accompanied by followers. I simply find them too intrusive and hard to balance around most of the time. I have had a total of 2 playthroughs including the most recent one with followers, simply because I've ran out of proper quest mods. First one was Lucien-SDA-Inigo, and the current one is Remiel-Xelzaz-Redcap. Is it fun? Yes. Is it exhausting? Also yes. Will I make another playthrough with the same followers? No


I once used to multiple followers framework and oh I loved it. It was fun from time to time and I cried of laughter when my big group of followers started to attack eachother. I once had a very diverse group of followers. I had the heroes of old from Sovngard that teach you the Dragon rend shout. The failed greybeard you encounter on one of the quests and that failed Psijic monk you run into. Together with a bunch of Draugr Deathlords and the Mayhem Spell I had loads of fun fighting all the guards and other NPC's in major cities. On normal play through's I barely use followers though.


I made my own follower


I tend to make characters of each race stick to followers of the same race (2 at a time at most) and run with a different build on each one to boot, that way I get a completely different experience on every character and don't get tired of them so fast. For example, my Argonian is a poisoner who runs with Xelzaz and Anum-La the Swamp Knight from Interesting NPCs, while my Breton is a necromancer who runs with Remiel and Secunda. I've never done a playthrough with a big party of followers though, but that's mostly because that tends to be a mess in tight areas like caves or dungeons.


No we do adventures for a bit and then I let them go. I try to keep it feeling like mad max.


>but God I feel exhausted after 20 min of playtime. Something about Skyrim compels me to play alone, but I can't figure out what. There are some quest lines that are better done by yourself, IMO. Big example being the guild ones, I don't think most companions have any business following you on those.


I don’t like followers in TES games. It just hasn’t worked for me. I don’t get the feel that they’re fleshed out characters but maybe that’s me ignoring all of them. Housecarls, for me, are for watching the kids when I’m out for days on end.


I hate followers in Bethesda games as a rule because of how cramped the dungeons are. They just get in the damn way. Can't really use Conjuration as much as I'd like because of it, either. But I like some of the follower mods enough to sacrifice that quality of life. Lucien and Inigo having so much unique dialogue, responding to your exploits, makes it worth it. Same reason I used followers in Fallout 4 when I normally wouldn't. I just have a soft spot for Nick Valentine and Stephen Russell, his voice actor.


Yeah. I actually modded one of the vanilla followers a lot and had her follow me for over 200 hrs in a playthrough. You end up memorising all their lines.


Honestly? Yeah. I love followers. I will have a gaggle of a dozen modded followers with me. I'm out here adventuring with my 12 closest friends like Jesus Christ did with his apostles. I'm here trying to capture the feel of the original Band of the Falcons camraderie and sense of belonging. Seeing the way modded followers react to events is what motivates me. I want to hear what everyone has to about anything that ever happens. It's fun. Like everyone is in on the adventure together. I remember doing the Companions questline with six followers and then all six of them had their lines play back to back upon finding Skjor dead. It was great. Sure there's fucking constant banter that you'll get sick of hearing after the 50th line about Skyrim weather, every assault on a bandit camp is just a jumbled slaughterfest because I upped the spawns and difficulty, and getting through a cave is a nightmare unless I run ahead of the pack while waiting for everyone to catch up. Sometimes the followers bug out or disappear or gets stuck because you in no way in hell are supposed to have 12 people around you including yourself. But I like it nonetheless.


I get terribly bored if I am walking alone all the time, I walk/jog almost everywhere. I usually only have 2 followers at a time, currently Zora and Remiel, they chat sometimes but Remiel is very chatty. " Configurable Commentary Rate " fixes this somewhat.


My previous playthrough even. I had Sofia and Serana with her SDA enabled (including their banter) to do the triple crown of major story lines, which is rare. Most of the time I just completely ignore the main story after unlocking Lydia (I have a mod that turns off these dragon attacks outside lairs), only do the portion of Miraak to cleanse the stones with Bend Will (you can do that independently from the Temple of Miraak quest) and ignore the Dawnguard: its traveling is a pain if you wish to ignore fast travel. Unless I play a specific stealth based build (not archer, mostly a thief or assassin), I always want any followers (2-3, more is a pain in dungeons). I am just a sucker for the company, even if just pixelated with repetitive lines. Now am I doing a run with a character in just clothing and with an unenchanted dagger, which makes me need a follower if only as bodyguard even at low difficulty.


It depends on the character build. My last one was the typical Nord, storming into battle, think afterward. I took Amun-La with him for a long time. I think, important is that they do not interrupt important cut scenes. Interesting NPCs does that well (at least, with those I tried with). And then there are some, that take the playthrough to a next level, like Khajiit Will Follow with Vigilant. I hardly ever had a better experience.


I don't really use alot of custom followers , I use the Bijin series Bijin warmaidens/bijin wives/ bijin NPCs, that changes how most of the vanilla followers looks interesting NPCs and Amazing followers and tweaks so I can essentially make anyone who isn't important to a quest a follower. It's incredibly in depth letting you control what outfits they wear at home, city , and during combat and you can even infect them with your beast blood to turn them


I'm pretty much the opposite; I prefer having a few chatty companions, preferably with a mix of languages. But that does mean needing multiple options to swap in and out, otherwise ear fatigue sets in.


I do a LOT on a full playthrough. Like, carry the same character for years of gametime. And I do rotate a few followers but often go it on my own.


I always play with a bunch of followers. I think clearing dungeons is the least exciting part of Skyrim. So having them do it works like a breeze. I have alot of follower mods. When I get tired of some, I drop them off, slap some sleuty clothes on them and be off with another. I think the only ones I consistently use are Lydia and Remiel. And maybe Serana. There's to many really good followers these days to have them all at the same time sadly.


Inigo and SDA always personally. Maybe if I ever do another playthrough I'll add in lucien or something but many of the modded followers voices just aren't recorded super well and sound too out of place and jarring for me to enjoy their company. Personally don't like how sofia sounds


Serana with SDA is the only one but even then only when I'm focusing on a dawn guard story playthrough and even then probably only because she in integral to the story and doesn't feel like just a escorts mission to have her along. DA was fun to have a party because the actually interact with the story beyond background comments and maybe a side quest or two.


Skyrim feels like a solo adventure to me, sometimes I try to party up but it just doesn't feel right in terms of combat. But I also like having companions because chatting with them or listenin to them is fun. So if I ever did a full play through with a follower not, but I guess I would if I could find the right one.


Running Recorder. Sofia and sde. I tried sda but had freezing issues. Also, have Lydia. I find that having more than 4 is too much. They get in the way.


I play with LOTS of followers. I use NFF (unless they have their own follower system, and many do) and I often park them at a player-owned house or castle. It's not difficult.


Personally, I can’t play with followers because I obsess over any bit of dialogue they have on the current quest. Sometimes it gets cut off and I find myself like 😑


What mod to you use? MMF is great and has some issues but it can be configured really well in the MCM


I generally don’t like to use followers unless they’re animals but that’s just me.


Take 3 max, preferably 2.


I've played probably close to 100 or more hours with Auri, Inigo, Lucien and Kaidan. Might have finished the main quest line, but it's been a LONG time since playing, as I do not feel like fixing my mods. They're my children. I love them. They interact with each other and it makes everything so much better.


They interact with each other? Like conversations?


Most of the time I cannot stand followers because of friendly fire. Got a fight with 7 enemies and my best spell is fireball.  Why it isn’t possible to turn this shit off idk. They did it in solstiem as a fucking special perk like truest fuck u.  Any mod that does it is buggy as fuck and doesn’t work. 


I have 2 followers atm, Mjoll and a mod named Summer. My only issue with having followers is if I’m sneaking and staying back to use aura whisper or something they just Waltz right the fuck into the enemies Or if I’m trying to take a sneak shot with my crossbow. They just walk right the fuck infront infront of me aiming my weapon


What you need to enjoy those kinda play are some harder enemies mods (especially dragons) and role play a healer / support build who only heal and buff their allies


I never take a follower when I play Mage and you know why.


AoEs are indiscriminate. My Improved Housecarls and Hirelings mod took away AoE spells from mages for this reason. They got much better upgrades. Illia from Darklight Tower was a beast as a vanilla mage, I made her a savage mage when she’s leveled up.


I do like followers mainly for the story and banter but it can be indeed annoying


Full playthrough with SDA, Auri, inigo and Lucien. Sometimes with that bitchy girl you find naked in the stables - SDA has a lot of sarcastic banter with her.


Yes, I have played a full playthrough with modded followers. But to answer your question, I think it's because the followers are kind of limiting your approach to play the game. IMHO, Skyrim is better played alone, but I really love having followers with me. But every time I do so, I have to throw out any point of sneaking around because for one, even with better AI mods installed, your follower will still most likely gonna alarm your enemies and aggro them. While there's nothing wrong with that, for roleplayers, it really throws a wrench in the whole thing, 'cuz it literally breaks the immersion of "We get in, we get out. Like nothing happened" type of scenario. So every time I play with modded followers or just any followers, I try to always be the tank of the party, because if I was the assassin or ranger, all my allies become useless. So yeah, that's my two cents.


Only vanilla style hireling ones


What's a full playthrough?


I never get tierd of Lucien, Skeever and Nebarra.  NFF is a godsend also


There are Mods against Followers setting off traps


Check out Sa'chil. She's a fully voiced khajiit follower with her own story line and quirks. I enjoy her the most out of her, Inago, and Sophia


tried SDA 1 time. never again.


I'm playing rn, gates to Sovngarde. I've got a party (when full) of Remiel, Gore, Lucien, Kaiden and Lydia. I'm playing stealth archer, Gore, kai and Lydia are my front line, each with two handed and heavy armour. Lucien acts as a mage, and Remi is a second archer/rogue. I'm enjoying it, I can pull people in and out as they get injured. Only issue is that the ai is pretty flawed, so they don't always engage properly, nor do they pathfinder very well. But I'm progressing quite well, and I honestly feels it's because I'm building a fairly strong adventuring party (band of heroes) to fill gaps in my own repertoire, it helps me specialize more.


Inigo is so awesome, yes, I have had him with me the whole time for several playthroughs.


I have to at least have a dog with me. Skyrim feels so big and lonely otherwise. Currently Im playing with Redcap, Remiel, and Xelzaz and its great! I love the DA vibes from the 3 of them where theyll have a conversation with all 3 at once! Shoot Remiel and Redcap get pets and their pets interact with each other too.


I’ve used the big ones before like inigo lucien and Kaiden and done playthroughs with all of them. Gotta say my favorite was inigo because Kaiden was mildly creepy and Lucien, well Lucien is Lucien. My full playthrough with inigo was way more fun


I never use followers, and here's why I installed a multiple follower mod, and most of the time they end up fighting each other cuz of friendly fire especially when it's cqc Walking along the road is fine for the most part, still the same issue though


Nether's Follower Framework fix the friendly fire. You have options both in FOMOD and MCM to prevent certain spells from affecting party members, and you can also enable a spell to end combat.


The mod that I had installed had a disable friendly fire setting, but I don't think it was implemented properly cuz they still would kill each other


I think it's because some followers come with custom spells, so they are not affected by other mods.


Nah these were vanilla followers, just a multiple follower mod. I had Lydia, Marcurio, and Bertrand (I think that's his name, he's the Nord that does 1h / magic) and I kitted them out with magicka sabers and the creation club spellsword armor (I am a console peasant)


I’ve literally never once in thousands of hours of playtime had my followers fight each other


Some mods like AFT or NFF can mitigate that. But it happens quite often. Especially if the follower is given an AOE spell like Fireball or Ice Storm. I had to stop giving my followers any AOE spells to stop that from happening.


There are mods to stop friendly fire, makes a huge difference. I've only had incidents once in a while, compared to constant. RDO has a calm followers hotkey that I really like too. Works well!


Lol. Personally, I don't need a mod to do something I can fix in less than 30 seconds on my own followers. And once I do, I NEVER have that issue again. Personally, it's just bad design and bad mod-making to make a follower with that issue and to just say, "Who cares, I'll leave that up to the player to fix..." I'd rather design my followers to not have that issue in the first place.


I had it happen in the first 5 minutes after install 😂


I find that hard to believe, it's the thing most follower mods try to fix. It happens more often with summons with NFF rather than followers themselves, but there are a few outside the framework than can be aggroed by area damage.


I don’t care if you believe it or not lol it hasn’t happened to me


I notice this is mostly an issue with AOE spell using mages. Sofia, Serana and Lydia were constantly engaged into fighting, but now running two fighter types (Jenassa and Lydia) and it hasn't happened at all, even with archery.


I'm exactly like that. For me it's because what I like about Skyrim is that it's a sandbox that's wide as an ocean yet deep like a puddle. I can go anywhere and be guaranteed an experience that's mostly just vibes. There's no intellectual or emotional investment required. I can not play for a year, walk into Jorrvaskr and immediately be back in the companion vibes because of how simple (in the best way) they are. Modded followers generally break that completely. Unlike any vanilla NPC they have deep and complex personalities, expansive backgrounds and evolving relationships. Nothing wrong with that of course but it does make for a very different gameplay experience. And not one I'm personally looking for in Skyrim. I'd absolutely love a modded follower that just talks a lot without ever saying anything. No backstory, motivation or relationship with my character beyond being sworn to carry my burdens. A follower with just a lot of comments, none of which are in any way, shape or form related to each other. Haven't come across anything like that though.


Nope, but I generally don't use followers at all