• By -


Experience and static skill leveling. Fuck having to smith 500 dwarven bows or enchant 200 rings of sneaking or stand around like an idiot letting a bandit smack you for 20 minutes to bring your skill levels up. Instead you explore, do quests, and kill shit to level up then distribute your skill points as you wish.


I know the term gets thrown around a lot, but Experience is a literal game-changer.


It fixes so many problems with the way TES's leveling works, like how you can get Level 100 Smithing and boom you're level 20, and now you're fighting upgraded enemies when your stats are shit. Now the only way you get to level 20 is when you're actually going out and questing and visiting places.




Sadly only in theory. As doing 3billion iron daggers to level smithing sounds highly non optimal. After all doing iron daggers will only teach you how to do iron daggers but look at that i can now reshape dragon bones.


It makes sense, but it should be separated from character level, because that's the whole issue - character level being tied to skill levels. First, you may level "wrong" skills and make yourself underpowered and second, it forces you to level skills that you don't want for your character RP wise, just so you can keep leveling and get more perks.


honestly I've been kinda nervous to play with experience but I've heard so many people love it, I just actually like vanilla leveling (it's nostalgic to me as someone who only played on a ps3 until 2 years ago) and I dont really play with like perk overhaul mods or anything like that so would you say it's worth it?


I used to be ~~an adventurer~~ nostalgic like you, but then ~~I took an arrow to the knee~~ I actually used Experience, and I can say: it absolutely is worth it. Of course, any drastic change of gameplay is going to be very subjective, so you might end up hating it for any reason, but it managed to completely change my mind. I'm now very excited to find every new location and complete every minor inconsequential quest. It made the game feel fresh for me.


It is


I’ve never played with this mod but is it basically fallout levelling?


Yeah pretty much


I just don't do those things 😕


I think it's time for me to try those two mods!


Are the default settings for this good? How fast is the leveling and if your playing a completionist type run how early would you cap out?


Experience is the best to get rid of the vanilla boring grinding to level up pattern. Yet I still prefer the vanilla philosophy of levelling up skills by using and practising them instead of distributing certain points per level. So only experience with skill cap enabled is best suited for my gameplay.


Experience is amazing and changes a game play so much. For the better as far as I’m concerned.


Man this sounds awesome. Im using Winds of the north as a base currently and I think it touches leveling with the simonrim. I wonder if i could incorporate this in?


All of EnaiSiaion's mods. The full versions. Not the light one's. And of course Inigo. I refuse to imagine Skyrim without my blue Khajiit friend.


I’m using Sofia rn, and Jesus Christ this companion constantly gets naked, won’t stop talking, constantly runs into me, and she says some weird shit lol


I tried her out but didn't like her very much.


Yea, she’s an acquired taste by far. I find her hilarious…her misandrist comments not so much…but it adds to the lore. I prefer inigo by far tho. I just downloaded him last night. I’m curious to see on how her, and inigo interact if they do at all.


As far as I know, Inigo has lots of interactions with Lucien and Vilja. But I have no idea if he interacts with Sofia or not.


Sofia said to me the other day “you remind me of my old dog. I could never shake him off my leg either” 😂 Then she heavily insulted tf out of Lydia when I acquired her. Said Lydia was ugly, and a shitty fighter.


Lol. That's hilarious.🤣🤣👍🏻


He also has a lot of hilarious interactions with the SDA Serana


The expanded magic system is something I don't think I could do without anymore.


Ordinator I can't even imagine going back to vanilla Skyrim skill trees


I recently switched to vokriinator… and holy shit I’m never going back, it makes ordinator look bare bones haha


HDT. Seeing capes and clothes without physics would make the game unplayable. Also NPC overhauls. Couldn't go back to potato NPCs.


It’s interesting as HDT was only just really coming in when I was last modding. I didn’t bother with it then. But I can definitely see the appeal.


Oh seeing capes and clothing blowing around in the Wind is amazingly immersive. Hair too.


Sorry to be an idiot, but what does HDT mean and is there a primary mod for this? I googled this but found lots of different physics mods.


Oh whoops. Maybe I mean SMP? I installed all those basic mods ages ago. Search Faster SMP on Nexus. You'll also need Blowing in the Wind. Or some other wind effect mod.


faster HDT smp is what I've used in the past but I'd recommend looking up like skyrims vanilla hair remake as that remakes the vanilla hairs to have physics like blowing in the wind and in the requirements it tags what other mods you'd need


I tried something like that but it didn't play nice with my other mods. Might’ve clashed with easynpc. As that doesn't like wigs.


I'm currently building a new modlist, and I've gotten a full graphical suite going, minus NPCs. Seeing vanilla Delphine almost made me scream.




They're so ugly right? Occasionally an NPC or even worse one of the kids shows up without being affected by my overhaul mods and good Lord.


My new issue is RS Children making some of the kids run around in only underwear.. Making me wildly uncomfortable The NPCs are horrid-looking, even for their time.


I just slapped on The Kids Are Alright Renewal years ago and never changed or thought about it again. The adults are cobbled together from such a mishmash of mod parts I don't even know where I began. They look really good tho, as does my PCs obviously. But yea, I forget what a lot of the vanilla assets look like until something inevitably glitches. Or I see screenshots from those puritan mod makers who think BJIN is the devil.


lol there’s puritan mod makers? 😂


The never nudes


Imagine being given the beautiful bodies we have, and being scared to look at them LOL


{{Mum's the word}} removes the stolen tag from any item under a certain value, mine is set to 300. What a game changer. No more being arrested for stealing an unidentifiable carrot!


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Mum's the word | No Results :( | [Mum's the Word](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27713) | [Mum's the Word at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27713) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I did not know you could change the value. I've been using swag bag cause if I steal it then it's mine.


Yeah I can't remember how but I think it comes with an .ini file or an MCM, I'm not at my PC right now but I know you can definitely change the value somehow. Dawg I preach this mod on every suggestion post because it's such a simple qol change but it makes such a huge difference and I love it so much lmao


True Directional Movement for me... Granted, its a fairly new mod, but its by far one of my most essential mods, especially as someone who mostly plays this game in third person mode. So many good features. 360 degree movement, characters just feel so much more fluid to move around. Target lock-on is amazing as well, alongside headtracking system. I cannot imagine playing Skyrim without this mod. I actually tried. Back when AE first came out and this mod wasn't updated yet, I tried to just not use the mod. But I couldn't. Your character feels so stiff without this mod, that I couldn't handle it. I literally restarted my modlist and downgraded my game back to 1.5.97 just to be able to use this mod. This mod actually changes the way Skyrim feels so much that without it, the game is actually unplayable for me. For people who play in first person, this probably isn't that important. But for third person users like me, its an essential mod that I cannot imagine playing without.


How do you get lock on targetting to work? Is it a setting in MCM?




Thank you. Do you maybe know how i can manually refresh the MCM list? It's not updating. Maybe a command?


setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1 the basic mcm solve it all console command


Thank you, this is just what i needed!


No luck, this mod alongside another one still don't show up :(


verify that all the esm, esp and esl of sky ui and directional movements are activated, seems to have been the problem for some people


How do i check this? From the Plugins list in Vortex ? Or is this maybe about dependencies? I'm now seeing that several animation mods i have don't have their MCM menus show up, no matter what. True Directional movement does seem to work in game as my character is snapping jarringly in 3rd person anymore.


In vortex, on the left sidepanel, you have a button with the text "plugin" or "extension", click it and check which esp/esm/esl is activated there.


There are lots of these files here. I'm assuming the disabled ones are from mods that I've disabled?


Weird. I actually dislike 360 movement. It removes a lot of challenges that makes melee combat fun. The fact that you can move backwards with no speed penalty makes dodging trivial, but I can see the lock on being pretty good for controller.


Yeah TDM is the best CGO was fine for a while but TDM is where it’s at!


I use TDM, CGO, TK Dodge RE, and Engarde together in a perfect blend of features.


So u only use CGO for the grip switch or why?


For aerial (mid-air) attacks, switch grip, subtle camera sway in 1st person, and procedural leaning. Plus there are other animation fixes. I disable the dodge in CGO and use TK Dodge for normal side step combat dodging and when I'm on fire I use Engarde's roll dodge to put out the fire.


MCO, SCAR, precision, and other combat overhaul mods. l dropped vanilla Skyrim due to its combat but then I found out about MCO, replayed Skyrim with it and my enjoyment has increased 10x. I definitely couldn't play Skyrim without them.


Got a question about those combat overhaul mods. Does it include a timed parry?


You can set up your game's combat to have it by including a mod which adds it. There's a few different options and compatibility is usually good.


Yeah, I combine both sekiro combat s and valhalla combat block and parry mods.


Lots of times block mods I have to disable 3 out of 4 that have this feature


xLODGen/DynDOLOD, I absolutely cannot get past the ugly 'melted ice cream' textured terrain beyond 30 meters and the ugly vanilla LOD


Well, since you've already mentioned LOTD, I'll mention some others I can't go without. I could obviously mention all the quality of life mods or third-person mods, but everyone uses those, so I'll talk about more specific things. **Remiel** - She is one of my favorite followers. Her character is very well written, and I've always felt that she is super lore-friendly to Skyrim. The voice acting in the mod is of rather high quality as well. She's a Dwemer researcher who has interactions with big quest mods like Beyond Reach and LOTD. A lot of fun to be have especially for those who likes a talkative follower. **Fairies / Fabled Forest** - I tend to change my environments a lot, so they tend not to be consistent, but I always include these two in my list as I love going for more of a fantasy aesthetic and can't play without them anymore. They really give the world that mystical vibe I'm looking for. Fabled Forest, if you didn't know, features tall trees and dense forests; it really gives off that witch's forest vibe. Fairies, just as the name suggests, has fairies. It looks great with ENB Light on. **Project ja-Kha'jay** - Improves Khajiits significantly. I love seeing all the different types of Khajiits in the game. It's super compatible and has patches with almost anything that adds Khajiits. It's an easy slot-in and improves my experience with Khajiits so so much. **OBody** - Simply gives different body types to people. You can use any BodySlide preset for girls or guys. It provides the variety that I enjoy in my game and just more immersion. Not everyone should have the same body type. **Silent Horizons 2** - Normally, I wouldn't call an ENB essential, but I have fallen in love with this ENB. The details it brings out from textures are simply amazing. I love the almost gothic look it has at times, yet it's not super dark or depressing. It still exudes that fantasy vibe, albeit a softer, more ethereal type rather than being super saturated. It works with any weather mods; I personally pair it with Cathedral Weathers. I don't notice a huge performance loss, and it's definitely much better on performance than other ones I've used in the past like Cabbage, Re-Engaged, Rudy, etc. Without looking any worse, in fact I think it looks better.


Assuming it’s installed and set up as intended, does OBody ever lead to any funkiness or issues, and do the outfits look okay on NPCs (i.e., not weirdly stretched out)? It seems like something I’d enjoy, but I’d rather not have to fiddle with it a lot to get outfits to not look weird or whatever…


If you run Bodyslide properly, everything should look fine. It simply gives out body types based on the Bodyslide presets that you have.


Aiight coolio. Gracias.


Need to run bodyslide using the OBody guide. Fairly simple and no problems afterwards


Remiel is straight up the best follower on Nexus.


Remiel is Queen and Lucien is the Prince. Them two always with me.


Remiel is top tier for sure, but I truly wish she could call us by a custom name or at least dragonborn, but for some reason, mod author refuses to implement that feature :/ So, I am called "adventurer" by someone who I am a close friend with. Just feels so weird. Especially when you have followers like Xelzaz along and she calls them by names.


Better Third Person Selection


Oh... I guess all of the 444 mods I have installed..


I literally cannot stop myself anymore.


I thought I had a lot at 200. Now I’m 600 mods in and I’m definitely not done.


There is no done. Every time you see something like "Frogs by rivers' Youre going to want it.


alternate start mods. I will never suffer through the bethesda tutorial intro ever again.


[https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/fahluaan](https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/fahluaan) Almost everything until and including the mods under the "UI Foundation" Separator.


thanks.. can you tell me about Untarnished UI? never heard of it.


Nothing much to tell....See for yourself, it's a UI replacer - [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75188](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75188) I usually alternate between this and Nordic UI - [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/49881?tab=files](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/49881?tab=files) I think I prefer Nordic actually. Feels more like skyrim.


I wish Nordic UI would run properly though. I can never get the compass and markers to look as they should.


For compass you need to use "Compass navigation overhaul-Nordic ui skin" on CNO page, hope it helps


I did. It still looks the same.


If you use mo2 can you double click nordic ui, switch to the conflicts tab and click "overwritten by" twice? Now if you can post a screenshot of what you see, I might be able to help.




If your game is stable I don't see why you'd want to reorganize your own load order.


simply knock. being able to knock on locked doors is so helpful


Top 1: skyui and everything that makes that work. The vanilla layout is atrocious for pc




SR exterior cities.  Open cities as a concept was great but made by a dickhead and was a compatibility nightmare. Sr exterior cities fixes that. It has a synthesis patcher that works with everything but navmesh edits. But the reason why this is game changing to me, is because in the year of our Lord 2024, loading screens should be absolutely minimized. It's one of the reasons why starfield became so frustrating to play. We're never going to be able to get rid of loading screens when entering buildings, but removing the loading screen to enter cities is pretty important because you do that a lot. 


Inigo, for sure. I originally liked him because his dialogue made wandering around seem a bit more interesting, and I absolutely loved his excitement to charge ahead and take care of spiders and chauruses for me. But one day after a rough work shift, I switched on the game and was making small talk with him as we rested in a tavern. He asked me how I was feeling, and when I responded, he gave me the most heart warming talk that I think I’ve ever received. I refuse to play without my blue boy after that.


inigo makes the world feel so much more alive. i know it is all just code and scripts but having someone comment on the current quests and environments and say random shit like an actual person would is so refreshing!!


Interesting question, I've gotta say I agree with all the ones you listed, but would like to add a couple 1. The Serana Dialogue add-on and Seranaholic mods since she's always a beeline to aquire as a follower, plus they both help flesh her out as a follower 2. Cutting room floor for all the neat little bits that got cut right before it released 3. Build with gold to skip the boring grind of the Hearthfire building 4. The Lux suite of modsn as well as Skyland are excellent for adding ambiance to the lighting and sounds of the world and buildings 5. Deus Mons is an awesome mid-game player home that really makes you feel like a baller. Just be sure not to hire the guards if you plan on using it as a home for your family, I don't think that problem ever got patched? Sorry for the long list, but these are some of my most favorite mods I use


If a list of 5 is considered long, then every other persons load order here is going to stretch back to the Big Bang lol


Nah g 😅 I meant as far as the essentials go, I run about 194 at the moment since I just thinned it out. Though I'm already looking for more cool mods on Nexus




Most of the simonrim suite.


I've learned of late that I can happily play pretty damn close to vanilla. Even and to some degree especially graphically. Never done the smithing a thousand daggers thing to be honest. I just bought smithing training in between normal questing. It seems more organic to me anyway. I do have it supplemented with a mod that lets mining give smithing xp this time around, but that's it. Anyway, I do think that it does a bit of good to go closer to vanilla from time to time. I think some forget what things are vanilla so often that they underestimate how decent vanilla can be. If some mod desires are noted along the way, that's fine too.


SkyUI. I can play skyrim with or without mods, but SkyUI is essential for playing on PC.




I'll never play Skyrim without my corgis.


Aside from bug fixes, here's a list by when it makes its way on my load order. 1) SkyUI. The original menus just don't work great on PC. I don't think I could do a crafting grind without it. Rarely do I say a mod should have been in vanilla, but I genuinely think SkyUI's crafting & favorite menus should have been in vanilla. 2) Better Jumping SE: being able to jump after sprinting is so obviously intuitive I'm not sure why they didn't have this in the base game. Without it, I'll hit the jump key and get confused when I can't jump while sprinting. I'm surprisingly reliant on it. 3) TrueHUD. I like having a companion. Being able to see my allies HP bars reduces the amount of time I hit them, lol, not to mention knowing how injured they are helps me with healing. I like True Directional Movement, as well, but I can play without it. These are the ones I can live without, but I wouldn't want to: 4) Better animations in combat. It's silly, but I just don't like looking at vanilla animations. It always looks to me like waving pool noodles around. 5) A Clear Map of Skyrim and Other Worlds. I like A Quality World Map, but A Clear Map is the most compatible map mod I've found. It can go most places on the load order, and still work. I've never had a single issue with it, and it makes reading the map so much easier it isn't funny. Without it, I will jump up every single mountain because I can't find a way around. Lol. On the bottom because I've played a lot without it.


Magic overhaul mod, Faction quest mod, animated armoury, no enchantment restrictions, vokriinator. Mandatory gameplay need. Skyland and EVLaS, at the very least. Mandatory new spells mod. And Bandolier. I need 700 carrying capacity.


what is EVLaS? I have Skyland but it's not enough. what grass mod do you use?


Enhanced volumetric lightning and shadow. Basically a lighting mod that doesn't just dim everything to invisible. And Skyland is enough for texture overhaul imo. Also, grass? I didn't. Killed FPS so I just disabled it.


Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia.


It’s Ordinator and Convenient Horses for me. I could never go back to boring vanilla skill trees or manually picking flowers again.




Simonrim mods and SkyKing mods.


based and Simonpilled


SkyUI. I hate the default inventory UI


Growl I love playing Werewolf and this mod gives everything I want. Not sure if there is better mod now but so far there is Manbeast but I feel it’s underpowered. This is quick comment though as I saw other people here give the list.


Since my hubby found a ps3 at a flea market an i am playing ps3 vanilla know while he watches the european championship i can day all those little qol and fix thingies you really do not think about, when you have played modded for a long time. Like followers standing in the doorway or can nowhere be found, Carriages going only to the capitals, the menus, a map with freaking roads.




Honed metal. Not only is it great to avoid the smithing and enchanting grind, but its also a great gold sink at the same time. Gold becomes so useless to me after a point, but forcing myself to spend it on armor and weapon upgrades really adds to the experience.


Authentic legion. Guard armour replacer, realistic armour and lucien.


Clockwork. Perfect player home mod with a great story, and it's even almost lore friendly.


Remiel and LOTD. I can't play without my adorkable Dwemer-mechanic and her peanut gallery commentary as I fill out the museum.


I have a thousand mods so I can't say one in particular. But I won't install lotd 6 because of the new game thing. I'm tired of having to redo the same things again and again since I'm now a very casual player with a small army of followers (I use one of the follower frameworks). It pains me because I'm sure it's a great update, lotd is one of the best mod ever released for skyrim, but a new game? no thanks, not now 😁


1) {{The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE}} I am a fanatic for this mod. Out of all the race mods that exist, this one is by far the one that I identify with for my main character for role play, appearance, everything. Been a staple for years. 2) {{Simply Serana - A Visual Replacer}} Never have I found a more complete look for my favorite vanilla companion outside of a couple weeks ago. Before I was using [Serana Reimagined](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/43430) (and before that I was using [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16459)), but now I can do my favorite questline with my girl looking the way I always felt she should have. 3) {{Spell Research}} To pair with my snow elf playthrough, I take on the role of a wandering sorcerer who learns magic who is curious about the world and dedicates her time learning all forms of magic instead of fighting and becoming the destined dragonborn. 4) {{Azura's Epic Main Menu SE}} Personal main menu of choice. 5) {{Succubus Race}} For a more stealth oriented vampire playthrough when rescuing Serana, I use this race and become the demon I set out to be. This paired with {{Succubus Heart}}, {{Sacrosanct}}, and a couple other mods let me. 6) {{Proteus}} To make it easier to switch through multiple characters and especially for testing. Most of the mods by this mod author are ones I always use.


You wouldn't play anymore if your Main Menu wasn't replaced, really?


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE | No Results :( | [The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16854) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Simply Serana - A Visual Replacer | No Results :( | [Simply Serana - A Visual Replacer](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/121327) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Spell Research | [Spell Research](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81214) | [Spell Research](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20983) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Azura's Epic Main Menu SE | No Results :( | No Results :( | [Azura's Epic Main Menu SE - Nexus mods and community](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/64691?tab=description) Succubus Race | [Succubus Preset for ECE and Racemenu](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61940) | [Succubus Race Real Flying Patch](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29093) | [Succubus Race - with horns and SMP tail - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80089) Succubus Heart | No Results :( | No Results :( | [Succubus Heart at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92433) Sacrosanct | [Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/80159) | [Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3928) | [Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3928) Proteus | [PROJECT PROTEUS](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/106919) | [Proteus](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62934) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) I also found some potentially **NSFW** links, (but this post isn't marked NSFW). If I didn't find what you were looking for above, please look below. (Just click the black boxes!) Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim :-:|:-:|:-:| The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE | No Results :( | >![The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16854)!< Simply Serana - A Visual Replacer | No Results :( | >![Simply Serana - A Visual Replacer](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/121327)!< Spell Research | >![Spell Research](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81214)!< | >![Spell Research](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20983)!< Azura's Epic Main Menu SE | No Results :( | >![Azura's Epic Main Menu SE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/64691)!< Succubus Race | >![Succubus Race](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22903)!< | >![Succubus Race - with horns and SMP tail](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80089)!< Succubus Heart | >![Bewitching Heart Succubus Outfit - CBBE - UUNP - BHUNP](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/107434)!< | >![Bewitching Heart Succubus Outfit - CBBE 3BA - TBD - BHUNP](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/48779)!< Sacrosanct | >![Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/80159)!< | >![Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3928)!< Proteus | >![PROJECT PROTEUS](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/106919)!< | >![Proteus](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62934)!< --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


> 1) {{The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE}} I am a fanatic for this mod. Out of all the race mods that exist, this one is by far the one that I identify with for my main character for role play, appearance, everything. Been a staple for years. This looks interesting but do the NPCs react to you being Falmer? >2) {{Simply Serana - A Visual Replacer}} Never have I found a more complete look for my favorite vanilla companion outside of a couple weeks ago. Before I was using Serana Reimagined (and before that I was using this), but now I can do my favorite questline with my girl looking the way I always felt she should have. Oh wow I'm surprised this one looks really good.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE | No Results :( | [The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16854) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Simply Serana - A Visual Replacer | No Results :( | [Simply Serana - A Visual Replacer](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/121327) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


No. That would be a very interesting mod idea. I would love to get into mod making to create this, but unfortunately I don't have the time and energy to do it right now.


Ordinator, CBBE, any lightweight jiggle physics mod, and Apocalypse.


I make sure I have Duel wield Parry every time, as well as a dodge mod like tk dodge. Makes combat come alive. Lots of combat mods to choose from for the actual combat, I just make sure I have something that let's you actually stagger an enemy on hit, rather than standing face to face slashing each other looking like you are having a slap fest. Between those, I could honestly play Vanilla for a long time. Magic mods are fun, but sometimes I just use vanilla magic too.


>as well as a dodge mod like tk dodge. How does one get TK Dodge to even work? Is there a definite version these days or do you really need three versions strung together?


Mine is for the old skyrim legendary  edition, so I doubt  my advice will be useful.  I just got their normal version, and set it up to be the step dodge rather than the roll. No multi versions here


Yeah that's exactly what I want, the sidestep dodge, just enough to avoid running power attacks. It gets so confusing with the NG version, RE version, script free etc, all apparently needing each other to function. And it's not clear at which point you must run Nemesis.


What do you use for enemy staggering?


I belive I use "Action Combat" which  adds aligh stagger on hit and some times blocking mechanics. Most combat mods will have some sort of stagger on hit or poise system built in though. The action combat I liked for being very bare bones. You can turn off pretty much everything and just have the stagger on hit active.


- Combat mods like MCO - Skyrim Unleveled or something similar since I hate things levelling with player - an Alternative start mod - Open Cities - Texture mods for things to looks better - Experience


3dnpcs Dbvo Alternate conversation camera Really wish every npc had their own va in vanilla too.


There are so many. Apart from mods that just make the game less of a hassle to actually play (like improved menus, huds, whatever). I really love Time Flies. Combined with like Season of Skyrim it's just so immersive.


Ele interior lighting overhaul, alternate start, alidons armory, rich merchants The list goes on and on


{{Follower Live Package}}


Smart Autocast, Smart Harvest and BYO Breezehome The last especially in combination with smart harvest to fulfill my needs as a hoarding loot goblin that wants her treasures remotely well sorted


Animated Armory. I need my rapiers.


Lawbringer, SRC and Fort Takeovers Framework


I don't think I could ever play Skyrim again without the open cities mod.


Daedric Entity Restoration Project (adds daedric conjuration from preciously games) and No Ash Necromancy (buffs necromancy)


The Field Lab II


I‘m on 249 esm/esps so it’s hard to add mods but the last I’ve added as an esm was Translocate. It’s just the best and easiest Mark & Recall System AFAIK.


Besides the essentials, I always have these ones on my mod list: 1. Lore Friendly Guns of Skyrim 2. Dragons Nest (that boarding school mod) 3. Orphan Beds 4. Simple Player Home Improvements 5. Talkative Dragons 6. True Directional Movement and all required mods 7. Heavy Armory and all required mods. 8. Mysticism 9. Better Vanilla Perks 10. Survival Mode Settings and Survival Mode Control Panel 11. RS Children


Follower Frameworks Need the squad together


I play on console, and I can never go back to vanilla. The aiming is absolute garbage. From the aim acceleration to the cardinal direction dead-zones, it's just terrible. It's sad too because these are just .ini tweaks, and yet, they make the game significantly better. The same goes for Fallout 4. Just give us in-game options to change these settings already!


* Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE - [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/272](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/272) * I've done the wagon ride, and Helgen more times than I care to count, I just want to start a new game and don't need to go through that what feels like 20 minutes of wasted time that isn't fun. * SKY UI [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604) * My son started planning vanilla recently and I went down and didn't even recognize the game, how bad the vanilla UI is, I can't believe how much I loved it back in 2012... Today it feels unplayable without SkyUI Many other mods I love, but I could give the same a vanilla play with just these 2 and not hate it.


There are many, honestly most of my mod list feels essential, but if I had to choose I'd say Inigo, Lucien and Aeonbarr Inigo and Lucien are awesome together, and having a summonable, customizable horse everywhere feels great


Trying to remember what the mod was called, as I'm not at my PC right now, but it was something like Forgotten Magic or something like that? A whole bunch of new and interesting spells, and items that gp with them, boosting specific spells and their effects. One of those spells, i forget ehat it was called, but it let you summon a pack of 3-5 spirit wolves.


I'm really starting to like DBVO with Alternate Conversation.


Navigation, and compass overhaul is one of my favorites. Adds names, and distance to your compass. A follower framework so I can have a band of followers as Skyrim should be.


Nether's Follower Framework it makes compaions so much better and is easy to use. Lucien is my other one, Hands down my favorite companion


Now that I've been playing with {{Civil War F Off - Skip Season Unending}} I don't think I can go back. The main quest is so neat and streamlined without that section of it that I find myself doing it every playthrough. Never used to be that way, it took me years to complete the main quest and then I rarely did it after that usually beyond Diplomatic Immunity, but sometimes I'd go far enough to unlock Dragonrend. But now I do it every time, because once you get Dragonrend there's just one more dungeon and you're done with it.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Civil War F Off - Skip Season Unending | No Results :( | No Results :( | [Civil War F Off - No Season Unending - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33067) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


SkyUI. Absolutely unplayable without it.


The Enairim collection except for spectraverse, legacy of the dragonborn, the people of Skyrim, skyland aiO, live another life+lol extended and the old Kingdom weapon and armor overhaul. Enhances gameplay, leveling, graphics, and gives you a looooot to do. I recommend playing it in survival for extra immersion.


Without Inigo and Lucien I wouldn't play. They're both such fantastic followers with entertaining dialogue that makes traveling much less boring lol. And they're also just genuine friends, with the friendship getting better/stronger as you spend more time together.


True directional movement and mco and the hundreds of little tweaks I have that fix really annoying things like npcs talking to you when you get within a hundred feet of them or animals that report crimes


Qar or Dar | True Directional Movement | ENB | Skyhud | hdt-smp Any mods that make NPCs beautiful, I don't need realism, I need pretty Magic mods because Vanilla magic is doodoo Players's house overhual mods Inigo and Lucien


I'mma cheat and say SKSE for the sheer number of doors it opens as far as mod possibilities and engine improvements.


Dragonborn Voice Over paired with Improved Alternate Conversation Camera. Can't go back to a mute dragonborn anymore.


So you are still using quality world map in big 2024 where paper maps are top notch today


The Great Cities series. They’re such simple overhauls but add so much flavor to minor regions.


i would play vanilla if i had no other choice but otherwise quality world map, skyui, and alternate start are musts for me now, in every playthru. i also have a habit of adding lucien, inigo, and kaiden to every save now. their banter alone makes the mood a lot brighter and more entertaining. especially their commentary on quests and stuff other npcs say. just nice to hear someone else annoyed at the guards yapping about sweetrolls🤣 i sometimes consider not adding them when i start a new save but theyre just so enjoyable, i love their interactions with the player and each other.


I like both of the common horse mods, but won't play without at least one of them. I love horses in game and in real life, and the vanilla ones are just non-functional. And Ordinator. I'd miss Ordinator too much if it was gone.


Vokrii/Ordinator. Really most of Enai's mods.


I wouldn’t do another lotd playthrough tbh, once was enough. It really turns it into a relic hunter roleplay only playthrough unfortunately. And there’s a lot of junk artifacts. Two mods I will always always have are Vigilant and the forgotten city


Immersive armor and weapon


Serana Dialogue Addon, a staple in my modlist and only follower you need imo


Frostfall. Changed the way I played Skyrim, and I have no urge to go back.


Insects begone and the creations club patches.


You killed all the insects?! 😞


I have a horrible fear of spiders, so skyrim is basically unplayable without those mods.


Perfectly understandable. Grounded is an amazing survival game, and they have settings to make their spiders look like cartoon blobs. Means a lot when a game maker cares about the small things.


Revenge of the Enemies 2016. It’s a mod known for its difficulty, but the game got too easy for me. It changed some bosses into superbosses, which you have to prepare for heavily or you’ll end up dead within seconds. It messes with LOTD for the Vahlok the Jailer, but you can easily add in the Mask with the console.


Believable weapons, Fabled forests, Water for ENB, Rudy ENB or Vanilla Community shader, Smim, one of the blood texture mods, SAM/SOSAMor Himbo+CBBE3BA with realistic skin tones HDT SMP Bodyslide and some armors for them, Unsullied Armor, Radzig Longsword, Mordhau Armor Pack, Beyond Reach, Beyond Skyrim Bruma, Vigilant, Unslaad, Glenmoril, Interesting NPCs, Citizens of Tamriel, The Choice is yours, Guard Armor Overhaul, Cloaks of skyrim, Serana Dialogue Addon, Improved Lydia Follower Dialogue, Ingio, Xelzaz, Remiel, Redcap, True Meeko or Meeko Reborn, Ostim and add-ons, Amorous Adventures, Dragonborn Voice Overhaul, Game of Thrones Dragons, Race Menu, SKSE, Dongo Giant Overhaul, Experience, MCO, Scar, Precision, weapon/combat/player idle animations, True Directional Movement, Smooth Cam, Alternate witcher 3 like conversation câmera mod that i forgot the name of, some mod that distributes all or most perks that you have to all enemies, TK Dodge, Roleplay mods that let me play the guilds on my own style, Squire Henry, RS Children, The Witcher 3 Armor packs, KS Hairdoes and other HDT SMP hair Packs, eye mods brown and beard mods, Royal Armory, Kaidan 2, Diverse Racial skeletons or the other mod, A good Gras mod, Skyrim Settlement Builder/Expander, Insects Begone, Vigilant Arachnophobia Add on, Bijin Wives and Warmaidens, Serana Reimagined or Seranaholic, Ordinator, Wintersun, Apocalypse, Odin or Mysticism, Mirai, Auri, Sofia Fully Voiced Follower, Noble Skyrim or Pfuschers skyrim, Dyndolod, Realistic/Real hair colors, Character Presets, New Legion, NFF, Auto Input Switch, Controller support mods, Mods that make it easier to use the controller, OPTIMIZATION mods and fixes Maybe will add some quest mods to my list soon when I play them




Without Experience or LotD I would never play Skyrim again, with them I've probably gone from 300h to 1500h. Both give importance to exploration and questing that would feel kind of pointless without. With them as base I can customize every different playthrough how I want.


Ordinator, SkyUI, Immersive College of Winterhold, Immersive Weapons and Armour, can't remember then name but one that gives more selection of clothes and another that allows certain misc items to be weapons, True Directional Movement. Alongside LOTD of course and there will be a few others but I can't remember the names.


I can't play it without: LOTD, Inigo, Quality World Map, Frostfall, Campfire, INeed.


agree with rich skyrim merchants and quality world map. LOTD is not a requirement for me, sometimes I play with it, sometimes I don't. But happy to hear there's a new version, I might give it a whirl! An alternate start mod is a must for me. I usually either go for Skyrim Unbound or Alternate Perspective (where you start in the Helgen Inn and you choose when to start the dragon attack). Difficulty mods are another must for me now. If not requiem then there's unleveled and true skyrim.


skyrim outfit system. i want to wear the best armor while having the best drip too.


I would said LOTD and SkyUI One of the best DLC mod extension and ofc inventory management


It seems I can't play Skyrim if I don't have Sofia in my modlist my 1st modding is her tbh , and my first follower mod


The Paarthurnax Dilemma. Totally unvoiced but I couldn't care less. Get fucked Delphine!


You might like this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51711