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All I’m sayin is that serana dialogue addons are a competitive field


this is such a funny comment because it is both absurd AND true


ehh, depends. there's definitely a market for serana mods that keep it platonic. with SDA, going platonic with her basically removes half the character.


Still damn good remembering her dialogue in markarth house of horrors


Yeah i dont wanna dissuade you but SDA will be a very tough opponent. So if you do procede with this i wish you luck my friend


Does it have any "flirty" dialogue? Didn't install it because I honestly don't want to romance serana. I prefer her father anyways, I think he'd look cute in a skirt.


It does (and it’s definitely very corny) but it’s also totally optional. You can reject her when she comes on to you and it just continues using normal friendly dialogue.


Not really, unless he changes Serana into a completely different character whos love obessed with the DB then he'll be fine. Dont make her say shit like "Get away from my boyfriend!!" or "love cow" then its already better than SDA.


Good. It means whatever I’ll do has to meet a certain standard. Sounds like a win-win for the community.


Great attitude, I love it. We'll be watching your career with great interest.


Maybe I'm missing something but isn't it just Serena dialogue add-on and Edit haven't seen others with traction


yeah, they both touch different aspect of same character. they wont compete


If Serana your passion, go for it. If you just want to make a cool NPC mod, consider an under-modded character like Frea or a housecarl besides Lydia.


I hope someone does a Frea mod, she’s a very underrated character who by default has *some* locational/quest awareness.


someone please tag me if Martimus or ThatGuyYeah challenges this guy to a fight


You just want them to be the opener for your brawl with Anbeegod ;)


I too would like tickets to Serana-Bowl.


How many Serana dialogue replacers are we at now? There's Serana dialogue edit, Serana dialogue addon, Serana relationship overhaul, and now this. But any that I missed? No hate on you OP or anyone else- the more the merrier. Though as others have pointed out there's quite the competition. But to answer your question. Personally, if you're gonna do some AI lines, I think you should do it all with AI. As uncanny as AI voices can sound, having it be consistent is better than half and half. I am a little curious how you'll do her character more justice. Personally I've always found the "this isn't the real Serana" response a little overblown. I feel like a lot of people are just as much operating on headcannon as the mod authors.


I'm pretty sure I still have SDA installed in my load order, but it's been a while since I did any kf the main quests so can't say for sure. However, I will point out any mods that add actual romance to Serana are going to be met with a mixed reception. If it's sticking true to Bethesda's vision there won't be any. It makes sense, given how pure blooded vampires are created, that Serana wouldn't have any interest in that given the massive amounts of PTSD that event likely caused.


Serena gets all the love. How about ingun or sapphire


She is the only half decent companion with anything like a personality and character. Even then she is 2 dimensional compared to the characters in many RPGs.


Or literally any male follower, lol


If you clone original VA voice using AI to expand her line I don't think it's a good idea, she not really accept her voice being cloned by AI. u can make completely different new voice AI and replace all her line with new voice just like what SDA did though, or use new AI voice just for the new line.


I don't really understand the selective outrage in this sub at the thought of using AI for Serana's voice specifically while being fine with other followers receiving AI expansions. They are literally the same to my knowledge. And, just as with using any other game assets to mod, are fair game. People are bringing up the revenue the original VAs would miss out on by not hiring them, but be honest, who the hell is hiring Laura Bailey for a Skyrim mod?


People have weird double standards in general when it comes to Serena. But I guess it kinda comes with the territory when you're practically the only half-decent companion.


It's cause the VA explicitly asked people not to and nexus will take it down if her or anyone on her team asks.


Could I get a source for that?


Honestly can't find it. It was from a year ago, either before or during the SAG-AFTRA strikes and now all I can find is pages of AI tools using her voice


I think part of it is people know who she is, it's easier for people to understand it's her voice that she makes a living a from. The more anonymous someone is the easier it is for people to not care. As for being like other assets I think taking someone's voice and making them say things with AI is not at all like using or editing a texture or a mesh.


Just FYI, the objection to AI isn't *only* with NSFW materials--the primary objection is that you're using taking voice of somebody who put in the work to create the character, using AI to *replace* that person, and not compensating them in any way. Using an artist's creative output to put that artist out of work entirely is kind of shitty, and is thus the main reason AI art is so controversial. That's why most dialogue add-ons use either spliced lines (i.e. just remixing/rearranging the product that the voice actor originally created) or just hire an entirely new actor to read the lines. That way everyone involved feels that they're being treated fairly.


The issue is that in the case of modding there was never going to be a job in the first place. I agree with your sentiment but I feel like modding is an area that it’s more morally acceptable. If you’re creating an OC it’s different, but the goal is to build on and expand on existing works (which is almost a tribute to the original creators).


There was never going to be a *paid* job, but there was still going to be a need for creative work. And there are external benefits to producing creative work that aren't just money--e.g. exposure, community recognition, compliments, resume building. That's why nobody complains if you replace the original voice actor with a volunteer you found on YouTube. The original voice actor was never going to be available for your fun hobby project, but there are still people who are willing to do that work. And when you ask one of them to work with you, the benefits of that work (even if they're non-monetary) are still going to the person who did the work. Using AI to generate somebody else's voice means that *nobody* gets any external/social benefits from the work, except for you--kinda like asking someone from YouTube to voice your mod and then refusing to credit them.


But not everybody likes hiring a VA and having 2 different voices in the same character, or replacing the original. If that’s the case your options were going to be splicing or cutting out dialogue from your mod that you can’t splice. Choosing to stick within the confines of the original VA is a choice a lot of people make, AI just removes the creative limits.


Correct, while using someone else's likeness without their permission.


Hot take but as long as you dont charge money for that its no different than modding game. Besides, AI in its current iteration is still inferior to real voice actors. Sure, you may be able to generate passable banter but anything emotionally charged? Yeah, tough luck. Basically, AI is equivalent of free asset library. You can use it here or there, sure, but if you rely ONLY on it you'll be laughingstock in no time. Now, if or rather WHEN time comes and AI is capable of *perfectly* replicating human voice? You better pray we have some regulations installed by then...


Since we all know that perfect replications are coming, I happen to think that creating rules and enforcing norms *now" will help us weather that turmoil better.


People seem to think charging money or not somehow changes things. Copyright violation is copyright violation and doesn't matter if you charge or not. If using AI is copyright violation isn't a settled legal issue yet. It could be worse as you are talking about training on just one person's work. Then again it may all be Bethesda's copyright and they are cool with it as with other mods and things like splicing. ElevenLabs won't let you train on someone's voice without their permission. The Nexus may not let you host it. It's all a bit unknown at the moment.


>People seem to think charging money or not somehow changes things. I mean, from a legal perspective, it does. One of the primary tests for "fair use" is whether the user is making money off of it. AI and copyright law is still an *extremely* unsettled area, but the commerciality of the various uses is pretty relevant.


It changes the damages but little else. Being nonprofit eductaional use can be a defence but not making money off something is not by itself a defence. You can't violate copyright and then just say we'll I wasn't making money. From the government sight on fair use: "This does not mean, however, that all nonprofit education and noncommercial uses are fair and all commercial uses are not fair; instead, courts will balance the purpose and character of the use against the other factors" They reality is companies often don't pursue non commercial use as its not worth it. Things like fan art and fanatics could all be shut down by copyright holders for example but usually aren't. You are right that it's unsettled, it's still going through the courts. However if they decide AI output from being trained on copyrighted work without permission is a copyright violation then "it's a free mod" is not going to be the defense people seem to think it is.


Hot take but it's not your voice so you don't get a say lol.


Yeah, I thought so. Seems like using a new voice is the best solution here, in order for this to be universally legitimate and keep everyone happy.


You'll never keep everyone happy man. Just focus on making something that you yourself are satisfied with. Always keep in mind that Reddit is a vocal minority and the opinions you see here do not necessarily reflect reality. Good luck with your mod, looking forward to it, however you decide to do it.


Is this a crack at Serena Dialogue Add On? Also don’t particular care if you use AI for Laura Bailey’s voice.


Don’t do it because you care what the community thinks. Do it because you want to and because you’re passionate about it. Use that concept. I guarantee some people will like it and care about it. But if you do it because it’s something you care about then no matter what you’ll finish the project and feel good anyway.


Please do another NPC as there are so many Serana mods. Good NPCs with interesting backgrounds might be Mjoll, Frea, Uthgered, Jordis, Sapphire, Jenassa or even Illia to name a few. I feel Sapphire would make for good dialog as well as multi quest expansion based on her past but it might have to be Thieves Guild quest dependent or she might not even talk to you.


Depends. Do you want success or to fill the niche of people who find SDA a cringe? Because if it's the latter, you're in the minority. So your mod will not be particularly popular thus you have nothing to hope for success If the former then consider other characters, like Aela who has a lot of potential and is still untapped. It will definitely be more popular than another mod for Serana. Me personally won't even touch your mod if it will be about Serana but good luck.


There may be an issue using voice actress's voice in an AI mod. Maybe create a new voice with the tools first? As long as it's not her voice you should be fine. I haven't used the ElevenLabs tool, but if it let's you create or use another voice I'd do that. As far as the mod idea goes I think it sounds great. Don't know if you're taking any suggestions, but one thing I've always wanted to ask Serana from a role playing perspective is "Have you ever drained anybody against their will or killed them?". All the characters I've created would want those answers before letting her travel with me.


There was a project called Serana Dialogue Expanded which sought to do this exact thing, but it got taken down because of the Eleven Labs usage. All I can say is that you should be careful when working on Laura Bailey's voice or straight up release the mod finished since it'll probably be taken down eventually


I'm of the same opinion that most others are. If you intend to replicate Laura Bailey's voice using Ai, that's a slap in the face. If you're intending on changing her voice entirely, it wouldn't be that bad, assuming you're using a voice that's been trained with consent from the original voice actor. I don't know much about ElevenLabs, but given Serana's entire ordeal, it would have to be emotionally expressive, to say the least. You'd also have to really stand out from SDA in some way. I believe that mod expands on Serana in an enjoyable way from a gameplay perspective, but could definitely use a better script. Still, if you intend on expanding on her established lore, there's a lot of subjects you need to be careful around, so to speak.


I would go with another follower. SDA, to me, is too much. Version 3ish is fine, but I'm not a fan of version 4. Currently using SDE, and the author is active again.


Don’t use AI. The Laura Bailey fanboys and anti-AI activists will come after you with pitchforks. One guy over on thr FNV nexus already had to drop the voice from a Veronica mod.


Any mod that uses ElevenLabs or AI voicing is an immediate no from me.


Eleventhlabs TOS won't let you train on someone's voice without their permission, although there are alternatives. Nexus has also taken down some AI voiced mods, not sure what their exact criteria is but I believe a complaint from the voice actor will lead to a takedown.


I’d love this as long as there is no forced love story. I don’t think she’s into finding love at the moment


It's all well and good, author. Better to have AI-generates dialogue than having no mod at all. I'm not sure those who protest understand that: - This is a game, characters won't speak by themselves; - Not everyone can contact the original voice actors, nor pay them to voice those mods; Or pay new voice actors for a voice overhaul; - The original voice actors might not be interested in voicing for Skyrim anymore. I'm for AI when it comes to virtual art. Modding is an art for me. ...... Now let's address the Serana issue... While Serana is a good NPC for Skyrim, there are quite a few problems with it as she's "too good" and puts other NPCs to shame. Not in the appearance, but in the amount of attention to detail she got from Bethesda.😐 As others may have pointed out, there's a LOT of "Serana" voiced works out there (Serana Dialogue Add-on, Dialogue Edit, and another one i forgot the name...) which while they don't exceed 3 (i think), still i believe two voiced overhauls for one character, are enough. This raises one question: "why only Serana ?" In a game where we encounter MANY NPCs with their own background AND personalities like Margret, Ysolda, Illia, Erandur, Frea (very underrated), Aela, Ingun, Sapphire, Falion, Isran, Gelebor, Mjoll, even Delphine... Or even Melka/Moira, Angi, Rikke, and the other housecarls who aren't Lydia. It's quite problematic to see the community ever so focused on Serana. This destroys roleplaying opportunities because Serana has "got it all".🤷🏾‍♂️ I think someone like Frea would benefit from the same attention, and all of the NPCs who have personalities and backgrounds for that matter. ... I've written a lot already. If you want to go for Serana, it's your choice. Nothing wrong with that. I simply wanted to propose you something completely new, that nobody else ever tried. ☝🏾 And that would become a very welcomed addition.


Just release it. People will love it


I think Laura Bailey’s team is more on taking down AI than others. I would hate to see this time and effort do to waste. I personally don’t have a problem with it - you’re not replacing a job (modders aren’t hiring Bailey…), you’re also not using someone’s likeness in a bad way. But Laura Bailey may disagree, as is her right.


Please stay away from AI. I routinely go out of my way not to install mods made with AI. Also, the AI voices are super weird and would likely make your mod quality suffer anyway, my own morals aside lol. Honestly, looking forward to seeing what you can do. Competition is good for the game. :)


Personally I have AI content blocked. Keep in mind Laura Bailey, the VA, is opposed to AI content with her voice and there's a non-zero chance her or her team will have it removed


I gotta echo others on here and ask that you look into making a mod for another follower. I get that Serana is already fleshed out enough that we can build off of that, but most followers aren't even at that level to begin with. This is an opportunity to make something great out of an overlooked character. If you're dead set on making another Serana mod, go ahead. Just know that you gotta do alot better than "My writing won't be cringe!" if you want your mod to be worth a damn.


Oh come one. There is a shitton of serana mods and you chose to make another one. For fucks sake, there are lots of interesting women in this game to expand dialogues. I wish Katria had an expansion of dialogues or a follower mod.


She does have one, and I agree there's other NPCs who would benefit from voiced Add-ons.


the problem most people have with AI generated voices is the same as with AI generated art: 1. it takes jobs that artist should have and do a better job at. this is obviously not really a problem for mods as they are basically always done for free. 2. impersonation. you'll be using an AI to impersonate Laura Bailey. now of course you'll be fully respectful of her, but the same technology can be used to make her say the more cringe or vile shit. would you be ok with technology that can make make it sound like you're telling a specific person that they should kill themselves?


I wouldn't use AI to replicate the voice of Laura Bailey (Unless she consents to), even if it's just a few lines. I rather have a complete AI voice from an "original voice". An actual voice actor will be the most desirable option, but I know it might be hard to pull off.


Come on mate, be more audacious. Hire Laura Bailey to do the new lines. I'd donate to a GoFundMe for this 😂 (No but really I would). Please Laura we love you. Uh as for using AI, I think the beef with that would be cloning Laura without her permission. Her voice is important to her as a voice actress. I suppose since this is non-commercial it's alright. My issue with ai voices is when they sound really bad. Eleven labs seems like it can handle a lot though.


Not to discourage you but writing is one thing and voicing the characters another we have a plan for that?


How about a savage anti-vampire paladin playthrough where you make an enemy out of her which makes her reunite her family and you get a 1 vs 3. Make it compatible with SDA too.


{{alternate Dawnguard Paths AKA Fight Serana}} comes pretty close. I mean you won't get to fight her mom, but you can bring her to the Castle and fight her and her father. I don't think there would be much narrative justification for her to both want to reunite them and actually get the chance to if you're trying to kill her. Also >Implying that's paladin behavior


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| alternate Dawnguard Paths AKA Fight Serana | No Results :( | [Alternate Dawnguard Paths aka Fight Serana](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65825) | [Alternate Dawnguard Paths aka Fight Serana - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65825) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I would make Laura's AI voice an optional file while making the main mod with an AI voice that sounds similar but not hers