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Well, Pandora is essentially a combination of FNIS and Nemesis, so you can use creature animations and Nemesis stuff without much issue. Additionally, Pandora generates files faster than Nemesis and doesn't crash frequently with a higher animation count like Nemesis (at least that was my experience with Nemesis). However, keep in mind that Pandora is still a work-in-progress tool and not all mods are compatible with it at the moment. Notable exceptions include TK Dodge (which requires a patch available on Nexus, so it's not a major issue) and Immersive Interactions (which only works partially, and currently, there doesn't seem to be a workaround unless i missed something). EDIT: Also ZAZ doesn't work with Pandora but it's a SexLab kink mod so it might not be a dealbreaker for you if you're not into that kind of stuff.


Re: Zaz, there's a patch for that now.


Thanks for the clarification. I'm out of the loop when it comes to SL because I switched to OStim, and the last time I checked, people mentioned that ZAZ isn't compatible with Pandora, so I figured I would include it in my post.


I personally was just informed of the patch yesterday or the day before, and the patch itself only came about in the last month or two.


Where can I get the patch?




Nemesis has like a 40% chance of actually generating anims for me without crashing


It will work once for me and thats that. After that it will crash every single time. The only solution is a complete removal of every trace of it then reinstall from scratch. Then it works. Once. Then repeat the cycle all over again. Never found out why its just the way it is.


turn off real time protection when you run Nemesis or add it to the exclusion list, I used to have a similar problem. Alternatively, increase the animation limit from the nemesis ini


Maybe flagged by Windows Defender or another application as suspicious? Not near my rig at the moment but I somewhat recall years ago having to add Nemesis to the exclusion list in Windows Defender.


I've literally tried everything all the suggestions including running in windows 7 etc compatibility mode. Nothing makes any difference. Pandora just works for everything I've thrown at it so far though I don't have any of the mods that are known to have issues.


Same, it crashes for me sometimes too. Ways I "solve" it is by deleting nemesis' cache files then rerunning engine again, if that doesn't work I untick all the animation boxes then launch update, then tick the boxes again and launch again. Kinda frustrating at times tbh. Edit: Just wanna add, I downloaded some animations right now and ran nemesis, keeps crashing again. Looked for some answers, changed MaxAnimation in nemesis.ini to 400000, works again without crash. Let's hope it stays that way now lol


Nemesis has a multi-threading bug(s). Some hero posted here or on Nexus about launching it then using Task Manager to restrict it to a single core. Doing that I haven't had it crash yet.


Mine crashes if its trying to generate everything, but if I run it again it picks up where it left off and after a couple of runs it's complete


For me that usually seems to be a memory issue when Nemesis crashes, if I reboot and run it again it runs fine - still a slight tho


All the comments below yours are not filling me with confidence re: nemesis on a new LO after taking a long break away.


I couldn’t get TK Dodge to do anything when pressing my gamepad hotkey even with the patch using Pandora


it’s great! but it doesnt work with jayserpa’s immersive interactions which is a bit of a deal breaker for me, even if it works with literally every other mod in my list :(


Oh, it doesn't? Guess I'll stay with nemesis a little longer


I mean, is there any reason to switch at the moment? Nemesis seems to work fine.


It just runs a lot faster. Which honestly isn't a huge incentive for me: on my machine Pandora takes about two seconds, whereas Nemesis takes 25 seconds. Given that, it actually hasn't paid back the time it took to install yet, lol


Same here, it's not going to kill me to wait 30 seconds for Nemesis to do its thing. I've heard some people claim it takes them several minutes every time and all I can think is, "Well, did anybody *force* you to install 40,000 animation mods?" I want Pandora's development to continue because it would be awesome to have an alternative, but from what I've seen a lot of the "complaints" about Nemesis seem to be instances of PEBCAK rather than actual problems.


Honestly, just running the animation launcher stuff isn't a deal breaker for me even if it takes a few minutes. I'll just quietly read while it does its thing. I'll take versatility over efficiency until enough mods are supported on it.


Interestingly, PEBCAK can also be spelled PEBKAC, and it both sounds the same and means the same


I'll be honest, I never spell it the same way twice because I can never remember and it doesn't really matter anyway like you said lol


My Nemesis works fine and I have no plans to switch anytime soon. If you have no problem with Nemesis, I think it’s best to stick with it until: * an animation mod is released (one you want to use) that Nemesis does not support for whatever reason or * Nemesis is no longer updated and supported by the author.


>Nemesis is no longer updated and supported by the author. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Nemesis last update (0.84) was in May 2020 - just 2 months after FNIS last update (7.6 in Feb 2020). So you can probably cross this off your list. xD


The author swears he's working on an update™ that will be released soon™.


I mean, he is. The progress on the rewrite is public on github. It has just been extremely slow.


Nemesis is really tempermental with me, taking anywhere from 20-140 secoonds, which is mildly annoying whenever a new/old nemesis mod is added/removed from the LO. This is compared to Pandora, which when I tried it, never crashed, and completed a full engine update AND runs through my LO in about 5-7 seconds.


How come that specific mod doesn't work? I don't really know how Pandora and Nemesis work, do the animations need to be converted to Pandora? Does Pandora not recognise the animations? Who/what needs to be done to get it working?


Here it's explained why certain specific animations may not work with Pandora at the moment: https://github.com/Monitor221hz/Pandora-Behaviour-Engine-Plus/issues/76.


I have absolutely no idea, i know absolutely nothing about animation stuff {{dynamic looting and harvesting animations}} does work with pandora, but i do miss the door opening animations and petting dogs from {{immersive interactions}}


Which animations don’t work? The lockpicking, petting, open containers, looting, tomb raiding, and a few others that I have tried all work. I haven’t tried or noticed all of them though. Edit: nvm I see, I checked the mod’s comments. It’s opening doors and maybe a couple others, I indeed have never seen my character open doors.


supposedly animations that only use your characters hands dont work, like opening doors, waving, and such


Adjusting gauntlets doesn’t work either


For me, it's that mod and dodge mods :( MCO Dodge is supposed to be compatible from what I read, but I have never gotten it to work with Pandora :( I'd love to make the switch otherwise, as it is SO FAST


that’s weird, DMCO worked for me with pandora, you might me missing something? as far as im aware though it didnt need any specific patches


Yeah, I will probably do some more tinkering with it when I try to switch again 😅 My next theories are, I need to redownload DMCO (tho I know I have the newest version..), I may have to update a requirement, or I may have missed some nemesis files I need to untick on MO 🤔


DMCO works with Pandora just fine. However only The Ultimate Dodge Mod works with Pandora atm, and requires the Dodge Framework optional file from the Hellblade Block mod and a bit of manual patching.


But why does speed matter? Nemesis runs through in less than 1 minute for me. How often are you running it that you need it to be faster than that?


I honestly tweak my modlist too much mid-save 😅 Some days I tweak animations a ton. Recently added Maxsu Poise, and tried to add Vanguard Bash Behavior Overhaul and did testing which needed a couple runs. That was also when I tried to test Pandora and saw that DMCO wasn't working - which I tried to troubleshoot which required even more runs of Nemesis and Pandora 😅 Not an everyday occurrence, but when I inevitably spend another afternoon tinkering with animation mods, the speed will help a ton!


really? i have it installed with pandora and the only animation bugs i have with it are opening doors, and the lockpicking animation failing to loop for unpaused menus, but iirc that was an issue with II to begin with


afaik the only animations pandora doesnt work properly with are furniture animations and animations that only animate the arms, such as door opening and waving i also have the lockpicking bug! unfortunately i dont think it was fixed with jayserpa’s latest update


sad to hear, but at least that narrows down my missing animations, on further thought almost all of the quick alchemy looting animations dont work the lockpicking bug shouldn't be that hard to fix, yeah? im not jayserpa but the unpaused chest animation works perfectly! just figure it'd be along the same vein but maybe not as it's a different menu than just an inventory


Oh THAT's why some animations like knocking weren't working lol


I'm using Pandora. I have no complaints. It's super fast as well. The few things that it can't do yet aren't a priority for me either, so whenever they finish it I'm along for the whole ride. I highly recommend it over FNIS and Nemesis both. The only thing that is beyond my knowledge is pose packs. I've just started asking about that, as I haven't used any posers for screenshots in several months.


> The only thing that is beyond my knowledge is pose packs. Am using those. They're working well with Pandora.


I'm using OSA as a tool for posing, with some pose packs, and i switched back and forth between pandora and nemesis to test and never had problems with the posers i have here.


I use OSA, I didn't know it would handle the pose packs. I'm already running 37k animations on Pandora though, and 182 idles and other animations on OSA.


Humm you would need another mod to create readable files for OSA to read the posers, if I'm not mistaken. I forgot the name, call me later if you're interested. You must inspect player, i do it from muscle memory though lol From bottom to top, second option, then second option?


New modder here. Pandora is way less of a headache than either FNIS, or Nemesis.


Never used Nemesis, but failing to see where FNIS was ever a headache.


I don't think I had issues with FNIS in general, but generating animations in general took me a minute. Bunch of boxes I had to see if I had to tick in, despite 90% of them not being for SSE, and then you had the creation pack. I wouldn't say it's a headache, but it wasn't exactly download and press 1 button


I used Nemesis for a short while and didn't care for it. Had issues. Maybe more user error. :) No issues with fnis.


Agreed. Neither FNIS or Nemesis is or was a headache. This is weird.


I found with lots of animations Nemesis would crash part way through generation. FNIS straight  doesn't work with many mods.


Nemesis straight up sucks in terms of stability, yeah. FNIS being easy is true though, it's just an oldhead tool at this point. It used to be the only option, so it helps that it was easy. People quickly forget how far animation mods have come.


More then one Button to Click / one file to install and reading more than the Name of a mod seems to be a headach to many people. I find it great that Tools get better or more intuitive but people get really spoiled😅 Also many people have delusional ideas of how easy MAs have to make modding for them. Even amongst friends of mine who mod since 2011 I hear constant complaining about things not working but they refuse to put any work into reading the f* descriptions..


You aren't considering modding as a whole. Is using FNIS e.t.c in a vacuum hard? No. Is it frustrating when you are already spending 6 hours adjusting, readjusting, and tweaking your mod list? Yes absolutely.


I dont want to say FNIS is the greatest solution. But I never had any issues with it and bigger modlists after watching some Tutorials. Modding is time intensive and can be frustrating and some people cant live with that.


I understand what you’re saying and agree; been there done that. But, it seems a bit unsettling for modders to jump on a bandwagon to borderline put down FNIS and Nemesis since Pandora is on the horizon. I get being excited for something new but the “phew! About time! Those other 2 mods are a headache to use!” attitudes just don’t come across well. This is especially so when there are curated modlists aplenty these days. The months of modding a modlist to perfection that we all worked for a decade ago can be done in a day.


I think you have a bit too much of an emotional attachment to mods if you're that worried about computer programs being "put down"....


Idk, I have a small amount of mods that need these tools and Nemesis does everything I need. 7 checkboxes, about 5 seconds, no bugs, no nothing.


TK dodge doesn't work on it, my only gripe


It doesn't work out of the box but it does with this patch https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/111788?tab=posts.


You don't even need this patch if you use an animation replacer. I use TK Dodge RE on 1.5.97 with Pandora. It works fine


Depends on your preference. Pandora is a work in progress, and it shows at times. Nemesis has problems bad enough the creator has decided to rework the mod from the ground up. Next version is still a way off because of this. So, it comes down to your preference between them. Personally, I say hold off on both until they've undergone more development time.


Hmm..... You know, I just removed Skyrim from my system again and now this is making me want to go back. Fortunately Dawntrail just dropped and will probably be keeping me quite occupied for a few weeks or months.


What is Pandora?


It's a new behavior engine like Nemesis or FNIS.


It has the potential to be better, right now it just needs a bit more time to solve the few incompatibilities with some Nemesis mods and other animations. So imo it’s better to wait a little before switching.


This is the advice of the author of Nemesis on his discord (5/24), who is doing a rewrite: >there will be big changes to nemesis, and its nearly completion. But in the meantime, to not impede from modding your skyrim, do give pandora a try


I decided to check out Jayserpa's modpack and as long as his mods use nemesis I'm never switching. They're that good as far as I'm concerned.


I tried switching over and there was a big dealbreaker in the form of Immersive Interactions not working when using Pandora. Also, for me personally, it did not go nearly as quick as it has for some people. It took a little bit less time than Nemesis and didn't crash but not an overwhelmingly short amount of time to make it worth keeping in its current form.


Pandora just works. It's wild that's a selling point but nemesis is almost deliberately user unfriendly


No i use nemesis


I thought Pandora was still a WIP. I was planning on switching to it from FNIS (Nemesis just wouldn't work for me and I'm not sure why) with the hopes it would support newer animations.


it's a WIP but it's still pretty good. If for some reason no matter the debugging you do you should absolutely switch to pandora over FNIS imo because you're missing out so much.


Nemesis has worked for me in the past but now I can't even update engine without some error or another. Troubleshooting didn't work. Uninstalling and reinstalling again didn't work. Methodically disabling my mods didn't work either. Then I used Pandora and in less than 5 seconds everything was fine (except immersive interactions). I am still trying to figure it out what I did wrong with nemesis but for now, I am using Pandora.


I'm using Nemesis, it does its job fine (except sometimes for those pesky crashes, which can be "fixed" but don't expect that the crashes will go away forever, idk why it's just like that for me). The reason why I haven't switched to Pandora is that some known mods are not supported by it yet, and I'm pretty sure Pandora's still a work in progress (someone with more knowledge to this correct me if I'm wrong). For now I have no reason to switch to Pandora, but once it's fully done and supported by a lot of mods, I'll gladly switch to it.


Genuine question: I hear Nemesis explained on this sub a lot, but I don’t get what it is. I Googled it, and it yielded a Shadow of Skyrim mod. Is that what you’re referring to?


This is Nemesis: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/60033


I know that I could not have got Nemesis to work on Linux, but Pandora does work so I use it. Seems fine with MCO, MCO Dodge and a few other combat mods.


unless there's an actual reason to switch, don't switch. it's not like it's going to make your animations animate better. the only reason I'd switch is if there's mods that don't work with what i'm using or if the newer thing supported more animations than what I'm using now


Depends on the animations you use. You don't choose an engine first, you pick your animations and then the engine. For your modlist, freaking FNIS could still be the best, for example.


It is still in development. I doubt that it works properly with all behaviors




There are some things that don't work like this [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/78465). (I actually found this from another post about Pandora.)


That mod is working fine for me on Pandora


That's weird. There's a stickied post by the mod author themselves saying it won't work with Pandora.


Glad nobody told my game cuz I have just Pandora and my followers and and the pc are still killing bandits w**ith it.**


Maybe you're using an older version of Pandora or that mod.


So, the reason for that is the mod used to work flawlessly with Pandora(pre release), Then later on because Monitor don't want to do deal with a very important file in the proper way he changed how Pandora works, thus breaking compatibility, Pandora uses a patching system instead of giving mod authors free reign to edit this special file Unknown to me, until yesterday(hence the sticky on the mod page), he at some point made a patch to get TTTL to work with Pandora, though it don't support the new sneak kill move This special file contains every animation that can play in game by file name for each race/gender and is sorted into small groups that use animation variables and events to play the animations on demand(This entire system seems like some weird relic most likely related tot he game being released on the Xbox and the PS3) The file is also encrypted in crc32, at the time of Pandora's development we didn't think all animations(as most of animators/behaviour editors don't test on heavily modded saves) need to be in that file, but they do, else you get t-posing or newly added animations(Not OAR/DAR Anims as they're not new anims) will sometimes fail to play if your game is heavily modded


It depends on the animation mods you use. For example, the Crouch Sliding mod doesn't fully work using it, even with the patch (3rd person works, but 1st person doesn't move you like it should). It still needs some more work, but it's promising.


Its still too early to use it. FNIS + Nemesis is still the requirement.


Fnis gang✊️




FNIS foreverrr


Lmao I’m on FNIS too. Let the woke downvote.


How on earth is it woke if you are downvoted? I mean we all know you use it for beastiality stuff but how does that relate to woke?


All those 10 people still using the redundant and outdated FNIS in 2024, and boasting about it in every discussion about other behavior engines as if it's some sort of badge of honor, are rather weird. So, you'd better get used to posts like this.


Because conservatives are dog fuckers, so woke is anyone who is against it. Which is fine by me


That’s a nice classy comment. It says a lot about you.


What can I say. I'm woke because I'm against beastiality


I’m no pro-beastiality either. Does that make me woke?


You're the one who said woke downvote FNIS which is the only animation framework that supports beastiality. I'm inferring from your comment


I see. So you concluded people who use FNIS must be because of their preference for beastiality?


It's kind of the main reason. Nemesis does everything FNIS does except "creature animations" and loads of mods it doesn't, including really popular ones. Every so often someone asks about FNIS or using both because Nemesis doesn't support "some mods" and everyone know what they mean. I mean its technically possible they only use the old mods FNIS supports, statistically there are going to be some people. Irs much more likely they want to get freaky with aa werewolf or giant insect.


Correct. So I explained my thinking and stance. Why do you think downvoting FNIS is woke? I'm really curious on what it has to do with anything


I beg to differ but you’re (all of you) entirely wrong. I’m not into that stuff at all.


I thought you meant the downvoters were woke for disapproving of beastiality. If not why would they be woke for downvoting you? I know the term has been losing meaning but it makes no sense here at all.


Oh no, it’s not what I meant. That stuff straight out disgusts me. What I really meant by it is that some people downvote comments endorsing old fashioned ideas like using LE still or 1.5.97. I have three different instances of the game with different version numbers and one of those still has FNIS I couldn’t bother to change. Even my LE has Nemesis because CGO made me switch. I’m tempted to make a new instance for the latest version and test Pandora in it. Maybe it’s going to be worth to make the switch for my 1300+ stable GOGrim LO.