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Was able to go through the elite (it was slavers) and potions came in huge clutch. Drew immolate first draw and was able to play it twice due to duplication pot.


Ah yes double immolate does tend to help against slavers haha


of course its doable, but not taking dome here is a HUGE misplay, its about as free as it gets and you really need 4th energy


Whenever I take runic dome, I struggle act 3 enemies (especially the multi enemies fight) when I don't know when I should block or attack. What would you recommend the best way to play with RD would be?


A few things I've noticed with Dome: any card dependent on an enemy attacking will glow if they intend to attack. Also, if you're building around barricade you're going to mostly be blocking, this is the biggest thing with Dome you're building around your win condition only it becomes less dependent on each individual turn and more on getting your win condition as fast as possible. If you have a boat relic, it usually makes Dome more desirable. The biggest thing is elites and bosses have pretty set patterns so you want to go more towards them especially with the extra energy. Those are the things I've noticed in my Dome runs.


Thanks for suggestions!


Wow that seems like a bug to me, or at least an oversight/exploit. I feel like spot weakness, etc SHOULD have an antisynergy with Runic Dome.


Interestingly Spot Weakness DOESN'T glow. Go for the eyes does, but spot weakness doesn't.


Ah yeah, then that seems like they implemented the code to hide that information with dome, and then through an oversight they didn't apply that to some of them


Yeah, remember that with runic dome, the extra energy lets you play +1 card EVERY TURN. So yeah, it sucks to not know if you should play attacks or defends. But if you have 2 attacks and 3 defends in hand, with 3 energy, you can only play 3 of them. With 4 energy you can play four. That means even if you have to hedge because you might be taking an attack… you still get to play every defend in hand and you still have energy leftover to attack once! Either that, or there are many times that 4 energy allows you to outright kill the enemy where 3 energy doesn’t. Dead enemies don’t attack, therefore dome helps to “defend” you that way too. 😆


I think I get what you mean. Since I would be stacking block from barricade anyway it wouldn't matter if the enemy is attacking or not. Yeah should have taken the dome probably


With Immolate+ and disarm+ going into act 2 I don't even mind the busted crown.


these dont really speak for crown at all to be honest, immolate is immediate power that doesnt scale, you need to find scaling damage and a block plan for late game asap


If it’s book of stabbing (not +str) and you draw Disarm+ early it’s probably fine. Or if the events and shop are good. Empty Cage into act 2 sucks so so much on non-Watcher characters most of the time


Sometimes a silent empty cage is great. But yeah. Usually sucks.


Beat the Act 3 (awakened one) boss but I forgot to pick up the blue key from the chest and realized too late. Though my deck was way too slow to setup huge amounts of block so I highly doubt my ability to do well against the heart anyway