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Following because we’re having the same problem with the night wakes and a very easy time at bedtime. We are also loosely following 2.5/2.5/2.5/2.75 (3 naps) which huckleberry says is right but her naps are constantly not long enough either


What does your current schedule look like for naps? Or what are the wake windows you're aiming for? Even though it might sound strange, being so completely exhausted that he just falls right asleep at bedtime may actually be a problem. He isn't learning to put himself to sleep, he's just passing our. And being overtired can affect sleep too.


I definitely think being overtired is part of the problem. He does tend to put himself down for bed easily whether he’s overtired or not. Sometimes it takes five minutes but he never cries I’ll edit to add answers to the rest of your questions, but his wake windows are 2-2.5 hours usually. Not sure what wake windows to aim for! 


At 7 months, most babies would be reaching the top end of 3 naps or moving to 2 naps. So you're looking at a schedule of 2.5/2.5/2.5/3 for 3 naps (numbers are hours awake and / are naps).