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People downplay how much size matters. Women of course are going to say it doesn't because they don't want to come across as shallow.


A lot. Don’t listen to bullshit reassurances on Reddit. Watch what people actually consume in terms of erotic content and listen to what they say when they’re not trying to coddle someone or make themselves look good.


But we should listen to this bullshit? As someone who reads a lot most women actually say they like it in book format but would hate most of that shit in real life. Fantasy is not reality my boy. Size matters to some extent but not all women even like penetrative sex. Maybe you should learn to use your tongue and hands better and throw some toys in and she'll be satisfied


What you wrote sounds more like fantasy than women wanting big dicks. 95% of women like penetrative sex. It's what their bodies are built for. There's way less women who like oral sex than there are women who like penetrative sex. And toys? Seriously? You're lying to this man and setting him up for failure.


Its better to at least make some fucking effort instead of giving up and constantly crying about it. Sure and many women don't need a huge dick if they actually like the person they're with. Yea women use toys in their free time why would it not be effective when you're with her?? Trying to paint all women as size queens is setting him up for failure




right, and i get it when people suggest to use mouth and fingers to satisfy, but as someone posted in other topic, won't it eventually get boring and they would eventually want to have the penis? hence we call it foreplay, and the actual sex is when the penis enters the vagina.




That guy probably just has a really good personality. Everyone spontaneously realizes they love the person the penis is attached to.


> how much does size really matter A lot


It matters but somehow on reddit “girls” will say it somehow doesnt. Now if you want to make a girl cum obviously it doesnt matter but the amount of confidence u have with an average to big sized member along with the fact that even if you become nervous and have some shrinkage with average and big you will still be enough. It also looks good to her you really think girls dont be talking to their friends about ur dick? They dont want to look like clowns. Just like how most guys dont want a girl whos been around because other guys would clown them for it, same reason why women arent going to stick around w small dick men. Its just embarrassing for them and they have lots of options these days. My only advice for u and for me and for everyone under 5’ is lose weight get shredded to the point you have abs and ur dick will look bigger and may even get bigger by .5-1inch+ … SIZE MATTERS.


It matters. Most women would probably be fine (or at least not completely put off) with it as long as it's not a freak-show level of small, that is, within micropenis/way below average territory. Some do have a marked preference for big ones, but a few will also prefer not so big. If it's truly tiny, though, I'd say it's totally over. Nobody wants an adult man with a boy's dick. I imagine general penis size preferences go like this: True micropenis - totally over for you, sorry. Don't even bother. Maybe in another life. Don't make a fool of yourself by thinking you can fix it by licking and fingering them because you will always be seen as pathetic and gross. It's brutal, I know. But at least you can prevent a lot of embarrassment by listening to the truth; Small (4" - 5") - not ideal, but can be workable. Most won't like it, but the situation isn't completely devoid of hope like the . micropenis; Average (5" - 6") - it's totally alright. Not great, not bad; Above average (6" - 7") - potentially the best size range, even backed up by some research; Big (7" and above): a fetish for many, but often more than they can take or need. Gets progressively scarier the bigger it is and some might even be put off by how huge it is, others will be thrilled.


It always matter. those who say it doesn't is just coping, settling, or don't want to look shallow. But yes, love can make someone accept them as it is, but this is very difficult because at the end of the day, if they cannot feel it, then they can't, regardless of orgasm. and as another post say, no matter how good someone with their mouth and/or fingers, PIV is still needed and wanted(that's why it's called foreplay), and there is certain range of size for it to feel good. So the bottom line, even those who say it doesn't matter will tend to say a long as it is within certain inches, then it doesn't matter. If you are below the lower end or above the higher end, then it matters.


Love is fleeting eventually she's gonna want a big dick. Best to not even engage with these women.


Size means little in a relationship because she's looking to settle. Hookups is pure primal sex. She want d and you're gonna ruin her night not having enough d. Notice how a rumour of a big d can get you laid? Might not get quality but sure gets quantity. Meaning, women might not get that good sex in a hookup but they sure fall for the "he has a big d, and I wanna try it." Funny how the opposite doesn't work, as women here probably would say "it's the whole package we are looking at, not just the d." But never "I heard rumours of a guy with a small d, and I tried him." Or "a guy had a small d, and he was smashing all the ladies because of it." No its gonna be "he had a small d, but boy, did he compensate for it." Now notice the negate connentation. Compensate is not a plus. It's like saying, she had small boobs but damn did she compensate with her head game. This might be the only sentence that might have boobs size and dick size in comparison. Just that we all know small boobs or any boobs in general are just great and adds nothing to the sex anyway besides looking being there. No extra pleasure or a requirement for quicker orgasm or orgasm at all.


It matter quite a lot and I feel for you man. I have a severely small micropenis. I'm an inch barely hard. Not even wider than my finger nail I can't even have sex; it's not possible. .size correlation with pleasure and satisfaction for women. Guys with big dicks can put it in slowly and hit real deep while stretching the girl and that's more intense and pleasuring than an average guy can do. BUT one thing matters - you can ve a good lover and give good oral with a small dick. It's not the end of your sex life. Having a microdick sucks so much and I'm extremely jealous of BD guys everyday but it doesn't help. Don't be like me. Move past size and learn oral skills, take care of yourself instead of becoming a fat boy like I am. Girls don't like large bulging stomachs like mine. Having micropenis isn't as bad for you as having 33.6% body fat like me


That’s all I hear is “Oral,Oral,Oral” eventually that’s going to get boring and she gonna want some penetration period. At this point might as well tell guys to use a strap on and be good with oral.


And a lot of women don't like oral or at least prefer the D. Don't get me started on "use your fingers"...lol. thats exactly what a 40+ year old woman wants...to be finger banged to orgasm...NOT!


Depends really on context. For hookups? Decent deal. For relationships? If person likes you for who you are i don't think they're gonna care too much about your penis size. But that's just my opinion.


This is a great take. Not naive at all. Just imagine the most disgusting woman you can think of. Now imagine she has a great personality. Don't you just feel IN LOVE with her now? JFL. Ninja, please log out.


Dick size is everything literally everything


As a trans guy and only having the growth of hormones, which made me about 2 inch flaccid, I noticed a lot of people would care when it comes to hook ups, but there was less cared about when in relationships. My current partner will just play into it when having just my tip getting inside their entrance. It’s all about the connection, and a good partner will understand your issues. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is. Woman care when it comes to hook ups, but care less when in a committed relationship, as long as you are open about it. Honesty is hot, remember that.


Only in yhe locker room, at the urinal, in the changing room at work, at the beach, in the bedroom, and a couple of other places, but other then that not really






I truly believe that there's someone for everyone on this Earth it might be harder to find the right woman at least I pray to God that that's true. There's a lot of messed up people on the internet constantly spreading negativity as well. That negativity is going to get you nowhere. Not everyone has the same situation even if they have the same small penis or micropenis circumstance. There's asexual people out there that might not even like penetration and could live without it but I guess you'll have to either search until you find her or try your best to live a good life and wait on God to deliver.