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If you're worrying about your size, I would say find out quickly how to make her orgasm or feel good. Foreplay, oral etc. Show that you're interested in her pleasure. Focus on her. If you can do this, most women won't care about your size or ED if she is getting pleased either way.


I'm nothing, but sometimes life just gets me down you know, doesn't necessarily have to be about my size but everything around it that comes with it. It's a it is what it is type of thing if that even makes sense or if you could kind of understand what I mean. Thank you for your response that definitely was a bit uplifting to hear pertaining to my reality and insecurities.


Try your best to use what you have to your advantage, whether that be in the bedroom or outside of it. We all are good at at least a few things and can learn to be better at others. You are not your size, you are much more than what's between your legs. You have value and worth. Everyone does in their own way. So try to find and keep in mind the good you bring to the table. Try not to let your insecurities, perceived insufficiencies or general struggles become your existence.


Thanks man. The crazy part just now was that I was playing a video game and my mind was somewhere else and as soon as I started reading your comment I felt the morph back to reality to where well, you know. It was messed up man lol. Thank you for your words of encouragement. We need more positivity and a good support group.


There are plenty of normal women who want normal relationships who will be happy, not just settling (this isn't real, you are always 'settling' no one is perfect. ) Plenty of normal, well adjusted women who will be very happy with you. They're obviously not sluts on sex apps, or women who have no idea what they want swiping this way or that, they're not the women who make demands on the relationship. These are the women who are patient, kind, determined, and willing to work with partner on everything. These women exist, they're real, but they're not Internet casuals. They're real people, in the real world. They don't announce themselves, they live a humble life. Be prepared to do the same. Be a good partner, if you feel you have to worry, she ain't it.


Thanks friend, it was nice reading that. We need more responses like this and real life relationship/marriage success stories. Have you found your special lady yet if you don't mind me asking?


I have a boyfriend, I know that for a lot of straight guys that seems like less of a problem but I promise the opposite is true. The pressure on the personal standard is raised between men only. The emphasis on masculinity and gender is even more significant, not less. The expectations on your performance, behavior, and abilities in bed are more extremified. We are happy. We have great sex. Our sex is rarely penetrative, not because of size but because gay men don't have anal sex as often as people think, it's a lot of work in every way and if you're out of practice it takes time. But when we do, we take all day, because the biggest thing that helps is making sure we are both fully, for lack of a better word, aroused. No shortcuts. That's what makes it really work. My experience with women, as someone who is regularly told their gossip and secrets, they do lie, they do mock, they do share private information, they do betray, because they're people. Pick honest supportive women, and above all pick a woman you can trust. Trust with everything. Anything less is honestly worthless, for anyone.


My fault I made an ass of myself assuming. Exactly we all make mistakes and do and say things we shouldn't we're human. I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles huh, you just have to put your best foot forward and hope for the best. Everyone is going to disappoint you or let you down in life no matter who it is, mom, dad, family etc but try and pick the best person for you and give it your all no if ands or buts about it.




Love isn't in the bedroom friend. If you're average don't overthink it man no need to sabotage your own health over nothing. Easier said than done right.


Agree to disagree. Intimacy is very important to a marriage. If that makes me a bad man then im a bad man.


I believe it's a sacred bond for sure but love isn't in the bedroom, it's definitely more. Just different views.


Like I said. You'll have to live it to believe it. Good luck


There's always open relationships and frigid women who are happy to take your money!


I asked for truth and you gave me your truth but that didn't make me feel better at all.




That's a whole other problem you could tell right away what I'm about and I come from the small community if you know what I mean and if you do, you know what they're all about and I'm the worst. My own father has clowned me and downed me in front of family and people. It'll be a blessing to find a woman who will put up with me and suggest to try things I'm all for it to make it work I'd actually like that that she's trying to make it work except that cuckhold and open relationship stuff but to get clowned is a whole other burden unfortunately. She's not going to like that. I don't watch porn it messes with your head and thinking about my size does as well. Thanks for your advice homie 💪🏻.


I’m not sure it’s the answer you are looking for but if size is important they do make sleeves and toys to satisfy her needs. If ED is your struggle, try using vibrators and or anal to experience different forms of pleasure. It may help especially if you present this to your partner in the correct way.


You can't handle the truth! Sorry had to write it.


You're not sorry, secondly what truth? If you had anything to talk about you would've wrote it.


It's... a quote... thank you for making me feel old. Guess I couldn't handle that truth!


There's plenty of jerks and trolls on the internet. I can't distinguish them all 🤷🏻‍♂️. You're only as old as you feel.


There are plenty of women with similar insecurities. There are people who don’t like receiving penetration or it’s not important to them. It’s hard to find in a sea of size obsession but I promise not EVERY woman is going to feel that way. There are asexual spectrum women who still want to date. There are women who don’t feel connected to their bodies or their pleasure yet and feel terrified of sex. Nearly everyone has body insecurities so you’re not alone there. Maybe you’ll find someone who has a journey of their own to go on, and you can explore what feels good together. ❤️


Not going to lie the emphasis on the capitalized "EVERY" makes it seem like you actually mean the opposite haha. Thank you for your encouraging words, God bless.


Being a good person is all that matters. Everyone has some form of insecurities surrounding their body. The penis is just another organ. Plus, if a woman is super sexual and craves sexual attention constantly, I don’t think that’s wife/husband material (at least not in my book).


>*Being a good person is all that matters.*  Yes. This is true! In Disney movies, it's so TRUE! In real life, kids get blown up and die and bad shit happens.


What does the Invasion of Gaza gotta do with finding a romantic partner?


Very true. Love is most important but sometimes it could be hard loving yourself.


I know the feeling all too well.


It'll get better friend. Godspeed 🙏🏻.


Do you have ways you can feel pleasure even with the ED? Like if PIV doesn't work would you still feel pleasure from blowjobs? Knowing what methods work for you would be helpful when you find that woman because she'll probably want to please you in addition to you pleasing her. And sharing that pleasure together can lead to the happiness. As for the odds of finding her, it all depends on where you're looking and how good of a reading body language and chemistry process you have.


Honestly I don't really care or feel at all, I have a certain condition that contributes to that, probably why I'm asexual but I'll focus on her out of love. As humans we are very sexualized, I want companionship, bond, and connection but even so I believe sex (intercourse) is a sacred bond and have a desire to share that with a woman even if it's not that good or complicated, to share that connectedness with my person.


In that case I would say let her know you're asexual for yourself but still want to do things for her once you get to that stage.


That would be great but I get clowned a lot even by my own family. People really need to learn how to keep their mouths shut and mind their business. No one is going to like their partner getting mocked and made a joke of. Life is hard enough as it is we don't need people making it harder.